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Eamonn OBrien EdTech554 Mod7 3/23/14

6th Grade Team 1:1 iPad Implementation Professional Development Plan Learners will be all 6th grade teachers. Learners will have a variety of knowledge, skill and comfort, ranging from level 0 to level 6 on the CBAM, with integrating technology into the classroom, as well as with the iPad itself. The majority of PD will take place on campus, either in the teachers classroom, as available, or in another quiet, neutral space (i.e. conference room, but not tech office). Some of the PD will be attending conferences off-site, as well as visiting other classrooms both on and off-site Each on campus session will be approximately 45 minutes in scope. This allows enough time for true learning and work, but also keeps the content amount down so as not to inundate the learner The trainers will be the Technology Integration Specialist (TIS), the Director of Technology (DT), the Systems Administrator (SA) and/or mentor teachers (MT) who are already familiar with and utilizing the technologies being trained on Goals will be clearly established at outset of each PD session, as well as ahead of time in the scheduling. The primary obstacles will be over coming teacher reticence/fear. Much of this will be through developing familiarity, practice, and hands-on instruction so they feel comfortable with the software side.

August 13 months out Build Familiarity: Purpose, goal and administrative expectations for 1:1 implementation are clearly explained and laid out. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Community Meeting Room o Length = 30 minutes

o Trainer = Head of School o Goals = Develop understanding of why implanting 1:1 and what, specifically, teachers are expected to be doing with the devices in their classrooms o Obstacles Resistance to being forced to implement ! Overcome An entire year to get in a position to be ready, or option not to return next year Each member of grade level team is issued an iPad, is set up on school App Store account, and receives training on how to purchase, install and manage apps. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Community Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = DT, SA, TIS o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! Learn how to turn on/off device Navigate through applications Purchase applications Install apps Move apps into collections/relocate apps

o Obstacles New technology o Overcome ! ! Keep the pace slow Reassure that it is new to them and the more they use and practice, the more fluid it will become All team members receive training in how to operate basic school functions on iPad, i.e. school website/SIS/LMS, school email, accessing Internet through browser, connecting to classroom projectors. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Community Meeting Room o Length = 60 minutes

o Trainer = DT, SA, TIS o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Learn how to access school website/SIS/LMS and functions that can and cannot be performed through device as compared to computer. Learn how to access school email and functions that can and cannot be performed through device as compared to computer. Learn how to access Internet and functions that can and cannot be performed through device as compared to computer. Learn how to connect to classroom projector New technology It cannot do what they are used to It does things in a different way than they are used to Keep the pace slow Reassure that it is new to them and the more they use and practice, the more fluid it will become Team members invited to play with iPads, try them out for different uses both personally and within their teaching realm on their own. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = None o Length = None o Trainer = None (supported as needed when teachers ask for it) o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! Try things out Get comfortable with what they now know how to do Find an app they want to try and try installing and using it New technology It cannot do what they are used to o Obstacles

o Overcome

o Obstacles

! ! !

It does things in a different way than they are used to Keep the pace slow Reassure that it is new to them and the more they use and practice, the more fluid it will become

o Overcome

September Professional development: Tech Team begins one-on-one meetings with individual team members to identify areas/ways they are already using technology in the classroom. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = TIS o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! ! Identify areas where tech already being utilized Schedule conflicts Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of meeting Actively help to seek out areas they may not realize o Obstacles

o Overcome

Technology Team introduces the three main areas for tech integration: " Collaboration " Production " Consumption o Learners = Entire 6th grade team

o Location = Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = TIS, MT o Goals = ! ! ! ! Understand the three main types of work that can be done on devices Scheduling Schedule in advance Schedule over multiple meetings so everyone can attend at least once o Obstacles o Overcome

