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2014 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs

(2014 )

2014 1

National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

2014 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs
1. Program Objective The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, ith the aim of promoting international e!change in education, as ell as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries" 2. Total Number of Grantees: 880 o 2014 KGSP !llocations "# respective Korean Em"assies $ %&& candidates (from #$% nations)

&Among the !! can"i"ates# 2 $from 12 nations% overseas &orean a"o'tees are inclu"e". Their (uotas are
allotte" to 12 &orean embassies# an" are se'arate from general can"i"ate (uotas.

)*mbass+ ,uotas,uota 1/ 10 10 / 11 0 2/ No. of Nations 1 1 0 The United States China Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Vietnam Bulgaria, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, yanmar, Tur!ey alaysia, ongolia, #a!istan, #hilippines, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, "hana, India, Kaza!hstan, Sri $an!a, Uz%e!istan Name of .ountries

&zer%ai'an, Brazil, Cam%odia, Cote d(I)oire, *enmar!, El Sal)ador, "ermany, "reece, Israel, Italy, Ku+ait, $aos, e,ico, orocco, -igeria, -or+ay, .man, #anama, #eru, Ser%ia, Tai+an, Thailand, The United Kingdom, Tunisia, Uganda, Venezuela &rgentina, Belgium, Bots+ana, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colom%ia, *emocratic Repu%lic o/ the Congo, Egypt, 0i'i, 0inland, 0rance, "eorgia, 1ungary, Ira2, Jordan, $e%anon, ala+i, -ami%ia, -epal, Repu%lic o/ South &/rica, R+anda, Senegal, Singapore, Sudan, Ta'i!istan, Tanzania, Timor3$este, Tur!menistan, 4emen, 5am%ia &/ghanistan, &l%ania, &lgeria, &ngola, &rmenia, &ustralia, &ustria, Bahrain, Bar%ados, Belarus, Benin, Boli)ia, Bur!ina 0aso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada67ue%ec8, Central &/rican Repu%lic, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Repu%lic, *'i%outi, *ominica, E2uatorial "uinea, Estonia, "a%on, "am%ia, "reenland, "uatemala, "uinea, "uinea3Bissau, "uyana, 1aiti, 1onduras, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, $at)ia, $esotho, $i%eria, $i%ya, adagascar, ali, auritania, auritius, ontenegro, ozam%i2ue, -etherlands, -e+ 5ealand, -icaragua, -iger, #alestine, #apua -e+ "uinea, #araguay, #oland, #ortugal, 7atar, Repu%lic o/ the Congo, Repu%lic o/ Seychelles, Romania, Sao Tome #rincipe, Saudi &ra%ia, Slo)a!ia, Slo)enia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Suriname, S+aziland, S+eden, S+itzerland, Syria, the Bahamas, the United &ra% Emirates, Togo, Trinidad and To%ago, U!raine, Uruguay, 5im%a%+e 08 can"i"ates




1 1

&The basis for (uota allocation lies in the mutual agreement bet2een &orea an" countries liste" above.
)Overseas &orean A"o'tee ,uotas,uota 9 ; : Total No. of Nations : < ; :; Name of .ountries The United States &ustralia, Belgium, Canada, *enmar!, 0rance, "ermany, -etherlands, -or+ay, S+eden Italy, S+itzerland 2 .an"i"ates

o 2014 KGSP !llocation for the 'esignated Korean (niversities $ &4)candidates (from '( nations) )3esignate" 4niversit+ ,uotas,uota 10 5 8 1 / No. of Nations = ; > ? > < 0 ! < 9 Indonesia, ongolia, Vietnam #hilippines, Thailand Cam%odia, Kaza!hstan, Kyrgyzstan, alaysia, Uz%e!istan yanmar, #a!istan, Russia Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, -ame o/ Countries

e,ico, -epal, -igeria

Egypt, "hana, India, Japan, $aos, #eru, Sri $an!a, Tai+an, Tur!ey Cameroon, Colom%ia, #oland, Romania, R+anda, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, The United States, Uganda &zer%ai'an, 1ungary, $i%eria, Senegal, Singapore &lgeria, &rgentina, &ustralia, &ustria , Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bhutan, Boli)ia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, *ominica, 0inland, 0rance, "a%on, "ermany, "uinea, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, $e%anon, $ithuania, aldi)es, auritania, oldo)a, orocco, -etherlands, -e+ 5ealand, #apua -e+ "uinea, #araguay, Saudi &ra%ia, Sierra $eone, Slo)a!ia, Spain, Sudan, S+eden, Ta'i!istan, the *emocratic Repu%lic o/ the Congo, Timor3$este, Tur!menistan, U!raine, 4emen, 5am%ia Ireland


1 Total


=>: Candidates

Among the !01 can"i"ates allocate" to the 3esignate" &orean 4niversities# / 2ill be allotte" into t2o outstan"ing s'eciali6e" universities se'aratel+.

!. *ligible 4niversities an" 7iel"s of 8tu"+ o Eligi)le *niversities + The ,- listed universities (or institutions) as designated ). NIIED 3 &pplicants 6including Korean adoptees8 +ho apply /or this program via &orean *mbassies must 3

choose = desired uni)ersities out o/ the ?A uni)ersities listed %elo+B 3 &pplicants +ho apply /or this program via the "esignate" universities may choose only : desired uni)ersity out o/ the ?A uni)ersities listed %elo+B
&'ou Uni)ersity, Chon%u! -atCl Uni)ersity, Chonnam -atCl Uni)ersity, Chung3&ng Uni)ersity, Chung%u! -atCl Uni)ersity, Chungnam -atCl Uni)ersity, *aegu Uni)ersity, *ae'eon Uni)ersity, *onga Uni)ersity, *onggu! Uni)ersity, *ongseo Uni)ersity, E+ha Domans Uni)ersity, "angneung3Don'u -ational Uni)ersity, "yeongsang -atCl Uni)ersity, 1allym Uni)ersity, 1andong "lo%al Uni)ersity, 1an!u! Uni)ersity o/ 0oreign Studies, 1annam Uni)ersity, 1anyang Uni)ersity, 1ongi! Uni)ersity, Inha Uni)ersity, In'e Uni)ersity, Je'u -ational Uni)ersity, Jeon'u Uni)ersity, Korea &d)anced Institute o/ Science and Technology, Kang+on -atCl Uni)ersity, K*I School o/ #u%lic #olicy and anagement, Keimyung Uni)ersity, Kong'u -atCl Uni)ersity, Kon!u! Uni)ersity, Koo!min Uni)ersity, Korea Uni)ersity, Korea Uni)ersity o/ Technology and Education, Kumoh -atCl Institute o/ Technology, Kyonggi Uni)ersity, Kyunghee Uni)ersity, Kyungpoo! -atCl Uni)ersity, Kyungsung uni)ersity, yong'i uni)ersity, #ai Chai Uni)ersity, #ohang Uni)ersity o/ Science and Technology, #u!yong -atCl Uni)ersity, #usan -atCl Uni)ersity, Seoul -atCl Uni)ersity o/ Science and Technology, Seoul -atCl Uni)ersity, Sogang Uni)ersity, Soo!myung DomenCs Uni)ersity, SoonChun1yang Uni)ersity, Soongsil Uni)ersity, Sunchon -ational Uni)ersity, Sung!yun!+an Uni)ersity, Sunmoon Uni)ersity, The "raduate School o/ Korean Studies in the &cademy o/ Korean Studies, Ulsan -ational Institute o/ Science and Technology, Uni)ersity o/ Science E Technology, Uni)ersity ./ Seoul, Uni)ersity o/ Ulsan, Doosong Uni)ersity, 4eungnam Uni)ersity, 4onsei Uni)ersity

o /vaila)le 0ields of Stud. + 'etailed information a"out the fields and ma*ors offered "# the listed eligi"le universities can "e found in the University Information section on the GKS +e"site (+++ stud#in,orea go ,r) !pplicants must choose their desired fields of stud# from the listed programs in the University Information section provided "# participating universities

& Night schools, seasonal programs, )roadcasting schools, and c.)er1schools (including online distant learning programs) are not eligi)le for application"
o /vaila)le 2ourses + 3aster4s programs and Doctoral programs 0. 9ain Notes for the 2010 8election o !pplicants have to appl# for this program via either an em"ass# or a designated universit# " 5verseas Korean adoptees have to appl. onl. via an em)ass. if their countries are allotted the adoptee 6uotas o The selection process for applicants ill proceed in three steps" -irstl#. applicants must "e selected "# the institution he or she is appl#ing through (a Korean em"ass#. or a designated universit#) Secondl#. applicants +ho passed the first round must "e selected "# the /IIE' Selection 0ommittee -inall#. applicants +ho passed the second round must gain admission from a universit# o Institutions accepting applications+ 11) overseas Korean em"assies or 10 designated Korean universities " : A''licants 2ho submit a''lications to more than one of the aforementione" institutions 2ill be "is(ualifie" imme"iatel+. o Selection Procedure 4

- 1st Selection+ Each #st selection institution

ill draft a selections standard )ased on the criteria provisioned ).

