Advanced Features: 1 © NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

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Advanced features

Module 4

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Module 1 Getting started Configuring Actix Learning Actix Module 3 Practical exercises /
(Working with scanner and call trace data)

Module 2 Working with Actix in practice

Module 4 Advanced features

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Advanced features
Network Images Binning Queries and macros Stateforms Reports Actix directory hierarchy

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Network Images
A collection of a large number/large size log files for the purpose of looking at specific attribute/parameters. single data file (.dat file) that contains the results of a series of queries run on a collection of logfiles. logfiles can be added to the Network Image, increasing the size of the data file. E,g, log files collected in monthly images to evaluate monthly performace.

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Network Image wizard

Easiest way created with Network Image Wizard Provides a set of pre-defined templates with defined parameters / attributes included in the network image A created image needs to be attached to a workspace in order to activate the image in the workspce This allows batch-loading. of data from a collection of logfiles. Batch-loading allows you to import a small number of important data parameters without needing to load all of each file. After batch load, attributes can be investigated in same manner as any attribute (e.g. plotted on maps)

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN


A way to aggregate data together according to different criterias




6 NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Binning (2) Criterias

Time Data combined according to time criteria e.g. 1 second Suitable as default Location Data combined according to a spatial grid (definable grid size) If data from different dates are to be combined Distance Data combined according to a fixed spatial distance Level out location device logging problems Message Data combined according to number of message Local trouble shooting / e.g. setting to value 0 means no aggregation take place (i.e. raw data)

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Queries and Macros

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Queries and Macros (2)

Queries are saved within the workspace In the tag Existing Analisies we can find some predefined Queries which can be used as template. This is very useful since this part is not very well documented

NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Stateforms are are a collection of pre-defined windows/pop-ups designed to visualize particular information from log file data UMTS Data Event Navigator UMTS Data Session UMTS Throughput UMTS Top 10 Scan Measurements UMTS UE Active + Monitored Set UMTS UE Call Information UMTS UE Measurements Charts UMTS UE Radio Parameters UMTS UE Transport Channel Info UMTS Voice Event Navigator
10 NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Stateforms (2)


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Stateforms (3)
With this set of tools we can displays events in a for which is similiar to what we have in the NEMO Replay Feature. Some of the element can be activated by right-clicking on the file lement in the workspace Explorer and then Display form Othr elements can be taken from Menu: Tools Display Replay allows to replay the session at the desired speed


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN


Actix is capable of generating Excel-based reports Reports need to be customized according to the technology and the signalling in use Reports provide advanced KPI analysys for System Performance Test Realiability of such reports is still a major issue......


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Actix Directory Hierarchy


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Directories to notice
StateForms Workspaces Reports Events Bin Cellref Custom Attributes


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

Directories to notice (2)

StateForms Contains predefined stateform definitions Workspaces Contains predefined workspaces. Reports Contains pre-defined reports for different technologies/systems Events Contain pre-defined event definitions


NOKIA Actix User Trainning/Module2.PPT / 01.08.2004 / NN

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