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Presidio of Monterey, California


Presidio of Monterey, California

Language Survival Guide

April 2007
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Commands, Warnings & Instructions Helpful Words, Phrases, & Questions Greetings / Introductions Interrogation Numbers Days of the Week / Time Directions Locations Descriptions Emergency Terms Food & Sanitation 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: Fuel & Maintenance Medical / General Medical / Body Parts Military Ranks Lodging Occupations Customs (Port of Entry) Relatives Weather General Military Mine Warfare 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:


Language Survival Guide

April 2007
Commands, Warnings & Instructions Helpful Words, Phrases, & Questions Greetings / Introductions Interrogation Numbers Days of the Week / Time Directions Locations Descriptions Emergency Terms Food & Sanitation 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: Fuel & Maintenance Medical / General Medical / Body Parts Military Ranks Lodging Occupations Customs (Port of Entry) Relatives Weather General Military Mine Warfare



Presidio of Monterey, California


Presidio of Monterey, California

Language Survival Guide

April 2007
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Commands, Warnings & Instructions Helpful Words, Phrases, & Questions Greetings / Introductions Interrogation Numbers Days of the Week / Time Directions Locations Descriptions Emergency Terms Food & Sanitation 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: Fuel & Maintenance Medical / General Medical / Body Parts Military Ranks Lodging Occupations Customs (Port of Entry) Relatives Weather General Military Mine Warfare 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:


Language Survival Guide

April 2007
Commands, Warnings & Instructions Helpful Words, Phrases, & Questions Greetings / Introductions Interrogation Numbers Days of the Week / Time Directions Locations Descriptions Emergency Terms Food & Sanitation 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: Fuel & Maintenance Medical / General Medical / Body Parts Military Ranks Lodging Occupations Customs (Port of Entry) Relatives Weather General Military Mine Warfare


LANGUAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE INTENT This language guide is intended to provide survival-level language skills needed for basic communication only to members of any contingency force deployed to an area where the target language is spoken. It contains words and phrases that have been found to be most useful for contingency operations. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) has produced this guide for use by advance parties or others who may not have immediate access to a fully qualified linguist. If your organizations language translation requirements exceed the content of this publication, contact your organizations Command Language Program Manager (CLPM) to formally identify the requirement. Inquiries and feedback: DLIFLC Curriculum Development Division (ATFL-LC) Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 Request for copies: DLIFLC Continuing Education

LANGUAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE INTENT This language guide is intended to provide survival-level language skills needed for basic communication only to members of any contingency force deployed to an area where the target language is spoken. It contains words and phrases that have been found to be most useful for contingency operations. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) has produced this guide for use by advance parties or others who may not have immediate access to a fully qualified linguist. If your organizations language translation requirements exceed the content of this publication, contact your organizations Command Language Program Manager (CLPM) to formally identify the requirement. Inquiries and feedback: DLIFLC Curriculum Development Division (ATFL-LC) Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 Request for copies: DLIFLC Continuing Education

LANGUAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE INTENT This language guide is intended to provide survival-level language skills needed for basic communication only to members of any contingency force deployed to an area where the target language is spoken. It contains words and phrases that have been found to be most useful for contingency operations. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) has produced this guide for use by advance parties or others who may not have immediate access to a fully qualified linguist. If your organizations language translation requirements exceed the content of this publication, contact your organizations Command Language Program Manager (CLPM) to formally identify the requirement. Inquiries and feedback: DLIFLC Curriculum Development Division (ATFL-LC) Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 Request for copies: DLIFLC Continuing Education

LANGUAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE INTENT This language guide is intended to provide survival-level language skills needed for basic communication only to members of any contingency force deployed to an area where the target language is spoken. It contains words and phrases that have been found to be most useful for contingency operations. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) has produced this guide for use by advance parties or others who may not have immediate access to a fully qualified linguist. If your organizations language translation requirements exceed the content of this publication, contact your organizations Command Language Program Manager (CLPM) to formally identify the requirement. Inquiries and feedback: DLIFLC Curriculum Development Division (ATFL-LC) Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944 Request for copies: DLIFLC Continuing Education



ms mw nd ng ny R Th

as in as in as in as in as in as in as in

mseetoo mweyma ndeeyo ngaapee nyoomba Raadee Theekee

or or or or or or or

mstaaRee mwezee ndeyfoo ngoja nyofoo baRaafoo foRoTha

ms mw nd ng ny R Th

as in as in as in as in as in as in as in

mseetoo mweyma ndeeyo ngaapee nyoomba Raadee Theekee

or or or or or or or

mstaaRee mwezee ndeyfoo ngoja nyofoo baRaafoo foRoTha



ms mw nd ng ny R Th

as in as in as in as in as in as in as in

mseetoo mweyma ndeeyo ngaapee nyoomba Raadee Theekee

or or or or or or or

mstaaRee mwezee ndeyfoo ngoja nyofoo baRaafoo foRoTha

ms mw nd ng ny R Th

as in as in as in as in as in as in as in

mseetoo mweyma ndeeyo ngaapee nyoomba Raadee Theekee

or or or or or or or

mstaaRee mwezee ndeyfoo ngoja nyofoo baRaafoo foRoTha


English Transliteration Swahili


English Transliteration Swahili

1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9

Stop! Stop or I will shoot. Follow our orders. Don't shoot. Put your weapon down. Move. Come here. Follow me. Stay here.

seemaama! seemaama aw neetapeega Reesaasee fuwaata aamRee zetoo ooseepeega Reesaasee weyka seelaaha yaako cheenee songa njo haapa neefoo-aatey kaa haapa

simama! simama au nitapiga risasi fuata amri zetu usipige risasi weka silaha yako chini songa njoo hapa nifuate kaa hapa

1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9

Stop! Stop or I will shoot. Follow our orders. Don't shoot. Put your weapon down. Move. Come here. Follow me. Stay here.

seemaama! seemaama aw neetapeega Reesaasee fuwaata aamRee zetoo ooseepeega Reesaasee weyka seelaaha yaako cheenee songa njo haapa neefoo-aatey kaa haapa

simama! simama au nitapiga risasi fuata amri zetu usipige risasi weka silaha yako chini songa njoo hapa nifuate kaa hapa


English Transliteration Swahili


English Transliteration Swahili

1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9

Stop! Stop or I will shoot. Follow our orders. Don't shoot. Put your weapon down. Move. Come here. Follow me. Stay here.

seemaama! seemaama aw neetapeega Reesaasee fuwaata aamRee zetoo ooseepeega Reesaasee weyka seelaaha yaako cheenee songa njo haapa neefoo-aatey kaa haapa

simama! simama au nitapiga risasi fuata amri zetu usipige risasi weka silaha yako chini songa njoo hapa nifuate kaa hapa

1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9

Stop! Stop or I will shoot. Follow our orders. Don't shoot. Put your weapon down. Move. Come here. Follow me. Stay here.

seemaama! seemaama aw neetapeega Reesaasee fuwaata aamRee zetoo ooseepeega Reesaasee weyka seelaaha yaako cheenee songa njo haapa neefoo-aatey kaa haapa

simama! simama au nitapiga risasi fuata amri zetu usipige risasi weka silaha yako chini songa njoo hapa nifuate kaa hapa

1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22

Wait here. Do not move. Stay where you are. Come with me. Take me to ___. Be quiet. Slow down. Move slowly. Hands up. Lower your hands. Lie down. Lie on your stomach. Get up.

ngoja haapa ooseesongey kaa paaley ooleepo fuwaataana naamee neepeyleykey ___ nyaamaaza nenda poleypoley songa poleypoley meekono joo shoosha meekono yaako laalaa cheenee laalaa keefoodeefoodee eenooka

ngoja hapa usisonge kaa pale ulipo fuatana nami nipeleke ___ nyamaza nenda polepole songa polepole mikono juu shusha mikono yako lala chini lala kifudifudi inuka

1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22

Wait here. Do not move. Stay where you are. Come with me. Take me to ___. Be quiet. Slow down. Move slowly. Hands up. Lower your hands. Lie down. Lie on your stomach. Get up.

ngoja haapa ooseesongey kaa paaley ooleepo fuwaataana naamee neepeyleykey ___ nyaamaaza nenda poleypoley songa poleypoley meekono joo shoosha meekono yaako laalaa cheenee laalaa keefoodeefoodee eenooka

ngoja hapa usisonge kaa pale ulipo fuatana nami nipeleke ___ nyamaza nenda polepole songa polepole mikono juu shusha mikono yako lala chini lala kifudifudi inuka

1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22

Wait here. Do not move. Stay where you are. Come with me. Take me to ___. Be quiet. Slow down. Move slowly. Hands up. Lower your hands. Lie down. Lie on your stomach. Get up.

ngoja haapa ooseesongey kaa paaley ooleepo fuwaataana naamee neepeyleykey ___ nyaamaaza nenda poleypoley songa poleypoley meekono joo shoosha meekono yaako laalaa cheenee laalaa keefoodeefoodee eenooka

ngoja hapa usisonge kaa pale ulipo fuatana nami nipeleke ___ nyamaza nenda polepole songa polepole mikono juu shusha mikono yako lala chini lala kifudifudi inuka

1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22

Wait here. Do not move. Stay where you are. Come with me. Take me to ___. Be quiet. Slow down. Move slowly. Hands up. Lower your hands. Lie down. Lie on your stomach. Get up.

ngoja haapa ooseesongey kaa paaley ooleepo fuwaataana naamee neepeyleykey ___ nyaamaaza nenda poleypoley songa poleypoley meekono joo shoosha meekono yaako laalaa cheenee laalaa keefoodeefoodee eenooka

ngoja hapa usisonge kaa pale ulipo fuatana nami nipeleke ___ nyamaza nenda polepole songa polepole mikono juu shusha mikono yako lala chini lala kifudifudi inuka

1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-34

Surrender. You are a prisoner. We must search you. Turn around. Walk forward. Form a line. One at a time. You are next. No talking. Do not resist. Calm down. Give me.

jeesaalimeeshey weywey nee maahaaboosee laazeema tookosaakey gey-ooka tembeya koo-elekeya mbeley faanya mstaaRee moja moja weywey oolaafwaata ooseezungoomzey ooseejeezoo-eeyey tooleeya neepey

jisalimishe wewe ni mahabusi lazima tukusake geuka tembea kuelekea mbele fanya mstari mmoja mmoja wewe utafuata usizungumze usijizuie tulia nipe

1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-34

Surrender. You are a prisoner. We must search you. Turn around. Walk forward. Form a line. One at a time. You are next. No talking. Do not resist. Calm down. Give me.

jeesaalimeeshey weywey nee maahaaboosee laazeema tookosaakey gey-ooka tembeya koo-elekeya mbeley faanya mstaaRee moja moja weywey oolaafwaata ooseezungoomzey ooseejeezoo-eeyey tooleeya neepey

jisalimishe wewe ni mahabusi lazima tukusake geuka tembea kuelekea mbele fanya mstari mmoja mmoja wewe utafuata usizungumze usijizuie tulia nipe

1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-34

Surrender. You are a prisoner. We must search you. Turn around. Walk forward. Form a line. One at a time. You are next. No talking. Do not resist. Calm down. Give me.

jeesaalimeeshey weywey nee maahaaboosee laazeema tookosaakey gey-ooka tembeya koo-elekeya mbeley faanya mstaaRee moja moja weywey oolaafwaata ooseezungoomzey ooseejeezoo-eeyey tooleeya neepey

jisalimishe wewe ni mahabusi lazima tukusake geuka tembea kuelekea mbele fanya mstari mmoja mmoja wewe utafuata usizungumze usijizuie tulia nipe

1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 1-32 1-33 1-34

Surrender. You are a prisoner. We must search you. Turn around. Walk forward. Form a line. One at a time. You are next. No talking. Do not resist. Calm down. Give me.

jeesaalimeeshey weywey nee maahaaboosee laazeema tookosaakey gey-ooka tembeya koo-elekeya mbeley faanya mstaaRee moja moja weywey oolaafwaata ooseezungoomzey ooseejeezoo-eeyey tooleeya neepey

jisalimishe wewe ni mahabusi lazima tukusake geuka tembea kuelekea mbele fanya mstari mmoja mmoja wewe utafuata usizungumze usijizuie tulia nipe

1-35 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47

Do not touch. Do not remove. Keep away. Let us pass. Don't be frightened. You can leave. Go. Go home. Open. Close. Beware. Bring me. Distribute.

ooseegoosey oosee-ondowey kaa mbaalee toopeeshey oosee-ogopey oonaweyza koo-ondoka nenda nenda nyoombaanee foongoowa foonga jeehaThaaRee neeleytey gaawaanya

usiguse usiondoe kaa mbali tupishe usiogope unaweza kuondoka nenda nenda nyumbani fungua funga jihadhari nitelee gawanya

1-35 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47

Do not touch. Do not remove. Keep away. Let us pass. Don't be frightened. You can leave. Go. Go home. Open. Close. Beware. Bring me. Distribute.

ooseegoosey oosee-ondowey kaa mbaalee toopeeshey oosee-ogopey oonaweyza koo-ondoka nenda nenda nyoombaanee foongoowa foonga jeehaThaaRee neeleytey gaawaanya

usiguse usiondoe kaa mbali tupishe usiogope unaweza kuondoka nenda nenda nyumbani fungua funga jihadhari nitelee gawanya

1-35 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47

Do not touch. Do not remove. Keep away. Let us pass. Don't be frightened. You can leave. Go. Go home. Open. Close. Beware. Bring me. Distribute.

ooseegoosey oosee-ondowey kaa mbaalee toopeeshey oosee-ogopey oonaweyza koo-ondoka nenda nenda nyoombaanee foongoowa foonga jeehaThaaRee neeleytey gaawaanya

usiguse usiondoe kaa mbali tupishe usiogope unaweza kuondoka nenda nenda nyumbani fungua funga jihadhari nitelee gawanya

1-35 1-36 1-37 1-38 1-39 1-40 1-41 1-42 1-43 1-44 1-45 1-46 1-47

Do not touch. Do not remove. Keep away. Let us pass. Don't be frightened. You can leave. Go. Go home. Open. Close. Beware. Bring me. Distribute.

ooseegoosey oosee-ondowey kaa mbaalee toopeeshey oosee-ogopey oonaweyza koo-ondoka nenda nenda nyoombaanee foongoowa foonga jeehaThaaRee neeleytey gaawaanya

usiguse usiondoe kaa mbali tupishe usiogope unaweza kuondoka nenda nenda nyumbani fungua funga jihadhari nitelee gawanya

1-48 1-49 1-50 1-51 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-55 1-56 1-57

Fill Lift Pour into Put Take Load Unload Help me. Show me. Tell me.

jaaza nyaanyoowa meemeeneeya weykaa chookoowa mzeego shoosha mzeego neesaaydeeyey nee-onyeshey nee-aambeeyey

jaza nyanyua miminia weka chukua mzigo shusha mzigo nisaidie nionyeshe niambie

1-48 1-49 1-50 1-51 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-55 1-56 1-57

Fill Lift Pour into Put Take Load Unload Help me. Show me. Tell me.

jaaza nyaanyoowa meemeeneeya weykaa chookoowa mzeego shoosha mzeego neesaaydeeyey nee-onyeshey nee-aambeeyey

jaza nyanyua miminia weka chukua mzigo shusha mzigo nisaidie nionyeshe niambie

1-48 1-49 1-50 1-51 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-55 1-56 1-57

Fill Lift Pour into Put Take Load Unload Help me. Show me. Tell me.

jaaza nyaanyoowa meemeeneeya weykaa chookoowa mzeego shoosha mzeego neesaaydeeyey nee-onyeshey nee-aambeeyey

jaza nyanyua miminia weka chukua mzigo shusha mzigo nisaidie nionyeshe niambie

1-48 1-49 1-50 1-51 1-52 1-53 1-54 1-55 1-56 1-57

Fill Lift Pour into Put Take Load Unload Help me. Show me. Tell me.

jaaza nyaanyoowa meemeeneeya weykaa chookoowa mzeego shoosha mzeego neesaaydeeyey nee-onyeshey nee-aambeeyey

jaza nyanyua miminia weka chukua mzigo shusha mzigo nisaidie nionyeshe niambie

PART 2: HELPFUL WORDS, PHRASES AND QUESTIONS 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 Please. Thank you. Can someone assist us? OK. Excuse me. / I'm sorry. Yes. No. Maybe. Right. Wrong.


taafaThaalee asaantey toonaaweyza kupaata msaada? haaya samahaanee ndeeyo haapaana laabdaa saawa nee kosa

tafadhali asante tunaweza kupata msaada? haya samahani ndiyo hapana labda sawa ni kosa

2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10

Please. Thank you. Can someone assist us? OK. Excuse me. / I'm sorry. Yes. No. Maybe. Right. Wrong.