NIIED, and recommend the )est applicants according to its respective standards" - 2nd Selection+ The NIIED Selection 2ommittee ill select the most successful candidates from the pool of applicants recommended ). the #st selection institutions" 1 &rd Selection+ 5nl. the candidates ho ere recommended ). a Korean em)ass. and passed the (nd selection successfull. ill )e evaluated for admission ). the 7 universities to hich the. applied8 each cand idate has to gain admission from at least one universit." & /pplicants ho ere recommended ). a designated universit. ill automaticall. )e granted admission to the universit. that recommended them, upon the condition the. are selected as a successful candidate in the (nd Selection" Su)se6uentl., once the. pass the mandator. medical e!amination ( hen it4s orientation), the. ill 9oin the ran:s of the final successful candidates" . 3uration of 8cholarshi' o 3aster4s (-#"-'"(-#; < 7#"-="(-#%) + # .r" of Korean language > ( .rs of 3aster4s o Doctoral (-#"-'"(-#; < 7#"-="(-#=)+ #.r" of Korean language > 7 .rs of Doctoral 2 (Important) !fter the Korean language course. the scholarship period of degree course (2 #ears of master3s or & #ears of doctoral) cannot "e e4tended "e#ond the designated duration & In the case that a scholar possesses a T5PIK ?evel that is higher than $, he or she is e!empted from the Korean language course8 the e!empted period ill )e deducted from the total scholarship period (( .ears for master4s or 7 .ears for doctoral)" & In the case that a scholar possesses a 56PIK 7evel % or 1. he or she must "e e4empted from the Korean language course and must start his8her academic course of 3aster or Doctoral degree8 the e!empted period ill )e deducted from the total scholarship period (( .ears for master4s or 7 .ears for doctoral)"

/. &orean ;anguage .ourse o /ll scholars, unless e!empted, must ta:e one .ear of Korean language course in the designated language institution ). NIIED" 6nce scholars are designated at the institution. it cannot "e changed o 'uring Korean language learning. scholars are supposed to sta# at the dorm of language institution +ith a roommate. thus cannot "ring their famil# o E4emption from the Korean language course re9uirement$ Korean proficienc# at 56PIK 7evel % or 1 ( ith certification)"

& Scholars +ho have surpassed 56PIK 7evel % or 1 must start their degree course +ithout the Korean language course should o"tain permission from /IIE' in advance & Scholars ho are e!empted from ta:ing the Korean language course must ta:e their degree course starting from

Septem)er #st, (-#;" o 5nl. the scholars ho ill have passed at least ?evel 7 of T5PIK (the Test of Proficienc. in Korean) after one .ear of Korean language course are permitted to start their master4s or doctoral program" o Scholars ho do not pass at least T5PIK ?evel 7 after one .ear of Korean language course must complete an additional si!1month course or: in the Korean language" o ?anguage Institution + NIIED has designated a)out #( language institutions for the Korean language course" & The main language institution placement principle is different area from the finall. chosen universit. of scholars in order to provide a chance of e!ploring varia)le Korean cultures and immerge on Korean language learning ith professional environments for scholars"

1. A''lication <e(uirements o The applicant and his@her parents must have foreign citiAenships" 2 !pplicants +ho hold Korean citi:enship are not permitted to appl# for this program o /pplicants should )e in good health, )oth mentall. and ph.sicall., to sta. in Korea for an e!tended period of time" & /pplicants must su)mit the Personal 3edical /ssessment (included in the application form) this program, and hen it4s orientation, an 5fficial 3edical E!amination (0or e!ample, BIC, Drug, etc) ill )e the main cause of dis6ualification from the scholarship" The handicapped ho satisf. the a)ove are also eligi)le for the program /65 Eligi"le$ those +ho are pregnant (dis9ualified upon discover#) o /pplicants must )e under ;- .ears of age as of Sep" #st, (-#; ()orn after Sep" #st, #'%;)" o /pplicants must hold a Dachelor4s or 3aster4s degree as of /ugust 7#st, (-#;" & (Important) !pplicants +ho have ever enrolled in a universit# in Korea +ill "e dis9ualified from appl#ing to the KGSP program Specificall#. an applicant +ho has previousl# enrolled in an undergraduate program. a master3s program. a doctoral program including an e4change program (';2 visa holders ever) in Korea cannot appl# for this program E4ception 1 !pplicant +ho has e4perienced an e4change program in Korea onl# for previous academic courses graduation. and if it +as mandator# for his or her graduation of degree program< thus could su"mit official e4planation from the attended institution can appl# for this KGSP program E4ception 2 5he KGSP scholar +ho has graduated or +ill graduate from a Korean universit# as of !ugust &1st. 2014 can appl# for this program again onl# via the em"ass# if onl# he8she holds at least 56PIK 7evel 4 and o"tain another recommendation +ithin the allotment from the Korean Em"ass# of his8her respective countr# of origin (re;application is limited to one instance) & /pplicants ho appl. for the 3aster4s program must hold a Dachelor4s degree or a diploma that is e6uivalent to or higher than a Dachelor4s degree" hen he@she appl. for ill )e done ). NIIED" / serious illness

& /pplicants

ho appl. for the Doctoral program must hold a 3aster4s degree or a diploma that is e6uivalent to or

higher than a 3aster4s degree" & /pplicants ho are e!pecting to o)tain the relevant re6uired degree or diploma ). /ugust 7# st, (-#; must su)mit a certificate of degree or diploma e!pectation, and su)mit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED ). /ugust 7#st, (-#;" (If not, dis6ualified for this program) o /pplicants must maintain a grade point average (G"P"/") of at least (",; on a ;"- scale, ("=- on a ;" 7 scale, ("'# on a ;"$ scale, or grades@mar:s@score of =-E or higher from the previousl. attended institution" & If an applicant does not satisf# the a"ove GP! criteria. he8she +ill "e dis9ualified from appl#ing to this program & If the transcript is not indicated in grades@mar:s@scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official e!planation from the attended institution is re6uired" o /pplicants ho have Korean proficienc. or English proficienc. ma. )e given preference" o /pplicants ho appl. for natural science and technolog. program ma. )e given preference" o /pplicants ho are universit. professors currentl. in the developing countries ma. )e given preference"

8. 8cholarshi' o Scholarship Period + same as the period of invitation" o Pa.ment+ 1/irfare+ Found1trip econom. class tic:et" & !irfare for entr# +ill not "e provided to scholars +ho alread# currentl# live in Korea for academic stud# or emplo#ment & The fees for domestic travel ithin a scholar4s home countr. and for travel insurance to and from Korea ill not )e provided" & Scholars from 0hina and the 0:ech =epu"lic +ill not "e provided airfare "# /IIE'. "ut "# their countr# of origin according to the mutual agreements" 13onthl. /llo ance + '--,--- on (KFG) per month" 1Fesearch /llo ance + (#-,--- on for scholars in the humanities and social sciences8 (;-,--- on for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester" 1Felocation (Settlement) /llo ance + (--,--- on upon arrival (onl. for scholars from their o n countr., not for scholars ho alread. currentl. live in Korea) 1?anguage Training 0ee + 0ull coverage 1Tuitions + /ll admission fees are aived ). the host institution (universit.)" The tuition is paid ). NIIED" 1Dissertation Printing 2osts + $--,--- < =--,--- on, depending on the actual costs" 13edical Insurance + (-,--- on per month ill )e provided (limited coverage)" 1Special funding for scholars ho are proficient in the Korean language (T5PIK ?evel $ or ,)+ #--,--month (commencing from the degree program) on per

o /65ES ; NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel, moving e!penses, deposit, etc" )oth in the grantee4s countr. and Korea" 1 /irfare for entr. into Korea ill not )e provided to a scholar that has )een and living in Korea for his or her stud., or:, etc" as of the date of announcement of successful candidates 1 NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance for traveling to and from Korea" 1 The medical fee is to )e reim)ursed through the insurance compan. to the scholar after s@he pa.s first" Bo ever, the e!pense for dental clinic or chronic disease ill not )e covered" 1 /n. scholar ho gives up his@her stud. during the scholarship period ill not receive airfare and allo ance for repatriation" 1 /n. scholar that 6uits the program ithin 7 months after s@he entering Korea, must refund all scholarship fees" (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allo ance, monthl. stipend, Korean language training e!penses, etc")" 5. 8election Proce"ure 3etails o The guideline, application form, and universit. information ill )e availa)le at the e)site of GKS (+++ stud#in,orea go ,r). Korean Em"assies. and designated domestic universities o -or applicants (including Korean adoptees) +ho appl# for KGSP via Korean Em"assies ; (1st Selection) Korean Em)assies ma:e its o n selection schedule and plan )ased on the criteria provided ). NIIED, and accept the applications" The. select #"$ times as man. candidates as their 6uota from the pool of applicants and recommend them to NIIED" & !pplicants from 0hina and the 0:ech =epu"lic should su"mit their applications to the >inistr# of Education (or e9uivalent institution) in their respective countr# of origin. in accordance +ith the mutual agreements "et+een Korea and those countries" & 5nl. Korean adoptees ho have foreign citiAenship can appl. for this program via a Korean Em)ass. if their countries of origin are allotted the adoptee 6uota" The. are selected through a separate procedure8 general applicants cannot )e accepted through this application categor." ; (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection 2ommittee selects as man. successful candidates as each em)ass. 6uota amongst the pool of candidates recommended ). the Em)assies" ; (&rd Selection) NIIED su)mits the documents of successful candidates to their 7 universities of indicated preference, and re6uests admission e!amination of the candidates into their master4s or doctoral programs" The universities have to notif. the result of e!amination to the candidates and NIIED ). the designated date" The candidates ho gain admission from more than one universit. ill have to ma:e a final selection, and notif. their respective local Korean Em)ass. and NIIED ). the designated date" 5nl. the candidates ho gain admission ithin the 7rd Selection period can )e accepted as official KGSP scholars"

o -or applicants +ho appl# for KGSP via designated domestic universities ; (1st Selection) Each designated universit. ill draft its o n selection schedule and plan )ased on the criteria provided ). NIIED, and accepts the applications" Each designated universit. ill select up to (- candidates from 8

all of the 6uota1assigned countries and recommend them to NIIED" The. cannot recommend more than 7 candidates from a single countr." ; (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection 2ommittee selects as man. successful candidates as each countr.4s 6uota from all of the candidates recommended ). the universities" The candidates ho are selected in the NIIED Selection 2ommittee ill )e accepted to the universit. hich recommended them, and KGSP scholars upon a successful comprehensive medical e!amination" 10. 8election .riterion o !ll documents including transcript. self;introduction. stud# plan. certificates of language proficienc# (Korean and English). recommendations. pu"lished papers and a+ards. etc . +ill "e evaluated 11. <e(uire" 3ocumentation o Place of su)mission
2/IIE' and -oreign em"assies in Korea are not 1st Selection Institutions and do not accept applications

ill )e finall. accepted as official

2/IIE' accepts and *udges onl# the candidates recommended "# the 1st Selection Institutions 5he# are$ 1 0or applicants (including overseas Korean adoptees) via a Korean em)ass. + the Korean em)ass. in the countr. of origin" &Korean Educational Institutes (Korean Education 2enter or Korean 2ultural 2enter) affiliated countries" 1 0or applicants via a domestic universit. + 5ne of the ,- designated universities o 'eadline of Su"mission $ 5he date set forth "# the 1st Selection Institutions +ithin >arch 2014 & Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED ). the #st Selection Institutions is /pril ##th, (-#;" & If the respective #st Selection Institutions do not su)mit their candidates4 documents to NIIED on time, the. )e e!cluded from the e!amination of NIIED Selection 2ommittee, and their 6uotas other # Institutions4 reserve candidates" o =e9uired documents $ 6ne original document (placed in a separate envelope) and & e4tra copies " & Documents not in English or Korean must )e accompanied ). a complete English or Korean translation authenticated ). the issuing institution or notariAed ). a notar.4s office"

ith the local

Korean em)assies ma. accept applications, and select and recommend candidates in place of em)assies in some


ill )e su)stituted ). the

.hec= ;ist for A''lication 3ocuments :B #ersonal *ata 6&ttachment F:8 ;B Sel/3Introduction 6&ttachment F;8





