Cis270 Chapter8 Inclass Question

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Discuss why some systems developers believe that a data model is one of the most important parts of the statement of information system requirements. Some systems developers believe that a data model is one of the most important parts of the statement of information system requirements for three reasons: A: (1) completely representing data requirements is crucial for the design of databases, programs, computer screens, and printed reportscritical elements of any information system; (2) data rather than processes are the most complex aspects of many information systems, and hence must be modeled with clarity; (3) data characteristics and natural structures (as opposed to processing requirements) are reasonably permanent, so designing information systems based on data yields more stable systems with longer lives (and less maintenance).

5. When must a many-to-many relationship be modeled as an associative entity? 8. What are the linkages among DFDs, decision tables, and E-R diagrams? 1. Assume that at PVF, each product (described by Product No., Description, and Cost) is composed of at least three components (described by Component No., Description, and Unit of Measure), and components are used to make one or many products (i.e., must be used in at least one product). In addition, assume that components are used to make other components and that raw materials are also considered to be components. In both cases of components being used to make products and components being used to make other components, we need to keep track of how many components go into making something else. Draw an E-R diagram for this situation and place minimum and maximum cardinalities on the diagram. 16. Draw an E-R diagram to represent the sample customer order in Figure 8-4.

FIGURE 8-4 Sample customer form PVF CUSTOMER ORDER

ORDER NO: 61384 CUSTOMER NO: 1273 NAME: Contemporary Designs ADDRESS: 123 Oak St. CITY-STATE-ZIP: Austin, TX 28384 ORDER DATE: 11/04/2014 PROMISED DATE: 11/21/2014 PRODUCT QUANTITY UNIT NO DESCRIPTION ORDERED PRICE M128 Bookcase 4 200.00 B381 Cabinet 2 150.00 R210 Table 1 500.00

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