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Notes on Holocaust Powerpoint Slide 4.

Persecution of Jews in Europe Before the 19th century, the history of persecution was religiously motivated. Anti Judaism mainly stemmed from belief that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus. In 19th and 20th cent with the rise of pseudo- scientific ideas about race, racial Anti-Semitism developed. Justification of Hitlers views about Jews was founded in these new racial sciences and justified the idea of racial inferiority of the Jewish people This was very dangerous . Previously Jews had been able to convert to avoid persecution. Racial science ruled out this escape for Jews under Hitlers regime. Slide 5 There were a number of events that contributed to the weakening of the Jewish position in German society before the War. Note: The Great Depression- Inflation was so great in Germany, that you needed a wheelbarrow to carry notes to go shopping. Money virtually worthless Kristallnacht burning of Jewish synagogs and torah. Breaking of windows of Jewish businesses. Jews were fined for the damage. Slide 10: The Final Solution The Nazis frequently used euphemistic language to disguise the true nature of their crimes. They used the term Final Solution to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people. It is not known when the leaders of Nazi Germany definitively decided to implement the "Final Solution." The genocide, or mass destruction, of the Jews was the culmination of a decade of increasingly severe discriminatory measures. Under the rule of Adolf Hitler, the persecution and segregation of Jews was implemented in stages. After the Nazi party achieved power in Germany in 1933, its state-sponsored racism led to anti-Jewish legislation, economic boycotts, and the violence of the Kristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass") pogroms, all of which aimed to systematically isolate Jews from society and drive them out of the country.

Slide 11 and 12 - There are also excellent animated maps on the USHMM site Holocaust and Related Maps Holocaust History Animated Maps- Holocaust Slide 13 - Selection ramp at Birkenau death for those weak, young or too old. Labour for those able to work until they could work no more,

Slide 15 Liberation Russians reached camp in 1944. British freed Auschwitz in 1945 Disbelief of the world about scale of the horror

Watch the film US Holocaust Memorial Museum website ( has an excellent video, The Path to Nazi Genocide. To find the video, go to Learn About the Holocaust section . start at 24.42 Whole video is 38 mins excellent revision for students. Recommend they watch it at home. reference is on back of timeline handout

Handouts Timeline and Resource handout highlight the events you think are critical for the holocaust Source sheet some examples of Sources on the Holocaust and some questions to try.

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