=B Study #lan 6&ttachment F=8 >B $etter o/ Recommendation 6:8 6&ttachment F>8 9B #ledge 6&ttachment F98 ?B #ersonal edical &ssessment 6&ttachment F?8 H. *iploma or certi/icate o/ graduation /rom undergraduate institution IB .//icial transcript o/ pre)iously attended undergraduate institution6s8 <B *iploma or certi/icate o/ graduation /rom graduate institution :AB .//icial transcript o/ pre)iously attended graduate institution6s8 ::B Certi/icate o/ T.#IK score 6original copy8, i/ applica%le :;B Certi/icate o/ T.E0$ or IE$TS score 6original copy8, i/ applica%le :=B #u%lished papers, i/ applica%le :>B &+ards, i/ applica%le :9B Copy o/ passport 6possi%le to su%mit a/ter selection8 :?B Certi/icate o/ citizenship o/ applicant and hisJher parentsK %irth certi/icate, passport, Certi/icate o/ nationality e,patriation, etcB :HB &doption documents 6@only /or o)erseas Korean adoptees8

G G G G G G 3 3 G G


o Note & Selection for successful candidates ill )e done strictl. ). the NIIED Selection 2ommittee" Therefore, appropriate documents should )e su)mitted ). the deadline" 1 'ual applications are not accepted !pplicants must appl# for this program via onl# one institution 1 Documents should )e presented in their original form" 1 Su)mitted documents ill not )e returned to the applicants" 1 Incomplete or incorrect documents ma. lead to application re9ection or failure in the Selection 2ommittee, and scholarship revocation even after entr. into Korea" 1 In case of su)mitting photocopied documents, applicants must su)mit the original to the # st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated" The confirmation of collation should )e indicated in the photocopied documents" 1 /pplicants ho are e!pected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate@graduate institutions ). /ugust 7#st, (-#;, must su)mit the certificate (or letter) of e!pected graduation issued ). said institutions hen the. appl.8 the official certificate of graduation must )e received ). NIIED ). /ugust 7#st, (-#;" 1 /pplicants must accuratel. complete the health chec:list truthfull." /ll successful candidates must ta:e a comprehensive medical e!am hen its4 orientation" In accordance ith the re6uirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates ho are 9udged to )e ph.sicall. unfit for this program ill not )e accepted" 1 /pplicants ma. su)mit the copies of pu)lished papers, if availa)le" 1 /pplicants ma. su)mit the copies of a ards, if availa)le" & /pplicants must su)mit all the documents ). the chec:list order" (2hec:list for the application documents should )e on the front page, follo ed ). the re6uired documents, stapled and attached") 10

& 5ransferring to a different universit# after confirming the host universit# is not permitted in an# cases In regards to changing ma9ors, it concerned onl. ould )e permitted onl. under the mutual agreement of the departments ith the scholarship period unchanged" (( .ears of 3aster4s, or 7 ithin the same universit.,

.ears of doctoral, in total)" Bo ever, 6uitting a program and for a ne one is not permitted" 12. 8election 8che"ule o /pplication Period + 0e)"7rd < 3ar" 7#st (decided ). the #st Selection Institution) o The #st Selection + The end of 3arch (decided ). the #st Selection Institution) o Deadline for Fecommendation to NIIED + /pril ##th (/ll documents must )e received ). NIIED") o The (nd Selection + 3id to End1/pril (NIIED Selection 2ommittee) o /nnouncement for the Fesults of the (nd Selection + 3a. #st (posted on GKS e)sites) o /dmission Procedures for the Korean Em)assies4 candidates+ 3a. (n<3a. 7-th o /nnouncement for 0inal Successful 2andidates + Hune #%th (GKS e)sites1 o Cisa Issue and /ir tic:et purchase + Hune #= < Hul. 7# o Entr. into Korea + /ugust ($th < /ugust (%th o NIIED 5rientation + /ugust (=th < /ugust ('th o Korean ?anguage 2ourse + Septem)er #st 1!. 7or further information# 'lease contact : o 1st Institutions $ =efer to The Contact Information of Korean Embassies and Universities in the attachment ?@ o KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education (NIIED) 1 /ddress+ I(-$ NIIED, =# E ha9ang1gil, Hongno1gu, Seoul, ##-1=#-, Fepu)lic of Korea 1 ""go":r Korean version+ J English version+ Korean Government Scholarship Program J Notice 1 Phone+ >=(1(17,,=1#7,;, >=(1(17,,=1#7=' 1 0a!+ >=(1(1%;71;''( 1 Email+ niiedKmoe"go":r 10. Other useful 2ebsites Bigher Education in Korea ?earning Korean *nderstanding of Korean culture 5verseas Korean em)assies Cisa and Fegistration http+@@hei:""go":r http+@@ ":osnet"go":r http+@@:orea"net http+@@ "mofa"go":r http+@@immigration"go":r
th st


1 . A''lication 7orm : )<efer to the attachments-



&Do not rite in this area"

!"# $%&'(

(0hec, 7ist for !pplication 'ocuments)

)*+, (Institute of !pplication) $
- (0onfirmer) $ (Signature)


#) ()

Name of /pplicant+ (given@first name) 2ountr. + L 3aster4s

(famil.@last name)

7) Desired Degree Program +

(2Please tic, (A) in the appropriate "o4 )

L Doctoral

!pplication 'ocuments 2hec: ?ist #" Personal Data (/ttachment I#) (" Self Introduction (/ttachment I() 7" Stud. Plan (/ttachment I7) ;" ?etter of Fecommendation (/ttachment I;) $" Pledge (/ttachment I$) ," PEFS5N/? 3EDI2/? /SSESS3ENT (/ttachment I,) %" Diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution =" 5fficial transcripts N student records from undergraduate institution '" Diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution #-" 5fficial transcripts N student records from graduate institution ##" 2ertificate of Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (original cop. of T5PIK), if applica)le #(" 2ertificate of T5E0? or IE?TS Score (original cop.), if applica)le #7" Pu)lished papers, if applica)le #;" / ards, if applica)le #$" 2op. of passport #," 2ertificate of citiAenship of applicant and his@her parents+ )irth certificate, passport, 2ertificate of nationalit. e!patriation, etc" #%" /doption documents (&onl. for overseas Korean adoptees)

Su"mission(B8/) Mes No

/ttachment I#

( ) (6nl# for !pplicants (including Korean adoptees) +ho appl# for this program via an Em"ass# of Korea)

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) !pplication -orm for Graduate Stud#
&Please tic: (O ) a )o! that applies to .ou"


1 2 & 4

./+, (Institute of =ecommendation) L 0, (Em)ass.) ./ 12 (5#pe of =ecommendation) L 34./(General) L 56(Korean /doptee) 7 ('egree 0ourse of !pplication) L 87 (3aster4s) L 97 (Doctoral) :;<= ('esired -ield of Stud#) L >?<= (Bumanities and Social Sciences) L @<= (Natural Sciences and Technolog.) L A$B<= (/rts and Ph.sical Education) CD@* E (56PIK %F 1F GH ) I - (6nl# for 56PIK 7evel % and 7evel 1 holders) 256PIK 7evel % and 1 holders must start their stud#ing from Sep 1. 2014) L Sep #, (-#;

J (Personal 'ata)

Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. KL MN(Given name) + K(0amil. name) + L 3ale (0ull Name) L 0emale & Name should )e spelled the same as in the passport and in English" OP3 (Date of Dirth) R (2ountr.) ST (Passport) O(....) P(mm) 3(dd) QM(/ge+

L Single (Photo 7&;) L 3arried )

J (2itiAenship) (Num)er) (Date of Issue) (Date of e!pir.)

@UV (2ontact Information) &onl. applicant4s o n WXY (Information concerning applicant4s most recent education)

/ddress+ Tel" ( ) E1mail+ \]R@^_ (2ountr.@2it.) L Dachelor L 3aster a (/cademic 3a9or)

DBY (?anguage Proficienc.) Pu)lished papers, if availa)le(one or t o) / ards, if availa)le (one or t o) ef (/ *niversit.)

WXZ[(A) (Name of previousl. attended *niv") ` (/cademic Degree recentl. a arded) WX`b>c (Title of graduation dissertation, if availa)le) dDKJ (English Proficienc.)

T5E0? IE?TS Score +

Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (onl. T5PIK)

?evel+ L# L( L7 L; L$ L, Score+

fL (Name of *niv")

L (0acult.)

7L (Department)

a (/cademic 3a9or)


*niversit. # *niversit. ( *niversit. 7 Y (/cademic 2areer) +g (Period) < KJ (Transc ripts) &M* +jk +0
(onl. terms attended)

L (Name of *niv")

\]R (2ountr.)

ahi (/cademic 3a9or)

GH` (Diploma or Degree)

School Mear Term Dachel1 or 3aster # @ @

#st .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

(nd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

7rd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

;th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

$th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @

lm ln (GP/)

opn* (converted score) /100

q[ rs @tuY (5ccupation or Fesearch 2areer)

+ g (Period)

+ , L (Institution or compan.)

q v (Position)

w][x (5peration or Dut.)

7y Cz"{ y | }~ $# (Previous Cisits to Korea) * (Previous Scholarship / ards Feceived from Korean institutions)

+ g (Period)

(Purpose of Sta.)

