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QQC David and Goliath


Question :Why do people become judgemental for certain things? Quote :"We think of underdog victories as improbable events...." Comment : We understand that underdogs have the hidden strength of added effort, and presents the undersized as well. Being an underdog don't lead these kids to make a greater effort. Yet the fantasy that underdogs push themselves to great achievement persists among observers. Underdogs don't try harder than anybody else, but we often think they do. The powerful are not as powerful as they seem and that being an underdog can open doors, create opportunities and make possible what had been deemed unthinkable . Question : Who is more worth being in this changing world as being a resonable man or unresonable man. Quote : The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. Comment : Most of the "smart" people in the world will accept things as they are, and abide by them, because they are the "law" or an "unwritten law" or something they can live very prosperous lives, but they will never help change those laws and ideas which are completely idiotic, because they're afraid. The unreasonable man, sometimes called the idiot, is the one who stands for what he believes in and doesn't bow down to written concepts, even if it means he will suffer. some examples of unreasonable men are Ghandi, Lincoln, Galileo.

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