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4 - Pon since o for en los espacios en blanco.

1. Ive lived in Valencia 3. I havent eaten anything 4. y !arents have been "arried five years. 1998. "ore than fifty years. 1948. abo$t two weeks. last )$esday. nearly a year. two years. ages. breakfast.

2. Angeles and I have known each other

#. Israel has been an inde!endent co$ntry %. Ive been really b$sy. I havent been o$t &. 'e havent seen ($is and 8. *raha" has had his +orsche 9. ,anny has been in ichigan 1-. I havent had a good steak anoli

5 - Ahora escrbe frases con since y for siguiendo el ejemplo

.raig and Angeles live together. )hey started living together five years ago. .raig and Angeles have been living together / have lived together for five years. 1. *raha" has a +orsche. 0e bo$ght it two years ago. 2. ,eek is st$dying *er"an. 0e started in 1999. 3. ($is and .raig started working on (a ansi1n del Ingl2s in 2--1.

4. .athy is in .$ba. 3he went there three weeks ago. #. )o" !lays the sa4o!hone. 0e began last %. .raig teaches 5nglish. 0e started in 1991. arch.

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