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3rd Annual NCPA Student Business Plan Poster Session 2013 NCPA Annual Convention, Orlando, FL BACKGROUND NCPA

continue to ee an increa e in e!ce"tional #u ine "lan $it% eac% ucceedin& 'ear o( t%e Good Nei&%#or P%ar)ac' NCPA Pruitt*+c%utte +tudent Bu ine Plan Co)"etition, For t%e t%ird con ecutive 'ear, NCPA $ould li-e to reco&ni.e t%e ti)e and e((ort inve ted to develo" eac% and ever' #u ine "lan #' "rovidin& all #u ine "lan tea) $it% an o""ortunit' to %o$ca e t%eir $or-, Show off your hard work $%ile en&a&in& in a )ediu) (or e!c%an&in& novel #u ine Bu ine Plan Po ter +e ion i de i&ned to0 Create o""ortunitie (or #u ine )odel , /%e

"lan "artici"ant to o#tain additional ource o( (eed#ac-1

Create o""ortunitie (or co))unit' "%ar)aci t and NCPA )e)#er to contri#ute t%eir e!"erti e and e!"erience 1 Pro)ote innovative t%in-in& to advance ervice and "ractice o( co))unit' "%ar)ac',

GU2D3L2N3+ Partici"ant )u t u#)it an a""lication (or) and a# tract #' Frida', +e"te)#er 20, 2013, All "artici"ant in t%e "o ter e ion are re4uired to re&i ter (or t%e NCPA Annual Convention in Orlando, FL, Partici"ant are re "on i#le (or all e!"en e to t%e NCPA Annual 5eetin& includin& re&i tration, travel, and acco))odation , Onl' one "o ter $ill #e acce"ted "er c%ool or colle&e o( "%ar)ac', Onl' t%o e c%ool or colle&e $%o u#)itted a #u ine Co)"etition $ill #e con idered, "lan (or t%e 2013 Bu ine Plan

Po ter $ill #e "re ented on +unda' Octo#er 13 (ro) 1030") 6 7000") in t%e 3!%i#it 8all, 9+tudent do not need to tand #' "o ter at all ti)e , #ut )u t et u" and tear do$n at de i&nated ti)e li ted a#ove: Po ter %ould #e no lar&er t%an ;(t ! <(t,

2nclude title, aut%or na)e , and c%ool or colle&e in t%e "o ter,

/2P+ ON CR3A/2NG A PO+/3R0 Kee" it i)"le, #ut u((icient,

Po ter %ould #e ea ' to (ollo$, Generall', it i read e4uentiall' (ro) le(t to ri&%t, and to" to #otto) 9 ee Fi&ure 1:,

Fi&ure 10 Conventional la'out (or a "o ter 9 from0 C, =, Connor, 1>>2, /%e Po ter +e ion0 A Guide (or Pre"aration0 U, +, Geolo&ical +urve' O"en*File Re"ort <<*77?,:

U e &ra"%ic to tell 'our tor' and u e t%e $%ite "ace to create &ood vi ual #alance #et$een t%e te!t and (i&ure 9+ee Fi&ure 2:, /e!t %ould #e reada#le (ro) at lea t 3 (t a$a',

8ori.ontal +'))etr'

8ori.ontal @ Aertical +'))etr'

Dia&onal +'))etr'

A '))etr' 9te!t*%eav' on le(t, i)a&e*%eav' on ri&%t:

Fi&ure 20 3!a)"le o( la'out alon& variou a!i o( '))etr' 98e , G,, /o ne', K,, @ and Lie&el, L, 9n,d,:, Creatin& 3((ective Po ter Pre entation, Retrieved (ro) %tt"0BB$$$,nc u,eduB"roCectB"o ter BNe$+iteBinde!,%t)l:,

Kee" in )ind t%e )aCor co)"onent o( 'our #u ine "lan t%at 'ou )a' c%oo e to "re ent0 Loan Re4ue t +u))ar', 5i ion +tate)ent and Ai ion, De cri"tion o( Bu ine , 5ar-etin& Plan, P%' ical De cri"tion, and Financial , A - 'our Bu ine Plan Co)"etition Advi or or NCPA C%a"ter Advi or (or a i tance and in(or)ation on a "eci(ic "o ter te)"late (or 'our c%ool or colle&e o( "%ar)ac',

D3ADL2N3 /o #e eli&i#le (or con ideration, an a""lication and a# tract )u t #e u#)itted #' Friday, September 20, 2013, +u#)i ion $ill #e "eer revie$ed #' a election co))ittee (or 4ualit' and to"ic a""lica#ilit', Partici"ant $ill #e noti(ied o( t%eir a# tract tatu no later t%an +e"te)#er 2?, 2013, A current e)ail addre o( t%e "ri)ar' contact )u t #e "rovided in t%e a""lication, 2( 'our a# tract i elected (or con ideration and "re entation durin& t%e NCPA Annual Convention in Orlando, FL t%e "re enter9 : )u t #e current NCPA tudent )e)#er in &ood tandin& and )u t #e re&i tered (or t%e NCPA Annual Convention, Plea e end a""lication #' e)ail, (a!, or )ail to0 Attn0 =%itne' Co$art 100 Dain&er(ield Rd Ale!andria, AA 2231;*2<<< P%one0 ?03*700*11?1 Fa!0 ?03*7<3*371> $%itne',co$artDnc"anet,or& /%an- 'ou (or 'our intere t in "artici"atin& in t%e 3rd Annual Bu ine Plan Po ter +e ion at t%e 2013 NCPA Annual Convention @ /rade 3!"o ition, 2 loo- (or$ard to eein& 'ou in OrlandoE
C83CKL2+/ A# tract0 A# tract %ould #e no lon&er t%an 2F0 $ord ,

A# tract %ould include detail a#out t%e )i ion tate)ent and vi ion o( t%e "%ar)ac' and de cri"tion o( t%e #u ine ,

Neatl' "rinted or t'"ed a""lication 9Pa&e ;:, +u#)it #' Friday September 20, 2013.


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