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Assalamuailaikum wr.wb

All praise and gratitude is due to Allah, the lord of the world. Peace and prayers be upon his final prophet and messenger. Thank you very much for the Master of Ceremony for this good change to speak about The Obligation of Moslem to seek nowledge. !adies and "entlemen #ow, we live in the modern world, we live in the cyber world. Technology run so fast. The west world has been producing many kinds of technologies. $ow about us% &o we the people from the east world has been done the same% 'n the fact we are the people that mostly Moslem are only become consumers. 't should not happen to the Moslem, if we reali(e our obligation, 'slam emphasi(e its followers to study, write, read and do reseach. Our prophet Muhammad )A* says that search for knowledge is an obligation laid on ever Moslem + According to the statement above, we are obliged to seek knowledge and science, because it is very important for our life, because of the science we can know many things we can do many things for our prosperity. $ow important the knowledge for Moslem, till prophet Muhammad says,

't means ,ust seek knowledge even though you have to go to China -urther, Allah has stated also for this who believe in A!!A$ is in one rank with these who have been granted knowledge. Al./ur0an mentioned for this+

Allah will raise up to ranks those of you who believe, those of you believe and who have been granted knowledge. (Al mujadalah 11)

!adies and "entlemen )earching of knowledge and scholar have the honored rank in sigh of Allah and all human kind, for this let us study hard wherever and whenever we are. There is no limitation of time to study. Our prophet says+ )eek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. That is all what ' can deliver to you, Thanks you very much.
Wassalamuaikum wr.wb

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