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WHO IS NOOPOOH AND WHAT IS NOONE? 4. Listen to Reason! For the benefit of the listenin a!

"ien#e an" the rea"in $!bli# li%e&ise' The Na(e NOOPOOH is s$elle" N)O)O)P)O)O)H an" $rono!n#e" NOO)POO ))the H is silent an" #a$itali*e". In .A(eri#an En lish Di#tionaries an" An#ient Philoso$h+' Noo$ooH is s$elle" N)O),)S an" $rono!n#e" NOOS. Noo$ooH is the -OS.I- REASON also #alle" SO,ND RI/HT REASON an" NINE)REASON' an" NOONE 0&hi#h is s$elle" N)O)O)N)E an" in"ee" $rono!n#e" NOON1 is The S#ien#e of So!n" Ri ht Reason Who is "efinitel+ The 2est .in" of The One S!$re(e 2ein . Noo$ooH is s!rel+ The Ori inal Pri(e).o3er an" Ori inal -reator of The ,ni3erses an" the ori inal $ersons' $la#es' an" thin s thereof. Noo$ooH is The First E(anation of The One S!$re(e 2ein ' that is to sa+' The -reati3e Po&ers of Nat!re Who /REW The ,ni3erses of Absol!te Nat!re into #reation or"er. Therefore' Noo$ooH 0So!n" Ri ht Reason1 is in"ee" also The Res!rre#tor of The .ental Dea"' those &ho are i norant abo!t The Positi3e 4no&le" e of Absol!te Nat!re an" Its la&s. Let it be %no&n!

5. Listen to Reason! The Ethereal S#ien#e of So!n" Ri ht Reason is Noon for s!re' an" Noone is also The S#ien#e of Liberation for The .ental Dea". Noone is The Tr!th an" The S#ien#e of .ental Res!rre#tion an" Liberation fro( a"3erse for#es' be#a!se It "eals in #orre#t infor(ation an" i($arts 3ital %no&le" e to those &ho are i norant abo!t the nat!re of' la&s of' an" re6!ire(ents of The One S!$re(e 2ein b+ Who( &e all s!r3i3e an" ha3e o!r e7isten#e an" #ons#io!sness. Li%e Noo$ooH is The Ethereal Po&ers of Noone' Noone is The Ethereal S#ien#e of Noo$ooH that "eals in be innin s an" en"in s of $ersons' $la#es' an" thin s' an" their "e3elo$(ents an" "e#linations. Noone is The Ethereal 8!estion)an")Ans&er S#ien#e9 therefore' It "oes not :!st (a%e for bea!tif!l &or"s b!t li%e&ise $ro3i"es Positi3e 4no&le" e for s!r3i3al' liberation' an" better li3in '$l!s the %no&le" e $eo$les nee" to %no& for (ental foo" an" (ental ro&th. Noone is The Nat!re of Nat!re in &or"s of %no&le" e an" $ositi3eness. Please let it be %no&n!

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