(2it. or Fegion)

y|k}~k$#,+, (5rganiAation 2oncerned)

+,L (Sponsor)

(/mount) (*SP@.ear) ( ( O(....) @ ) @ ) 3(dd) (signature)

*+g (Period)


/pplicantQs Name +

& GP/(Grade Point /verage) must )e converted on a ma!imum scale of #-- points (converted points) & See /ttachment I% & 0ill out )oth the records of Dachelor4s N 3aster4s in the case of those for Doctoral programs

/ttachment I#

(6nl# for !pplicants +ho appl# for this program via a 'esignated (niversit#)

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) !pplication -orm for Graduate Stud#
&Please tic: (O ) a )o! that applies to .ou"


1 ./+, (Institute of =ecommendation) L f (Korean *niversit.) 2 ./ 12 (5#pe of =ecommendation) L 34./(General) & 7 ('egree 0ourse of !pplication) L 87 (3aster4s) L 97 (Doctoral) 4 :;<= ('esired -ield of Stud#) L >?<= (Bumanities and Social Sciences) L @<= (Natural Sciences and Technolog.) L A$B<= (/rts and Ph.sical Education) % CD@* E (56PIK %F 1F GH ) I - (6nl# for 56PIK 7evel % and 7evel 1 holders) 256PIK 7evel % and 1 holders must start their stud#ing from Sep 1. 2014) L Sep #, (-#;

J (Personal 'ata)

Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. KL MN(Given name) + K(0amil. name) + L 3ale (0ull Name) L 0emale & Name should )e spelled the same as in the passport and in English" OP3 (Date of Dirth) R (2ountr.) ST (Passport) O(....) P(mm) 3(dd) QM(/ge+

L Single (Photo 7&;) L 3arried )

J (2itiAenship) (Num)er) (Date of Issue) (Date of e!pir.)

@UV (2ontact Information) &onl. applicant4s o n WXY (Information concerning applicant4s most recent education)

/ddress+ Tel" ( ) E1mail+ \]R@^_ (2ountr.@2it.) L Dachelor L 3aster a (/cademic 3a9or)

DBY (?anguage Proficienc.) Pu)lished papers, if availa)le(one or t o) / ards, if availa)le (one or t o) ef (/ *niversit.)

WXZ[(A) (Name of previousl. attended *niv") ` (/cademic Degree recentl. a arded) WX`b>c (Title of graduation dissertation, if availa)le) dDKJ (English Proficienc.)

T5E0? IE?TS Score +

Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (onl. T5PIK)

?evel+ L# L( L7 L; L$ L, Score+

fL (Name of *niv")

L (0acult.)

7L (Department)

a (/cademic 3a9or)


Y (/cademic 2areer)

+g (Period) <

L (Name of *niv")

\]R (2ountr.)

ahi (/cademic 3a9or)

GH` (Diploma or Degree)

#st .ear KJ School Mear (Transc ripts) Term # ( 7 &M* +jk Dachel1 @ @ @ or +0 @ @ @ (onl. 3aster terms attende d) q[ rs @tuY (5ccupation or Fesearch 2areer)

(nd .ear # @ @ ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

7rd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

;th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

$th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @

lm ln (GP/)

opn* (converted score) /100

+ g (Period)

+ , L (Institution or compan.)

q v (Position)

w][x (5peration or Dut.)

7y Cz"{ y | }~ $# (Previous Cisits to Korea) * (Previous Scholarship / ards Feceived from Korean institutions)

+ g (Period)

(Purpose of Sta.)

(2it. or Fegion)

y|k}~k$#,+, (5rganiAation 2oncerned)

+,L (Sponsor)

(/mount) (*SP@.ear) ( ( O(....) @ ) @ ) 3(dd) (signature)

*+g (Period)


/pplicantQs Name +

& GP/(Grade Point /verage) must )e converted on a ma!imum scale of #-- points (converted points) & See /ttachment "I% & 0ill out )oth the records of Dachelor4s N 3aster4s in the case of those for Doctoral programs


/ttachment I( + (Self Introduction) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using blac in . (in !orean or in "nglish) (*10 points)

o Mour course of life, .our vie of life, stud. )ac:ground, .our hopes N ishes, etc o Mour education and or: e!perience, etc", in relation to the KGSP program o Mour motivations for for this program o Feason for stud. in Korea


/ttachment I7 [< (Stud# * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using blac in . (*10 points) Goal of stud. N Stud. Plan


o #oal of study$ title or sub%ect of research$ and detailed study plan

0uture Plan after Stud.

o &uture plan in !orea or another country after study in !orea


/ttachment I;

7etter of =ecommendation
5o the applicant+ Please fill in .our name and the other re6uired information )elo " In turn, deliver or email this form to the person ho ill rite this letter" /65E$ Fe6uest .our recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and sign across the )ac: flap upon completion" Fecommendation letters that are not sealed and signed ill not )e accepted" 0onfidential Name of /pplicant+ (given name) Nationalit.+ Desired Degree Program+ L 3aster4s Desired 3a9or+ L Doctoral (famil. name)

5o the recommender+ The person named a)ove has applied for the RKorean Government Scholarship Program4" Ge as: for .our assistance, and ould appreciate .our fran: and candid appraisal of the applicant" * Please type or print clearly using black ink. #" Bo long have .ou :no n the applicant and in hat relationshipS

Please assess the applicantQs 6ualities in the evaluation ta)le given )elo " Fate the applicant compared to other classmates ho are@ ere in the same school .ear ith him@her" Trul. E!cellent Cer. Good Good Delo /verage E!ceptional 2lassification N@/ Top (E Top #-E Top ($E 3iddle $-E ?o er ($E /cademic /chievement 0uture /cademic Potential Integrit. Fesponsi)ilit.@Independence 2reativit.@5riginalit. 2ommunication S:ills Interpersonal s:ills ?eadership (" Ghat do .ou consider to )e the applicant4s strengthsS


7" Ghat do .ou consider to )e the applicant4s ea:nessesS

;" Bo

ell do .ou thin: the applicant has thought out plans for graduate stud.S

$" Please comment on the applicant4s performance record, potential, or personal 6ualities considering the applicant4s application for the proposed degree program"

hich .ou )elieve

ould )e helpful in

Fecommender4s Name Fecommender4s Signature Position or Title+ *niversit. (Institution)+ /ddress+


(Aip1code+ Tel+ 0a!+

Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the "ac, to the applicant Ce greatl# appreciate #our timeliness regarding this letter for #our recommendee


/ttachment I$ DKorean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Stud#E

Pledge ("" ) /s an applicant for the (-#; TKorean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Stud.U, I pledge to a)ide ). the follo ing rules$ (#) To refrain from violation of universit. regulations and to fulfill m. o)ligations as a KGSP scholar to the )est of m. a)ilit." (() To )ehave in a manner appropriate to Korean culture and societ., and not to participate in an. form of political activit. (such as organiAing a political part., 9oining a political part., attending political meetings, pu)lishing political articles and declarations, organiAing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on)" (7) To accept responsi)ilit. for an. de)ts incurred in Korea (;) To agree ith NIIEDQs decision concerning the graduate program and the Korean language course ($) To a)ide ). all terms and regulations set ). NIIED" (,) To permit NIIED to use m. personal information for the KGSP" If I am proved to have violated an. of the a)ove or to have made a false statement in m. application documents, I shall accept an. resolution or penalt. made ). NIIED, even hen it ma.@might result in suspension, revocation or ithdra al of m. scholarship" I as informed and full. understand that KGSP scholars are not permitted to transfer schools for the entire duration of scholarship after confirming their host institution including Korean language institution"

(....)" (mm)" (dd)" /pplicant4s Name + (signature)


/ttachment I,

PE=S6/!7 >E'I0!7 !SSESS>E/5

/pplicants are not re6uired to undergo an authoriAed medical e!am )efore passing the ( nd Selection ith NIIED8 ho ever, all successful candidates must ta:e a comprehensive medical e!am hen its4 orientation (including an BIC and TDPE drug test&&, etc) in accordance ith the re6uirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP" If the results sho that the applicant is unfit to stud. and live overseas more than 7 .ears, he@she ma. )e dis6ualified"
&&The TDPE (tetra)romophenolphthalein eth.l ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulant drugs"

Gender+ 1





Ghen and for hat reason did .ou last consult a ph.sicianS (Please e!plain in the ad9acent space") V*ESTI5N MES N5 I0 MES, P?E/SE EWP?/IN

Bave .ou ever had an infectious disease that posed a ris: to pu)lic health (such as, )ut not limited to, tu)erculosis, FIG and other S5's)S #" allergiesS (" high )lood pressureS 7" dia)etesS ;" an. of BepatitisS

Bave .ou ever suffered from or )een treated for depression, an!iet., or an. other mental or mood disorderS (If .ou have received treatment, please e!plain and attach an official medical report") Bave .ou ever )een addicted to alcoholS Bave .ou ever a)used an. narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen or other su)stance ( hether legal or prohi)ited)S If necessar., are .ou prepared to undergo ph.sical tests to verif. the ans ers given in response to 6uestions and a)oveS Bave .ou )een hospitaliAed in the last t o (() .earsS Bave .ou had an. serious in9ur., ailment or sic:ness in the last five ($) .earsS Do .ou have an. visual or hearing impairmentsS Do .ou have an. ph.sical disa)ilitiesS Do .ou have an. cognitive@mental disa)ilitiesS /re .ou ta:ing an. prescri)ed medicationS /re .ou on a special dietS 5n average, ho man. standard servings of alcohol do .ou consume each ee:S


/ttachment I%

GP! 0onversion 5a"le

4 0 Scale 7"'% < ;"7"'( < 7"', 7"== < 7"'# 7"=; < 7"=% 7"=- < 7"=7 7"%$ < 7"%' 7"%# < 7"%; 7",% < 7"%7",( < 7",, 7"$= < 7",# 7";' < 7"$% 7";# < 7";= 7"7( < 7";7"(; < 7"7# 7"#$ < 7"(7 7"-% < 7"#; ("'= < 7"-, ("'- < ("'% ("=# < ("=' ("%( < ("=(",; < ("%#
/ttachment I=

