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A. Ponga , an, some, any o una raya

en blanco:

(--), si no hay que aadir nada, en los espacios

1. I need __________ volunteer to sweep the sitting-room and the kitchen.

2. Let's buy __________ grapes for the party.
3. May I have __________ water, please?
4. There aren't __________ strawberries.
5. It was __________ easy exam. Everybody passed it.
6. There is __________ lady at the door who asks for you.
7. We don't have __________ coke.
8. She hasn't got __________ friends
9. "Are there __________ trees?"
"No, there aren't __________ (trees). It's a desert place."
10. __________ elephants never forget.

B. Ponga , an, some, any, the o una raya

espacios en blanco:

(--), si no hay que aadir nada, en los

1. __________ onions aren't in __________ cellar. They are in __________ kitchen.

2. __________ whales and __________ elephants are __________ biggest mammals on
3. There were __________ books and __________ comics. __________ books were
broken, but __________ comics weren't.
4. "Could you give me __________ sweets, granny?"
"Of course, love!"
5. I've lost __________ crayons I bought yesterday.
6. She hates __________ garlic, but I love it.
7. We would like to spend __________ week in Barcelona.
8. __________ pollution is destroying __________ earth.
9. There isn't __________ apple juice left. Let's buy __________ (apple juice).
10. "Did they drink __________ wine?"

"No, they didn't."

1. a
2. some
3. some
4. any
5. an
6. a
7. any
8. any
9. any, any
10. --

1. The, the, the
2. --, --, the
3. some, some, The, the
4. some / the (Las dos alternativas son posibles.)
5. the
6. -7. a
8. --, the
9. any, some
10. some / the (Las dos alternativas son posibles.)

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