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PPT/Literature Math Lesson Plan

Name __Lynn Chennault_____________________ EED 341 Section # _2_ Date _March 4, 2014___ Unit Topic/Grade: Using decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100 Duration of the Lesson: _____60______ minutes Date Lesson Taught: March 13, 2014 Alabama Course of Study Standards: ALCOS Ma 4.26: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

Objectives (up to three): 1. The students will identify points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. 2. The students will draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. ENGAGE (Before): 1. TTW hand out total group response cards. These cards will have numbers from three to eight. Each card will have one number on it. TTW instruct the students to hold up the card with the correct answer for each of her questions. 2. TTW begin the PLLSRA PowerPoint. TTW display slide one with a triangle on it. TTW ask, How many sides does this shape have? 3. TTW display slide three with an octagon on it. TTW ask, How many vertices does this shape have? 4. TTW display slide four with a square on it. TTW ask, How many sides does this shape have? 5. TTW display slide five with a hexagon on it. TTW ask, How many vertices does this shape have? 6. TTW explain that todays lesson is about the things that make up these shapes. TTW set the purpose of the lesson by explaining to the students that we will be learning about points, lines,
line segments, rays, and angles.

GUIDED PRACTICE/EXPLORATION (During): 1. TTW hand out the Real Life sort. On each card there will be examples of real life points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. 2. TTW will instruct the students to work with their shoulder partner to sort the items into either points, lines, line segments, rays, or angles. 3. TTW explain to the students that if they do not know what a picture represents they should put it to the side. 4. TTW allow the students to work on the sort for five to ten minutes. Questions for ongoing assessment: What do the objects that represent a line have in common? What do the objects that represent a point have in common? What do the objects that represent a line segment have in common? What do the objects that represent a ray have in common?

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What do the objects that represent an angle have in common?

EXPLANATION (After): 1. TTW have the students share their sort with the class. 2. TSW discuss each object. TSW discuss what the objects in each section have in common. TSW discuss which section each object should be placed in. 3. TTW hand out the PLLSRA foldable. 4. TTW instruct the students to fill out the PLLSRA foldable as they discuss the shapes on the PLLSRA PowerPoint. 5. TTW redirect the students attention to the PLLSRA PowerPoint. TTW display slide 7. Slide seven will have the definition of a point. It will also have instructions on how to name a point. The slide will have an example of a point. The students will be given time to fill out the point section of the foldable. 6. TTW display slide 8. Slide eight will have the definition of a line. It will also have instructions on how to name a line. The slide will have an example of a line. The students will be given time to fill out the line section of the foldable. 7. TTW display slide 9. Slide nine will have the definition of a line segment. It will also have instructions on how to name a line segment. The slide will have an example of a line segment. The students will be given time to fill out the line segment section of the foldable. 8. TTW display slide 10. Slide ten will have the definition of a ray. It will also have instructions on how to name a ray. The slide will have an example of a ray. The students will be given time fill out the ray section of the foldable. 9. TTW display slide 11. Slide eleven will have the definition of an angle. It will also have instructions on how to name an angle. The slide will have an example of an angle. The students will be given time fill out the angle section of the foldable. 10. TTW instruct the students to use the foldable in the expansion activities to help them draw each of the figures. Higher-order Questions: How do we name an angle? How do we name a ray? If we have a ray named AB, and make an angle with that ray, can we name it BAC? Why or why not? Do we use lines or line segments to make polygons?

EXPANSION: Activity 1 1. TTW pass out the Draw the Shape card game. 2. TTW give the students directions on how to play the game. 3. TTW ask the students to work in groups of four. TTW explain that the students will take turns picking a card. When it is their turn the student will draw a card from the top of the stack. TSW use their Draw the Shape game sheet to draw the shape they picked. It will then be the next students turn to draw.

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4. TTW explain that if a student picks a card that says line segment AB, they must draw that line segment in the first box on the game sheet. 5. TTW explain that the students will play the game for five to ten minutes.

Activity 2 1. TTW pass out handout #1. TTW explain the directions to the students. The handout will include several opportunities for the students to draw points, lines, line segments, rays and angles. The handout will also have points, lines, line segments, rays and angles for the students to identify.

EVALUATION: 1. The teacher will assess the Real Life sort to determine the students ability to identify points, lines, line segments, rays and angles. 2. The teacher will assess handout #1 to determine the students ability to draw and identify points, lines, line segments, rays and angles. 3. The teacher will assess the foldable and the Draw the Shape game sheet to determine the students, ability to draw points, lines, line segments, rays and angles.

ADAPTATIONS: Early finishers: TTW have handout #1 to provide more practice with drawing and identifying points, lines, line segments, rays and angles. Strugglers: TTW check for understanding often and work with the children that struggle. Gifted: TTW provide a challenge question for the gifted students. ELL: I have no ELL students. SPED: TTW pull these students into a small group and work with them.

MATERIALS (Attach all handouts and PPT):

PLLSRA PowerPoint by Lynn Chennault PLLSA foldable Real Life Sort

Total group response cards Draw the Shape card game Draw the Shape Game sheet Handout #1 Challenge question Resources: Go Math! Teachers Edition Vocabulary: points, lines, line segments, rays and angles

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