4 & Scale ;"(, < ;"7 ;"(( < ;"($ ;"#% < ;"(# ;"#( < ;"#, ;"-= < ;"## ;"-7 < ;"-% 7"'= < ;"-( 7"'7 < 7"'% 7"=' < 7"'( 7"=; < 7"== 7"%$ < 7"=7 7",$ < 7"%; 7"$, < 7",; 7";, < 7"$$ 7"7% < 7";$ 7"(% < 7"7, 7"#= < 7"(, 7"-' < 7"#% ("'' < 7"-= ("'- < ("'= ("=- < ("='

4 % Scale ;";, < ;"$ ;";# < ;";$ ;"7, < ;";;"7# < ;"7$ ;"(, < ;"7;"(# < ;"($ ;"#, < ;"(;"## < ;"#$ ;"-, < ;"#;"-# < ;"-$ 7"'# < ;"-7"=# < 7"'7"%# < 7"=7",# < 7"%7"$# < 7",7";# < 7"$7"7# < 7";7"(# < 7"77"## < 7"(7"-# < 7"#("'# < 7"--

% 0 Scale ;"'$ < $"-;"'- < ;"'; ;"=; < ;"=' ;"%' < ;"=7 ;"%7 < ;"%= ;",= < ;"%( ;",( < ;",% ;"$% < ;",# ;"$# < ;"$, ;";$ < ;"$;"7; < ;";; ;"(7 < ;"77 ;"#( < ;"(( ;"-# < ;"## 7"'- < ;"-7"%' < 7"=' 7",= < 7"%= 7"$% < 7",% 7";$ < 7"$, 7"7; < 7";; 7"(7 < 7"77

100 Points Scale #-'' '= '% ', '$ '; '7 '( '# '=' == =% =, =$ =; =7 =( =# =-

0ontact Information of the 1st Selection Institutions

Korean Em"assies (or 0onsulates)

# ( 7 ; $ , % = ' ### #( #7 #; #$ #, #% #= #' ((# (( (7 (; ($ (, (% (= ('

/fghanistan /lgeria /ngola XNami)iaY /rgentina /ustralia /ustria XSloveniaY /Aer)ai9an XGeorgiaY Dahrain Dangladesh XDhutanY Delarus Delgium Dolivia Drasil Drunei Dulgaria 2am)odia

'71(-1(#-1(;=# (#7 (-)(# $; ,$ $$ (>(;;) ((( --, -,%<= ($;1##) ;=-(1 ',,$@==,$@=-,(@-'(7 (,# () ,(%-1;#-(;71#) ;%=1#''# ('';1#() $',1%'-#17 '%71#%$7 ##((==-() ==#1(-==<'-, ==#1(-;# (7%$1#%) 7-,1-#;%1' 7( (-)( ,%$ $% %% ($'#) (1(##1-7,#<7 ($$1,#)77(#1($-(,%7) (77-(;=, (77-(;', (77-($(7$'1() '%#1(#=# (=$$1(7)(## '--@7

'71(-1(#-1(%($ (#7 (-)(# $; ,$ %(>(;;) ((( --, -,, ($;1##) ;=-71,''7 (,# () ,(%71;=7' (;71#) ;%=1#-#7 ('';1#() $',1%'-; '%71#%$7 ##;-, -$%% (==-() ==(17=%# (7%$1#%) 7-,1-#,7( (-)( ,%$ $( (# ($'#) ((## -7,$ ($$1,#)77(#1($-= (,%7) (771-($; (7$'1() '%#177== (=$$1(7)(#' (-(7%1(((-17%$% (,#7) (;;1$-;7, ,#71 (;;1$-7; ($#;) =;$1###' ($,1() ((-, (7$$ (=,1#-)=$7#1-%(, ($%#) ,#-1-77= ($-,)(((-17#,= ((($)((;=1,%$% (7;1-'-1;$(;7) (-)#1$-$ ---$ ;$ 7' ;, -; (( (#1=-') ;=(1,$-;

:a)ulKmofa"go":r :oemalKmofa"go":r :orem)ass.ZangolaKmofa"go":r argentinaKmofa"go":r australiaKmofat"go":r mailK:oreaem)"at aAerem)Kmofat"go":r :oreanem)ass.")ahrainKgmail"com em)dha:aKmofa"go":r )elem)Kmofat"go":r eu:oreaKmofa"go":r corea)oliviaKgmail"com em)1)rKmofa"go":r )runeiKmofa"go":r :orean1em)ass.Kmofat"go":r cam)odiaKmofa"go":r cameroonKmofa"go":r canadaKmofa"go":r montrealKmofa"go":r em)a9adadecoreaenchileKgmail"com (2S2 contact info) ,,-'7'--@==7'7,#' em)acoreaKmofa"go":r :ocoKmofa"go":r am)coa)9Kmofat"go":r croatiaKmofa"go":r cAechKmofa"go":r am)1congoKmofat"go":r :orem)d:Kmofat"go":r em)codKmofa"go":r

2ameroon (7%1(((-17%$,, ,(7%1(((-1;#(% X2entral /frican Fepu)licY 2anada XVue)ec(montreal)Y 2hile 2hina 2olom)ia 2osta Fica 2ote dQivoire XDur:ina 0aso, NigerY 2roatia 2Aech DF 2ongo X2ongoY Denmar: XGreenlandY Dominica XDahamas, BaitiY (,#7) (;;1$-#($#;) =;$1($$$ ($,1() (((= ;(#; (=,1#-) =$7#1-%-($%#) ,#,1%(--, =#;', ==%( ($-,)(((-17#,-, 7#,,, 7#$' ((($)((;=1,%-#@((;=1,%-7 7=$1(-)#1;=(#1(=( (7;1-'-1;## (;7) (-)#1$-7 $--#<; ;$ 7' ;, -; -(#1=-') ;=(1,$-$


77# 7( 77 7; 7$ 7, 7% 7= 7' ;;# ;( ;7 ;; ;$ ;, ;% ;= ;' $$# $( $7 $;

Ecuador El Salvador Ethiopia XD9i)outi, Se.chellesY 0i9i 0inland XEstoniaY 0rance Ga)on XE6uatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and PrincipeY German. Ghana XDenin, TogoY Greece X/l)aniaY Guatemala Bonduras Bungar. India Indonesia Iran Ira6 Ireland Israel Ital. Hamaica Hapan Hordan KaAa:hstan

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

$'71(1('=1%#(% 7%,#1#(7= ($-7) ((,71-%=7 (($#1##)71%( =# #$ (,%') 77-1=-$' (7$=1')($# $--$$ (--(;#) -#%71''-$ ;'1(-)((=17%(1%='; (>(7717-) (%%1(7#7 7-1(#-1,'=1;-=7 ($-() (7=(1;-$% ($-;) ((7$1$$,; (7,1#) 7$#1##=( ('#1##) (,==1;=;,(1(#1(',%1($$, ('=) (#1==-$1;='' 7$7 (-)# ,,- =%#, ('%()'1'$,1'=$7 (7')-,1=-(;1,($' (#1=%,) '(;1%7($ (=#17)7;$(1%;(',(1,)$'71-(=%1%(%1(;,1'-##

ecuadorKmofa"go":r eg.ptKmofa"go":r em)coreaKmofa"go":r ethiopiaKmofa"go":r :orem)f9Kmofa"go":r :orem)fiKmofa"go":r frnZeducnKmest"go":r ga)on1am)coreeKmofa"go":r admin1)nKmofa"go":r ghanaKmofa"go":r grem)Kmofa"go":r :orem)s.Kmofa"go":r coreaem)a9adaKmofa"go":r hungar.Kmofa"go":r indiaKmofa"go":r :orem)ZinKmofa"go":r em)1irKmofa"go":r :em)ira6Kmofa"go":r ire:orem)Kmofa"go":r israelKmofa"go":r consul1itKmofa"go":r 9amaicaKmofa"go":r 9ordanKmofa"go":r alma:oreaKmofat"go":r


$$ $, $% $= $' ,,# ,( ,7 ,; ,$ ,, ,% ,= ,' %%# %( %7 %; %$ %, %% %= %' ==# =(

Ken.a X3auritius, SomaliaY Ku ait K.rg.Astan ?ao PDF ?atvia XFigaY ?e)anon XS.riaY ?i).a 3ala.sia 3e!ico XDeliAeY 3ongolia 3orocco X3auritaniaY 3.anmar Nepal Netherlands Ne [ealand Nicaragua Nigeria X?i)eria, Sierra ?eoneY Nor a. 5man Pa:istan Palestine Panama Papua Ne Guinea XSolomon Is"Y Paragua. Peru Philippines Poland X?ithuaniaY Portugal

($;1(-17%;1''7#<; (',$) ($7%1=,(#@(@7 (>'',)7#(1$%1$'(7, $%1$'%;, $,1 -(%# =$,1(#17$(1-7#<7 7%#1,%7(1;(%7 (',#)1 $1'$7#,%<' ((#=1(#) ;=71#7((@#7(7@#7(, (,-7) ;($#1(77, $(1$$1$(-(1'=,, ('%,1##) 7(1#$;= (-$7%) %$1#%,%, ,%'#, ,%(,, #',, '$1#1$(%#;(<;, ('%%1#) ;(%-#%(, ;(%%7'#, ;(%-;#% 7#1%-17$=1,-%, ()-%-17$=1,-%,) (,;1;);%71'-%7@; ($-$)(($;1=##-, =#-% (7;1(-)'1 ;,#1(%-# (;%) (( $; %- '(',=)(;,'#;'-,(;,'#;'#,(;,'#; '( ('(1$#) ((%1'7=-@#, ((%1'7=$@,@% '%(1(1(;-1(=;,@(=;% $-%1(,;1=(-7, =7,(,%$) 7(#1$=((, $=(7, $=(; ($'$1(#) ,-$1,-, ($#1#) ,7(1$--(,71() =$,1'(#(;=1(() $$'1('--<-; 7$# (# %'7 %(--

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Korean (niversities
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2hon)u: National *niversit.

2honnam National *niversit. 34f Grad" Sch"

f 2hung1/ng *niversit.

f Grad" Sch" of International

Grad" Sch" of /dvanced Imaging Science, 3ultimedia N 0ilm




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2hung)u: National *niversit.