Tech Team pushes into classroom to assist in developing technology integrations for each grade level member/discipline o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Classroom during class time o Length = 60 minutes (full class periods) o Trainer = TIS, MT o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! Understand how teachers are teaching Understand what teachers are already doing Identifying different ways teachers could be integrating technology Fear of being judged Reassure that the goal is to see what they are doing and the systems they are using, not to review their technique

o Obstacles o Overcome

November Professional development: Tech Team continues one-on-one meetings with individual team members to identify

ways they are already using tech that can be transferred directly to iPads o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 60 minutes o Trainer = TIS o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Identify systems that could be transferred to device Practice transferring a system to device Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting Approach as a trial; it might work, it might not, just trying it

o Obstacles

o Overcome

Tech Team begins introducing new ideas for iPad use for teachers as part of teacher use during classroom teaching (i.e. using screen-recording software projected to board instead of writing on board). o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = TIS, MT o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! Identify new ways of doing traditional things on device Practice the specific new skill/technique Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance

o Obstacles

o Overcome

! !

Remind of scheduled meeting Approach as a trial; it might work, it might not, just trying it

Tech Team begins instruction with grade level members of systematic tools (i.e. Dropbox/e-Backpack, etc.) o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = DS, TIS, MT o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Understand what the systematic tools Learn how to use systematic tools Practice using systematic tools Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting Have multiple meetings so team members can attend at least one Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in

o Obstacles

o Overcome

Grade level members begin practicing and utilizing these new tools o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = None o Length = None o Trainer = None (supported as needed when teachers ask for it) o Goals = ! ! Learn how to use systematic tools Practice using systematic tools

o Obstacles

! !

Reticence Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in

o Overcome

December Professional development: Grade level team members continue practicing new and system tools Tech Team continues introducing new ideas for iPad use for teachers as part of teacher use during classroom teaching Tech Team assesses grade level team members for successful use of standard systems, and remediates as needed o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers Classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = DS, TIS, MT o Goals = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! January Professional development: ! Tech Team continues introducing new ideas for iPad use for teachers as part of teacher Develop fluency with systematic tools Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in Develop multiple examples/models for learners to identify with Explain how they will actually use it in class setting o Obstacles

o Overcome

use during classroom teaching ! Tech Team brainstorms areas with grade level team/members where iPads can enhance the teaching and learning experience o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = DS, TIS, MT o Goals = " " " " " " " Understand what iPads will permit Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting Have multiple meetings so team members can attend at least one Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in o Obstacles

o Overcome

! Grade level team members take a self-survey on their comfort level and understanding of the three integration areas. ! Grade level team and Tech Team select targeted conferences and workshops at conferences for grade level team members to attend based on self-survey and conversations. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers Classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 45 minutes o Trainer = TIS, MT o Goals = " Identify Professional Development offsite opportunities appropriate to needs of teacher o Obstacles

" " " " " February

Scheduling Reticence Substitutes can be arranged This is paramount for understanding and learning how to be successful Will provide new insights and ideas they have not thought of

o Overcome

Professional development: ! Tech Team continues introducing new ideas for iPad use for teachers as part of teacher use during classroom teaching ! Grade level team begins attending conferences o Encourage networking at the conference to gather as much information as possible for grade and discipline iPad use, as well as 1:1 implementation. ! Grade level team debrief with Tech Team at or immediately upon return from conference to begin curriculum preparation for integration. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (individually) o Location = Teachers Classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 90 minutes o Trainer = TIS, MT o Goals = " " " " " " " " What did they learn? What can they implement? What was new? What do they want to try? Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting

o Obstacles

o Overcome

" "

Have multiple meetings so team members can attend at least one Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in

! Grade level team meets with Tech Team as a group to begin to brainstorm grade specific needs. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Meeting Room o Length = 90 minutes o Trainer = DS, TIS, MT o Goals = " What are the needs specific to this grade? ! o Obstacles " " " Curriculum: ! Grade level team members review current curriculum for places where integration can, should, or will occur, as well places where it will not be effective. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = None o Length = None o Trainer = None o Goals = " " " Identify places where integration with devices is appropriate. Identify places where integration with devices will be successful Identify places where integration is not appropriate or will not be successful Scheduling Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting o Overcome i.e. what projects, software, etc do they already use and want to continue integrating?