taafaThaalee asaantey toonaaweyza kupaata msaada? haaya samahaanee ndeeyo haapaana laabdaa saawa nee kosa

tafadhali asante tunaweza kupata msaada? haya samahani ndiyo hapana labda sawa ni kosa

PART 2: HELPFUL WORDS, PHRASES AND QUESTIONS 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 Please. Thank you. Can someone assist us? OK. Excuse me. / I'm sorry. Yes. No. Maybe. Right. Wrong.


taafaThaalee asaantey toonaaweyza kupaata msaada? haaya samahaanee ndeeyo haapaana laabdaa saawa nee kosa

tafadhali asante tunaweza kupata msaada? haya samahani ndiyo hapana labda sawa ni kosa

2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10

Please. Thank you. Can someone assist us? OK. Excuse me. / I'm sorry. Yes. No. Maybe. Right. Wrong.

taafaThaalee asaantey toonaaweyza kupaata msaada? haaya samahaanee ndeeyo haapaana laabdaa saawa nee kosa

tafadhali asante tunaweza kupata msaada? haya samahani ndiyo hapana labda sawa ni kosa

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20

Here. There. I want. I do not want. Danger. We are here to help you. Help is on the way. We are Americans. You will not be harmed. You are safe.

haapa paaley neenataaka seetaakee hataaRee tooko haapa kookoosaaydeeya msaada ooko njeeyaanee seesee nee wamaaReykaanee hootaaThooReeka ooko salaama

hapa pale ninataka sitaki hatari tuko hapa kukusidia msaada uko njiani sisi ni wamarekani hutadhurika uko salama

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20

Here. There. I want. I do not want. Danger. We are here to help you. Help is on the way. We are Americans. You will not be harmed. You are safe.

haapa paaley neenataaka seetaakee hataaRee tooko haapa kookoosaaydeeya msaada ooko njeeyaanee seesee nee wamaaReykaanee hootaaThooReeka ooko salaama

hapa pale ninataka sitaki hatari tuko hapa kukusidia msaada uko njiani sisi ni wamarekani hutadhurika uko salama

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20

Here. There. I want. I do not want. Danger. We are here to help you. Help is on the way. We are Americans. You will not be harmed. You are safe.

haapa paaley neenataaka seetaakee hataaRee tooko haapa kookoosaaydeeya msaada ooko njeeyaanee seesee nee wamaaReykaanee hootaaThooReeka ooko salaama

hapa pale ninataka sitaki hatari tuko hapa kukusidia msaada uko njiani sisi ni wamarekani hutadhurika uko salama

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20

Here. There. I want. I do not want. Danger. We are here to help you. Help is on the way. We are Americans. You will not be harmed. You are safe.

haapa paaley neenataaka seetaakee hataaRee tooko haapa kookoosaaydeeya msaada ooko njeeyaanee seesee nee wamaaReykaanee hootaaThooReeka ooko salaama

hapa pale ninataka sitaki hatari tuko hapa kukusidia msaada uko njiani sisi ni wamarekani hutadhurika uko salama

2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31

OK, no problem. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What happened? Do you have ___? Do you need help? I am

haaya, haakoona maataata naanee? neenee? leenee? waapee? kwaa neenee? naamna gaanee? keetoo gaanee keeleetokeya? oona ___? oonaaheetaadyee msaada? meemee nee

haya, hakuna matata nani? nini? lini? wapi? kwa nini? namna gani? kitu gani kilitukia? una ___? unahitaji msaada? mimi ni

2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31

OK, no problem. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What happened? Do you have ___? Do you need help? I am

haaya, haakoona maataata naanee? neenee? leenee? waapee? kwaa neenee? naamna gaanee? keetoo gaanee keeleetokeya? oona ___? oonaaheetaadyee msaada? meemee nee

haya, hakuna matata nani? nini? lini? wapi? kwa nini? namna gani? kitu gani kilitukia? una ___? unahitaji msaada? mimi ni

2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31

OK, no problem. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What happened? Do you have ___? Do you need help? I am

haaya, haakoona maataata naanee? neenee? leenee? waapee? kwaa neenee? naamna gaanee? keetoo gaanee keeleetokeya? oona ___? oonaaheetaadyee msaada? meemee nee

haya, hakuna matata nani? nini? lini? wapi? kwa nini? namna gani? kitu gani kilitukia? una ___? unahitaji msaada? mimi ni

2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31

OK, no problem. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What happened? Do you have ___? Do you need help? I am

haaya, haakoona maataata naanee? neenee? leenee? waapee? kwaa neenee? naamna gaanee? keetoo gaanee keeleetokeya? oona ___? oonaaheetaadyee msaada? meemee nee

haya, hakuna matata nani? nini? lini? wapi? kwa nini? namna gani? kitu gani kilitukia? una ___? unahitaji msaada? mimi ni

2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35

You are He / She is We are They are

weywey nee yeyey nee seesee nee waa-o nee

wewe ni yeye ni sisi ni wao ni

2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35

You are He / She is We are They are

weywey nee yeyey nee seesee nee waa-o nee

wewe ni yeye ni sisi ni wao ni

2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35

You are He / She is We are They are

weywey nee yeyey nee seesee nee waa-o nee

wewe ni yeye ni sisi ni wao ni

2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35

You are He / She is We are They are

weywey nee yeyey nee seesee nee waa-o nee

wewe ni yeye ni sisi ni wao ni

PART 3: GREETINGS & INTRODUCTIONS 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 Welcome. Hello. Good morning. Good night. Good bye. How are you? I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm pleased to meet you.


kaaReeboo jaambo habaaRee yaa aasuboohee ooseekoo mweyma kwaa heRee habaaRee yaako? nzooRee, asaantey, naa weywey dyey? neemefooRaahee kookootaana naawey

karibu jambo habari ya asubuhi usiku mwema kwa heri habari yako? nzuri, asante, na wewe je? nimefurahi kukutana nawe

3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8

Welcome. Hello. Good morning. Good night. Good bye. How are you? I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm pleased to meet you.

kaaReeboo jaambo habaaRee yaa aasuboohee ooseekoo mweyma kwaa heRee habaaRee yaako? nzooRee, asaantey, naa weywey dyey? neemefooRaahee kookootaana naawey

karibu jambo habari ya asubuhi usiku mwema kwa heri habari yako? nzuri, asante, na wewe je? nimefurahi kukutana nawe

PART 3: GREETINGS & INTRODUCTIONS 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 Welcome. Hello. Good morning. Good night. Good bye. How are you? I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm pleased to meet you.


kaaReeboo jaambo habaaRee yaa aasuboohee ooseekoo mweyma kwaa heRee habaaRee yaako? nzooRee, asaantey, naa weywey dyey? neemefooRaahee kookootaana naawey

karibu jambo habari ya asubuhi usiku mwema kwa heri habari yako? nzuri, asante, na wewe je? nimefurahi kukutana nawe

3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8

Welcome. Hello. Good morning. Good night. Good bye. How are you? I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm pleased to meet you.

kaaReeboo jaambo habaaRee yaa aasuboohee ooseekoo mweyma kwaa heRee habaaRee yaako? nzooRee, asaantey, naa weywey dyey? neemefooRaahee kookootaana naawey

karibu jambo habari ya asubuhi usiku mwema kwa heri habari yako? nzuri, asante, na wewe je? nimefurahi kukutana nawe

3-9 3-10

Thank you for your help. My name is ___.

asaantey kwaa msaada waako jeena laangoo nee ___

asante kwa msaada wako jina langu ni ___

3-9 3-10

Thank you for your help. My name is ___.

asaantey kwaa msaada waako jeena laangoo nee ___

asante kwa msaada wako jina langu ni ___

3-9 3-10

Thank you for your help. My name is ___.

asaantey kwaa msaada waako jeena laangoo nee ___

asante kwa msaada wako jina langu ni ___

3-9 3-10

Thank you for your help. My name is ___.

asaantey kwaa msaada waako jeena laangoo nee ___

asante kwa msaada wako jina langu ni ___

PART 4: INTERROGATION 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 Do you speak English? I do not speak Kiswahili. What is your name? When is your birthday? Where were you born? What is your rank / title? What is your nationality?


oonaasema keeingeReza? seesemee keeswaaheelee jeena laako nee naanee? seekoo yaako yaa koozaleewa nee leenee? ooleezaaleewa waapee? cheyo chaako nee neenee? ooRaayaa waako nee neenee?

unasema kiingereza? sisemi kiswahili jina lako ni nani? siku yako ya kuzaliwa ni lini? ulizaliwa wapi? cheo chako ni nini? uraia wako ni nini?

4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7

Do you speak English? I do not speak Kiswahili. What is your name? When is your birthday? Where were you born? What is your rank / title? What is your nationality?

oonaasema keeingeReza? seesemee keeswaaheelee jeena laako nee naanee? seekoo yaako yaa koozaleewa nee leenee? ooleezaaleewa waapee? cheyo chaako nee neenee? ooRaayaa waako nee neenee?

unasema kiingereza? sisemi kiswahili jina lako ni nani? siku yako ya kuzaliwa ni lini? ulizaliwa wapi? cheo chako ni nini? uraia wako ni nini?

PART 4: INTERROGATION 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 Do you speak English? I do not speak Kiswahili. What is your name? When is your birthday? Where were you born? What is your rank / title? What is your nationality?


oonaasema keeingeReza? seesemee keeswaaheelee jeena laako nee naanee? seekoo yaako yaa koozaleewa nee leenee? ooleezaaleewa waapee? cheyo chaako nee neenee? ooRaayaa waako nee neenee?

unasema kiingereza? sisemi kiswahili jina lako ni nani? siku yako ya kuzaliwa ni lini? ulizaliwa wapi? cheo chako ni nini? uraia wako ni nini?

4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7

Do you speak English? I do not speak Kiswahili. What is your name? When is your birthday? Where were you born? What is your rank / title? What is your nationality?

oonaasema keeingeReza? seesemee keeswaaheelee jeena laako nee naanee? seekoo yaako yaa koozaleewa nee leenee? ooleezaaleewa waapee? cheyo chaako nee neenee? ooRaayaa waako nee neenee?

unasema kiingereza? sisemi kiswahili jina lako ni nani? siku yako ya kuzaliwa ni lini? ulizaliwa wapi? cheo chako ni nini? uraia wako ni nini?

4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15

Do you have any identification papers? Do you have a passport? What is your job? Who is in charge? Where do you serve? Which group are you in? Answer the questions. Where are you from?

oona keetaambuleesho? oona paaspot? kaazee yaako nee neenee? naanee nee mseemaameezee? oonatoomeekeeya waapee? ooko kaateeka keekoondee gaanee? jeeboo maaswaalee oonatoka waapee?

una kitambulisho? una pasipoti? kazi yako ni nini? nani ni msimamizi? unatumikia wapi? uko katika kikundi gani? jibu maswali unatoka wapi?

4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15

Do you have any identification papers? Do you have a passport? What is your job? Who is in charge? Where do you serve? Which group are you in? Answer the questions. Where are you from?

oona keetaambuleesho? oona paaspot? kaazee yaako nee neenee? naanee nee mseemaameezee? oonatoomeekeeya waapee? ooko kaateeka keekoondee gaanee? jeeboo maaswaalee oonatoka waapee?

una kitambulisho? una pasipoti? kazi yako ni nini? nani ni msimamizi? unatumikia wapi? uko katika kikundi gani? jibu maswali unatoka wapi?

4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15

Do you have any identification papers? Do you have a passport? What is your job? Who is in charge? Where do you serve? Which group are you in? Answer the questions. Where are you from?

oona keetaambuleesho? oona paaspot? kaazee yaako nee neenee? naanee nee mseemaameezee? oonatoomeekeeya waapee? ooko kaateeka keekoondee gaanee? jeeboo maaswaalee oonatoka waapee?

una kitambulisho? una pasipoti? kazi yako ni nini? nani ni msimamizi? unatumikia wapi? uko katika kikundi gani? jibu maswali unatoka wapi?

4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15

Do you have any identification papers? Do you have a passport? What is your job? Who is in charge? Where do you serve? Which group are you in? Answer the questions. Where are you from?

oona keetaambuleesho? oona paaspot? kaazee yaako nee neenee? naanee nee mseemaameezee? oonatoomeekeeya waapee? ooko kaateeka keekoondee gaanee? jeeboo maaswaalee oonatoka waapee?

una kitambulisho? una pasipoti? kazi yako ni nini? nani ni msimamizi? unatumikia wapi? uko katika kikundi gani? jibu maswali unatoka wapi?

4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23

Do you understand? I don't understand. How much? How many? Repeat it. Where is ___? What direction? Is it far? Are there armed men near here? Where did they go? What weapons?

oonaa-eyleywa? see-elewee kiyaasee gaanee? ngaapee? Roodeeya ____ eeko waapee? mwelekeyo gaanee? nee mbaalee? koona waanaa-oomey wenyey seelaaha kaaReeboo naa haapa? waalee-enda waapee? seelaaha gaanee?

unaelewa? sielewi kiasi gani? ngapi? rudia ___ iko wapi? mwelekeo gani? ni mbali? kuna wanaume wenye silaha karibu na hapa? walienda wapi? silaha gani?

4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23

Do you understand? I don't understand. How much? How many? Repeat it. Where is ___? What direction? Is it far? Are there armed men near here? Where did they go? What weapons?

oonaa-eyleywa? see-elewee kiyaasee gaanee? ngaapee? Roodeeya ____ eeko waapee? mwelekeyo gaanee? nee mbaalee? koona waanaa-oomey wenyey seelaaha kaaReeboo naa haapa? waalee-enda waapee? seelaaha gaanee?

unaelewa? sielewi kiasi gani? ngapi? rudia ___ iko wapi? mwelekeo gani? ni mbali? kuna wanaume wenye silaha karibu na hapa? walienda wapi? silaha gani?



4-25 4-26

4-25 4-26

4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23

Do you understand? I don't understand. How much? How many? Repeat it. Where is ___? What direction? Is it far? Are there armed men near here? Where did they go? What weapons?

oonaa-eyleywa? see-elewee kiyaasee gaanee? ngaapee? Roodeeya ____ eeko waapee? mwelekeyo gaanee? nee mbaalee? koona waanaa-oomey wenyey seelaaha kaaReeboo naa haapa? waalee-enda waapee? seelaaha gaanee?

unaelewa? sielewi kiasi gani? ngapi? rudia ___ iko wapi? mwelekeo gani? ni mbali? kuna wanaume wenye silaha karibu na hapa? walienda wapi? silaha gani?

4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23

Do you understand? I don't understand. How much? How many? Repeat it. Where is ___? What direction? Is it far? Are there armed men near here? Where did they go? What weapons?

oonaa-eyleywa? see-elewee kiyaasee gaanee? ngaapee? Roodeeya ____ eeko waapee? mwelekeyo gaanee? nee mbaalee? koona waanaa-oomey wenyey seelaaha kaaReeboo naa haapa? waalee-enda waapee? seelaaha gaanee?

unaelewa? sielewi kiasi gani? ngapi? rudia ___ iko wapi? mwelekeo gani? ni mbali? kuna wanaume wenye silaha karibu na hapa? walienda wapi? silaha gani?



4-25 4-26

4-25 4-26

4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30

Speak slowly. Where is your unit? Where did you see them? Where is your family?

sema poleypoley keekosee chaako keeko waapee? ooleewaa-ona waapee? faameeliya yaako eeko waapee?

sema polepole kikosi chako kiko wapi? uliwaona wapi? familia yako iko wapi?

4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30

Speak slowly. Where is your unit? Where did you see them? Where is your family?

sema poleypoley keekosee chaako keeko waapee? ooleewaa-ona waapee? faameeliya yaako eeko waapee?

sema polepole kikosi chako kiko wapi? uliwaona wapi? familia yako iko wapi?

4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30

Speak slowly. Where is your unit? Where did you see them? Where is your family?

sema poleypoley keekosee chaako keeko waapee? ooleewaa-ona waapee? faameeliya yaako eeko waapee?

sema polepole kikosi chako kiko wapi? uliwaona wapi? familia yako iko wapi?

4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30

Speak slowly. Where is your unit? Where did you see them? Where is your family?

sema poleypoley keekosee chaako keeko waapee? ooleewaa-ona waapee? faameeliya yaako eeko waapee?

sema polepole kikosi chako kiko wapi? uliwaona wapi? familia yako iko wapi?