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2hungnam National *niversit.

ftf Daegu *niversit. faf Dae9eon *niversit. f Dong1/ *niversit. f Donggu: *niversit. "f Dongseo *niversit.




MS f E ha Gomans *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International

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|f Gangneung1Gon9u National *niversit. uf G.eongsang National *niversit. Cf Ball.m *niversit. Cf Bandong Glo)al *niversit. CDf
Ban:u: *niversit. of 0oreign Studies

Cf Bannam *niversit. C6f Ban.ang *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch"


f Bongi: *niversit.


# f Inha *niversit. 34f Grad" Sch" #a>f GS? f In9e *niversit. |f He9u National *niversit. a|f Heon9u *niversit. C7+
Korea /dvanced Institute of Science and Technolog. (K/IST)


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Kang on National *niversit.

/ 2huncheon capmus Samcheo: campus


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KDI School of Pu)lic Polic. and 3anagement

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<Lf Keim.ung *niversit. |f

Kong9u National *niversit.

f Kon:u: *niversit. f Koo:min *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International


sonc)K:oo:min"ac":r graduate#K:orea"ac":r gsisK:orea"ac":r


f Korea *niversit.


C+ f Korea *niversit. of Technolog. and Education (K5FE/TE2B) 7f

Kumoh National Institute of Technolog.



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K.ungpoo: National *niversit.

uKf :.ungsung *niversit. Lf 3.ong9i *niversit. 0f Pai 2hai *niversit.(P2*) -7f

Pohang *niversit. of Science and Technolog. (P5STE2B)


grad1admissionKpostech"ac":r sshinKp:nu"ac":r

uf National *niversit.

pf Pusan National *niversit. "7+ f

Seoul National *niversit. of Science and Technolog.


g:spnuKpusan"ac":r choiZ.elimKseoultech"ac":r



"f Seoul National *niversit. "f Sogang *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International

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uda>f Grad" Sch" of Dusiness ?f

Grad" Sch" of Social Gelfare






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97 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

7" [<" Stud. Plan (/ttachment I7) ;" ./" ?etter of Fecommendation(#) (/ttachment I;) $" "" Pledge (/ttachment I$) ," R$%&'( PEFS5N/? 3EDI2/? /SSESS3ENT(/ttachment I,)

%" `(A)L" Diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution =" 7KJL" 5fficial Transcript from undergraduate institution '" 8`(A)L" Diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution #-" 87KJL" 5fficial Transcript from graduate institution ##" CDBYL"(\] j) 2ertificate of Korean ?anguage (5riginal cop. of T5PIK), if applica)le #(" dDBYL"(\] j) 2ertificate of English ?anguage (5riginal cop. of T5E0?, T5EI2 or IE?TS), if applica)le #7" ub>(\] #;" *J(\] j) Pu)lished papers, if applica)le j) / ards, if applica)le

#$" ST 2op. of passport #," J , -" 2ertificate of citiAenship of applicant and Bis@Ber Parents, Dirth certificate, Passport, 2ertificate of nationalit. e!patriation etc" #%" 56 -" (\ C56{ uzj !) /doption Documents (onl. for overseas Korean adoptees) u_~ \] j !


/IIE' A ~ `? (100M )z" B _ i "#! R * 1k 4_ kk k #k kk k +, kk (k , kk k }~ kk k f kk )k kk k \" kk k \i kk k kk ,k M{ kk k u kk k Afz" kk k O k 1 _ ./+,z !C "# 7 +{ 3$~ 4o ~l 1 !"#{ +0MM 7 K u B V& 1 t"#R uz~ C WXAz"

1 s ./+,(, }~ f) }~ x{ f Di 1 Z[A 1 ~ Z[AL" ! (-#;"="7#3q r Z[L" !\i

R$%&'(~ { cS - +0Si , (@ B C rTIz" + g *M Dv c d _ B V&O (5 Cz~ w ZO)

1 u b>Js b> ! (#<() 40

1 *Js u (./+,z" f -) ~ 5fM - C D C uz^ f \ u * k . 3f z" 7 \ us f{ z RBQ . 7 \ u C z^ +gs \ (7 \ u Ma+g7 k 8 2O . 9 &Oj )

12 C .I 3
o " )*+C + ("7<7"7# #@ ./+,(, }~ f)z" C +g o #@ a2(./+,) + #@ ./+,z" C +g o #@ C o (@ C o (@ B o WX B o ./+C(NIIEDz "# ^W) + (-#;" ;"##" A(NIIED) + (-#;" ;P u(NIIED) + (-#;" $" # f5a2 + (-#;" $"( < $"7u + (-#;" ,"#%

o (@ , ./

F 7 T t5(53 ) + (-#;" ,"#= < %"7-

o 5(/ 5) + (-#;" ="($ < ="(% o &e"Mf + (-#;" ="(= < ="(' o CD @* _a + (-#;" '"#

1& + z ,C s > +,z >{+ H

o R{ C, 7 ` ; f Jj @{ @UV G K o 06K o | + ()##-1=#- "_ Xt M =# (-$ o M + ""go":r

Korean version+ J English version+ Korean Government Scholarship Program J Notice o a + >=(1(17,,=1#7,;, >=(1(17,,=1#7=' o ' + >=(1(1%;71;''( o Email+ niiedKmoe"go":r

14 + 1 M C M(
o CD o C>M\ o 0C, o 5 7 $# o +, f '& http+@@ ":osnet"go":r http+@@:orea"net http+@@ "mofa"go":r

http+@@immigration"go":r http+@@ ""go":r@ 41


&Do not rite in this area"

1% " 6 r $ Jj G K

!"# $%&'(

(0hec, 7ist for !pplication 'ocuments)

)*+, (Institute of !pplication) $
- (0onfirmer) $ (Signature)

#) Name of /pplicant+ (given@first name) () 2ountr. + 7) Desired Degree Program + L 3aster4s

(famil.@last name)

L Doctoral


(2Please tic, (A) in the appropriate "o4 ) !pplication 'ocuments 2hec: ?ist #" Personal Data (/ttachment I#) (" Self Introduction (/ttachment I() 7" Stud. Plan (/ttachment I7) ;" ?etter of Fecommendation (/ttachment I;) $" Pledge (/ttachment I$) ," PEFS5N/? 3EDI2/? /SSESS3ENT (/ttachment I,) %" Diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution =" 5fficial transcripts N student records from undergraduate institution '" Diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution #-" 5fficial transcripts N student records from graduate institution ##" 2ertificate of Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (original cop. of T5PIK), if applica)le #(" 2ertificate of T5E0? or IE?TS Score (original cop.), if applica)le #7" Pu)lished papers, if applica)le #;" / ards, if applica)le #$" 2op. of passport #," 2ertificate of citiAenship of applicant and his@her parents+ )irth certificate, passport, 2ertificate of nationalit. e!patriation, etc" #%" /doption documents (&onl. for overseas Korean adoptees) Su"mission(B8/) Mes No

/ttachment I#

( ) (6nl# for !pplicants (including Korean adoptees) +ho appl# for this program via an Em"ass# of Korea)

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) !pplication -orm for Graduate Stud#
&Please tic: (O ) a )o! that applies to .ou"

& &

./+, (Institute of =ecommendation) L 0, (Em)ass.) ./ 12 (5#pe of =ecommendation) 43

L 34./(General) L 56(Korean /doptee) & 7 ('egree 0ourse of !pplication) L 87 (3aster4s) L 97 (Doctoral) 4 :;<= ('esired -ield of Stud#) L >?<= (Bumanities and Social Sciences) L @<= (Natural Sciences and Technolog.) L A$B<= (/rts and Ph.sical Education) % CD@* E (56PIK %F 1F GH ) I - (6nl# for 56PIK 7evel % and 7evel 1 holders) 256PIK 7evel % and 1 holders must start their stud#ing from Sep 1. 2014) L Sep #, (-#;

J (Personal 'ata)

Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. KL MN(Given name) + K(0amil. name) + L 3ale (0ull Name) L 0emale & Name should )e spelled the same as in the passport and in English" OP3 (Date of Dirth) R (2ountr.) ST (Passport) O(....) P(mm) 3(dd) QM(/ge+

L Single (Photo 7&;) L 3arried )

J (2itiAenship) (Num)er) (Date of Issue) (Date of e!pir.)

@UV (2ontact Information) &onl. applicant4s o n WXY (Information concerning applicant4s most recent education)

/ddress+ Tel" ( ) E1mail+ \]R@^_ (2ountr.@2it.) L Dachelor L 3aster a (/cademic 3a9or)

DBY (?anguage Proficienc.) Pu)lished papers, if availa)le(one or t o) / ards, if availa)le (one or t o) ef (/ *niversit.) *niversit. # *niversit. ( *niversit. 7

WXZ[(A) (Name of previousl. attended *niv") ` (/cademic Degree recentl. a arded) WX`b>c (Title of graduation dissertation, if availa)le) dDKJ (English Proficienc.)

T5E0? IE?TS Score +

Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (onl. T5PIK)

?evel+ L# L( L7 L; L$ L, Score+

fL (Name of *niv")

L (0acult.)

7L (Department)

a (/cademic 3a9or)


Y (/cademic 2areer)

+g (Period) <

L (Name of *niv")

\]R (2ountr.)

ahi (/cademic 3a9or)

GH` (Diploma or Degree)

KJ (Transc ripts) &M* +jk +0

(onl. terms attended)

School Mear Term Dachel1 or 3aster # @ @

# .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @


(nd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

7rd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

;th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

$th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @

lm ln (GP/)

opn* (converted score) /100

q[ rs @tuY (5ccupation or Fesearch 2areer)

+ g (Period)

+ , L (Institution or compan.)

q v (Position)

w][x (5peration or Dut.)

7y Cz"{ y | }~ $# (Previous Cisits to Korea) * (Previous Scholarship / ards Feceived from Korean institutions)

+ g (Period)

(Purpose of Sta.)

