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Silk can be dyed with acid dyes, direct dyes and also reactive dyes. brilliant shades can be obtained only with basic dyes.

Properties of Basic dyes

Basic dyes are cationic in nature. Salt linkages are formed between the fibre and the dye Basic dyes produce brilliant shades, and are uncomparable with other classes. Basic dyeing are sparingly (slightly) soluble in water. Methylated spirit or acetic acid is used for the dissolution of the dyes.

Application of basic dyes on sil

Basic dyes produce brilliant shades with great intensity in colours. As the basic dyes have a great affinity for silk, a retarding agent (levelling agent)is desirable. Acetic acid is used for the purpose. o other special chemicals are necessary. !ecipe" Basic dyes Acetic acid #$ % & ' (A ( Acetic acid is also used for dissolution of the dyes)


Procedure )ye bath is set with acetic acid and the material is entered at cold condition. )yes are dissolved separately using acetic acid. *or this, dyes are made into a paste with e+ual +uantity of acetic acid, then boiling water is added with constant stirring to dissolve the dye. ,he dissolved dye is added to the dye bath in three instalments while the temperature is being raised from cold to -.(/ )yeing is continued at -.(/ for 01 & 2. minutes more. )yed material is washed thoroughl y to remove unfi#ed dyes. ,he positively charged dyes will form salt linkage with anionic groups present in fibre and thus dyes are fi#ed. ,o improve wet fastness, the dyed goods are worked,in a bath containing ) rv, tannic acid at 2.(/ for '. minutes. Since tannic acid combines with basic dyes to

form insoluble product, the dyes will not come out of the fibre easily.

DYEING O# OTHE$ SYNTHETIC #IB$ES ylon and acrylic fibres are other ma3or synthetic fibres used commercially. ylon, being a polyamide fibre can be dyed with acid dyes. Acrylic fibres

produce e#cellent dyeing with basic dyes. ,hese two fibres can also be dyed with disperse dyes.


ylon is a polyamide fibre, which is commercially dyed using disperse dyes and acid dyes.

ylon has 0$ moisture regain and its dyeability will be more

ompared to polyester fibre. )isperse dyes produce dull shade with poor fastness properties. Acid dyes are much suitable when bright shades with

e#cellent fastness properties are re+uired.


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