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y Astumbo Elementary School

255 Chalan Hachon Dededo, Guam 9 929 P. O. Box DE, Hagatna Guam 9 9!2

Guam Department of Education

-on .ernande/ Su#erintendent of Education and

""elephone# !5$%! !& %'( %erric&

Santos Princi#al

Three Year Library Media Program Of As Tumbo Elementary School School Year 201 !201"
Princi#al$ %erric& '( Santos Submitted by$ )ernadette *( Patron!Librarian As Tumbo Elementary School

Ac&no+ledged and A##ro,ed by$

Mr( %erric& '( Santos Princi#al

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

-i+rar) .edia Program Plan

/( "um+o Elementar) 0chool 0chool 1ear 223!$223

The Mission of the Library Media Program of the 0uam %e#artment of Education is to #ro,ide information to students and staff in a ,ariety of formats1 teach the s&ills to use it1 and instill the desire to read and e2#lore as life long learners( 3. Library Media Program 0oals 4ualit) li+rar) program( (er'e to impro'e literac) (*ill( and academic achie'ement of (tudent( +) pro'iding (tudent( 5ith increa(ed acce(( to up$to$date (chool li+rar) material(, a 5ell e6uipped technologicall) ad'anced li+rar) media center, and 5ell$trained profe((ionall) certified (chool li+rar) media (peciali(t.78C-B9 11( 3. 0eneral Ob3ecti,es /ll (tudent( (hall ha'e read) acce(( to all material( needed to (upport their academic achie'ement at /( "um+o Elementar). 2. /ll (tudent( 5ill participate in reading enhancement program(, li+rar) (*ill( le((on(, and literature appreciation pro:ect( facilitated +) the li+rarian !. /ll (tudent( 5ill +e introduced to ad'ancing media technolog) and ha'e opportunit) to experience it( u(e. %. ;e6uired (upplie( and e6uipment 5ill +e maintained to ma*e the achie'ement of our goal( and o+:ecti'e( a realit) 3.
School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.


Program *om#onents 1( *urriculum 4eeds addressed$ "he curriculum of /E0 (hould reflect the mi((ion of Guam Department of Education 5hich i( to pro'ide information to the (tudent( and (taff in a 'ariet) of format(. "each the (*ill( to u(e it and in(till the de(ire to read and explore a( lifelong learner(. "o fulfill thi( mi((ion, the li+rar) (hould +e a+le to pro'ide li+rar) (*ill( in(truction( that ena+le the (tudent( to locate li+rar) material( and re(ource( that the) need , to achie'e academic excellence. 0tudent( (hould +e taught re(earch (*ill( u(ing the different reference +oo*( and categorie( of the De5e) Decimal Cla((ification 0)(tem. Curriculum (hould al(o include (*ill( to reinforce their *no5ledge in (tandardi,ed te(t(. /ll li+rar) (*ill in(truction (hould +e aligned 5ith GP00 and //0- (tandard(.

Ob3ecti,es$ -i+rarie( 5ill include 5ithin their program component( from the guideline( of the Common Core 0tandard(, /merican /((ociation of 0chool -i+rarie( 0tandard( and GDOE Content 0tandard(< 0tudent( 5ill under(tand (hel'ing organi,ation and +e a+le to find item( in ea(), fiction, and non$fiction (ection( of the li+rar). 0tudent( 5ill *no5 the part( of a +oo* and ho5 to read it( (pine and title page. 0tudent( 5ill *no5 the De5e) Decimal 0)(tem Cla((ification to acce(( +oo*( (uch a(# B&92 Biograph) 222$299 Generalitie( 7 ;eference 9 Dictionar), almanac(, enc)clopedia( 322$399 Philo(oph) and P()cholog) 222$299 ;eligion !22$!99 0ocial 0cience %22$%99 -anguage 522$599 0cience 22$ 99 "echnolog) 7 .an$.ade 0cience9 =22$=99 /rt( and ;ecreation >22$>99 -iterature 922$999 Hi(tor) and Geograph) 2
School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

0tudent( 5ill identif) a 'ariet) of reference material( and *no5 5hat t)pe of information i( in the content(, (uch a( dictionar), enc)clopedia, almanac, atla(, etc. 0tudent( 5ill +e a+le to correctl) define 5hat information the) need and ho5 to find and u(e the correct material( to (ol'e re(earch pro+lem(. 0tudent( 5ill appreciate a 'ariet) of literature and find rele'ance for reading in their per(onal li'e(.

Action Ste#s "eaching De5e) Decimal 0)(tem (*ill( to locate and find +oo*( from the different categorie(. 0tudent( chec*out +oo*( for curriculum or plea(ure reading




?ndication of completion

-i+rarian and cla((room teacher(

-i+rar) material(. +oo*(, etc.


