Read The Passages Below and Answer Their Questions Correctly

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Latihan 3/2014

Reading II

Read the passages below and answer their questions correctly. Passage 1 Because Egyptians believed in life after death, they mummified the !dy t! preser"e it fr!m decay# $he ancients left n! %ritten acc!unts as t! the e&ecuti!n !f this pr!cess, s! scientists ha"e had t! e&amine mummies and esta lish their !%n the!ries# $he em alming pr!cess might ha"e ta'en up t! se"enty days f!r n! les and !nly a fe% f!r the p!!r# (ertain c!mp!unds !f salts, spices, and resins %ere used t! preser"e the c!rpse, %hich %as later wrapped in a fine linen cl!th and then encased in a %!!den !& ef!re eing placed in a sarc!phagus 1# 2# 3# 4# ,# )hat is main idea !f the paragraph* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )hat is the paragraph a !ut* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )hat is a mummy* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $he ant!nym !f %rapped is +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )hat things are used t! preser"e the !dy* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Passage 2 - tape%!rm is a parasite that li"es in the intestine !f humans and animals# .!me tape%!rms attach themsel"es t! the intestinal %all y means !f suc'ers in their heads# /thers fl!at freely in the intestines and a s!r f!!d thr!ugh the %alls !f their !dies# - tape%!rm c!nsists !f numer!us segments# )hen a ne% segment f!rms, !lder !nes m!"e t! the ac' !f the animal# Each segment c!ntains hermaphr!ditic se&ual !rgans 0that is, !rgans !f male and female1# $he uterus !f each segment fills %ith eggs, %hich de"el!p int! em ry!s# 2enerally, %hen the egg is ready t! hatch, the segment rea's !ff and is eliminated thr!ugh the h!st3s e&cret!ry system# $hese em ry!s c!ntinue their de"el!pment !nly if ingested y an intermediate h!st# /ne may e infected y tape%!rms y eating underc!!'ed eef, p!r', !r fish# .ympt!ms include irregular appetite, a d!minal disc!mf!rt, anemia, %ea'ness, and nervousness# 1# 2# 3# 4# ,# )hat is main idea !f the paragraph* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )hat d!es the 2nd paragraph tell y!u* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )hat is a hermaphr!dite* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $he ant!nym !f attach is +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4!% can !ne e infected y tape%!rms* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

0ta'en fr!m $/E5L !!'1# 2!!d Luc'6

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