DAX Operators in Pivot Table

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Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operator + (plus sign) (minus sign) * (asterisk) / (forward slash) " (caret) Addition

Meaning Subtraction or sign Multiplication i!ision #$ponentiation

%omparison Operators

Comparison operator & ( * (& *& *( #'ual to

Meaning )reater than +ess than )reater than or e'ual to +ess than or e'ual to ,ot e'ual to

-e$t and +ogical Operators

-e$t concatenation operator
./ which combines two arguments into a single te$t string

+ogical operators
.. (double ampersand)/ which returns -01# if both conditions are true (e2g2/ 3 ate4 ( 56/78/9:76; .. 3 epartment4 & 5 ance;) << (double pipe s=mbol)/ which returns -01# if at least one condition is true (e2g2/ 3 ate4 ( 56/78/9:76; << 3 epartment4 & 5 ance;)

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