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a/an/the or nothing

1. 2. 3. . $. %. &. ). This coat was designed by ___ famous New York artist. Can you tell me how to get to ___ bank from here? ___ city museum is closed today. !e is one of ___ smartest "eo"le # know. # recommend you eat ___ a""le "ie at this restaurant. ___ milk is good for you. 'ould you like to see ___ mo(ie? ___ a""le a day kee"s ___ doctor away.

*. +o you ha(e ___ dictionary that # can borrow? There were many dogs in the "ark. ,ne dog was ___ +almatian. 1-. 11. 12. 13. 1 . 1$. 1%. 1&. 1). .andas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals. /he is wearing ___ blue dress with red earrings !awaii is ___ island in the .acific ,cean. Christmas comes once ___ year. ___ ant is __ insect. ___ Nile is ___ ri(er. # went to the sho" to get ___ bread. !e broke ___ glass when he was washing dishes. You should take ___ umbrella.

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