PART 5: NUMBERS 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven


sifooRee moja mbeelee taatoo in-ney taano seeta saaba naaney teesa koomee koomee naa moja

0 sifuri 1 moja 2 mbili 3 tatu 4 nne 5 tano 6 sita 7 saba 8 nane 9 tisa 10 kumi 11 kumi na moja

5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven

sifooRee moja mbeelee taatoo in-ney taano seeta saaba naaney teesa koomee koomee naa moja

0 sifuri 1 moja 2 mbili 3 tatu 4 nne 5 tano 6 sita 7 saba 8 nane 9 tisa 10 kumi 11 kumi na moja

PART 5: NUMBERS 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven


sifooRee moja mbeelee taatoo in-ney taano seeta saaba naaney teesa koomee koomee naa moja

0 sifuri 1 moja 2 mbili 3 tatu 4 nne 5 tano 6 sita 7 saba 8 nane 9 tisa 10 kumi 11 kumi na moja

5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven

sifooRee moja mbeelee taatoo in-ney taano seeta saaba naaney teesa koomee koomee naa moja

0 sifuri 1 moja 2 mbili 3 tatu 4 nne 5 tano 6 sita 7 saba 8 nane 9 tisa 10 kumi 11 kumi na moja

5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60

Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty

koomee naa mbeelee koomee naa taatoo koomee naa in-ney koomee naa taano koomee naa seeta koomee naa saaba koomee naa naaney koomee naa teesa eeshiReenee thelaatheenee aaRobaa-eenee haamseenee seeteenee

12 kumi na mbili 13 kumi na tatu 14 kumi na nne 15 kumi na tano 16 kumi na sita 17 kumi na saba 18 kumi na nane 19 kumi na tisa 20 ishirini 30 thelathini 40 arobaini 50 hamsini 60 sitini

5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60

Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty

koomee naa mbeelee koomee naa taatoo koomee naa in-ney koomee naa taano koomee naa seeta koomee naa saaba koomee naa naaney koomee naa teesa eeshiReenee thelaatheenee aaRobaa-eenee haamseenee seeteenee

12 kumi na mbili 13 kumi na tatu 14 kumi na nne 15 kumi na tano 16 kumi na sita 17 kumi na saba 18 kumi na nane 19 kumi na tisa 20 ishirini 30 thelathini 40 arobaini 50 hamsini 60 sitini

5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60

Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty

koomee naa mbeelee koomee naa taatoo koomee naa in-ney koomee naa taano koomee naa seeta koomee naa saaba koomee naa naaney koomee naa teesa eeshiReenee thelaatheenee aaRobaa-eenee haamseenee seeteenee

12 kumi na mbili 13 kumi na tatu 14 kumi na nne 15 kumi na tano 16 kumi na sita 17 kumi na saba 18 kumi na nane 19 kumi na tisa 20 ishirini 30 thelathini 40 arobaini 50 hamsini 60 sitini

5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60

Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty

koomee naa mbeelee koomee naa taatoo koomee naa in-ney koomee naa taano koomee naa seeta koomee naa saaba koomee naa naaney koomee naa teesa eeshiReenee thelaatheenee aaRobaa-eenee haamseenee seeteenee

12 kumi na mbili 13 kumi na tatu 14 kumi na nne 15 kumi na tano 16 kumi na sita 17 kumi na saba 18 kumi na nane 19 kumi na tisa 20 ishirini 30 thelathini 40 arobaini 50 hamsini 60 sitini

5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36

70 80 90 100

Seventy Eighty Ninety Hundred Thousand

saabeenee themaaneenee teeseenee meeya moja elfoo moja elfoo koomee laakee moja meelyon moja ongeyza to-aa zaa-eedee (yaa)

70 sabini 80 themanini 90 tisini 100 mia moja 1,000 elfu moja 10,000 elfu kumi 100,000 laki moja 1,000,000 milioni moja ongeza toa zaidi (ya)

5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36

70 80 90 100

Seventy Eighty Ninety Hundred Thousand

saabeenee themaaneenee teeseenee meeya moja elfoo moja elfoo koomee laakee moja meelyon moja ongeyza to-aa zaa-eedee (yaa)

70 sabini 80 themanini 90 tisini 100 mia moja 1,000 elfu moja 10,000 elfu kumi 100,000 laki moja 1,000,000 milioni moja ongeza toa zaidi (ya)



10,000 Ten Thousand 100,000 Hundred Thousand 1,000,000 Million Plus Minus More (than)

10,000 Ten Thousand 100,000 Hundred Thousand 1,000,000 Million Plus Minus More (than)

5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36

70 80 90 100

Seventy Eighty Ninety Hundred Thousand

saabeenee themaaneenee teeseenee meeya moja elfoo moja elfoo koomee laakee moja meelyon moja ongeyza to-aa zaa-eedee (yaa)

70 sabini 80 themanini 90 tisini 100 mia moja 1,000 elfu moja 10,000 elfu kumi 100,000 laki moja 1,000,000 milioni moja ongeza toa zaidi (ya)

5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-35 5-36

70 80 90 100

Seventy Eighty Ninety Hundred Thousand

saabeenee themaaneenee teeseenee meeya moja elfoo moja elfoo koomee laakee moja meelyon moja ongeyza to-aa zaa-eedee (yaa)

70 sabini 80 themanini 90 tisini 100 mia moja 1,000 elfu moja 10,000 elfu kumi 100,000 laki moja 1,000,000 milioni moja ongeza toa zaidi (ya)



10,000 Ten Thousand 100,000 Hundred Thousand 1,000,000 Million Plus Minus More (than)

10,000 Ten Thousand 100,000 Hundred Thousand 1,000,000 Million Plus Minus More (than)

5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41

Less (than) Approximately First Second Third

cheenee (yaa) kaaReeboo kwaanzaa peelee taatoo

chini (ya) karibu kwanza pili tatu

5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41

Less (than) Approximately First Second Third

cheenee (yaa) kaaReeboo kwaanzaa peelee taatoo

chini (ya) karibu kwanza pili tatu

5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41

Less (than) Approximately First Second Third

cheenee (yaa) kaaReeboo kwaanzaa peelee taatoo

chini (ya) karibu kwanza pili tatu

5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41

Less (than) Approximately First Second Third

cheenee yaa kaaReeboo kwaanzaa peelee taatoo

chini (ya) karibu kwanza pili tatu

PART 6: DAYS OF THE WEEK / TIME 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day Night

joomaapeelee joomaataatoo joomaa-in-ney joomaataano alhaamees eejoomaa joomaamosee jaanaa leyo keysho seekoo ooseekoo

jumapili jumatatu jumanne jumatano alhamisi ijumaa jumamosi jana leo kesho siku usiku

6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day Night

joomaapeelee joomaataatoo joomaa-in-ney joomaataano alhaamees eejoomaa joomaamosee jaanaa leyo keysho seekoo ooseekoo

jumapili jumatatu jumanne jumatano alhamisi ijumaa jumamosi jana leo kesho siku usiku

PART 6: DAYS OF THE WEEK / TIME 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day Night

joomaapeelee joomaataatoo joomaa-in-ney joomaataano alhaamees eejoomaa joomaamosee jaanaa leyo keysho seekoo ooseekoo

jumapili jumatatu jumanne jumatano alhamisi ijumaa jumamosi jana leo kesho siku usiku

6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day Night

joomaapeelee joomaataatoo joomaa-in-ney joomaataano alhaamees eejoomaa joomaamosee jaanaa leyo keysho seekoo ooseekoo

jumapili jumatatu jumanne jumatano alhamisi ijumaa jumamosi jana leo kesho siku usiku

6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25

Week Month Year Second Minute Hour Morning Evening Noon Afternoon Midnight Now Later

weekee mwezee mwaaka sekoondey daakeeka saa aasooboohee jeeyonee aaThoohooRee mchaana ooseekoo waa manaaney saasaa baadaayey

wiki mwezi mwaka sekunde dakika saa asubuhi jioni adhuhuri mchana usiku wa manane sasa baadaye

6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25

Week Month Year Second Minute Hour Morning Evening Noon Afternoon Midnight Now Later

weekee mwezee mwaaka sekoondey daakeeka saa aasooboohee jeeyonee aaThoohooRee mchaana ooseekoo waa manaaney saasaa baadaayey

wiki mwezi mwaka sekunde dakika saa asubuhi jioni adhuhuri mchana usiku wa manane sasa baadaye

6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25

Week Month Year Second Minute Hour Morning Evening Noon Afternoon Midnight Now Later

weekee mwezee mwaaka sekoondey daakeeka saa aasooboohee jeeyonee aaThoohooRee mchaana ooseekoo waa manaaney saasaa baadaayey

wiki mwezi mwaka sekunde dakika saa asubuhi jioni adhuhuri mchana usiku wa manane sasa baadaye

6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25

Week Month Year Second Minute Hour Morning Evening Noon Afternoon Midnight Now Later

weekee mwezee mwaaka sekoondey daakeeka saa aasooboohee jeeyonee aaThoohooRee mchaana ooseekoo waa manaaney saasaa baadaayey

wiki mwezi mwaka sekunde dakika saa asubuhi jioni adhuhuri mchana usiku wa manane sasa baadaye

PART 7: DIRECTIONS 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 Above / Over After / Past Back / Behind Before / In front of / Forward Between Coordinates Degrees Down East Far Longitude Left


joo yaa baa-aadayaa nyoomaa kaablaa / mbeley yaa / mbeley kaatee yaa maa-eleykeyo digRee cheenee maashaaReekee mbaalee longeetoodo kooshoto

juu ya baada ya nyuma kabla / mbele ya / mbele kati ya maelekeo digrii chini mashariki mbali longitudo kushoto

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12

Above / Over After / Past Back / Behind Before / In front of / Forward Between Coordinates Degrees Down East Far Longitude Left

joo yaa baa-aadayaa nyoomaa kaablaa / mbeley yaa / mbeley kaatee yaa maa-eleykeyo digRee cheenee maashaaReekee mbaalee longeetoodo kooshoto

juu ya baada ya nyuma kabla / mbele ya / mbele kati ya maelekeo digrii chini mashariki mbali longitudo kushoto

PART 7: DIRECTIONS 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 Above / Over After / Past Back / Behind Before / In front of / Forward Between Coordinates Degrees Down East Far Longitude Left


joo yaa baa-aadayaa nyoomaa kaablaa / mbeley yaa / mbeley kaatee yaa maa-eleykeyo digRee cheenee maashaaReekee mbaalee longeetoodo kooshoto

juu ya baada ya nyuma kabla / mbele ya / mbele kati ya maelekeo digrii chini mashariki mbali longitudo kushoto

7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12

Above / Over After / Past Back / Behind Before / In front of / Forward Between Coordinates Degrees Down East Far Longitude Left

joo yaa baa-aadayaa nyoomaa kaablaa / mbeley yaa / mbeley kaatee yaa maa-eleykeyo digRee cheenee maashaaReekee mbaalee longeetoodo kooshoto

juu ya baada ya nyuma kabla / mbele ya / mbele kati ya maelekeo digrii chini mashariki mbali longitudo kushoto

7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22

Latitude My position is ___. Near North Northeast Northwest Right South Southeast Southwest

laateetoodo mahaalee nee leepo nee ___ kaaReeboo kaaskaazeenee kaaskaazeenee maashaaReekee kaaskaazeenee maagaaReebee kooleeya kooseenee kooseenee maashaaReekee kooseenee maagaaReebee

latitudo mahali ni lipo ni ___ karibu kaskazini kaskazini mashariki kaskazini magharibi kulia kusini kusini mashariki kusini magharibi

7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22

Latitude My position is ___. Near North Northeast Northwest Right South Southeast Southwest

laateetoodo mahaalee nee leepo nee ___ kaaReeboo kaaskaazeenee kaaskaazeenee maashaaReekee kaaskaazeenee maagaaReebee kooleeya kooseenee kooseenee maashaaReekee kooseenee maagaaReebee

latitudo mahali ni lipo ni ___ karibu kaskazini kaskazini mashariki kaskazini magharibi kulia kusini kusini mashariki kusini magharibi

7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22

Latitude My position is ___. Near North Northeast Northwest Right South Southeast Southwest

laateetoodo mahaalee nee leepo nee ___ kaaReeboo kaaskaazeenee kaaskaazeenee maashaaReekee kaaskaazeenee maagaaReebee kooleeya kooseenee kooseenee maashaaReekee kooseenee maagaaReebee

latitudo mahali ni lipo ni ___ karibu kaskazini kaskazini mashariki kaskazini magharibi kulia kusini kusini mashariki kusini magharibi

7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22

Latitude My position is ___. Near North Northeast Northwest Right South Southeast Southwest

laateetoodo mahaalee nee leepo nee ___ kaaReeboo kaaskaazeenee kaaskaazeenee maashaaReekee kaaskaazeenee maagaaReebee kooleeya kooseenee kooseenee maashaaReekee kooseenee maagaaReebee

latitudo mahali ni lipo ni ___ karibu kaskazini kaskazini mashariki kaskazini magharibi kulia kusini kusini mashariki kusini magharibi

7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26

Straight ahead. Under ___ Up West

moja kwaa moja cheenee yaa ___ joo maagaaReebee

moja kwa moja chini ya ___ juu magharibi

7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26

Straight ahead. Under ___ Up West

moja kwaa moja cheenee yaa ___ joo maagaaReebee

moja kwa moja chini ya ___ juu magharibi

7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26

Straight ahead. Under ___ Up West

moja kwaa moja cheenee yaa ___ joo maagaaReebee

moja kwa moja chini ya ___ juu magharibi

7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26

Straight ahead. Under ___ Up West

moja kwaa moja cheenee yaa ___ joo maagaaReebee

moja kwa moja chini ya ___ juu magharibi

PART 8: LOCATIONS 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 Beach Border Bridge Camp Dirt road Forest Harbor Hill House Lake Meadow Mountain


pwaanee mpaakaa daaRaajaa kaambee baaRabaaRa yaa oodongo mseetoo bandaaRee keeleema nyoomba zeewa maaleesho mleema

pwani mpaka daraja kambi barabara ya udongo msitu bandari kilima nyumba ziwa malisho mlima

8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12

Beach Border Bridge Camp Dirt road Forest Harbor Hill House Lake Meadow Mountain

pwaanee mpaakaa daaRaajaa kaambee baaRabaaRa yaa oodongo mseetoo bandaaRee keeleema nyoomba zeewa maaleesho mleema

pwani mpaka daraja kambi barabara ya udongo msitu bandari kilima nyumba ziwa malisho mlima

PART 8: LOCATIONS 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 Beach Border Bridge Camp Dirt road Forest Harbor Hill House Lake Meadow Mountain


pwaanee mpaakaa daaRaajaa kaambee baaRabaaRa yaa oodongo mseetoo bandaaRee keeleema nyoomba zeewa maaleesho mleema

pwani mpaka daraja kambi barabara ya udongo msitu bandari kilima nyumba ziwa malisho mlima

8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12

Beach Border Bridge Camp Dirt road Forest Harbor Hill House Lake Meadow Mountain

pwaanee mpaakaa daaRaajaa kaambee baaRabaaRa yaa oodongo mseetoo bandaaRee keeleema nyoomba zeewa maaleesho mleema

pwani mpaka daraja kambi barabara ya udongo msitu bandari kilima nyumba ziwa malisho mlima

8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25

Ocean Path Paved road Place Position River Road Sea Square Tree Valley Village Where?

bahaaRee njeeya njeeya yaa laamee mahaalee cheyo mto baaRabaaRa bahaaRee mRaaba mtee bondey keejeejee waapee?

bahari njia njia ya lami mahali cheo mto barabara bahari mraba mti bonde kijiji wapi?

8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25

Ocean Path Paved road Place Position River Road Sea Square Tree Valley Village Where?

bahaaRee njeeya njeeya yaa laamee mahaalee cheyo mto baaRabaaRa bahaaRee mRaaba mtee bondey keejeejee waapee?

bahari njia njia ya lami mahali cheo mto barabara bahari mraba mti bonde kijiji wapi?

8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25

Ocean Path Paved road Place Position River Road Sea Square Tree Valley Village Where?

bahaaRee njeeya njeeya yaa laamee mahaalee cheyo mto baaRabaaRa bahaaRee mRaaba mtee bondey keejeejee waapee?

bahari njia njia ya lami mahali cheo mto barabara bahari mraba mti bonde kijiji wapi?

8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25

Ocean Path Paved road Place Position River Road Sea Square Tree Valley Village Where?

bahaaRee njeeya njeeya yaa laamee mahaalee cheyo mto baaRabaaRa bahaaRee mRaaba mtee bondey keejeejee waapee?

bahari njia njia ya lami mahali cheo mto barabara bahari mraba mti bonde kijiji wapi?

