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Sweet Potato Wedges

Ingredients(Serves: 4)

500 g sweet potato (1 very large or 2-3 small-medium) 15 ml SPAR Canola or olive oil 60 ml SPAR cake flour 5 ml paprika 5 ml mustard powder 5 ml salt 2 ml ground black pepper 25 ml honey Sunflower seeds or sesame seeds

1. Preheat oven to 200 C with oven shelf in centre position. 2. Peel the potato/es and rinse under cold water - pat dry and slice into wedges of equal size. 3. Measure the oil into a baking tray and toss the wedges in the oil, until they are all coated with a thin layer of oil. 4. Transfer the wedges in batches into a plastic bag in which the flour and seasonings are combined - shake until they are coated and transfer them back onto the same baking tray in a single layer. 5. Bake for 30 minutes until browned and crisp. 6. Drizzle warmed honey over the wedges and sprinkle seeds of choice over to stick onto the surfaces of each wedge. 7. Serve immediately.

Hints and Tips

Try maple syrup instead of honey, and vary spices such as introducing chilli and cumin, or rosemary and thyme combinations.

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