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Singular or plural for groups of people

Which phrase is correct - the class was or the class were? Is the word class a singular noun or a plural noun? This question cannot be answered with Yes or No. Use the singular if you see the class as a group of students. Use the plural if you see the class as single students. In British nglish the plural is used !ore often than in "!erican nglish. sentence The fa!ily is on holiday. The fa!ily are pac#ing their suitcases. explanation I see the fa!ily as a group. I see the single !e!bers of the fa!ily pac#ing their suitcases. explanation I see class % as a group. I see the single !e!bers of class %. &erybody was loud. I could also say' The #ids in class % were terribly loud.

sentence $lass % was terribly loud today. $lass % were terribly loud today.

There are !ore words which can be singular or plural nouns' army, band, choir, club, crew, company, firm, gang, government, orchestra, party, staff, team

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