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Gavel and Glass Toastmaster Club #1693

District 6 ! Division "! #rea $% &ctober 1$! ' 13 Theme( )*+T"

Please do not forget to pass your CL manuals to be marked 7:00 Call to Order and Introduction of Head Table Table Topic Master !eneral "#aluator Toastmaster !uest Introductions Introduction of 'pecial (uty Officers )o*e of the (ay -ord of the (ay 'ecretary Timer Table Topic 'ession ,usiness 'ession
Minutes of Last Meetin/ "rrors or Omissions ,usiness Arisin/ from Minutes Committee and Officer +eports Old ,usiness and Ne$ ,usiness

Nissar Ahamed Lindsay rionas Carol ratt Tre#or Care$

7:0% 7:&0

+osti ,ran*o#s*y Laurene 'te#enson "mily .han/ Terri Lindsay rionas Nissar Ahamed

7:&% 7:00

7:%0 1:00

+ecess 2ormal 'pea*in/ 'ession: 'pea*er &: 'am Abdi 'pea*er 5: Tyler ,a*s 'pea*er 6 : )ane -an/ 2ormal "#aluation 'ession: "#aluator &: Alice Leun/ "#aluator 5: Cherry 7iu He "#aluator 6 : !raham 'lac* Meetin/ "#aluation Carol ratt 536 minutes 536 minutes 586 minutes 63% minutes Nissar Ahamed Nissar Ahamed Lindsay rionas Tre#or Care$ Carol ratt Terri +osti ,ran*o#s*y 034 minutes 034 minutes 034 minutes Tre#or Care$ CC3& CC3& CC3& Carol ratt


1:%0 1:%%

Confirmation of (uty +oster +oles resentation of A$ards ,est Table Topic 'pea*er ,est 'pea*er ,est "#aluator -ord of the (ay 'par* lu/ A$ard !uest Comments Ad:ournment

1:%7 9:00

Your help in cleaning up the meeting room would be much appreciated!

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