(2it. or Fegion)

y|k}~k$#,+, (5rganiAation 2oncerned)

+,L (Sponsor)

(/mount) (*SP@.ear) ( ( O(....) @ ) @ ) 3(dd) (signature)

*+g (Period)


/pplicantQs Name +

& GP/(Grade Point /verage) must )e converted on a ma!imum scale of #-- points (converted points) & See /ttachment I% & 0ill out )oth the records of Dachelor4s N 3aster4s in the case of those for Doctoral programs

/ttachment I#

(6nl# for !pplicants +ho appl# for this program via a 'esignated (niversit#)

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) !pplication -orm for Graduate Stud#
&Please tic: (O ) a )o! that applies to .ou"

1 ./+, (Institute of =ecommendation) L f (Korean *niversit.) 4 ./ 12 (5#pe of =ecommendation) L 34./(General) 45

& 7 ('egree 0ourse of !pplication) L 87 (3aster4s) L 97 (Doctoral) 4 :;<= ('esired -ield of Stud#) L >?<= (Bumanities and Social Sciences) L @<= (Natural Sciences and Technolog.) L A$B<= (/rts and Ph.sical Education) % CD@* E (56PIK %F 1F GH ) I - (6nl# for 56PIK 7evel % and 7evel 1 holders) 256PIK 7evel % and 1 holders must start their stud#ing from Sep 1. 2014) L Sep #, (-#;

J (Personal 'ata)

Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. KL MN(Given name) + K(0amil. name) + L 3ale (0ull Name) L 0emale & Name should )e spelled the same as in the passport and in English" OP3 (Date of Dirth) R (2ountr.) ST (Passport) O(....) P(mm) 3(dd) QM(/ge+

L Single (Photo 7&;) L 3arried )

J (2itiAenship) (Num)er) (Date of Issue) (Date of e!pir.)

@UV (2ontact Information) &onl. applicant4s o n WXY (Information concerning applicant4s most recent education)

/ddress+ Tel" ( ) E1mail+ \]R@^_ (2ountr.@2it.) L Dachelor L 3aster a (/cademic 3a9or)

DBY (?anguage Proficienc.) Pu)lished papers, if availa)le(one or t o) / ards, if availa)le (one or t o) ef (/ *niversit.)

WXZ[(A) (Name of previousl. attended *niv") ` (/cademic Degree recentl. a arded) WX`b>c (Title of graduation dissertation, if availa)le) dDKJ (English Proficienc.)

T5E0? IE?TS Score +

Korean ?anguage Proficienc. (onl. T5PIK)

?evel+ L# L( L7 L; L$ L, Score+

fL (Name of *niv")

L (0acult.)

7L (Department)

a (/cademic 3a9or)

Y (/cademic 2areer)

+g (Period)

L (Name of *niv")

\]R (2ountr.)

ahi (/cademic 3a9or)

GH` (Diploma or Degree)


< KJ (Transc ripts) &M* +jk +0

(onl. terms attended)

School Mear Term Dachel1 or 3aster # @ @

#st .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

(nd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

7rd .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

;th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @ # @ @

$th .ear ( @ @ 7 @ @

lm ln (GP/)

opn* (converted score) /100

q[ rs @tuY (5ccupation or Fesearch 2areer)

+ g (Period)

+ , L (Institution or compan.)

q v (Position)

w][x (5peration or Dut.)

7y Cz"{ y | }~ $# (Previous Cisits to Korea) * (Previous Scholarship / ards Feceived from Korean institutions)

+ g (Period)

(Purpose of Sta.)

(2it. or Fegion)

y|k}~k$#,+, (5rganiAation 2oncerned)

+,L (Sponsor)

(/mount) (*SP@.ear) ( ( O(....) @ ) @ ) 3(dd) (signature)

*+g (Period)


/pplicantQs Name +

& GP/(Grade Point /verage) must )e converted on a ma!imum scale of #-- points (converted points) & See /ttachment "I% & 0ill out )oth the records of Dachelor4s N 3aster4s in the case of those for Doctoral programs


/ttachment I( + (Self Introduction) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using blac in . (in !orean or in "nglish) (*10 points)

o Mour course of life, .our vie of life, stud. )ac:ground, .our hopes N ishes, etc o Mour education and or: e!perience, etc", in relation to the KGSP program o Mour motivations for for this program o Feason for stud. in Korea


/ttachment I7 [< (Stud# * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using blac in . (*10 points) Goal of stud. N Stud. Plan


o #oal of study$ title or sub%ect of research$ and detailed study plan

0uture Plan after Stud.

o &uture plan in !orea or another country after study in !orea


/ttachment I;

7etter of =ecommendation
5o the applicant+ Please fill in .our name and the other re6uired information )elo " In turn, deliver or email this form to the person ho ill rite this letter" /65E$ Fe6uest .our recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and sign across the )ac: flap upon completion" Fecommendation letters that are not sealed and signed ill not )e accepted" 0onfidential Name of /pplicant+ (given name) Nationalit.+ Desired Degree Program+ L 3aster4s Desired 3a9or+ L Doctoral (famil. name)

5o the recommender+ The person named a)ove has applied for the RKorean Government Scholarship Program4" Ge as: for .our assistance, and ould appreciate .our fran: and candid appraisal of the applicant" * Please type or print clearly using black ink. #" Bo long have .ou :no n the applicant and in hat relationshipS

Please assess the applicantQs 6ualities in the evaluation ta)le given )elo " Fate the applicant compared to other classmates ho are@ ere in the same school .ear ith him@her" Trul. E!cellent Cer. Good Good Delo /verage E!ceptional 2lassification N@/ Top (E Top #-E Top ($E 3iddle $-E ?o er ($E /cademic /chievement 0uture /cademic Potential Integrit. Fesponsi)ilit.@Independence 2reativit.@5riginalit. 2ommunication S:ills Interpersonal s:ills ?eadership (" Ghat do .ou consider to )e the applicant4s strengthsS


7" Ghat do .ou consider to )e the applicant4s ea:nessesS

;" Bo

ell do .ou thin: the applicant has thought out plans for graduate stud.S

$" Please comment on the applicant4s performance record, potential, or personal 6ualities considering the applicant4s application for the proposed degree program"

hich .ou )elieve

ould )e helpful in

Fecommender4s Name Fecommender4s Signature Position or Title+ *niversit. (Institution)+ /ddress+


(Aip1code+ Tel+ 0a!+

Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the "ac, to the applicant Ce greatl# appreciate #our timeliness regarding this letter for #our recommendee


/ttachment I$ DKorean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Stud#E

Pledge ("" ) /s an applicant for the (-#; TKorean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Stud.U, I pledge to a)ide ). the follo ing rules$ (#) To refrain from violation of universit. regulations and to fulfill m. o)ligations as a KGSP scholar to the )est of m. a)ilit." (() To )ehave in a manner appropriate to Korean culture and societ., and not to participate in an. form of political activit. (such as organiAing a political part., 9oining a political part., attending political meetings, pu)lishing political articles and declarations, organiAing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on)" (7) To accept responsi)ilit. for an. de)ts incurred in Korea (;) To agree ith NIIEDQs decision concerning the graduate program and the Korean language course ($) To a)ide ). all terms and regulations set ). NIIED" (,) To permit NIIED to use m. personal information for the KGSP" If I am proved to have violated an. of the a)ove or to have made a false statement in m. application documents, I shall accept an. resolution or penalt. made ). NIIED, even hen it ma.@might result in suspension, revocation or ithdra al of m. scholarship" I as informed and full. understand that KGSP scholars are not permitted to transfer schools for the entire duration of scholarship after confirming their host institution including Korean language institution"

(....)" (mm)" (dd)" /pplicant4s Name + (signature)


/ttachment I,

PE=S6/!7 >E'I0!7 !SSESS>E/5

/pplicants are not re6uired to undergo an authoriAed medical e!am )efore passing the ( nd Selection ith NIIED8 ho ever, all successful candidates must ta:e a comprehensive medical e!am hen its4 orientation (including an BIC and TDPE drug test&&, etc) in accordance ith the re6uirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP" If the results sho that the applicant is unfit to stud. and live overseas more than 7 .ears, he@she ma. )e dis6ualified"
&&The TDPE (tetra)romophenolphthalein eth.l ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulant drugs"

Gender+ 2





Ghen and for hat reason did .ou last consult a ph.sicianS (Please e!plain in the ad9acent space") V*ESTI5N MES N5 I0 MES, P?E/SE EWP?/IN

Bave .ou ever had an infectious disease that posed a ris: to pu)lic health (such as, )ut not limited to, tu)erculosis, FIG and other S5's)S #" allergiesS (" high )lood pressureS 7" dia)etesS ;" an. of BepatitisS

Bave .ou ever suffered from or )een treated for depression, an!iet., or an. other mental or mood disorderS (If .ou have received treatment, please e!plain and attach an official medical report") Bave .ou ever )een addicted to alcoholS Bave .ou ever a)used an. narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen or other su)stance ( hether legal or prohi)ited)S If necessar., are .ou prepared to undergo ph.sical tests to verif. the ans ers given in response to 6uestions and a)oveS Bave .ou )een hospitaliAed in the last t o (() .earsS Bave .ou had an. serious in9ur., ailment or sic:ness in the last five ($) .earsS Do .ou have an. visual or hearing impairmentsS Do .ou have an. ph.sical disa)ilitiesS Do .ou have an. cognitive@mental disa)ilitiesS /re .ou ta:ing an. prescri)ed medicationS /re .ou on a special dietS 5n average, ho man. standard servings of alcohol do .ou consume each ee:S


/ttachment I%

GP! 0onversion 5a"le

4 0 Scale 7"'% < ;"7"'( < 7"', 7"== < 7"'# 7"=; < 7"=% 7"=- < 7"=7 7"%$ < 7"%' 7"%# < 7"%; 7",% < 7"%7",( < 7",, 7"$= < 7",# 7";' < 7"$% 7";# < 7";= 7"7( < 7";7"(; < 7"7# 7"#$ < 7"(7 7"-% < 7"#; ("'= < 7"-, ("'- < ("'% ("=# < ("=' ("%( < ("=(",; < ("%#
/ttachment I=

