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Public health: action,

People in medieval times knew there was some kind of link between dirt and disease so there were some attempts to deal with the problems. However, things were not the same everywhere or for everyone.

Dealing with prohlems

Town councils passed by-laws to make people keep streets clean and stop dumpin.<3 things in rivers. Those who broke the rules were fined. Additionally, there were some successes in piping water into towns and cities. 50me towns had:

Water in London
Two private investors tried to improve the city's poor water supply. In 1602 Edmund Colthurst began building an artificial river from the River Lee (Hertfordshire) to suppty fresh water. ran -out after just two miles! In 1609 Hugh Myddleton tried again and paid half the bills. The rest were paid by Kin~ James I. The project was finished in 1613, but couldn't keep up with demand. By 1750 most water was supplied by private companies, piped direct to homes or to standpipes on street corners.

public toilets, which stopped people relieving themselves in the streets


_....... -.-.Why wasn't more done?


public baths called stewes, where people bathed together.

The link between dirt and disease wasn't proven until 1861. People didn't worry about hygiene because they believed God caused disease. They didn't want rates -(16ca1 taxes) spent on-public health provision. Health wasn't seen as something for the government to be involved in.

Remember that until the 19th century most action on public health was done by local authorities rather than the national government.
Students have struggled with this topic in recent exams - be prepared!

Role of government

------------------------------------In 1750-, the government made gin more expensive to improve: health among the poor who were drinking lots of cheap gin the economy, because drunk pee/pte didn't work so hard. In 1853, the government ~ made smallpox vaccination compulsory. Then, in ~B71it made . local authorities register all those vaccinated. This dramatically reduced deaths from smallpox.

Government is essential because it can pass laws forcing people to change their behaviour. There were some signs that the government was trying to prevent diseases and health problems after 1750.

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Give reasons why public health provisions often didn't work between 1350 and 1900.




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