0tudent( can identif) and find +oo*( in the (hel'e( u(ing the De5e) Decimal Cla((ification(.


-i+rar) .aterial(, Boo*(, etc,


0tudent( read +oo*( to enhance learning or plea(ure reading.

0tudent( chec*out +oo*( for reading exploration and enrichment of *no5ledge.


-i+rar) +oo*(, material(, etc,

On going

0tudent( read +oo*( for further exploration of *no5ledge and information

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

*onclusions$ / 5ell con(tructed curriculum and excellent le((on plan( +a(e on the GDOE and //0- (tandard( 5ill greatl) help the (tudent( in de'eloping (*ill(. "o u(e li+rar) re(ource( and material( for plea(ure, information and lifelong learning, thu( ma*ing the (tudent( a producti'e per(on 2(Technology 8eed( /ddre((ed# @ith ad'anced technolog) the li+rar) (hould +e a+le to addre(( it +) purcha(ing technological tool( li*e multimedia e6uipment ,DAD pla)er( and other machine(. "he role of the li+rar) a( the .ultimedia ?nformation Center can +e achie'ed ha'ing the e6uipment acce((i+le to the (tudent(. Ob3ecti,es$ "o introduce (tudent( to +a(ic( computer component( and (*ill(. "o introduce (tudent( to program( and acce((orie( that enhance learning exploration. "o encourage the u(e of technolog) in learning practice(. "o expo(e (tudent( to technolog) the) 5ill need in future academic( and career(. Action Ste# Purcha(e of !2B "A flat (creen 'es#onsible Party -i+rarian 'esources /'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding Timeline 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 5ndicator of *om#letion "ele'i(ion i( a'aila+le for u(e in the li+rar) ;ecei'e camera in the li+rar) ;ecei'e com$ puter( in the li+rar) @hen the E6uipment i( recei'ed

Purcha(e digital camera -i+rarian and acce((orie( Purcha(e of computer( -i+rarian Purcha(e of .ulti .edia Pro:ector -i+rarian

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

?n(tallation of anti'iral (oft5are and -i+rarian other update( Purcha(e 5ire$ le(( mirophone -i+rarian

/'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding

01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$ 3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3

;ecei'e material( in the li+rar) ;ecei'e material( in the li+rar)

*onclusions$ @ith the u(e of ad'ance technolog) our (chool can produce more (tudent( 5ho are read) to further (chooling and 5ho are comforta+le 5or*ing 5ith the e'er increa(ing technolog) re6uired for dail) life. 1( Automation System

8eed( /ddre((ed$ "he /(tum+o Elementar) ha( a -i+rar) @orld /utomation 0)(tem hard5are in place +ut not full) automated. ?t i( onl) the (tand alone automation ()(tem. "he amount of C522.22 i( re6uired for annual pa)ment for (oft5are ()(tem to +e full) automated. Ob3ecti,es$ "o maintain the automation ()(tem +) pro'iding excellent care and (er'ice to (oft5are and hard5are. "o purcha(e an upgrade hard5are and (oft5are a( needed to *eep the automation ()(tem functional and rele'ant. "o pro'ide on line Pu+lic /cce(( Catalog 7OP/C9 to facilitate the read) acce(( of patron( to information and re(ource( in the li+rar).

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

/ction 0tep /nnual (u+(cription of C/0P; (upport contract Purcha(e upgrade hard5are and (oft5are for /utomation

;e(pon(i+le Part) -i+rarian

;e(ource( /'aila+le funding

"imeline 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 012235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3

?ndicator of Completion C/0P; Program 0upport (er'ice in place ;ecei'e and utili,e in the li+rar)


/'aila+le funding

*onclusions$ "he li+rar) automation ()(tem i( a (ignificant technological ad'ancement in our -i+rar). -i+rar) material( 5ill +e 'er) acce((i+le to +oth (tudent( and teacher(. ?t 5ill gi'e the (tudent ( lifelong learning (*ill( u(a+le at an) li+rar). 2( *ollection )uilding and Maintenance 8eed( /ddre((ed# @ith the li+rar)D( role a( the .ultimedia ?nformation Center, li+rar) collection of +oo*( and material( (hould +e geared to5ard ad'ancing technolog). Old and damaged +oo*( (hould +e 5eeded regularl). @e need to ac6uire up$to$date +oo*(, maga,ine(, 'ideo(, and other material( to *eep up 5ith current 5orld e'ent(. / 5ell e6uipped -i+rar) Center i( therefore e((ential. Ob3ecti,es$ "o ac6uire +oo*( and other material( for the purpo(e of +uilding a (trong, high 6ualit) li+rar) media collection (uited to the need( of our (tudent(, facult) and (taff to (upport our (choolD( academic program(. "o 5eed the collection in a methodical 5a) (o to remo'e damaged or outdated material(.