PART 9: DESCRIPTIONS 9A: Colors 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 Black Blue Brown Gray Green Orange Purple


Raangee nye-oosee Raangee yaa bloo Raangee yaa kaahaaweeya Raangee yaa keejeevoo Raangee yaa keejaanee Raangee yaa maachoongwaa Raangee yaa zaambaRaw

rangi nyeusi rangi ya buluu rangi ya kahawia rangi ya kijivu rangi ya kijani rangi ya machungwa rangi ya zambarau

9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7

Black Blue Brown Gray Green Orange Purple

Raangee nye-oosee Raangee yaa bloo Raangee yaa kaahaaweeya Raangee yaa keejeevoo Raangee yaa keejaanee Raangee yaa maachoongwaa Raangee yaa zaambaRaw

rangi nyeusi rangi ya buluu rangi ya kahawia rangi ya kijivu rangi ya kijani rangi ya machungwa rangi ya zambarau

PART 9: DESCRIPTIONS 9A: Colors 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 Black Blue Brown Gray Green Orange Purple


Raangee nye-oosee Raangee yaa bloo Raangee yaa kaahaaweeya Raangee yaa keejeevoo Raangee yaa keejaanee Raangee yaa maachoongwaa Raangee yaa zaambaRaw

rangi nyeusi rangi ya buluu rangi ya kahawia rangi ya kijivu rangi ya kijani rangi ya machungwa rangi ya zambarau

9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7

Black Blue Brown Gray Green Orange Purple

Raangee nye-oosee Raangee yaa bloo Raangee yaa kaahaaweeya Raangee yaa keejeevoo Raangee yaa keejaanee Raangee yaa maachoongwaa Raangee yaa zaambaRaw

rangi nyeusi rangi ya buluu rangi ya kahawia rangi ya kijivu rangi ya kijani rangi ya machungwa rangi ya zambarau

9-8 9-9 9-10

Red White Yellow

Raangee nyekoondoo Raangee nye-oopey Raangee yaa maanjaano koobwaa cheenee saanaa ndeyfoo nyembaamba foopee foopee ndogo, keedogo Reyfoo

rangi nyekundu rangi nyeupe rangi ya manjano kubwa chini sana ndefu nyembamba fupi fupi ndogo, kidogo refu

9-8 9-9 9-10

Red White Yellow

Raangee nyekoondoo Raangee nye-oopey Raangee yaa maanjaano koobwaa cheenee saanaa ndeyfoo nyembaamba foopee foopee ndogo, keedogo Reyfoo

rangi nyekundu rangi nyeupe rangi ya manjano kubwa chini sana ndefu nyembamba fupi fupi ndogo, kidogo refu

9B: Sizes 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Big Deep Long Narrow Short (in height) Short (in length) Small, little Tall

9B: Sizes 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Big Deep Long Narrow Short (in height) Short (in length) Small, little Tall

9-8 9-9 9-10

Red White Yellow

Raangee nyekoondoo Raangee nye-oopey Raangee yaa maanjaano koobwaa cheenee saanaa ndeyfoo nyembaamba foopee foopee ndogo, keedogo Reyfoo

rangi nyekundu rangi nyeupe rangi ya manjano kubwa chini sana ndefu nyembamba fupi fupi ndogo, kidogo refu

9-8 9-9 9-10

Red White Yellow

Raangee nyekoondoo Raangee nye-oopey Raangee yaa maanjaano koobwaa cheenee saanaa ndeyfoo nyembaamba foopee foopee ndogo, keedogo Reyfoo

rangi nyekundu rangi nyeupe rangi ya manjano kubwa chini sana ndefu nyembamba fupi fupi ndogo, kidogo refu

9B: Sizes 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Big Deep Long Narrow Short (in height) Short (in length) Small, little Tall

9B: Sizes 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Big Deep Long Narrow Short (in height) Short (in length) Small, little Tall

9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28

Thick Thin Wide Round Straight Square Triangular Bitter Fresh Salty

neney nyembaamba paanaa doo-aaRa nyofoo mRaaba yenyey pembeytaatoo chungoo fReshee yaa choomvee

nene nyembamba pana duara nyofu mraba yenye pembetatu chungu freshi ya chumvi

9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28

Thick Thin Wide Round Straight Square Triangular Bitter Fresh Salty

neney nyembaamba paanaa doo-aaRa nyofoo mRaaba yenyey pembeytaatoo chungoo fReshee yaa choomvee

nene nyembamba pana duara nyofu mraba yenye pembetatu chungu freshi ya chumvi

9C: Shapes

9C: Shapes

9D: Tastes

9D: Tastes

9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28

Thick Thin Wide Round Straight Square Triangular Bitter Fresh Salty

neney nyembaamba paanaa doo-aaRa nyofoo mRaaba yenyey pembeytaatoo chungoo fReshee yaa choomvee

nene nyembamba pana duara nyofu mraba yenye pembetatu chungu freshi ya chumvi

9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28

Thick Thin Wide Round Straight Square Triangular Bitter Fresh Salty

neney nyembaamba paanaa doo-aaRa nyofoo mRaaba yenyey pembeytaatoo chungoo fReshee yaa choomvee

nene nyembamba pana duara nyofu mraba yenye pembetatu chungu freshi ya chumvi

9C: Shapes

9C: Shapes

9D: Tastes

9D: Tastes

9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40

Sour Spicy Sweet Bad Clean Dark Difficult Dirty Dry Easy Empty Expensive

chaachoo kaalee taamoo mbaayaa saafee yaa geeza veegoomoo chaafoo kaavoo Raaheesee toopoo ghaalee

chachu kali tamu mbaya safi ya giza vigumu chafu kavu rahisi tupu ghali

9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40

Sour Spicy Sweet Bad Clean Dark Difficult Dirty Dry Easy Empty Expensive

chaachoo kaalee taamoo mbaayaa saafee yaa geeza veegoomoo chaafoo kaavoo Raaheesee toopoo ghaalee

chachu kali tamu mbaya safi ya giza vigumu chafu kavu rahisi tupu ghali

9E: Qualities

9E: Qualities

9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40

Sour Spicy Sweet Bad Clean Dark Difficult Dirty Dry Easy Empty Expensive

chaachoo kaalee taamoo mbaayaa saafee yaa geeza veegoomoo chaafoo kaavoo Raaheesee toopoo ghaalee

chachu kali tamu mbaya safi ya giza vigumu chafu kavu rahisi tupu ghali

9-29 9-30 9-31 9-32 9-33 9-34 9-35 9-36 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40

Sour Spicy Sweet Bad Clean Dark Difficult Dirty Dry Easy Empty Expensive

chaachoo kaalee taamoo mbaayaa saafee yaa geeza veegoomoo chaafoo kaavoo Raaheesee toopoo ghaalee

chachu kali tamu mbaya safi ya giza vigumu chafu kavu rahisi tupu ghali

9E: Qualities

9E: Qualities

9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52

Fast Foreign Full Good Hard (firm) Heavy Inexpensive Light (illumination) Light (weight) Local New Noisy

kaasee yaa keegenee eemeyjaa veezooRee eemaaRa nzeeto bey Raaheesee nooRoo nyepesee yaa ndaanee impeeyaa yaa maakeleyley

kasi ya kigeni imejaa vizuri imara nzito bei rahisi nuru nyepesi ya ndani mpya ya makelele

9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52

Fast Foreign Full Good Hard (firm) Heavy Inexpensive Light (illumination) Light (weight) Local New Noisy

kaasee yaa keegenee eemeyjaa veezooRee eemaaRa nzeeto bey Raaheesee nooRoo nyepesee yaa ndaanee impeeyaa yaa maakeleyley

kasi ya kigeni imejaa vizuri imara nzito bei rahisi nuru nyepesi ya ndani mpya ya makelele

9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52

Fast Foreign Full Good Hard (firm) Heavy Inexpensive Light (illumination) Light (weight) Local New Noisy

kaasee yaa keegenee eemeyjaa veezooRee eemaaRa nzeeto bey Raaheesee nooRoo nyepesee yaa ndaanee impeeyaa yaa maakeleyley

kasi ya kigeni imejaa vizuri imara nzito bei rahisi nuru nyepesi ya ndani mpya ya makelele

9-41 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-45 9-46 9-47 9-48 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52

Fast Foreign Full Good Hard (firm) Heavy Inexpensive Light (illumination) Light (weight) Local New Noisy

kaasee yaa keegenee eemeyjaa veezooRee eemaaRa nzeeto bey Raaheesee nooRoo nyepesee yaa ndaanee impeeyaa yaa maakeleyley

kasi ya kigeni imejaa vizuri imara nzito bei rahisi nuru nyepesi ya ndani mpya ya makelele

9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 9-63 9-64

Old (about things) Old (about people) Powerful Quiet (person) Right / Correct Slow Softw Very Weak Wet Wrong / Incorrect Young

kookoo emzeeh / waazeh yenyeh ngoovoo keemeeyaa saawaa poleh poleh laa-eenee saanaa thaa-eefoo yaa maageemaagee see saawaa keejaanaa

kuukuu mzee / wazee yenye nguvu kimya sawa polepole laini sana dhaifu ya majimaji si sawa kijana

9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 9-63 9-64

Old (about things) Old (about people) Powerful Quiet (person) Right / Correct Slow Softw Very Weak Wet Wrong / Incorrect Young

kookoo emzeeh / waazeh yenyeh ngoovoo keemeeyaa saawaa poleh poleh laa-eenee saanaa thaa-eefoo yaa maageemaagee see saawaa keejaanaa

kuukuu mzee / wazee yenye nguvu kimya sawa polepole laini sana dhaifu ya majimaji si sawa kijana

9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 9-63 9-64

Old (about things) Old (about people) Powerful Quiet (person) Right / Correct Slow Softw Very Weak Wet Wrong / Incorrect Young

kookoo emzeeh / waazeh yenyeh ngoovoo keemeeyaa saawaa poleh poleh laa-eenee saanaa thaa-eefoo yaa maageemaagee see saawaa keejaanaa

kuukuu mzee / wazee yenye nguvu kimya sawa polepole laini sana dhaifu ya majimaji si sawa kijana

9-53 9-54 9-55 9-56 9-57 9-58 9-59 9-60 9-61 9-62 9-63 9-64

Old (about things) Old (about people) Powerful Quiet (person) Right / Correct Slow Softw Very Weak Wet Wrong / Incorrect Young

kookoo emzeeh / waazeh yenyeh ngoovoo keemeeyaa saawaa poleh poleh laa-eenee saanaa thaa-eefoo yaa maageemaagee see saawaa keejaanaa

kuukuu mzee / wazee yenye nguvu kimya sawa polepole laini sana dhaifu ya majimaji si sawa kijana

9F: Quantities 9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69 Few / Little Many / Much Part Some / A few Whole

9F: Quantities

chaachey nyingee seheymoo nyingeeney / chaachey zeemaa

chache nyingi sehemu nyingine / chache zima

9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69

Few / Little Many / Much Part Some / A few Whole

chaachey nyingee seheymoo nyingeeney / chaachey zeemaa

chache nyingi sehemu nyingine / chache zima

9F: Quantities 9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69 Few / Little Many / Much Part Some / A few Whole

9F: Quantities

chaachey nyingee seheymoo nyingeeney / chaachey zeemaa

chache nyingi sehemu nyingine / chache zima

9-65 9-66 9-67 9-68 9-69

Few / Little Many / Much Part Some / A few Whole

chaachey nyingee seheymoo nyingeeney / chaachey zeemaa

chache nyingi sehemu nyingine / chache zima

PART 10: EMERGENCY TERMS 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Emergency! We need a doctor! Distress signal Help! Evacuate the area!


hataaRee! toonaaheetaadyee daaktaaRee! eeshaaRa yaa Theekee saaydeeya! haameesha kootoka seheymoo heeyo!

hatari! tunahitaji daktari! ishara ya dhiki saidia! hamisha kutoka sehemu hiyo!

10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5

Emergency! We need a doctor! Distress signal Help! Evacuate the area!

hataaRee! toonaaheetaadyee daaktaaRee! eeshaaRa yaa Theekee saaydeeya! haameesha kootoka seheymoo heeyo!

hatari! tunahitaji daktari! ishara ya dhiki saidia! hamisha kutoka sehemu hiyo!



PART 10: EMERGENCY TERMS 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Emergency! We need a doctor! Distress signal Help! Evacuate the area!


hataaRee! toonaaheetaadyee daaktaaRee! eeshaaRa yaa Theekee saaydeeya! haameesha kootoka seheymoo heeyo!

hatari! tunahitaji daktari! ishara ya dhiki saidia! hamisha kutoka sehemu hiyo!

10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5

Emergency! We need a doctor! Distress signal Help! Evacuate the area!

hataaRee! toonaaheetaadyee daaktaaRee! eeshaaRa yaa Theekee saaydeeya! haameesha kootoka seheymoo heeyo!

hatari! tunahitaji daktari! ishara ya dhiki saidia! hamisha kutoka sehemu hiyo!



PART 11: FOOD & SANITATION 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 Food Can Cup Fork Knife Plate Spoon Beans Beer Bread Butter


chaakoolaa mkebey keekombey oomaa keesoo sahaanee keejeeko maahaRaagwey beeya mkaatey seeyaagee

chakula mkebe kikombe uma kisu sahani kijiko maharagwe bia mkate siagi

11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11

Food Can Cup Fork Knife Plate Spoon Beans Beer Bread Butter

chaakoolaa mkebey keekombey oomaa keesoo sahaanee keejeeko maahaRaagwey beeya mkaatey seeyaagee

chakula mkebe kikombe uma kisu sahani kijiko maharagwe bia mkate siagi

PART 11: FOOD & SANITATION 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 Food Can Cup Fork Knife Plate Spoon Beans Beer Bread Butter


chaakoolaa mkebey keekombey oomaa keesoo sahaanee keejeeko maahaRaagwey beeya mkaatey seeyaagee

chakula mkebe kikombe uma kisu sahani kijiko maharagwe bia mkate siagi

11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11

Food Can Cup Fork Knife Plate Spoon Beans Beer Bread Butter

chaakoolaa mkebey keekombey oomaa keesoo sahaanee keejeeko maahaRaagwey beeya mkaatey seeyaagee

chakula mkebe kikombe uma kisu sahani kijiko maharagwe bia mkate siagi

11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24

Cheese Coffee Fish Flour Fruit Meat Milk Oil Potatoes Rice Salt Soup Sugar

jibeenee kahaawaa samaakee oongaa maatoondaa nyaamaa maazeewaa maafoota veeyaazee mcheley choomvee soopoo sookaaRee

jibini kahawa samaki unga matunda nyama maziwa mafuta viazi mchele chumvi supu sukari

11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24

Cheese Coffee Fish Flour Fruit Meat Milk Oil Potatoes Rice Salt Soup Sugar

jibeenee kahaawaa samaakee oongaa maatoondaa nyaamaa maazeewaa maafoota veeyaazee mcheley choomvee soopoo sookaaRee

jibini kahawa samaki unga matunda nyama maziwa mafuta viazi mchele chumvi supu sukari



11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24

Cheese Coffee Fish Flour Fruit Meat Milk Oil Potatoes Rice Salt Soup Sugar

jibeenee kahaawaa samaakee oongaa maatoondaa nyaamaa maazeewaa maafoota veeyaazee mcheley choomvee soopoo sookaaRee

jibini kahawa samaki unga matunda nyama maziwa mafuta viazi mchele chumvi supu sukari

11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24

Cheese Coffee Fish Flour Fruit Meat Milk Oil Potatoes Rice Salt Soup Sugar

jibeenee kahaawaa samaakee oongaa maatoondaa nyaamaa maazeewaa maafoota veeyaazee mcheley choomvee soopoo sookaaRee

jibini kahawa samaki unga matunda nyama maziwa mafuta viazi mchele chumvi supu sukari



11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33

Tea Vegetables Water Wine Drink Eat Don't push! We have plenty of food. Give me your bowl. Is the water safe to drink?

chaay mboga maajee mveenyo keenwaajee koolaa ooseesookoomey! toonaa chaakoolaa kingee neepey baakoolee yaako maajee nee salaama koonwaa?

chai mboga maji mvinyo kinywaji kula usisukume! tuna chakula kingi. nipe bakuli yako. maji ni salama kunywa?

11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33

Tea Vegetables Water Wine Drink Eat Don't push! We have plenty of food. Give me your bowl. Is the water safe to drink?

chaay mboga maajee mveenyo keenwaajee koolaa ooseesookoomey! toonaa chaakoolaa kingee neepey baakoolee yaako maajee nee salaama koonwaa?

chai mboga maji mvinyo kinywaji kula usisukume! tuna chakula kingi. nipe bakuli yako. maji ni salama kunywa?

11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33

Tea Vegetables Water Wine Drink Eat Don't push! We have plenty of food. Give me your bowl. Is the water safe to drink?

chaay mboga maajee mveenyo keenwaajee koolaa ooseesookoomey! toonaa chaakoolaa kingee neepey baakoolee yaako maajee nee salaama koonwaa?

chai mboga maji mvinyo kinywaji kula usisukume! tuna chakula kingi. nipe bakuli yako. maji ni salama kunywa?