o Obstacles " " Getting people to do the work Remind them that if they do not do it now, they will be doing it during the school year and on the fly. ! Tech Team supports grade level team in development of curriculum opportunities identified. o Learners = Entire 6th grade team o Location = Teachers Classroom or Meeting Room o Length = 75 minutes o Trainer = TIS, MS o Goals = " " " " " " " " Support in identifying ways to integrate successfully Support in identifying tools to support successful integration Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of scheduled meeting Have multiple meetings so team members can attend at least one Approach as something that is new and will take to become fluent in o Overcome

o Obstacles

o Overcome

March Professional development: ! Grade level team to visit 1:1 classrooms already in place at school (if applicable), as well as planning meetings o o Learners = Entire 6th grade team Location = Classrooms and meeting locations

o o o

Length = as needed Trainer = None Goals = " " " " Foster teacher collaboration Develop understanding as to what student skills/experiences are being inherited Develop understanding about what student expectations are for technology use within learning Develop understanding about what parent expectations are for technology use within learning

Obstacles " " Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind that it does not need to be a full class/meeting visit Serves as idea generator for new/different ways to utilize

Overcome " " "

Curriculum: ! Review already purchased and utilized Apps from previous grades (if applicable) with grade level team to assess usability in their curriculum o o o o o o Learners = Entire 6th grade team Location = Meeting Room Length = 45 60 minutes Trainer = DS, TIS, SA, MT Goals = " " " o Identify opportunities for new Apps through conversation Scheduling Reticence Obstacles


" " "

Schedule in advance Remind of meeting The purpose is to get the Apps that are needed, and the holes that are identified filled.

! Continued Tech Team support of grade level team in development of identified curriculum opportunities. April Professional development / Curriculum Development ! Grade level team / Tech Team Play Days o o o o o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (in groups of 2 or 3) Location = Meeting Room Length = 2 3 hours Trainer = DS, TIS, SA, MT Goals = " " " o " " o " " " " Identify New Apps Try out different Apps to see what might work Sharing different ideas of what does and doesnt work and why Scheduling Reticence Schedule in advance Remind of meeting The purpose is to get you set up for next year The purpose is to get you comfortable using different apps so you can feel comfortable deploying them with students ! Grade level team members begin experimenting in current classes by implementing some of the tools through either web-based platforms on computer carts or iPad specific



through iPad cart(s). o o o o o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (in their classes) Location = Classrooms Length = 60 minutes (full class periods) Trainer = TIS, MT Goals = " " " o Integrate technology into the learning environment in an approximation of 1:1 environment Uncover any glitches in current thinking Identify and practice the different types of learning that a 1:1 environment allows Obstacles " " o " " " Scheduling of Hardware Reticence Schedule in advance The purpose is to begin trying out the kinds of things that you will be doing next year Its OK if it is not perfect, you are trying something new. You will be able to learn so it will work better next time ! Continued Tech Team support of grade level team in development of identified curriculum opportunities May Professional development / Curriculum Development ! Continued Tech Team support of grade level team in development of identified curriculum opportunities ! Continued teacher experimentation in current classes by implementing some of the tools through either web-based platforms on computer carts or iPad specific through iPad cart(s).


! June Professional development / Curriculum Development ! Continued Tech Team support of grade level team in development of identified

August Professional development / Curriculum Development (during opening meetings) ! Opening meeting with grade level team and tech team. o o o o Learners = Entire 6th grade team (in their classes) Location = Classrooms Length = 60 minutes (full class periods) Trainer = DS, TIS, SA, MT " " " " o o " " " " Review goals for Trimester 1 Review Apps installed on iPad Review protocols for naming and sharing devices Address pending questions / concerns with grade level team Anxiety Reviewing and showing how much they actually know Assure that tech team will be available for in class support for the initial rollout and logistics of getting students set up. Remind that it will take time for everyone (students and teachers alike) to make it completely fluid. September Professional development / Curriculum Development ! Tech team ready to support grade level team Trimester 1 implementation

o Goals =

Obstacles Overcome

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