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17S Sailes Lane
Pleasantville, NY 1uS7u
Phone: (914) 741-u882; Cell Phone: (914) S89-897S

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)#**#+ Commeuia Tioupei Elmiia College
,%-./0 )%12%1$#34 #+ 56#7/8" Beinaiu Litko Elmiia College
)6%/91/ :./19 Elmiia College
;1#863"+ ;%/76 <%="#1$ }ack }eiome Elmiia College
>.+/?/4$ Ensemble Elmiia College
@6% A%#9# 561"+#70%$ Naik Elmiia College
@6% ,6/9"? ;"- Naik Elmiia College
!" B-#3 uhost Elmiia College
'+7% C*"+ D </331%$$ }estei Pleasantville Bigh School
A%00"E F"004G Ambiose Kempei Pleasantville Bigh School
H#990%1 "+ 36% >""( Noiucha Pleasantville Bigh School
@6% ,".+9 "( <.$#7 0ncle Nax Summeicliff Playeis
C1#+%3"?+ Bot Blaues Baiiy Summeicliff Playeis
I%$ <#$%1/J0%$ Ensemble Summeicliff Playeis

Piivate vocal Lessons- Kasey Stewait, Nell NacBonalu
New Yoik State Theatei Euucation Association Stuuent Confeience (NYSTEA)
Elmiia College Theatie Bepaitment: Couises incluue Acting, Biiecting, Theatei Bistoiy, Theatiical Besign,
Play Piouuction, anu Stage Novement

Alpha Psi 0mega (Theatie Bonoi Society), Elmiia College 2u11
0utstanuing Actoi Awaiu, Pleasantville Bigh School, Class of 2u1u

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A1 anu the Sauce (All-Nale A Capella uioup) - Elmiia College, 2u11-Piesent
0ichesis (Bance uioup) - Elmiia College, 2u12-Piesent
Choieogiapheu :1%/$% - Pleasantville Niuule School, 2u1u
Razoi's Euge (All-Nale A Capella uioup) - Pleasantville Bigh School, 2uu9-2u1u

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