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Problem 1.


[Difficulty: 3]


Nominal mass flow rate of water determined by collecting discharge (in a beaker) over a timed & = 100 g s ; Scales have capacity of 1 kg, with least count of 1 g; Timer has least interval is m count of 0.1 s; Beakers with volume of 100, 500, 1000 mL are available tare mass of 1000 mL beaker is 500 g. Estimate (a) time intervals, and (b) uncertainties, in measuring mass flow rate from using each of the three beakers. To estimate time intervals assume beaker is filled to maximum volume in case of 100 and 500 mL beakers and to maximum allowable mass of water (500 g) in case of 1000 mL beaker.
& = m m t and t = m = & & m m

Find: Solution:

Then Tabulating results

= 100 mL 500 mL 1000 mL t = 1s 5s 5 s

Apply the methodology of uncertainty analysis, Appendix E. Computing equation:

2 2 m m & & t m 2 um u u = + & & m m m & t t m 1

The uncertainties are half the least counts of the measuring instruments: m = 0.5 g

t = 0.05 s

& m m 1 = t = 1 and & m m t

Tabulating results: Beaker Volume (mL) 100 500 1000 Water Collected m(g) 100 500 500

& t 2 m t m = = 1 & t m t 2 m

um & = u m + ( u t )

1 2 2

Error in m (g) 0.50 0.50 0.50

Uncertainty in m (%) 0.50 0.10 0.10

Time Interval t (s) 1.0 5.0 5.0

Error in t (s) 0.05 0.05 0.05

Uncertainty in t (%) 5.0 1.0 1.0

Uncertainty & (%) in m 5.03 1.0 1.0

Since the scales have a capacity of 1 kg and the tare mass of the 1000 mL beaker is 500 g, there is no advantage in & could be reduced to 0.50 percent by using the large beaker if a scale using the larger beaker. The uncertainty in m with greater capacity the same least count were available

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