Proposalrivised Edition

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Juan Medina Mrs.

Frank Senior Capstone, Period 1 27 February 2014

Sustainable Develop ent Capstone Proposal I. Introduction

!u an so"iety #as been $reatly driven by t#e use o% %ossil %uels and various ot#er natural resour"es. &#e 'aste%ul and ine%%i"ient use o% t#ese aterials #as le%t t#e

eart# s"arred and "onta inated. Sustainable develop ent is a plan %or #u ans to a"#ieve t#e desired state o% #u an so"iety '#ere livin$ "onditions and resour"e(use eet #u an need 'it#out takin$ t#e sustainability o% t#e natural syste and t#e

environ ent %or $ranted. )*Sustainable Develop ent +ey ,ord ( -. Do"u ents/ 0at#erin$ a 1ody o% 0lobal 2$ree ents.* Sustainable Develop ent +ey ,ord ( -. Do"u ents/ 0at#erin$ a 1ody o% 0lobal 2$ree ents. ..p., n.d. ,eb. 27 Feb. 2014.3 &#ere are t#ree sustainable develop ent pillars '#i"# are e"ono i" $ro't#, environ ental ste'ards#ip, and so"ial in"lusion )*Sustainable Develop ent.* 4vervie'. ..p., n.d. ,eb. 27 Feb. 2014.3 .5"ono i" $ro't# is ne"essary to raise people out o% poverty by in"reasin$ te"#nolo$y %or ener$y develop ent and use, 'ater availability, and transportation. &#e burnin$ o% %ossil %uels supported rapid $ro't# %or de"ades but set up dan$erous "onse6uen"es, 'it# "li ate "#an$e today t#reatenin$ to roll ba"k de"ades o% develop ent pro$ress. ,it# no usable resour"es t#at "an be used to po'er an e"ono y not u"# "an be done to i prove t#e sustainability o% a nation. ,it#out a

#ealt#y environ ent people "annot live properly and sa%ely and issues su"# as poverty and in%rastru"ture in "ities 'ill be di%%i"ult to solve.

Sponsor/ Ms. Frank/

Date/ Date/

My "apstone 'ill %o"us on 2 o% t#e t#ree pillars '#i"# are environ ental ste'ards#ip and so"ial in"lusion. 7n%or in$ people t#at even t#e s allest o% a"tions "an #elp t#e environ ent. 2 'ay o% a"#ievin$ t#at is by "reatin$ a pled$e 'it# di%%erent ideas on #o' people "an be ore e"o %riendly. 7 'ill also "reate a bulletin board 'it# si ilar y position. . 0ettin$ people involved to take

ideas 'it# also %a"ts to #elp ba"k up

a"tion and in%or ed o% t#e situation is t#e %irst step to be"o in$ sel% sustainin$. &#e se"ond part o% y "apstone is a sel% sustainin$ $arden '#i"# 'ill also #elp 'aste %ro

our s"#ool. &#is "apstone 'ill also %o"us on t'o pillars o% 2sia8s so"iety8s de%inition o% $lobal "o peten"e '#i"# are investi$atin$ t#e 'orld and "o to "o uni"ate ideas. 4ne 'ay ore

uni"ate ideas 'ill be by "reatin$ a pled$e 'it# ideas on #o' to be ain 6uestion y "apstone #as in

environ entally %riendly. &#e

ind is #o' "an 'e as

a so"iety "o e to$et#er and be"o e

ore sel% sustainin$9


Learning Objectives
2. &o "reate a sustainable $arden in s"#ool and pled$es about #o' people "an #elp t#e environ ent 1. &o resear"# ore 'ays and possibilities t#at "an #elp our so"iety to'ards sustainability C. &o learn to use resour"es taken %or $ranted in s"#ool to $arden su""eed ake a t#e ove

D. &o $ive people a better understandin$ t#at even t#e s allest a"tion "an #ave a bi$ i pa"t 5. &o in"rease issue y speakin$ skill by "o uni"atin$ ideas to solvin$ t#is

F. &o resear"# t#e e%%e"t o% pollution and la"k o% resour"es on #u an so"iety.

Sponsor/ Ms. Frank/

Date/ Date/


Activities timeline

Learning activities
Collect materials for garden Speak with sponsor about materials Turn in proposal draft dit !roposal #eet with sponsor Turn in sponsor edited proposal #eet with the principal #s% &e Thai #eat with principal to discuss garden location Create first garden bed Clean bulletin board% 'egan decoration on bulletin board !laced newspaper abo)e ground in order to place soil

2/9/14 2/10/14 2/13/14 2/1"/14 2/14/14 2/1$/14 2/19/14 2/21/14 2/21/114 2/2"/14 2/2(/14 through 2/2$/14 2/2*/14

Writing and research Activities

Conference +esearch and note cards #eet with sponsor for argument paper -rgument paper rough draft -rgument paper final
Sponsor/ Ms. Frank/ Date/ Date/

1/31/14 #arch 3rd,*th #arch 1*th,20th #arch 24th,2$th -pril *th ,11th

Sponsor/ Ms. Frank/

Date/ Date/


Measuring Project Results

7 'ould like %or people to be ore a'are o% t#eir potential and #o' 'eak our environ ent is i% 'e do not take "are o% it. ,e do not possess te"#nolo$y to "oloni:e ot#er planets or "reate livable #abitats. .atural resour"es are runnin$ out but be%ore t#ey run out "li ate "onditions and pollution 'ill ake it in"reasin$ly di%%i"ult to live. 5very #u an ust do t#eir part in "leanin$ t#e eart# and be"o in$ sel%(sustainin$ but t#ose 'it# t#e ost po'er and "apability to understand t#e #ars#ness o% t#e issue are teena$ers and adults.


&#is "apstone pro;e"t 'ill be establis#ed 'it#in 4 p#ases '#i"# 'ill be a "olle$e level resear"# paper. &#e se"ond p#ase 'ill be a %ully sustainable $arden "reated out o% aterials in s"#ool. &#e aterials 'ill in"lude %ood t#at 'ould naturally be t#ro'n a'ay but 'ill be re"y"led as "o post %or plants. Milk "artons 'ill be used to $ro' t#e seeds in be%ore trans%errin$ t#e in to t#e %lo'er beds. &#e t#ird p#ase 'ill be a pled$e ade out o% re"y"led paper t#at 'ill be #anded out to people $ivin$ t#ose ideas on #o' t#ey "an be $reener %or t#e day and tips on #o' to be ore ener$y and 'aste e%%i"ient and also a bulletin board t#at 'ill #ave even ore in%or ation. &#e %inal p#ase 'ill be a 'ell t#ou$#t out presentation about y "apstone.



7n order to be prepared %or t#is "apstone 7 'ill re6uire/ 2. Create a 'ell or$ani:e binder 1. !elp %ro y sponsor Mr. <e

C. Maintain "onstant "o uni"ation 'it# sponsor Mr. <e and "apstone partner 5rika 2"osta D. 1e open to any ne' ideas brou$#t %ort# 5. 4btain re6uired aterials be%ore deadlines

F. Mana$e ti e 'isely 0. 1ein$ or$ani:ed, deter ined, and %o"used

Sponsor/ Ms. Frank/

Date/ Date/

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