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Molecular Gastronomy Sugar Content of Commercial Beverages

Post Lab: 1. Which commercial beverages that were tested had the highest sugar content? What is the value? Did the sugar content of some of the beverages surprise you? Which one(s) and why? Mountain Dew had the highest sugar content at 13%. The sugar content surprised me in pepsi because I thought it wouldve been higher. 2. How did your measured sugar content compare to that which can be calculated from information on the label? They were off due to hydrometer errors. 3. Explain why it is important to decarbonate the soft drinks prior to testing. If you do not decarbonate the soft drinks indicate if the measured sugar content would be too high or too low. Changes the density so that the sugar content would be very high. 4. A bottle of Tropicana Twister provides the following information on its label: Serving size: 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) Total carbohydrate (all as sugar): 35 g a. Calculate to the nearest gram, the number of grams of sugar you would consume if you drink a 20-ounce bottle of Tropicana Twister. 87.5 grams b. If a teaspoon of sugar is approximately 4 grams, how many teaspoons of sugar would you have consumed from this 20-ounce bottle? Approximately 22 teaspoons of sugar. 5. When cans of diet and regular soda are placed in a tub of ice water, some of the cans float while others sink. Which float and which sink? Explain. The regular can of soda will sink because it has a heavier density, due to the sugar concentration of the drink. Conversely, the diet soda will float because of its density value.

Peters Township High School

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Mr. Hitchens

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