4 & Scale ;"(, < ;"7 ;"(( < ;"($ ;"#% < ;"(# ;"#( < ;"#, ;"-= < ;"## ;"-7 < ;"-% 7"'= < ;"-( 7"'7 < 7"'% 7"=' < 7"'( 7"=; < 7"== 7"%$ < 7"=7 7",$ < 7"%; 7"$, < 7",; 7";, < 7"$$ 7"7% < 7";$ 7"(% < 7"7, 7"#= < 7"(, 7"-' < 7"#% ("'' < 7"-= ("'- < ("'= ("=- < ("='

4 % Scale ;";, < ;"$ ;";# < ;";$ ;"7, < ;";;"7# < ;"7$ ;"(, < ;"7;"(# < ;"($ ;"#, < ;"(;"## < ;"#$ ;"-, < ;"#;"-# < ;"-$ 7"'# < ;"-7"=# < 7"'7"%# < 7"=7",# < 7"%7"$# < 7",7";# < 7"$7"7# < 7";7"(# < 7"77"## < 7"(7"-# < 7"#("'# < 7"--

% 0 Scale ;"'$ < $"-;"'- < ;"'; ;"=; < ;"=' ;"%' < ;"=7 ;"%7 < ;"%= ;",= < ;"%( ;",( < ;",% ;"$% < ;",# ;"$# < ;"$, ;";$ < ;"$;"7; < ;";; ;"(7 < ;"77 ;"#( < ;"(( ;"-# < ;"## 7"'- < ;"-7"%' < 7"=' 7",= < 7"%= 7"$% < 7",% 7";$ < 7"$, 7"7; < 7";; 7"(7 < 7"77

100 Points Scale #-'' '= '% ', '$ '; '7 '( '# '=' == =% =, =$ =; =7 =( =# =-

0ontact Information of the 1st Selection Institutions

Korean Em"assies (or 0onsulates)

# ( 7 ; $ , % = ' ### #( #7 #; #$ #, #% #= #' ((# (( (7 (; ($ (, (% (= ('

/fghanistan /lgeria /ngola XNami)iaY /rgentina /ustralia /ustria XSloveniaY /Aer)ai9an XGeorgiaY Dahrain Dangladesh XDhutanY Delarus Delgium Dolivia Drasil Drunei Dulgaria 2am)odia

'71(-1(#-1(;=# (#7 (-)(# $; ,$ $$ (>(;;) ((( --, -,%<= ($;1##) ;=-(1 ',,$@==,$@=-,(@-'(7 (,# () ,(%-1;#-(;71#) ;%=1#''# ('';1#() $',1%'-#17 '%71#%$7 ##((==-() ==#1(-==<'-, ==#1(-;# (7%$1#%) 7-,1-#;%1' 7( (-)( ,%$ $% %% ($'#) (1(##1-7,#<7 ($$1,#)77(#1($-(,%7) (77-(;=, (77-(;', (77-($(7$'1() '%#1(#=# (=$$1(7)(## '--@7

'71(-1(#-1(%($ (#7 (-)(# $; ,$ %(>(;;) ((( --, -,, ($;1##) ;=-71,''7 (,# () ,(%71;=7' (;71#) ;%=1#-#7 ('';1#() $',1%'-; '%71#%$7 ##;-, -$%% (==-() ==(17=%# (7%$1#%) 7-,1-#,7( (-)( ,%$ $( (# ($'#) ((## -7,$ ($$1,#)77(#1($-= (,%7) (771-($; (7$'1() '%#177== (=$$1(7)(#' (-(7%1(((-17%$% (,#7) (;;1$-;7, ,#71 (;;1$-7; ($#;) =;$1###' ($,1() ((-, (7$$ (=,1#-)=$7#1-%(, ($%#) ,#-1-77= ($-,)(((-17#,= ((($)((;=1,%$% (7;1-'-1;$(;7) (-)#1$-$ ---$ ;$ 7' ;, -; (( (#1=-') ;=(1,$-;

:a)ulKmofa"go":r :oemalKmofa"go":r :orem)ass.ZangolaKmofa"go":r argentinaKmofa"go":r australiaKmofat"go":r mailK:oreaem)"at aAerem)Kmofat"go":r :oreanem)ass.")ahrainKgmail"com em)dha:aKmofa"go":r )elem)Kmofat"go":r eu:oreaKmofa"go":r corea)oliviaKgmail"com em)1)rKmofa"go":r )runeiKmofa"go":r :orean1em)ass.Kmofat"go":r cam)odiaKmofa"go":r cameroonKmofa"go":r canadaKmofa"go":r montrealKmofa"go":r em)a9adadecoreaenchileKgmail"com (2S2 contact info) ,,-'7'--@==7'7,#' em)acoreaKmofa"go":r :ocoKmofa"go":r am)coa)9Kmofat"go":r croatiaKmofa"go":r cAechKmofa"go":r am)1congoKmofat"go":r :orem)d:Kmofat"go":r em)codKmofa"go":r

2ameroon (7%1(((-17%$,, ,(7%1(((-1;#(% X2entral /frican Fepu)licY 2anada XVue)ec(montreal)Y 2hile 2hina 2olom)ia 2osta Fica 2ote dQivoire XDur:ina 0aso, NigerY 2roatia 2Aech DF 2ongo X2ongoY Denmar: XGreenlandY Dominica XDahamas, BaitiY (,#7) (;;1$-#($#;) =;$1($$$ ($,1() (((= ;(#; (=,1#-) =$7#1-%-($%#) ,#,1%(--, =#;', ==%( ($-,)(((-17#,-, 7#,,, 7#$' ((($)((;=1,%-#@((;=1,%-7 7=$1(-)#1;=(#1(=( (7;1-'-1;## (;7) (-)#1$-7 $--#<; ;$ 7' ;, -; -(#1=-') ;=(1,$-$


77# 7( 77 7; 7$ 7, 7% 7= 7' ;;# ;( ;7 ;; ;$ ;, ;% ;= ;' $$# $( $7 $;

Ecuador El Salvador Ethiopia XD9i)outi, Se.chellesY 0i9i 0inland XEstoniaY 0rance Ga)on XE6uatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and PrincipeY German. Ghana XDenin, TogoY Greece X/l)aniaY Guatemala Bonduras Bungar. India Indonesia Iran Ira6 Ireland Israel Ital. Hamaica Hapan Hordan KaAa:hstan

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Korean (niversities
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2hon)u: National *niversit.

2honnam National *niversit. 34f Grad" Sch"

f 2hung1/ng *niversit.

f Grad" Sch" of International

Grad" Sch" of /dvanced Imaging Science, 3ultimedia N 0ilm




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2hung)u: National *niversit.

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2hungnam National *niversit.

ftf Daegu *niversit. faf Dae9eon *niversit. f Dong1/ *niversit. f Donggu: *niversit. "f Dongseo *niversit.




MS f E ha Gomans *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International

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|f Gangneung1Gon9u National *niversit. uf G.eongsang National *niversit. Cf Ball.m *niversit. Cf Bandong Glo)al *niversit. CDf
Ban:u: *niversit. of 0oreign Studies

Cf Bannam *niversit. C6f Ban.ang *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch"


f Bongi: *niversit.


# f Inha *niversit. 34f Grad" Sch" #a>f GS? f In9e *niversit. |f He9u National *niversit. a|f Heon9u *niversit. C7+
Korea /dvanced Institute of Science and Technolog. (K/IST)


graduateKinha"ac":r 9iff.Kinha"ac":r soo9iKinha"ac":r h anh9Kinha"ac":r heee6Kin9e"ac":r intl(K9e9unu"ac":r 9spar:K99"ac":r advanced"admK:aist"ac":r intnK:ang on"ac":r lshstor.##K:ang on"ac":r

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Kang on National *niversit.

/ 2huncheon capmus Samcheo: campus


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KDI vf
KDI School of Pu)lic Polic. and 3anagement

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<Lf Keim.ung *niversit. |f

Kong9u National *niversit.

f Kon:u: *niversit. f Koo:min *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International


sonc)K:oo:min"ac":r graduate#K:orea"ac":r gsisK:orea"ac":r


f Korea *niversit.


C+ f Korea *niversit. of Technolog. and Education (K5FE/TE2B) 7f

Kumoh National Institute of Technolog.



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u+f K.onggi *niversit. u:f K.ung Bee *niversit. "' '

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K.ungpoo: National *niversit.

uKf :.ungsung *niversit. Lf 3.ong9i *niversit. 0f Pai 2hai *niversit.(P2*) -7f

Pohang *niversit. of Science and Technolog. (P5STE2B)


grad1admissionKpostech"ac":r sshinKp:nu"ac":r

uf National *niversit.

pf Pusan National *niversit. "7+ f

Seoul National *niversit. of Science and Technolog.


g:spnuKpusan"ac":r choiZ.elimKseoultech"ac":r



"f Seoul National *niversit. "f Sogang *niversit.

34f Grad" Sch" f Grad" Sch" of International

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)oa)oaKsnu"ac":r gradschKsogang"ac":r gsis7Ksogang"ac":r admissionKsm"ac":r s9sKsch"ac":r le9Ksch"ac":r cgmKssu"ac":r gradKssu"ac":r languageKscnu"ac":r p:m-,Ks::u"edu .spar:Ksunmoon"ac":r 9ooareumKa:s"ac":r sangh.unKunist"ac":r .9chungKunist"ac":r admissionKust"ac":r :imm9Kust"ac":r iice1gradKuos"ac":r


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LS f Soo:m.ung GomenQs *niversit. /f Soonchunh.ang *niversit. f Soongsil *niversit. /f Sunchon National *niversit. Km,f Sung:.un: an *niversit. >f Sun 3oon *niversit. C@t The /cadem. of Korean Studies p7+ f *lsan National Institute of Science and Technolog.(*NIST) 7+ @ff *niversit. of Science N Technolog. "_f *niversit. 5f Seoul pf *niversit. of *lsan f Goosong *niversit. df Meungnam *niversit. @f Monsei *niversit. 34f Graduate Sch" f Grad Sch" of International Studies





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9ins'-%-K su"ac":r .o9in=$K su"ac":r )"ac":r 9 )ae:K.u"ac":r :ahacK.onsei"ac":r gsisK.onsei"ac":r


uda>f Grad" Sch" of Dusiness ?f

Grad" Sch" of Social Gelfare






ss .,(-;K.onsei"ac":r


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