11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-32 11-33

Tea Vegetables Water Wine Drink Eat Don't push! We have plenty of food. Give me your bowl. Is the water safe to drink?

chaay mboga maajee mveenyo keenwaajee koolaa ooseesookoomey! toonaa chaakoolaa kingee neepey baakoolee yaako maajee nee salaama koonwaa?

chai mboga maji mvinyo kinywaji kula usisukume! tuna chakula kingi. nipe bakuli yako. maji ni salama kunywa?

11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39

Boil the water. Wash your hands. Wash yourself here. We need ___ liters of potable water. Where is the latrine? The latrine is to the ___. The latrine is to the left. The latrine is to the right.

chemshaa maajee naawaa meekono yaako jiyoshey haapaa toonaaheetaadyee leeta ___ zaa maajee saafee yaa koonwaa cho-o keeko waapee? cho-o keeko oopaandey waa ___ cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooshoto cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooleeya

chemsha maji nawa mikono yako jioshe hapa tunahitaji lita ___ za maji safi ya kunywa choo kiko wapi? choo kiko upande wa ___ choo kiko upande wa kushoto choo kiko upande wa kulia

11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39

Boil the water. Wash your hands. Wash yourself here. We need ___ liters of potable water. Where is the latrine? The latrine is to the ___. The latrine is to the left. The latrine is to the right.

chemshaa maajee naawaa meekono yaako jiyoshey haapaa toonaaheetaadyee leeta ___ zaa maajee saafee yaa koonwaa cho-o keeko waapee? cho-o keeko oopaandey waa ___ cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooshoto cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooleeya

chemsha maji nawa mikono yako jioshe hapa tunahitaji lita ___ za maji safi ya kunywa choo kiko wapi? choo kiko upande wa ___ choo kiko upande wa kushoto choo kiko upande wa kulia







11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39

Boil the water. Wash your hands. Wash yourself here. We need ___ liters of potable water. Where is the latrine? The latrine is to the ___. The latrine is to the left. The latrine is to the right.

chemshaa maajee naawaa meekono yaako jiyoshey haapaa toonaaheetaadyee leeta ___ zaa maajee saafee yaa koonwaa cho-o keeko waapee? cho-o keeko oopaandey waa ___ cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooshoto cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooleeya

chemsha maji nawa mikono yako jioshe hapa tunahitaji lita ___ za maji safi ya kunywa choo kiko wapi? choo kiko upande wa ___ choo kiko upande wa kushoto choo kiko upande wa kulia

11-34 11-35 11-36 11-37 11-38 11-39

Boil the water. Wash your hands. Wash yourself here. We need ___ liters of potable water. Where is the latrine? The latrine is to the ___. The latrine is to the left. The latrine is to the right.

chemshaa maajee naawaa meekono yaako jiyoshey haapaa toonaaheetaadyee leeta ___ zaa maajee saafee yaa koonwaa cho-o keeko waapee? cho-o keeko oopaandey waa ___ cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooshoto cho-o keeko oopaandey waa kooleeya

chemsha maji nawa mikono yako jioshe hapa tunahitaji lita ___ za maji safi ya kunywa choo kiko wapi? choo kiko upande wa ___ choo kiko upande wa kushoto choo kiko upande wa kulia







11-42 11-43 11-44 11-45

The latrine is straight ahead. Is the food fresh? Is the food spoiled? Burn this ___.

cho-o keeko moja kwaa moja mbeley chaakoola nee fResh? chaakoola keeme-oza? choma ___ heezee

choo kiko moja kwa moja mbele chakula ni freshi? chakula kimeoza? choma ___ hizi

11-42 11-43 11-44 11-45

The latrine is straight ahead. Is the food fresh? Is the food spoiled? Burn this ___.

cho-o keeko moja kwaa moja mbeley chaakoola nee fResh? chaakoola keeme-oza? choma ___ heezee

choo kiko moja kwa moja mbele chakula ni freshi? chakula kimeoza? choma ___ hizi

11-42 11-43 11-44 11-45

The latrine is straight ahead. Is the food fresh? Is the food spoiled? Burn this ___.

cho-o keeko moja kwaa moja mbeley chaakoola nee fResh? chaakoola keeme-oza? choma ___ heezee

choo kiko moja kwa moja mbele chakula ni freshi? chakula kimeoza? choma ___ hizi

11-42 11-43 11-44 11-45

The latrine is straight ahead. Is the food fresh? Is the food spoiled? Burn this ___.

cho-o keeko moja kwaa moja mbeley chaakoola nee fResh? chaakoola keeme-oza? choma ___ heezee

choo kiko moja kwa moja mbele chakula ni freshi? chakula kimeoza? choma ___ hizi

PART 12: FUEL & MAINTENANCE 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 Gasoline Oil Diesel Gas (propane) Liters Do you have ___? Hydraulic fluid Hydraulic system We need maintenance support.


petRolee maafoota deezel gesee leetaa oona ___? maafoota yaa haaydRolee mfoomo waa haaydRolee toonaaheetaadyee msaada waa kookeemoo

petroli mafuta dizeli gesi lita una ___? mafuta ya haidroli mfumo wa haidroli tunahitaji msaada wa kukimu

12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9

Gasoline Oil Diesel Gas (propane) Liters Do you have ___? Hydraulic fluid Hydraulic system We need maintenance support.

petRolee maafoota deezel gesee leetaa oona ___? maafoota yaa haaydRolee mfoomo waa haaydRolee toonaaheetaadyee msaada waa kookeemoo

petroli mafuta dizeli gesi lita una ___? mafuta ya haidroli mfumo wa haidroli tunahitaji msaada wa kukimu



PART 12: FUEL & MAINTENANCE 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 Gasoline Oil Diesel Gas (propane) Liters Do you have ___? Hydraulic fluid Hydraulic system We need maintenance support.


petRolee maafoota deezel gesee leetaa oona ___? maafoota yaa haaydRolee mfoomo waa haaydRolee toonaaheetaadyee msaada waa kookeemoo

petroli mafuta dizeli gesi lita una ___? mafuta ya haidroli mfumo wa haidroli tunahitaji msaada wa kukimu

12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9

Gasoline Oil Diesel Gas (propane) Liters Do you have ___? Hydraulic fluid Hydraulic system We need maintenance support.

petRolee maafoota deezel gesee leetaa oona ___? maafoota yaa haaydRolee mfoomo waa haaydRolee toonaaheetaadyee msaada waa kookeemoo

petroli mafuta dizeli gesi lita una ___? mafuta ya haidroli mfumo wa haidroli tunahitaji msaada wa kukimu



12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14

We need ___. 400-cycle 3-phase Alternating current 115-volt

toonaaheetaadyee ___ dooRoo yaa meeya in-ney awaamoo taatoo mkondo geyoo yaa voltee meeya moja koomee naa taano

tunahitaji ___ duru ya mia nne awamu tatu mkondo geu ya volti mia moja kumi na tano

12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14

We need ___. 400-cycle 3-phase Alternating current 115-volt

toonaaheetaadyee ___ dooRoo yaa meeya in-ney awaamoo taatoo mkondo geyoo yaa voltee meeya moja koomee naa taano

tunahitaji ___ duru ya mia nne awamu tatu mkondo geu ya volti mia moja kumi na tano

12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14

We need ___. 400-cycle 3-phase Alternating current 115-volt

toonaaheetaadyee ___ dooRoo yaa meeya in-ney awaamoo taatoo mkondo geyoo yaa voltee meeya moja koomee naa taano

tunahitaji ___ duru ya mia nne awamu tatu mkondo geu ya volti mia moja kumi na tano

12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14

We need ___. 400-cycle 3-phase Alternating current 115-volt

toonaaheetaadyee ___ dooRoo yaa meeya in-ney awaamoo taatoo mkondo geyoo yaa voltee meeya moja koomee naa taano

tunahitaji ___ duru ya mia nne awamu tatu mkondo geu ya volti mia moja kumi na tano


13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 Antibiotics Bandage Blood Burn Clean Dead Doctor Fever Hospital Infection Injured Malnutrition


keewaaveejaasoomoo bendej daamoo choma saafeesha aameykoofa daaktaaRee homaa hospeetaalee maa-ambookeezo aamedyeRooheewa ootaapee-aamlo

kiuavijasumu bendeji damu choma safisha amekufa daktari homa hospitali maambukizo amejeruhiwa utapiamlo

13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12

Antibiotics Bandage Blood Burn Clean Dead Doctor Fever Hospital Infection Injured Malnutrition

keewaaveejaasoomoo bendej daamoo choma saafeesha aameykoofa daaktaaRee homaa hospeetaalee maa-ambookeezo aamedyeRooheewa ootaapee-aamlo

kiuavijasumu bendeji damu choma safisha amekufa daktari homa hospitali maambukizo amejeruhiwa utapiamlo




13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 Antibiotics Bandage Blood Burn Clean Dead Doctor Fever Hospital Infection Injured Malnutrition


keewaaveejaasoomoo bendej daamoo choma saafeesha aameykoofa daaktaaRee homaa hospeetaalee maa-ambookeezo aamedyeRooheewa ootaapee-aamlo

kiuavijasumu bendeji damu choma safisha amekufa daktari homa hospitali maambukizo amejeruhiwa utapiamlo

13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12

Antibiotics Bandage Blood Burn Clean Dead Doctor Fever Hospital Infection Injured Malnutrition

keewaaveejaasoomoo bendej daamoo choma saafeesha aameykoofa daaktaaRee homaa hospeetaalee maa-ambookeezo aamedyeRooheewa ootaapee-aamlo

kiuavijasumu bendeji damu choma safisha amekufa daktari homa hospitali maambukizo amejeruhiwa utapiamlo



13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22

Medic Medicine Nurse Poison Sick Vitamins Wound I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. I am going to help.

msaaydeezee waa teeba daawaa nesee soomoo mgonjwaa veetaameen jeyRaaha meemee nee daaktaaRee meemee see daaktaaRee neetasaaydeeya

msaidizi wa tiba dawa nesi sumu mgonjwa vitamini jeraha mimi ni daktari mimi si daktari nitasaidia

13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22

Medic Medicine Nurse Poison Sick Vitamins Wound I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. I am going to help.

msaaydeezee waa teeba daawaa nesee soomoo mgonjwaa veetaameen jeyRaaha meemee nee daaktaaRee meemee see daaktaaRee neetasaaydeeya

msaidizi wa tiba dawa nesi sumu mgonjwa vitamini jeraha mimi ni daktari mimi si daktari nitasaidia

13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22

Medic Medicine Nurse Poison Sick Vitamins Wound I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. I am going to help.

msaaydeezee waa teeba daawaa nesee soomoo mgonjwaa veetaameen jeyRaaha meemee nee daaktaaRee meemee see daaktaaRee neetasaaydeeya

msaidizi wa tiba dawa nesi sumu mgonjwa vitamini jeraha mimi ni daktari mimi si daktari nitasaidia

13-13 13-14 13-15 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 13-22

Medic Medicine Nurse Poison Sick Vitamins Wound I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. I am going to help.

msaaydeezee waa teeba daawaa nesee soomoo mgonjwaa veetaameen jeyRaaha meemee nee daaktaaRee meemee see daaktaaRee neetasaaydeeya

msaidizi wa tiba dawa nesi sumu mgonjwa vitamini jeraha mimi ni daktari mimi si daktari nitasaidia

13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31

Can you walk? Can you sit? Can you stand? Are you in pain? You will get a shot. I will take you to the hospital. What is wrong? Are you injured? Can you feed yourself?

oonaaweyza kootembeya? oonaaweyza kookaa? oonaaweyza kooseemaama? oona maa-oomeevoo? ootaapeegwa seendaano neetaakoopeleyka hospeetaalee koonaa sheedaa gaanee? oomedyeRooheewa? oonaaweyza koojeeleesha?

unaweza kutembea? unaweza kukaa? unaweza kusimama? una maumivu? utapigwa sindano nitakupeleka hospitali kuna shida gani? umejeruhiwa? unaweza kujilisha?

13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31

Can you walk? Can you sit? Can you stand? Are you in pain? You will get a shot. I will take you to the hospital. What is wrong? Are you injured? Can you feed yourself?

oonaaweyza kootembeya? oonaaweyza kookaa? oonaaweyza kooseemaama? oona maa-oomeevoo? ootaapeegwa seendaano neetaakoopeleyka hospeetaalee koonaa sheedaa gaanee? oomedyeRooheewa? oonaaweyza koojeeleesha?

unaweza kutembea? unaweza kukaa? unaweza kusimama? una maumivu? utapigwa sindano nitakupeleka hospitali kuna shida gani? umejeruhiwa? unaweza kujilisha?



13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31

Can you walk? Can you sit? Can you stand? Are you in pain? You will get a shot. I will take you to the hospital. What is wrong? Are you injured? Can you feed yourself?

oonaaweyza kootembeya? oonaaweyza kookaa? oonaaweyza kooseemaama? oona maa-oomeevoo? ootaapeegwa seendaano neetaakoopeleyka hospeetaalee koonaa sheedaa gaanee? oomedyeRooheewa? oonaaweyza koojeeleesha?

unaweza kutembea? unaweza kukaa? unaweza kusimama? una maumivu? utapigwa sindano nitakupeleka hospitali kuna shida gani? umejeruhiwa? unaweza kujilisha?

13-23 13-24 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-29 13-30 13-31

Can you walk? Can you sit? Can you stand? Are you in pain? You will get a shot. I will take you to the hospital. What is wrong? Are you injured? Can you feed yourself?

oonaaweyza kootembeya? oonaaweyza kookaa? oonaaweyza kooseemaama? oona maa-oomeevoo? ootaapeegwa seendaano neetaakoopeleyka hospeetaalee koonaa sheedaa gaanee? oomedyeRooheewa? oonaaweyza koojeeleesha?

unaweza kutembea? unaweza kukaa? unaweza kusimama? una maumivu? utapigwa sindano nitakupeleka hospitali kuna shida gani? umejeruhiwa? unaweza kujilisha?



13-32 13-33

Open your mouth. Are you pregnant?

fungoowa mdomo waako oona meemba?

fungua mdomo wako una mimba?

13-32 13-33

Open your mouth. Are you pregnant?

fungoowa mdomo waako oona meemba?

fungua mdomo wako una mimba?

13-32 13-33

Open your mouth. Are you pregnant?

fungoowa mdomo waako oona meemba?

fungua mdomo wako una mimba?

13-32 13-33

Open your mouth. Are you pregnant?

fungoowa mdomo waako oona meemba?

fungua mdomo wako una mimba?

