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To: All Employees From: Sakib Al Hasan, Director Policy and Planning Division CC: M s!"i# r $a!im, C!

airman Ma!m d lla! $iyad, %ice C!airman Date: Marc! &', &()*

S b+ect: Company policy on break time,

-t.s come to my attention t!at some o" o r employees are taking longer breaks and l nc! !o rs more t!an company policy, Policy and Planning Division !as strongly recommended yo to pay attention on "ollo/ing company policy, '( min te ninterr pted meal period, T!is is sc!ed led "or all employees /!o /ork more t!an a "o r0!o r daily sc!ed le, T!e employee m st be leave desk and "ree o" d ty "or t!at period o" time, T!e l nc! time lasts "rom t!e time t!e employee leaves t!eir /ork area ntil t!ey ret rn, T!e s pervisor can approve ma1im m *2 min te l nc! periods, T!e )20min te break period is optional "or all employees as prayer time, S pervisors can re# est employees to skip s c! break period to meet o""icial operation, Please "ollo/ t!ese instr ctions strictly, For " rt!er # ery abo t t!is matter please contact at Policy and Planning Division,

T!anks yo ,

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