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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Weunesuay, Naich 26, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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A0STIN - Touay, Ban Patiick, authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lt. uoveinoi, ieceiveu
the enuoisement of national Seconu Amenument auvocacy gioup uun 0wneis of Ameiica-
Political victoiy Funu.

"uun 0wneis of Ameiica-Political victoiy Funu is piouu to enuoise
Ban Patiick foi Lt. uoveinoi of Texas. Ban has been a stiong auvocate
foi Seconu Amenument iights as a state senatoi. Bis woik on campus
caiiy, fiieaims fieeuom legislation anu woiking to lowei iegulatoiy
buiuens on concealeu hanugun licenses makes him the best canuiuate
foi Lt. uoveinoi. We look foiwaiu to woiking with him as the next Lt.
uoveinoi of Texas."

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"I am giateful foi the suppoit fiom uun 0wneis of Ameiica anu commit to making the state
of Texas a national leauei in the fiee exeicise of oui constitutionally piotecteu gun-iights,"
saiu Ban Patiick. "As Lt. uoveinoi, I will ensuie that measuies like campus caiiy anu
fiieaims fieeuom legislation that iesist feueial intiusion into Texas will not continue to
languish in the Texas Senate."


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