PART 14: MEDICAL TERMS / PARTS OF THE BODY 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 Abdomen Ankle Arm Bone Brain Chest Ear Elbow Eyes Face Finger Foot


foombaateeyo keefoondo chaa mgoo mkono mfoopaa oobongo keefoo-aa seekee-o keeweeko maacho ooso keedoley mgoo

fumbatio kifundo cha mguu mkono mfupa ubongo kifua sikio kiwiko macho uso kidole mguu

14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12

Abdomen Ankle Arm Bone Brain Chest Ear Elbow Eyes Face Finger Foot

foombaateeyo keefoondo chaa mgoo mkono mfoopaa oobongo keefoo-aa seekee-o keeweeko maacho ooso keedoley mgoo

fumbatio kifundo cha mguu mkono mfupa ubongo kifua sikio kiwiko macho uso kidole mguu



PART 14: MEDICAL TERMS / PARTS OF THE BODY 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12 Abdomen Ankle Arm Bone Brain Chest Ear Elbow Eyes Face Finger Foot


foombaateeyo keefoondo chaa mgoo mkono mfoopaa oobongo keefoo-aa seekee-o keeweeko maacho ooso keedoley mgoo

fumbatio kifundo cha mguu mkono mfupa ubongo kifua sikio kiwiko macho uso kidole mguu

14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-10 14-11 14-12

Abdomen Ankle Arm Bone Brain Chest Ear Elbow Eyes Face Finger Foot

foombaateeyo keefoondo chaa mgoo mkono mfoopaa oobongo keefoo-aa seekee-o keeweeko maacho ooso keedoley mgoo

fumbatio kifundo cha mguu mkono mfupa ubongo kifua sikio kiwiko macho uso kidole mguu



14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24

Hair Hand Head Heart Kidney Knee Leg Lips Liver Lungs Mouth Neck

nweley mkono keechwaa moyo feego gotee mgoo meedomo maa-eenee maapaafoo mdomo sheengo

nywele mkono kichwa moyo figo goti mguu midomo maini mapafu mdomo shingo

14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24

Hair Hand Head Heart Kidney Knee Leg Lips Liver Lungs Mouth Neck

nweley mkono keechwaa moyo feego gotee mgoo meedomo maa-eenee maapaafoo mdomo sheengo

nywele mkono kichwa moyo figo goti mguu midomo maini mapafu mdomo shingo

14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24

Hair Hand Head Heart Kidney Knee Leg Lips Liver Lungs Mouth Neck

nweley mkono keechwaa moyo feego gotee mgoo meedomo maa-eenee maapaafoo mdomo sheengo

nywele mkono kichwa moyo figo goti mguu midomo maini mapafu mdomo shingo

14-13 14-14 14-15 14-16 14-17 14-18 14-19 14-20 14-21 14-22 14-23 14-24

Hair Hand Head Heart Kidney Knee Leg Lips Liver Lungs Mouth Neck

nweley mkono keechwaa moyo feego gotee mgoo meedomo maa-eenee maapaafoo mdomo sheengo

nywele mkono kichwa moyo figo goti mguu midomo maini mapafu mdomo shingo

14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36

Nose Pelvis / Groin Ribs Shoulder Skull Spine Stomach (area) Stomach (organ) Teeth Toe Tongue Wrist

poo-aa foopaanyonga / keenena mbaavoo begaa foo laa keechwaa ootee waa mgongo toombo toombo meyno keedoley chaa mgoo ooleemee keefoondo chaa mkono

pua fupanyonga / kinena mbavu bega fuu la kichwa uti wa mgongo tumbo tumbo meno kidole cha mguu ulimi kifundo cha mkono

14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36

Nose Pelvis / Groin Ribs Shoulder Skull Spine Stomach (area) Stomach (organ) Teeth Toe Tongue Wrist

poo-aa foopaanyonga / keenena mbaavoo begaa foo laa keechwaa ootee waa mgongo toombo toombo meyno keedoley chaa mgoo ooleemee keefoondo chaa mkono

pua fupanyonga / kinena mbavu bega fuu la kichwa uti wa mgongo tumbo tumbo meno kidole cha mguu ulimi kifundo cha mkono



14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36

Nose Pelvis / Groin Ribs Shoulder Skull Spine Stomach (area) Stomach (organ) Teeth Toe Tongue Wrist

poo-aa foopaanyonga / keenena mbaavoo begaa foo laa keechwaa ootee waa mgongo toombo toombo meyno keedoley chaa mgoo ooleemee keefoondo chaa mkono

pua fupanyonga / kinena mbavu bega fuu la kichwa uti wa mgongo tumbo tumbo meno kidole cha mguu ulimi kifundo cha mkono

14-25 14-26 14-27 14-28 14-29 14-30 14-31 14-32 14-33 14-34 14-35 14-36

Nose Pelvis / Groin Ribs Shoulder Skull Spine Stomach (area) Stomach (organ) Teeth Toe Tongue Wrist

poo-aa foopaanyonga / keenena mbaavoo begaa foo laa keechwaa ootee waa mgongo toombo toombo meyno keedoley chaa mgoo ooleemee keefoondo chaa mkono

pua fupanyonga / kinena mbavu bega fuu la kichwa uti wa mgongo tumbo tumbo meno kidole cha mguu ulimi kifundo cha mkono



PART 15: MILITARY RANKS 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 General Admiral Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Commander Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier


jeneRaalee mkoo waa dyeshee laa waanamaajee kaanaal lootenee kanaal kamaandaa meyjaa keptenee lootenee saajeen mkoo aaskaaRee dyeshee

jenerali mkuu wa jeshi la wanamaji kanali luteni kanali kamanda meja kapteni luteni sajini mkuu askari jeshi

15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10

General Admiral Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Commander Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier

jeneRaalee mkoo waa dyeshee laa waanamaajee kaanaal lootenee kanaal kamaandaa meyjaa keptenee lootenee saajeen mkoo aaskaaRee dyeshee

jenerali mkuu wa jeshi la wanamaji kanali luteni kanali kamanda meja kapteni luteni sajini mkuu askari jeshi

PART 15: MILITARY RANKS 15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 General Admiral Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Commander Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier


jeneRaalee mkoo waa dyeshee laa waanamaajee kaanaal lootenee kanaal kamaandaa meyjaa keptenee lootenee saajeen mkoo aaskaaRee dyeshee

jenerali mkuu wa jeshi la wanamaji kanali luteni kanali kamanda meja kapteni luteni sajini mkuu askari jeshi

15-1 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10

General Admiral Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Commander Major Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Soldier

jeneRaalee mkoo waa dyeshee laa waanamaajee kaanaal lootenee kanaal kamaandaa meyjaa keptenee lootenee saajeen mkoo aaskaaRee dyeshee

jenerali mkuu wa jeshi la wanamaji kanali luteni kanali kamanda meja kapteni luteni sajini mkuu askari jeshi

15-11 15-12 15-13

Airman Seaman Marine

aaskaaRee waa dyeshee laa aanga baahaReeya aaskaaRee waa maaReen

askari wa jeshi la anga baharia askari wa manowari

15-11 15-12 15-13

Airman Seaman Marine

aaskaaRee waa dyeshee laa aanga baahaReeya aaskaaRee waa maaReen

askari wa jeshi la anga baharia askari wa manowari



15-11 15-12 15-13

Airman Seaman Marine

aaskaaRee waa dyeshee laa aanga baahaReeya aaskaaRee waa maaReen

askari wa jeshi la anga baharia askari wa manowari

15-11 15-12 15-13

Airman Seaman Marine

aaskaaRee waa dyeshee laa aanga baahaReeya aaskaaRee waa maaReen

askari wa jeshi la anga baharia askari wa manowari



PART 16: LODGING 16-1 16-2 We must spend the night here. Is there a dining facility here? How many kilometers to the nearest town? Are there any hotels near here? Are there any restaurants near here?


laazeema toolaaley haapaa koona mahaalee paa koola haapaa? keelomeeta ngaapee kootoka mjee ooleeyo kaaReeboo saanaa? koona hotelee kaaReeboo naa haapa? koona meekahaawa kaaReeboo naa haapa?

lazima tulale hapa kuna mahali pa kula hapa? kilomita ngapi kutoka mji ulio karibu sana? kuna hoteli karibu na hapa? kuna mikahawa karibu na hapa?

16-1 16-2

We must spend the night here. Is there a dining facility here? How many kilometers to the nearest town? Are there any hotels near here? Are there any restaurants near here?

laazeema toolaaley haapaa koona mahaalee paa koola haapaa? keelomeeta ngaapee kootoka mjee ooleeyo kaaReeboo saanaa? koona hotelee kaaReeboo naa haapa? koona meekahaawa kaaReeboo naa haapa?

lazima tulale hapa kuna mahali pa kula hapa? kilomita ngapi kutoka mji ulio karibu sana? kuna hoteli karibu na hapa? kuna mikahawa karibu na hapa?







PART 16: LODGING 16-1 16-2 We must spend the night here. Is there a dining facility here? How many kilometers to the nearest town? Are there any hotels near here? Are there any restaurants near here?


laazeema toolaaley haapaa koona mahaalee paa koola haapaa? keelomeeta ngaapee kootoka mjee ooleeyo kaaReeboo saanaa? koona hotelee kaaReeboo naa haapa? koona meekahaawa kaaReeboo naa haapa?

lazima tulale hapa kuna mahali pa kula hapa? kilomita ngapi kutoka mji ulio karibu sana? kuna hoteli karibu na hapa? kuna mikahawa karibu na hapa?

16-1 16-2

We must spend the night here. Is there a dining facility here? How many kilometers to the nearest town? Are there any hotels near here? Are there any restaurants near here?

laazeema toolaaley haapaa koona mahaalee paa koola haapaa? keelomeeta ngaapee kootoka mjee ooleeyo kaaReeboo saanaa? koona hotelee kaaReeboo naa haapa? koona meekahaawa kaaReeboo naa haapa?

lazima tulale hapa kuna mahali pa kula hapa? kilomita ngapi kutoka mji ulio karibu sana? kuna hoteli karibu na hapa? kuna mikahawa karibu na hapa?








We want to go to ___. Are there rental cars available? Is there a telephone available? We need ___ gallons of potable water.

toonataaka kweyndaa ___ magaaRee yaa kookodee yaanapaateekaana? seemoo eeko? toonaheetaadyee gaalonee ___ zaa maajee

tunataka kwenda ___ magari ya kukodi yanapatikana? simu iko? tunahitaji galoni ___ za maji


We want to go to ___. Are there rental cars available? Is there a telephone available? We need ___ gallons of potable water.

toonataaka kweyndaa ___ magaaRee yaa kookodee yaanapaateekaana? seemoo eeko? toonaheetaadyee gaalonee ___ zaa maajee

tunataka kwenda ___ magari ya kukodi yanapatikana? simu iko? tunahitaji galoni ___ za maji

16-7 16-8 16-9

16-7 16-8 16-9




We want to go to ___. Are there rental cars available? Is there a telephone available? We need ___ gallons of potable water.

toonataaka kweyndaa ___ magaaRee yaa kookodee yaanapaateekaana? seemoo eeko? toonaheetaadyee gaalonee ___ zaa maajee

tunataka kwenda ___ magari ya kukodi yanapatikana? simu iko? tunahitaji galoni ___ za maji


We want to go to ___. Are there rental cars available? Is there a telephone available? We need ___ gallons of potable water.

toonataaka kweyndaa ___ magaaRee yaa kookodee yaanapaateekaana? seemoo eeko? toonaheetaadyee gaalonee ___ zaa maajee

tunataka kwenda ___ magari ya kukodi yanapatikana? simu iko? tunahitaji galoni ___ za maji

16-7 16-8 16-9

16-7 16-8 16-9



PART 17: OCCUPATIONS 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 Air Force Army Marines Navy Air Defense Commander Dentist Doctor Driver


dyeshee laa aanga dyeshee aaskaaRee waa maaReen dyeshee laa waanamaajee ooleenzee waa aangaa kamaandaa daaktaaRee waa meyno daaktaaRee deReyva

jeshi la anga jeshi askari wa manowari jeshi la wanamaji ulinzi wa anga kamanda daktari wa meno daktari dereva

17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9

Air Force Army Marines Navy Air Defense Commander Dentist Doctor Driver

dyeshee laa aanga dyeshee aaskaaRee waa maaReen dyeshee laa waanamaajee ooleenzee waa aangaa kamaandaa daaktaaRee waa meyno daaktaaRee deReyva

jeshi la anga jeshi askari wa manowari jeshi la wanamaji ulinzi wa anga kamanda daktari wa meno daktari dereva

PART 17: OCCUPATIONS 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 Air Force Army Marines Navy Air Defense Commander Dentist Doctor Driver


dyeshee laa aanga dyeshee aaskaaRee waa maaReen dyeshee laa waanamaajee ooleenzee waa aangaa kamaandaa daaktaaRee waa meyno daaktaaRee deReyva

jeshi la anga jeshi askari wa manowari jeshi la wanamaji ulinzi wa anga kamanda daktari wa meno daktari dereva

17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9

Air Force Army Marines Navy Air Defense Commander Dentist Doctor Driver

dyeshee laa aanga dyeshee aaskaaRee waa maaReen dyeshee laa waanamaajee ooleenzee waa aangaa kamaandaa daaktaaRee waa meyno daaktaaRee deReyva

jeshi la anga jeshi askari wa manowari jeshi la wanamaji ulinzi wa anga kamanda daktari wa meno daktari dereva

17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21

Farmer Fisherman Government employee Guard Housewife Laborer Mechanic Messenger Pilot Policeman Sailor Businessman

mkooleema mvoovee mtoomeeshee waa seReekaalee mleenzee mkey nyoombaanee keebaaRoowa maakaaneeka mjoombey Roobaanee poleesee baahaReeya mfaanyibeeyashaaRa

mkulima mvuvi mtumishi wa serikali mlinzi mke nyumbani kibarua makanika mjumbe rubani polisi baharia mfanyabiashara

17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21

Farmer Fisherman Government employee Guard Housewife Laborer Mechanic Messenger Pilot Policeman Sailor Businessman

mkooleema mvoovee mtoomeeshee waa seReekaalee mleenzee mkey nyoombaanee keebaaRoowa maakaaneeka mjoombey Roobaanee poleesee baahaReeya mfaanyibeeyashaaRa

mkulima mvuvi mtumishi wa serikali mlinzi mke nyumbani kibarua makanika mjumbe rubani polisi baharia mfanyabiashara



17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21

Farmer Fisherman Government employee Guard Housewife Laborer Mechanic Messenger Pilot Policeman Sailor Businessman

mkooleema mvoovee mtoomeeshee waa seReekaalee mleenzee mkey nyoombaanee keebaaRoowa maakaaneeka mjoombey Roobaanee poleesee baahaReeya mfaanyibeeyashaaRa

mkulima mvuvi mtumishi wa serikali mlinzi mke nyumbani kibarua makanika mjumbe rubani polisi baharia mfanyabiashara

17-10 17-11 17-12 17-13 17-14 17-15 17-16 17-17 17-18 17-19 17-20 17-21

Farmer Fisherman Government employee Guard Housewife Laborer Mechanic Messenger Pilot Policeman Sailor Businessman

mkooleema mvoovee mtoomeeshee waa seReekaalee mleenzee mkey nyoombaanee keebaaRoowa maakaaneeka mjoombey Roobaanee poleesee baahaReeya mfaanyibeeyashaaRa

mkulima mvuvi mtumishi wa serikali mlinzi mke nyumbani kibarua makanika mjumbe rubani polisi baharia mfanyabiashara



17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25

Shopkeeper Soldier Student Teacher

mwenyey dooka mwaanadyeshee mwaanafoonzee muwaaleemoo

mwenye duka mwanajeshi mwanafunzi mwalimu

17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25

Shopkeeper Soldier Student Teacher

mwenyey dooka mwaanadyeshee mwaanafoonzee muwaaleemoo

mwenye duka mwanajeshi mwanafunzi mwalimu

17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25

Shopkeeper Soldier Student Teacher

mwenyey dooka mwaanadyeshee mwaanafoonzee muwaaleemoo

mwenye duka mwanajeshi mwanafunzi mwalimu

17-22 17-23 17-24 17-25

Shopkeeper Soldier Student Teacher

mwenyey dooka mwaanadyeshee mwaanafoonzee muwaaleemoo

mwenye duka mwanajeshi mwanafunzi mwalimu

PART 18: CUSTOMS (PORT OF ENTRY) 18-1 Where is my customs declaration? I do not have anything to declare. These goods are personal. Not for sale. Can you help me fill out the forms? Is this correct? Here is my passport.


fomoo yaangoo yaa maalee yaa foRoTha eeko waapee? seena cho chotey chaa kuwonyesha beeThaa heezee nee beenaafsee see yaa koo-oozwaa oonaaweyza koonisaayideeya koojaaza fomoo? hee nee saaheehee? hee nee paaspotee yaangoo

fomu yangu ya mali ya forodha iko wapi? sina cho chote cha kuonyesha bidhaa hizi ni binafsi si ya kuuzwa unaweza kunisaidia kujaza fomu? hii ni sahihi? hii ni pasipoti yangu


Where is my customs declaration? I do not have anything to declare. These goods are personal. Not for sale. Can you help me fill out the forms? Is this correct? Here is my passport.

fomoo yaangoo yaa maalee yaa foRoTha eeko waapee? seena cho chotey chaa kuwonyesha beeThaa heezee nee beenaafsee see yaa koo-oozwaa oonaaweyza koonisaayideeya koojaaza fomoo? hee nee saaheehee? hee nee paaspotee yaangoo

fomu yangu ya mali ya forodha iko wapi? sina cho chote cha kuonyesha bidhaa hizi ni binafsi si ya kuuzwa unaweza kunisaidia kujaza fomu? hii ni sahihi? hii ni pasipoti yangu

18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7

18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7



PART 18: CUSTOMS (PORT OF ENTRY) 18-1 Where is my customs declaration? I do not have anything to declare. These goods are personal. Not for sale. Can you help me fill out the forms? Is this correct? Here is my passport.


fomoo yaangoo yaa maalee yaa foRoTha eeko waapee? seena cho chotey chaa kuwonyesha beeThaa heezee nee beenaafsee see yaa koo-oozwaa oonaaweyza koonisaayideeya koojaaza fomoo? hee nee saaheehee? hee nee paaspotee yaangoo

fomu yangu ya mali ya forodha iko wapi? sina cho chote cha kuonyesha bidhaa hizi ni binafsi si ya kuuzwa unaweza kunisaidia kujaza fomu? hii ni sahihi? hii ni pasipoti yangu


Where is my customs declaration? I do not have anything to declare. These goods are personal. Not for sale. Can you help me fill out the forms? Is this correct? Here is my passport.

fomoo yaangoo yaa maalee yaa foRoTha eeko waapee? seena cho chotey chaa kuwonyesha beeThaa heezee nee beenaafsee see yaa koo-oozwaa oonaaweyza koonisaayideeya koojaaza fomoo? hee nee saaheehee? hee nee paaspotee yaangoo

fomu yangu ya mali ya forodha iko wapi? sina cho chote cha kuonyesha bidhaa hizi ni binafsi si ya kuuzwa unaweza kunisaidia kujaza fomu? hii ni sahihi? hii ni pasipoti yangu

