Jason Kircher Marketing Coordinator Resume

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Jason Kircher

19637 Silverside Drive, Tinley Park, IL 60487 jasonpkirc er!"#ail$co# % 81&'690'041& EDUCATION B.A. Communication( Media Studies) #inor in Economics Wheaton College, , ea-on, IL .P/( 3$704$0 1ela-ed 2o3rse4ork( *edia Prod3c-ion, Di"i-al *arke-in" Study Abroad, Wheaton College, , ea-on, IL Printing, Propaganda, and Progress, .er#any and S4i-5erland *ay +014

S3##er +013

E !E"IENCE C. Grant & Company, , ea-on, IL 6an3ary +014'PresenMar#etin$ Intern 2ond3c-ed researc 7or a 8e9raska 3niversi-y vis3al iden-i-y a3di- -o op-i#i5e 9randin" 2rea-ed and 4ro-e con-en- 7or 9lo", -rackin" c an"es and p39lis in" pro"ress o7 colle"e re9rand *ana"e and op-i#i5e dlvr$i- 1SS 7eeds 7or 7ir#'o4ned T4i--er and :ace9ook acco3n-s Department of Annual Giving, , ea-on 2olle"e, , ea-on, IL 6an3ary +014'PresenIntern ;r"ani5ed ed3ca-ional even- -o -eac s-3den- 9ody a9o3- -3i-ion a77orda9ili-y 2rea-ed di"i-al co##3ni-y 7or s-3den-s and al3#ni 3sin" :ace9ook "ro3p and T4i--er < as -a"= Discovery Initiative, , ea-on 2olle"e, , ea-on, IL 6an3ary +01+'Presen"e%resentati&e Ini-ia-ed, sc ed3led, and s3ccess73lly cond3c-ed 40 in-ervie4s 4i- , ea-on 2olle"e al3#ni -o "a- er in7or#a-ion - ro3" a personal in-ervie4 e>perience and -rack -rends a#on" al3#ni Syn- esi5ed and -rans#i--ed responses -o "ro3p coordina-ors Presen-ed projec- -o po-en-ial donors -o 73nd - e Discovery Ini-ia-ive, a projec- desi"ned -o connec- al3#ni 4i- - e 2olle"e Office of Advancement, , ea-on 2olle"e, , ea-on, IL Sep-e#9er +011'Presen!honathon Mana$er Second sop o#ore ever pro#o-ed -o posi-ion o7 *ana"er, Sprin" +013 ;versa4 in-ervie4in" and -rainin" o7 +4 ne4ly ired callers ?3siness Solici-a-ion 2oordina-or, raisin" over @14,000 in local 93siness dona-ions 'undraisin$ Team Ca%tain Led -ea#s o7 7ive callers -o connec- , ea-on al3#ni 4i- - e needs o7 - e colle"e 2ap-ained #os- o3-s-andin" -ea# d3rin" :all +01+ se#es-er Student 'undraisin$ (iaison /c-ed as 73ndraisin" liaison 9e-4een colle"e and al3#ni 4i- over 300 pled"es and 77A pled"e ra-e Solici-ed dona-ions 7or , ea-on :3nd via -elep one res3l-in" in over @4&,000 raised OT)E" SKI((S :ace9ook /ds and /d,ords Social *edia B :ace9ook C79$co#0jason$kirc erD, T4i--er0Ins-a"ra# C!jaykirc D 2on-en- 1esearc er 7or Second 8a-3re 9lo" Csecondna-3rejo3rnal$co#D Personal 9lo"( jasonkirc er$4ordpress$co# *S ;77ice B ,ord, E>cel, Po4erPoin-, P39lis er

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