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

Action Ste#

'es#onsible Person


Timeline 01 223!$3% 01223%$35 012235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3

5ndication of *om#letion ;ecei'e the 0-E ;ecei'e the (u+(cription

3."o ha'e a (u+(cription of 0chool -i+rarian li+rar) Eournal 2."o purcha(e H@ @il(on -i+rarian 0u+(cription !.0ur'e) from the facult) regarding their -i+rarian&"eache need( in their r particular (u+:ect area %.Order ne5 +oo*(, -i+rar) reference and media material(

/'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding

/'aila+le funding

;ecei'e the material(

/'aila+le funding

;ecei'e the material(

( Library Structure 8eed( /ddre((ed# "he li+rar) of /( "um+o Elementar) i( (paciou( 5ith a (6uare (hape la)out. "he -i+rar) i( connected to the main office. "here i( a door going to the office and one door in it( (ide. "he li+rar) ha( three door(. "he corner (ide of the li+rar) roof lea*(. "he e6uipment i( needed (uch a( mo+ile +oo* organi,er, etc. in acce((i+ilit) for (hel'ing.

School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

Ob3ecti,es$ "o maintain an attracti'e and in'iting (pace that encourage( patron to u(e. "o properl) (hel'e( +oo*(, (torage, and en'ironment to ade6uatel) hou(e and protect all +oo*(, material(, and e6uipment. "o pro'ide the nece((ar) 5or* (pace( for facult), (tudent( and (taff.

/ction 0tep Purcha(e of .o+ile +oo* organi,er

;e(pon(i+le Part) -i+rarian

;e(ource( /'aila+le funding /'aila+le funding

"imeline 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3 01 223!$3% 01 223%$35 01 2235$3

?ndicator of Completion @hen e6uipment i( recei'ed @hen e6uipment i( recei'ed

Purcha(e of /A cart -i+rarian loc*ing ca+inet

*onclusions$ / functional li+rar) and it( comforta+le feeling it pro'ide(, ma*e the (tudent( intere(ted in the li+rar) and it( program. /de6uate (pace for admini(tering automation, acce((i+le (tudent (tud) area(, and (eating for reading all facilitate a greater intere(t in the li+rar) and reading.


School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.


S#ecial Program( and other Acti,ities 4eeds Addressed$ "here i( a great need for (tudent( to +e moti'ated to u(e the li+rar) re(ource(. "he) (hould *no5 that the li+rar) i( a (pecial place to chec*out +oo*( to read for information and plea(ure. ?n reading the) can gain *no5ledge and tool( for lifelong learning. "he -i+rar) at /( "um+o Elementar) i( +eing u(ed for educational acti'it) (uch a( 0cience Fair Di(pla) Center and the (tudent( 0pelling Bee Conte(t. 8ational -i+rar) @ee* i( cele+rated in our li+rar). -i+rar) a((i(ted (ome meeting and acti'itie( (uch a( (taff and facult) monthl) meeting.

Ob3ecti,es$ 0tudent( and teacher( can acce(( +oo*( for information and plea(ure reading. "he li+rar) i( a center for (ome other acti'it). /ction 0tep( 3.0tudent( and teacher( chec* out numerou( +oo*( for information and plea(ure reading. ;e(pon(i+le ;e(ource( Per(on 0tudent(, "eacher( and -i+rarian "imeline ?ndication of Completion ?nformati'e implementation of teacher( to (tudent( and (tudent( read more +oo*( for information and plea(ure 0tudent( 5or* Di(pla)ed in the li+rar)

-i+rar) material(


2.Cele+ration of the 8ational 0tudent(& -i+rar) @ee*. -i+rarian 0tudent( from 2nd$5th grade 5rite a+out 1 7"he li+rar) i( important for 9

-i+rar) material(


School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

me +ecau(e of the ff# G "he Hinder $3(t grade (tudent( colored , G .) ?ce Cream Boo*B

0tudent(& -i+rarian

Cra)on, paper, li+rar) material(


@or* i( di(pla)ed in the li+rar)

*onclusions$ -i+rar) 0pecial Program and acti'itie( are 5a)( to enhance the intere(t of the (tudent( in appreciating the li+rar) a( the .ultimedia ?nformation Center of the (chool, 5here the) can o+tain all the information the) need in their pur(uit of academic excellence.

0u+mitted +)# Bernadette C. Patron -i+rarian


School Mission$ "o gi'e our (tudent( the opportunit) to learn, promote academic and (ocial (*ill(, and pro'ide (upport to +ecome re(pon(i+le and producti'e citi,en(.

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