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1. "Is she writing to Leonardo di Caprio?" "Yes, she is in love with ___!" a. her b. him c. his 2. " ohn is ma!ing a lot o" noise!" "I#ll as! ___ to be $%iet." a. him b. it c. its &. "'lease tell (rs. )mith to come in." ")orr*, I don#t !now ___." a. her b. him c. she +. "I can#t "ind m* glasses!" "Yo% are wearing ___!" a. them b. there c. the* ,. "-o *o% li!e bananas?" "I love ___ !" a. hers b. its c. them .. "/h* is he alwa*s tal!ing abo%t 'amela 0nderson?" "1e obvio%sl* li!es ___ !" a. her b. him c. she 2. "/here is m* boo!? 3h, dear! I#ve lost ___ !" a. him b. it c. its 4. "Is that (ar*#s new bo*"riend?" "-on#t as! me, as! ___!" a. her b. his c. it 5. "/hat is the title o" that song?" "I#m a"raid I can#t remember ___." a. him b. it c. them

16. "/h* is -avid so happ*?" "1is "riends gave ___a g%itar "or his birthda*!" a. him b. it c. them 11. "/hat are *o% going to do with those old papers?". "I#m going to rec*cle ___." a. their b. them c. the* 12. "Let#s see the latest )pielberg movie!". "I have seen ___ alread*!" a. him b. it c. there 1&. "1ow are *o%r parents?. I haven#t seen ___ "or some time now!" a. them b. there c. the* 1+. "1ave *o% met 7om and Lisa?". "8o, I have never met ___ ." a. its b. the c. them 1,. I" *o% see *o%r parents this wee!end, give ___ m* best regards. a. him b. her c. them 1.. (ar* was worried abo%t the children, so she convinced ___ h%sband not to accept the 9ob. a. his b. her 12. I c%t ___ when I was peeling the potatoes. a. me b. m*sel" 14. 7his ho%se is too e:pensive "or ___ . /e can#t pa* s%ch a high rent. a. %s b. we 15. I do m* wor! and the* do ___ . a. their b. theirs 26. ;ive it bac! to ___ . It#s ___. a. me, mine b. me, m* 21. -espite ___ old age, he is ver* active. a. his b. its 2&. 7he* en9o*ed ___ a lot at the coc!tail part*. a. theirselves b. themselves

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