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And, Or, But

1. Dogs _____ cats are the two most popular pets. 2. Do you like dogs _____ cats better? 3. I prefer dogs, _____ I like cats,too. 4. Are fish _____ birds more popular as pets? 5. Many people own birds, _____more own dogs. 6. Both dogs _____ cats ha e four legs. 7. I once had some fish, _____ I ne er had a bird. 8. My family has three pets! two dogs _____ one cat. 9. "he dogs# names are "ucker _____ Annie. 10. I wanted a different name for Annie, _____ my sister chose her name. 11. I wanted the name $cout _____ $adie. 12. Do you own a dog _____ a cat or both? 13. %ne time our family went camping, _____ we took our dogs with us. 14. I wanted to take them to the beach, _____ my dad said no. 15. Many dogs like water, _____ most cats hate it&

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