18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7

18-2 18-3 18-4 18-5 18-6 18-7



18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17

Here is my visa. I have no Shillings. Ad valorem Ammunition Baggage Bill of lading Cargo Customs Customs declaration Customs tax

hee nee veesa yaangoo seena sheelingee thamaanee zaa taangaazo Reesaasee meezeegoo haatee yaa meezeego sheheynaa eedaaRa yaa foRoTha kuwonyesha maalee oompyaa foRoThaanee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha

hii ni viza yangu. sina shilingi thamani za tangazo risasi mizigo hati ya mizigo shehena idara ya forodha kuonyesha mali mpya forodhani ushuru wa forodha

18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17

Here is my visa. I have no Shillings. Ad valorem Ammunition Baggage Bill of lading Cargo Customs Customs declaration Customs tax

hee nee veesa yaangoo seena sheelingee thamaanee zaa taangaazo Reesaasee meezeegoo haatee yaa meezeego sheheynaa eedaaRa yaa foRoTha kuwonyesha maalee oompyaa foRoThaanee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha

hii ni viza yangu. sina shilingi thamani za tangazo risasi mizigo hati ya mizigo shehena idara ya forodha kuonyesha mali mpya forodhani ushuru wa forodha

18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17

Here is my visa. I have no Shillings. Ad valorem Ammunition Baggage Bill of lading Cargo Customs Customs declaration Customs tax

hee nee veesa yaangoo seena sheelingee thamaanee zaa taangaazo Reesaasee meezeegoo haatee yaa meezeego sheheynaa eedaaRa yaa foRoTha kuwonyesha maalee oompyaa foRoThaanee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha

hii ni viza yangu. sina shilingi thamani za tangazo risasi mizigo hati ya mizigo shehena idara ya forodha kuonyesha mali mpya forodhani ushuru wa forodha

18-8 18-9 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-14 18-15 18-16 18-17

Here is my visa. I have no Shillings. Ad valorem Ammunition Baggage Bill of lading Cargo Customs Customs declaration Customs tax

hee nee veesa yaangoo seena sheelingee thamaanee zaa taangaazo Reesaasee meezeegoo haatee yaa meezeego sheheynaa eedaaRa yaa foRoTha kuwonyesha maalee oompyaa foRoThaanee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha

hii ni viza yangu. sina shilingi thamani za tangazo risasi mizigo hati ya mizigo shehena idara ya forodha kuonyesha mali mpya forodhani ushuru wa forodha

18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 18-29

Customs worker Damaged Delivery Duty Expenditures Export False Foreign currency Form (document) Holding Import Insurance

mfaanyakaazee waa foRoTha eemehaaReebeeka kuwaaseeleeshaa ooshooRoo maatoomeezee oosaafiReeshaajee oowongo feyTha zaa keegenee fomoo maalee uwingeezaajee beema

mfanyakazi wa forodha imeharibika kuwasilisha ushuru matumizi usafirishaji uwongo fedha za kigeni fomu (hati) mali uingizaji bima

18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 18-29

Customs worker Damaged Delivery Duty Expenditures Export False Foreign currency Form (document) Holding Import Insurance

mfaanyakaazee waa foRoTha eemehaaReebeeka kuwaaseeleeshaa ooshooRoo maatoomeezee oosaafiReeshaajee oowongo feyTha zaa keegenee fomoo maalee uwingeezaajee beema

mfanyakazi wa forodha imeharibika kuwasilisha ushuru matumizi usafirishaji uwongo fedha za kigeni fomu (hati) mali uingizaji bima



18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 18-29

Customs worker Damaged Delivery Duty Expenditures Export False Foreign currency Form (document) Holding Import Insurance

mfaanyakaazee waa foRoTha eemehaaReebeeka kuwaaseeleeshaa ooshooRoo maatoomeezee oosaafiReeshaajee oowongo feyTha zaa keegenee fomoo maalee uwingeezaajee beema

mfanyakazi wa forodha imeharibika kuwasilisha ushuru matumizi usafirishaji uwongo fedha za kigeni fomu (hati) mali uingizaji bima

18-18 18-19 18-20 18-21 18-22 18-23 18-24 18-25 18-26 18-27 18-28 18-29

Customs worker Damaged Delivery Duty Expenditures Export False Foreign currency Form (document) Holding Import Insurance

mfaanyakaazee waa foRoTha eemehaaReebeeka kuwaaseeleeshaa ooshooRoo maatoomeezee oosaafiReeshaajee oowongo feyTha zaa keegenee fomoo maalee uwingeezaajee beema

mfanyakazi wa forodha imeharibika kuwasilisha ushuru matumizi usafirishaji uwongo fedha za kigeni fomu (hati) mali uingizaji bima



18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-30 18-40

Kiswahili Loading Name of goods Narcotics National treasure Nomenclature On-Board Origin Owner Packing list Passport

keeswaaheelee koopaakeeya jeenaa laa beeThaa madaawa yaa kooleyvya fahaaRee yaa taayfaa mfoomo waa maajeena naa eesteelaahee meyleenee aaseelee mweynyey maalee oRoTha yaa koofoonga meezeego paasipotee

kiswahili kupakia jina la bidhaa madawa ya kulevya fahari ya taifa mfumo wa majina na istilahi melini asili mwenyewe orodha ya kufunga mizigo pasipoti

18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-30 18-40

Kiswahili Loading Name of goods Narcotics National treasure Nomenclature On-Board Origin Owner Packing list Passport

keeswaaheelee koopaakeeya jeenaa laa beeThaa madaawa yaa kooleyvya fahaaRee yaa taayfaa mfoomo waa maajeena naa eesteelaahee meyleenee aaseelee mweynyey maalee oRoTha yaa koofoonga meezeego paasipotee

kiswahili kupakia jina la bidhaa madawa ya kulevya fahari ya taifa mfumo wa majina na istilahi melini asili mwenyewe orodha ya kufunga mizigo pasipoti

18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-30 18-40

Kiswahili Loading Name of goods Narcotics National treasure Nomenclature On-Board Origin Owner Packing list Passport

keeswaaheelee koopaakeeya jeenaa laa beeThaa madaawa yaa kooleyvya fahaaRee yaa taayfaa mfoomo waa maajeena naa eesteelaahee meyleenee aaseelee mweynyey maalee oRoTha yaa koofoonga meezeego paasipotee

kiswahili kupakia jina la bidhaa madawa ya kulevya fahari ya taifa mfumo wa majina na istilahi melini asili mwenyewe orodha ya kufunga mizigo pasipoti

18-30 18-31 18-32 18-33 18-34 18-35 18-36 18-37 18-38 18-30 18-40

Kiswahili Loading Name of goods Narcotics National treasure Nomenclature On-Board Origin Owner Packing list Passport

keeswaaheelee koopaakeeya jeenaa laa beeThaa madaawa yaa kooleyvya fahaaRee yaa taayfaa mfoomo waa maajeena naa eesteelaahee meyleenee aaseelee mweynyey maalee oRoTha yaa koofoonga meezeego paasipotee

kiswahili kupakia jina la bidhaa madawa ya kulevya fahari ya taifa mfumo wa majina na istilahi melini asili mwenyewe orodha ya kufunga mizigo pasipoti

18-41 18-42 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52

Permission Personal use Personnel Prohibited Property Rate Rate of exchange Receipt Relics Restricted Souvenir Specification

Ruhoosaa maatoomeezee beenaafsee waatoomeeshee eemekataazwaa maalee keemaa keemaa chaa mabaadeeleeshaano Reeseetee maakoomboosho eemezoo-eewa ookumboosho aayneesho

ruhusa matumizi binafsi watumishi imekatazwa mali kima kima cha mabadilishano risiti makumbusho imezuiwa ukumbusho ainisho

18-41 18-42 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52

Permission Personal use Personnel Prohibited Property Rate Rate of exchange Receipt Relics Restricted Souvenir Specification

Ruhoosaa maatoomeezee beenaafsee waatoomeeshee eemekataazwaa maalee keemaa keemaa chaa mabaadeeleeshaano Reeseetee maakoomboosho eemezoo-eewa ookumboosho aayneesho

ruhusa matumizi binafsi watumishi imekatazwa mali kima kima cha mabadilishano risiti makumbusho imezuiwa ukumbusho ainisho



18-41 18-42 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52

Permission Personal use Personnel Prohibited Property Rate Rate of exchange Receipt Relics Restricted Souvenir Specification

Ruhoosaa maatoomeezee beenaafsee waatoomeeshee eemekataazwaa maalee keemaa keemaa chaa mabaadeeleeshaano Reeseetee maakoomboosho eemezoo-eewa ookumboosho aayneesho

ruhusa matumizi binafsi watumishi imekatazwa mali kima kima cha mabadilishano risiti makumbusho imezuiwa ukumbusho ainisho

18-41 18-42 18-43 18-44 18-45 18-46 18-47 18-48 18-49 18-50 18-51 18-52

Permission Personal use Personnel Prohibited Property Rate Rate of exchange Receipt Relics Restricted Souvenir Specification

Ruhoosaa maatoomeezee beenaafsee waatoomeeshee eemekataazwaa maalee keemaa keemaa chaa mabaadeeleeshaano Reeseetee maakoomboosho eemezoo-eewa ookumboosho aayneesho

ruhusa matumizi binafsi watumishi imekatazwa mali kima kima cha mabadilishano risiti makumbusho imezuiwa ukumbusho ainisho



18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59

Storage Tariff Tax-free To answer To be responsible for To export To fill out To present for customs inspection. Transportation Unloading

uweykaajee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha eesiyoleepeewa kodee koojeeboo kuwaajeebeekaa kusaafeeReesha koojaaza kutaambooleesha Raasmee kwaa ookaagoozee foRoThaanee oosaafiReeshaajee kooshoosha beeThaa

uwekaji ushuru wa forodha isiyolipiwa kodi kujibu kuwajibikia kusafirisha kujaza kutambulisha rasmi kwa ukaguzi forodhani usafirishaji kushusha bidhaa

18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59

Storage Tariff Tax-free To answer To be responsible for To export To fill out To present for customs inspection. Transportation Unloading

uweykaajee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha eesiyoleepeewa kodee koojeeboo kuwaajeebeekaa kusaafeeReesha koojaaza kutaambooleesha Raasmee kwaa ookaagoozee foRoThaanee oosaafiReeshaajee kooshoosha beeThaa

uwekaji ushuru wa forodha isiyolipiwa kodi kujibu kuwajibikia kusafirisha kujaza kutambulisha rasmi kwa ukaguzi forodhani usafirishaji kushusha bidhaa



18-61 18-62

18-61 18-62

18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59

Storage Tariff Tax-free To answer To be responsible for To export To fill out To present for customs inspection. Transportation Unloading

uweykaajee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha eesiyoleepeewa kodee koojeeboo kuwaajeebeekaa kusaafeeReesha koojaaza kutaambooleesha Raasmee kwaa ookaagoozee foRoThaanee oosaafiReeshaajee kooshoosha beeThaa

uwekaji ushuru wa forodha isiyolipiwa kodi kujibu kuwajibikia kusafirisha kujaza kutambulisha rasmi kwa ukaguzi forodhani usafirishaji kushusha bidhaa

18-53 18-54 18-55 18-56 18-57 18-58 18-59

Storage Tariff Tax-free To answer To be responsible for To export To fill out To present for customs inspection. Transportation Unloading

uweykaajee ooshooRoo waa foRoTha eesiyoleepeewa kodee koojeeboo kuwaajeebeekaa kusaafeeReesha koojaaza kutaambooleesha Raasmee kwaa ookaagoozee foRoThaanee oosaafiReeshaajee kooshoosha beeThaa

uwekaji ushuru wa forodha isiyolipiwa kodi kujibu kuwajibikia kusafirisha kujaza kutambulisha rasmi kwa ukaguzi forodhani usafirishaji kushusha bidhaa



18-61 18-62

18-61 18-62

18-63 18-64 18-65 18-66 18-67

Valuables Value Visa Weapons X-ray machine

veetoo vyaa thamaanee thamaanee veesaa seelaaha maasheeney yaa eksRey

vitu vya thamani thamani viza silaha mashine ya eksirei

18-63 18-64 18-65 18-66 18-67

Valuables Value Visa Weapons X-ray machine

veetoo vyaa thamaanee thamaanee veesaa seelaaha maasheeney yaa eksRey

vitu vya thamani thamani viza silaha mashine ya eksirei



18-63 18-64 18-65 18-66 18-67

Valuables Value Visa Weapons X-ray machine

veetoo vyaa thamaanee thamaanee veesaa seelaaha maasheeney yaa eksRey

vitu vya thamani thamani viza silaha mashine ya eksirei

18-63 18-64 18-65 18-66 18-67

Valuables Value Visa Weapons X-ray machine

veetoo vyaa thamaanee thamaanee veesaa seelaaha maasheeney yaa eksRey

vitu vya thamani thamani viza silaha mashine ya eksirei



PART 19: RELATIVES 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 Aunt Brother Child Children Cousin Daughter Family Father Grandfather Grandmother Husband Man


shaangaazee kaakaa mtoto waatoto beenaamoo beentee faameeliya baabaa baaboo nyaanyaa moomey mwaanaa-oomey

shangazi kaka mtoto watoto binamu binti familia baba babu nyanya mume mwanamume

19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12

Aunt Brother Child Children Cousin Daughter Family Father Grandfather Grandmother Husband Man

shaangaazee kaakaa mtoto waatoto beenaamoo beentee faameeliya baabaa baaboo nyaanyaa moomey mwaanaa-oomey

shangazi kaka mtoto watoto binamu binti familia baba babu nyanya mume mwanamume

PART 19: RELATIVES 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12 Aunt Brother Child Children Cousin Daughter Family Father Grandfather Grandmother Husband Man


shaangaazee kaakaa mtoto waatoto beenaamoo beentee faameeliya baabaa baaboo nyaanyaa moomey mwaanaa-oomey

shangazi kaka mtoto watoto binamu binti familia baba babu nyanya mume mwanamume

19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 19-5 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 19-10 19-11 19-12

Aunt Brother Child Children Cousin Daughter Family Father Grandfather Grandmother Husband Man

shaangaazee kaakaa mtoto waatoto beenaamoo beentee faameeliya baabaa baaboo nyaanyaa moomey mwaanaa-oomey

shangazi kaka mtoto watoto binamu binti familia baba babu nyanya mume mwanamume

19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21

Men Mother Relatives Sister Son Uncle Wife Woman Women

waana-oomey maamaa jamaa daadaa mtoto waa keeyoomey mjombaa oomkey mwaanamkey waanaawaakey

wanaume mama jamaa dada mtoto wa kiume mjomba mke mwanamke wanawake

19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21

Men Mother Relatives Sister Son Uncle Wife Woman Women

waana-oomey maamaa jamaa daadaa mtoto waa keeyoomey mjombaa oomkey mwaanamkey waanaawaakey

wanaume mama jamaa dada mtoto wa kiume mjomba mke mwanamke wanawake



19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21

Men Mother Relatives Sister Son Uncle Wife Woman Women

waana-oomey maamaa jamaa daadaa mtoto waa keeyoomey mjombaa oomkey mwaanamkey waanaawaakey

wanaume mama jamaa dada mtoto wa kiume mjomba mke mwanamke wanawake

19-13 19-14 19-15 19-16 19-17 19-18 19-19 19-20 19-21

Men Mother Relatives Sister Son Uncle Wife Woman Women

waana-oomey maamaa jamaa daadaa mtoto waa keeyoomey mjombaa oomkey mwaanamkey waanaawaakey

wanaume mama jamaa dada mtoto wa kiume mjomba mke mwanamke wanawake



PART 20: WEATHER 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 Cold Dry Earthquake Fog High winds Hot Humidity Ice Lightning Rain Sandstorm


baaReedee kaavoo titemeko laa aRThee ookoongoo oopeypo mkaalee moto oonyevoo baRaafoo Raadee mvoowa ThoRooba yaa mchaanga

baridi kavu tetemeko la ardhi ukungu upepo mkali moto unyevu barafu radi mvua dhoruba ya mchanga

20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11

Cold Dry Earthquake Fog High winds Hot Humidity Ice Lightning Rain Sandstorm

baaReedee kaavoo titemeko laa aRThee ookoongoo oopeypo mkaalee moto oonyevoo baRaafoo Raadee mvoowa ThoRooba yaa mchaanga

baridi kavu tetemeko la ardhi ukungu upepo mkali moto unyevu barafu radi mvua dhoruba ya mchanga

