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3. Attached is a report of resigned employees with the reasons for them to quit the job. 4.

Leave details and Absent details of the employees attached herewith the common details given by the employees for the absenteeism.

Sick arents sick !uneral ersonal matters

". !or the #etention of $mployees% #etention month was introduced in the month of &arch '()3 and continued to April '()3. $*tended the Sponsorship scheme which was in place upto end +une ,ntroduced a -ew Sponsorship Scheme on '.th April '()3 for #ecruitment and #etention /0ne draw was on the ()st +une '()3 and the ne*t drawis scheduled to be held on the 3(th +une.

!or reducing Absenteeism% !estival Attendance Allowance was introduced in the month of April '()3. 1ommunicate to employees daily of their previous day absent with their leave records in hand./about the draw backs2

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