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With Count Nouns, you can use the words a few:

Car House Bird

a few cars a few houses a few birds

Shoe Cup Hand

a few shoes a few cups a few hands

With Noncount Nouns, you can use the words a little:

Water Sand Money

a little water a little sand a little money

Time Soup Snow

a little time a little soup a little snow

Write a few or a little in the blanks below:

1. Only __________ birds live in the par . !. "ou have __________ water on your shirt. #. $ only have __________ time% so $ need to do __________ wor . &. $' you (ive me __________ cars% $ will (ive you __________ money. ). There are __________ cups on the table.

1. Let's go to the movies. I have ---- money.

a little

2. I'm sorry, I can't pay for your lunch. I have ---- money.

3. Not many children like vegeta les. !or e"ample, ---- children eat s#uash. $. %oe is al&ays angry. 'hat's &hy he has ---- friends. (. )ill didn't drink all the soda. 'here's ---- left. *. 'he party &as fun. 'here &ere ---- people I kne& there. +. ,our house is almost empty- ,ou have --- furniture. .. /arty 0 1o you need same help &ith your math home&ork2 3arry 0 ,es, I could sure use ----. 4. 3enry 0 3o& many people &ere at the game last night2 5enny 0 6lmost none. ---- people &ant to &atch a team that al&ays loses. 17. 1oris 0 6re 1allas and !t. 8orth very far from each other2 1avid0 No, they're #uite close. 'here's ---- distance et&een them. ,ou are here0 99 3ome 99 :nglish ;rammar :"ercises 99 6 Little 6 !e& :"ercise 11. 'here's ---- milk in the refrigerator. 6 out half a #uart, I think. 12. 1octor0 3ave you ever een in ad health or had a serious operation2 <atient0 No, I haven't. I've had ---- medical pro lems. 13. =teve 0 3ave you received any applications for the >o that you advertised in the paper last &eek2 Larry 0 ,es, ut only ----. 1$. =teve 0 I &onder &hy not many people applied for it2 Larry 0 ---- &ant to &ork so hard for so ---- money, I guess. 1(. /ay I please have ---- more coffee2 1*. ;reg is al&ays usy? he has ---- free time.

1+. ---- of the children &ere rude, ut most &ere polite. 1.. 1onald doesn't care for school. 3e has ---- interest in it. 14. I need to talk to you. 1o you have ---- minutes2 27. Let's get together &hen &e have ---- free time. 21. @odney feels that his life is very dull. 3e has ---- adventures. 22. 'here are no empty seats on this flight, ut there are ---- availa le on the ne"t one. 23. 6lmost all of the people at the meeting &ere in civilian clothes. ---- &ere &earing uniforms.

Exercise 1
1ecide &hether you have to use a little or a few. 1. a fe& 2. a little 3. a fe& $. a fe& (. a fe& *. a little +. a fe& .. a little 4. a little 17. a fe& apples rice icycles trees oys money dogs time sugar cups

1ecide &hether you have to use a little or a few. 1. a little 2. a fe& 3. a little $. a little (. a fe& *. a fe& +. a little .. a fe& 4. a little 17. a fe& read ideas &ater luck friends chairs coffee children &ork men

Exercise 3
1ecide &hether you have to use a little or a few. 1. 2. 3. $. (. *. +. .. 4. Aould I have a little sugar for my tea, please2 If you &ant to make pancakes, you need a fe& eggs and a little 3ave you got a fe& minutes2 I need to talk to you. 8hen I am on holiday, I al&ays &rite a fe& lines home. I have a little headache. %ane has invited a fe& oys to her party. 'here is still a little &ork to do. 'hey sang a fe& songs. 8ould you like a little more rice2 flour.

Exercise 4
1ecide &hether you have to use a little or a few. 1. 'here &ill e a little rain this &eek. 2. 6 fe& friends are coming over tonight. 3. I need a little sleep. $. Aould you uy a fe& ottles of &ater for me2 (. /y parents give me a little pocket money every &eek. *. 6ll &e need is a little luck. +. I &ould like to eat a fe& iscuits no&. .. 'here is still a little read left. 4. /y friend kno&s a fe& :nglish poems. 17. 'here are a fe& irthdays to cele rate this month.

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