PART 20: WEATHER 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11 Cold Dry Earthquake Fog High winds Hot Humidity Ice Lightning Rain Sandstorm


baaReedee kaavoo titemeko laa aRThee ookoongoo oopeypo mkaalee moto oonyevoo baRaafoo Raadee mvoowa ThoRooba yaa mchaanga

baridi kavu tetemeko la ardhi ukungu upepo mkali moto unyevu barafu radi mvua dhoruba ya mchanga

20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 20-9 20-10 20-11

Cold Dry Earthquake Fog High winds Hot Humidity Ice Lightning Rain Sandstorm

baaReedee kaavoo titemeko laa aRThee ookoongoo oopeypo mkaalee moto oonyevoo baRaafoo Raadee mvoowa ThoRooba yaa mchaanga

baridi kavu tetemeko la ardhi ukungu upepo mkali moto unyevu barafu radi mvua dhoruba ya mchanga

20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20

Severe Snow Storm Temperature Thunder storm Weather Wet Typhoon Tornado

kaalee theloojee ThoRoobaa haaleejoto mvoowa yaa Raadee haalee yaa heywaa maajeemaajee toofaanee keemboonga

kali theluji dhoruba halijoto mvua ya radi hali ya hewa majimaji tufani kimbunga

20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20

Severe Snow Storm Temperature Thunder storm Weather Wet Typhoon Tornado

kaalee theloojee ThoRoobaa haaleejoto mvoowa yaa Raadee haalee yaa heywaa maajeemaajee toofaanee keemboonga

kali theluji dhoruba halijoto mvua ya radi hali ya hewa majimaji tufani kimbunga



20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20

Severe Snow Storm Temperature Thunder storm Weather Wet Typhoon Tornado

kaalee theloojee ThoRoobaa haaleejoto mvoowa yaa Raadee haalee yaa heywaa maajeemaajee toofaanee keemboonga

kali theluji dhoruba halijoto mvua ya radi hali ya hewa majimaji tufani kimbunga

20-12 20-13 20-14 20-15 20-16 20-17 20-18 20-19 20-20

Severe Snow Storm Temperature Thunder storm Weather Wet Typhoon Tornado

kaalee theloojee ThoRoobaa haaleejoto mvoowa yaa Raadee haalee yaa heywaa maajeemaajee toofaanee keemboonga

kali theluji dhoruba halijoto mvua ya radi hali ya hewa majimaji tufani kimbunga



PART 21: GENERAL MILITARY TERMS 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 Airfield Ammunition Armed men Artillery Barracks Base Camp Cannon Car


keewaanja chaa ndegey Reesaasee waana-oomey wenye seelaaha meezeenga meekoobwa kaambee yaa jeshee keetoowo kaambee mzeenga motokaa

kiwanja cha ndege risasi wanaume wenye silaha mizinga mikubwa kambi ya jeshi kituo kambi mzinga motokaa

21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9

Airfield Ammunition Armed men Artillery Barracks Base Camp Cannon Car

keewaanja chaa ndegey Reesaasee waana-oomey wenye seelaaha meezeenga meekoobwa kaambee yaa jeshee keetoowo kaambee mzeenga motokaa

kiwanja cha ndege risasi wanaume wenye silaha mizinga mikubwa kambi ya jeshi kituo kambi mzinga motokaa

PART 21: GENERAL MILITARY TERMS 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9 Airfield Ammunition Armed men Artillery Barracks Base Camp Cannon Car


keewaanja chaa ndegey Reesaasee waana-oomey wenye seelaaha meezeenga meekoobwa kaambee yaa jeshee keetoowo kaambee mzeenga motokaa

kiwanja cha ndege risasi wanaume wenye silaha mizinga mikubwa kambi ya jeshi kituo kambi mzinga motokaa

21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 21-8 21-9

Airfield Ammunition Armed men Artillery Barracks Base Camp Cannon Car

keewaanja chaa ndegey Reesaasee waana-oomey wenye seelaaha meezeenga meekoobwa kaambee yaa jeshee keetoowo kaambee mzeenga motokaa

kiwanja cha ndege risasi wanaume wenye silaha mizinga mikubwa kambi ya jeshi kituo kambi mzinga motokaa

21-10 21-11 21-12 21-13 21-14 21-15 21-16 21-17 21-18 21-19 21-20 21-21

Commander Enemy Explosive Friendly Grenade Gun Jeep Kilometer Knife Leader Machine gun Mine

kamaanda aadoowee keeleepookaajee yaa keeRaafeekee komboRaa boondookee jeepoo keelomeeta keesoo keeyongozee boondookee yaa Raashaasha bomoo laa kooteyga

kamanda adui kilipukaji ya kirafiki kombora bunduki jipu kilomita kisu kiongozi bunduki ya rashasha bomu la kutega

21-10 21-11 21-12 21-13 21-14 21-15 21-16 21-17 21-18 21-19 21-20 21-21

Commander Enemy Explosive Friendly Grenade Gun Jeep Kilometer Knife Leader Machine gun Mine

kamaanda aadoowee keeleepookaajee yaa keeRaafeekee komboRaa boondookee jeepoo keelomeeta keesoo keeyongozee boondookee yaa Raashaasha bomoo laa kooteyga

kamanda adui kilipukaji ya kirafiki kombora bunduki jipu kilomita kisu kiongozi bunduki ya rashasha bomu la kutega



21-10 21-11 21-12 21-13 21-14 21-15 21-16 21-17 21-18 21-19 21-20 21-21

Commander Enemy Explosive Friendly Grenade Gun Jeep Kilometer Knife Leader Machine gun Mine

kamaanda aadoowee keeleepookaajee yaa keeRaafeekee komboRaa boondookee jeepoo keelomeeta keesoo keeyongozee boondookee yaa Raashaasha bomoo laa kooteyga

kamanda adui kilipukaji ya kirafiki kombora bunduki jipu kilomita kisu kiongozi bunduki ya rashasha bomu la kutega

21-10 21-11 21-12 21-13 21-14 21-15 21-16 21-17 21-18 21-19 21-20 21-21

Commander Enemy Explosive Friendly Grenade Gun Jeep Kilometer Knife Leader Machine gun Mine

kamaanda aadoowee keeleepookaajee yaa keeRaafeekee komboRaa boondookee jeepoo keelomeeta keesoo keeyongozee boondookee yaa Raashaasha bomoo laa kooteyga

kamanda adui kilipukaji ya kirafiki kombora bunduki jipu kilomita kisu kiongozi bunduki ya rashasha bomu la kutega



21-22 21-23 21-24 21-25 21-26 21-27 21-28 21-29 21-30 21-31 21-32

Minefield Missile Mortar Officer Pistol Plane Protection Refugee Rifle Rocket Rocket launcher

eneyo leelee-yozeekwa maabomoo komboRaa bomoo ofeesa baastola ndegey ooleenzee mkimbeezee boondookee Roketee keetoo chaa koofyetooleeya Roketee

eneo lililozikwa mabomu kombora bomu ofisa bastola ndege ulinzi mkimbizi bunduki roketi kitu cha kufyetulia roketi

21-22 21-23 21-24 21-25 21-26 21-27 21-28 21-29 21-30 21-31 21-32

Minefield Missile Mortar Officer Pistol Plane Protection Refugee Rifle Rocket Rocket launcher

eneyo leelee-yozeekwa maabomoo komboRaa bomoo ofeesa baastola ndegey ooleenzee mkimbeezee boondookee Roketee keetoo chaa koofyetooleeya Roketee

eneo lililozikwa mabomu kombora bomu ofisa bastola ndege ulinzi mkimbizi bunduki roketi kitu cha kufyetulia roketi

21-22 21-23 21-24 21-25 21-26 21-27 21-28 21-29 21-30 21-31 21-32

Minefield Missile Mortar Officer Pistol Plane Protection Refugee Rifle Rocket Rocket launcher

eneyo leelee-yozeekwa maabomoo komboRaa bomoo ofeesa baastola ndegey ooleenzee mkimbeezee boondookee Roketee keetoo chaa koofyetooleeya Roketee

eneo lililozikwa mabomu kombora bomu ofisa bastola ndege ulinzi mkimbizi bunduki roketi kitu cha kufyetulia roketi

21-22 21-23 21-24 21-25 21-26 21-27 21-28 21-29 21-30 21-31 21-32

Minefield Missile Mortar Officer Pistol Plane Protection Refugee Rifle Rocket Rocket launcher

eneyo leelee-yozeekwa maabomoo komboRaa bomoo ofeesa baastola ndegey ooleenzee mkimbeezee boondookee Roketee keetoo chaa koofyetooleeya Roketee

eneo lililozikwa mabomu kombora bomu ofisa bastola ndege ulinzi mkimbizi bunduki roketi kitu cha kufyetulia roketi

21-33 21-34 21-35 21-36 21-37 21-38 21-39 21-40 21-41 21-42 21-43

Shelter Ship Sniper Soldier Stronghold Tank Tent Trailer Truck Unit Weapons

heefaaThee meylee aaskaaRee aaleeye jeefeechaa mwaanajeshee ngomey taankee heyma tReylaa loRee keekosee seelaaha

hifadhi meli askari aliyejificha mwanajeshi ngome tangi hema trela lori kikosi silaha

21-33 21-34 21-35 21-36 21-37 21-38 21-39 21-40 21-41 21-42 21-43

Shelter Ship Sniper Soldier Stronghold Tank Tent Trailer Truck Unit Weapons

heefaaThee meylee aaskaaRee aaleeye jeefeechaa mwaanajeshee ngomey taankee heyma tReylaa loRee keekosee seelaaha

hifadhi meli askari aliyejificha mwanajeshi ngome tangi hema trela lori kikosi silaha



21-33 21-34 21-35 21-36 21-37 21-38 21-39 21-40 21-41 21-42 21-43

Shelter Ship Sniper Soldier Stronghold Tank Tent Trailer Truck Unit Weapons

heefaaThee meylee aaskaaRee aaleeye jeefeechaa mwaanajeshee ngomey taankee heyma tReylaa loRee keekosee seelaaha

hifadhi meli askari aliyejificha mwanajeshi ngome tangi hema trela lori kikosi silaha

21-33 21-34 21-35 21-36 21-37 21-38 21-39 21-40 21-41 21-42 21-43

Shelter Ship Sniper Soldier Stronghold Tank Tent Trailer Truck Unit Weapons

heefaaThee meylee aaskaaRee aaleeye jeefeechaa mwaanajeshee ngomey taankee heyma tReylaa loRee keekosee seelaaha

hifadhi meli askari aliyejificha mwanajeshi ngome tangi hema trela lori kikosi silaha



PART 22: MINE WARFARE TERMS 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 Angle Azimuth Cleared lane Compass Danger area Demolition Grappling hook In place Metallic Mine


pembey laateetoodo oojeeya ooliyowekwa waazee deeRa seheymoo yaa hataaRee oobomozee koolaaboo kaateeka mahaalee saawaa yaa metaalee bomoo laa kooteyga

pembe latitudo ujia uliowekwa wazi dira sehemu ya hatari ubomozi kulabu katika mahali sawa ya metali bomu la kutega

22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10

Angle Azimuth Cleared lane Compass Danger area Demolition Grappling hook In place Metallic Mine

pembey laateetoodo oojeeya ooliyowekwa waazee deeRa seheymoo yaa hataaRee oobomozee koolaaboo kaateeka mahaalee saawaa yaa metaalee bomoo laa kooteyga

pembe latitudo ujia uliowekwa wazi dira sehemu ya hatari ubomozi kulabu katika mahali sawa ya metali bomu la kutega

PART 22: MINE WARFARE TERMS 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10 Angle Azimuth Cleared lane Compass Danger area Demolition Grappling hook In place Metallic Mine


pembey laateetoodo oojeeya ooliyowekwa waazee deeRa seheymoo yaa hataaRee oobomozee koolaaboo kaateeka mahaalee saawaa yaa metaalee bomoo laa kooteyga

pembe latitudo ujia uliowekwa wazi dira sehemu ya hatari ubomozi kulabu katika mahali sawa ya metali bomu la kutega

22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-8 22-9 22-10

Angle Azimuth Cleared lane Compass Danger area Demolition Grappling hook In place Metallic Mine

pembey laateetoodo oojeeya ooliyowekwa waazee deeRa seheymoo yaa hataaRee oobomozee koolaaboo kaateeka mahaalee saawaa yaa metaalee bomoo laa kooteyga

pembe latitudo ujia uliowekwa wazi dira sehemu ya hatari ubomozi kulabu katika mahali sawa ya metali bomu la kutega

22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16

Minefield Non-metallic Pace Stake Tree Tape

eneyo leeleelozeekwaa maabomoo eeseeyo yaa metaalee mwendo keegoozo umtee ootepey

eneo lililozikwa mabomu isiyo ya metali mwendo kiguzo mti utepe

22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16

Minefield Non-metallic Pace Stake Tree Tape

eneyo leeleelozeekwaa maabomoo eeseeyo yaa metaalee mwendo keegoozo umtee ootepey

eneo lililozikwa mabomu isiyo ya metali mwendo kiguzo mti utepe



22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16

Minefield Non-metallic Pace Stake Tree Tape

eneyo leeleelozeekwaa maabomoo eeseeyo yaa metaalee mwendo keegoozo umtee ootepey

eneo lililozikwa mabomu isiyo ya metali mwendo kiguzo mti utepe

22-11 22-12 22-13 22-14 22-15 22-16

Minefield Non-metallic Pace Stake Tree Tape

eneyo leeleelozeekwaa maabomoo eeseeyo yaa metaalee mwendo keegoozo umtee ootepey

eneo lililozikwa mabomu isiyo ya metali mwendo kiguzo mti utepe



ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Medical Survival Kit contains: 1. Introduction 9. Surgery Instructions 2. Guidance 10. Pain Interview 3. Registration 11. Medicine Interview 4. Assessment 12. Orthopedic 5. Surgical Consent 13. Obstetrics/Gynecology 6. Trauma 14. Pediatrics 7. Procedures 15. Cardiology 8. Foley 16. Ophthalmology Aircrew Operations Survival Kit contains: 1. Emergency Transmissions 7. Airfield Specifics 2. General Air Traffic Control 8. Cargo Handling 3. Communication Clarification 9. Maintenance 4. Landing Instructions 10. Fuel 5. Taxi Instructions 11. Weather 6. Departure Instructions 17. Neurology 18. Exam Commands 19. Caregiver 20. Post-op/Prognosis 21. Medical Conditions 22. Diseases

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Medical Survival Kit contains: 1. Introduction 9. Surgery Instructions 2. Guidance 10. Pain Interview 3. Registration 11. Medicine Interview 4. Assessment 12. Orthopedic 5. Surgical Consent 13. Obstetrics/Gynecology 6. Trauma 14. Pediatrics 7. Procedures 15. Cardiology 8. Foley 16. Ophthalmology Aircrew Operations Survival Kit contains: 1. Emergency Transmissions 7. Airfield Specifics 2. General Air Traffic Control 8. Cargo Handling 3. Communication Clarification 9. Maintenance 4. Landing Instructions 10. Fuel 5. Taxi Instructions 11. Weather 6. Departure Instructions 17. Neurology 18. Exam Commands 19. Caregiver 20. Post-op/Prognosis 21. Medical Conditions 22. Diseases

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Medical Survival Kit contains: 1. Introduction 9. Surgery Instructions 2. Guidance 10. Pain Interview 3. Registration 11. Medicine Interview 4. Assessment 12. Orthopedic 5. Surgical Consent 13. Obstetrics/Gynecology 6. Trauma 14. Pediatrics 7. Procedures 15. Cardiology 8. Foley 16. Ophthalmology Aircrew Operations Survival Kit contains: 1. Emergency Transmissions 7. Airfield Specifics 2. General Air Traffic Control 8. Cargo Handling 3. Communication Clarification 9. Maintenance 4. Landing Instructions 10. Fuel 5. Taxi Instructions 11. Weather 6. Departure Instructions 17. Neurology 18. Exam Commands 19. Caregiver 20. Post-op/Prognosis 21. Medical Conditions 22. Diseases

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Medical Survival Kit contains: 1. Introduction 9. Surgery Instructions 2. Guidance 10. Pain Interview 3. Registration 11. Medicine Interview 4. Assessment 12. Orthopedic 5. Surgical Consent 13. Obstetrics/Gynecology 6. Trauma 14. Pediatrics 7. Procedures 15. Cardiology 8. Foley 16. Ophthalmology Aircrew Operations Survival Kit contains: 1. Emergency Transmissions 7. Airfield Specifics 2. General Air Traffic Control 8. Cargo Handling 3. Communication Clarification 9. Maintenance 4. Landing Instructions 10. Fuel 5. Taxi Instructions 11. Weather 6. Departure Instructions 17. Neurology 18. Exam Commands 19. Caregiver 20. Post-op/Prognosis 21. Medical Conditions 22. Diseases





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