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Everyday vs Every day

Everyday and every day are commonly confused in English. There's no difference in pronunciation, but using the wrong one when writing is a mistake in the everyday English you use every day.

Everyday Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal. These shoes are great for everyday wear You shouldn't wear an everyday outfit to the wedding Don't use the everyday dishes it's a special occasion

Every day Every day means !each day.! " go to the park every day " have to work every day this week e#cept $riday Every day " feel a little better

The Bottom Line Everyday is a single word and is an adjective, so it's the one that is used in front of a noun to describe something as normal or commonplace. Every day is an adjective %every& plus a noun %day&, and it means each day.

everyday /'evrideI/ adjetivo 1 cotidiano for everyday use para uso diario 2 ordinario an everyday occurrence un suceso de todos los das everyday life el da a da 3 corriente This word is in everyday use. Esta palabra es de uso corriente.

NOTA Everyday slo se usa antes de un sustantivo. No se debe confundir con la expresin every day, que significa todos los das.

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