Conclusion: This Device Will Become Our Need in Future

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A Scent has a strange power over human be ngs! It can create a moo"# such as $oresha"ow ng or amb ance! It can ntens $% emot ons such as $ear or &ove! It can a&so g ve the sensat on o$ v rtua& rea& t% an" suspens on o$ " sbe& e$! 'The Sense o$ sme&& s c&ose&% t e" to memor% an" emot on# ma( ng scent a power$u& wa% to re n$orce "eas)! There are severa& streams over wh ch th s " g ta& sme&& s use"# Such as over the te&ev s on# theater an" the web! Hence we conc&u"e that th s " g ta& sme&& w && revo&ut on *e" the wor&"! An" at ever% p&ace we w && re+u re th s "ev ce# such as $or scente" ma &# scente" mov es# scente" songs we must re+u res th s "ev ce! This device will become our need in future.

BIBLIOGRAPHY , - Magnet c St mu&at on o$ Neura& T ssue.Techn +ues an" S%stem Des gn b% Er c /asham# 0h Yang# Nata& a Tchemo"anov# an" 1enta L u# http.22www!ece!nus!e"u!sg2st$page2e&e%ang*2Magnet c3b!p"$ , - Neura& 4athwa%s o$ the Nose an" Aut sm an" Soc ab & t%# http.225ourne%throughthecorte6!b&ogspot!com278892:72neura&;pathwa%s;o$;nose;an"; aut sm;an"!htm& , - The O&$actor% Ep the& um an" O&$actor% <eceptor Neurons# b% http.22www!ncb !n&m!n h!gov2boo(s2N/=:8>9?2 , v- /as c pr nc p&es o$ TMS b% @armo <uohonen# up"ate" an" converte" to HTML A!8 b% @uss Nurm nen# http.22www!b omag!hus!$ 2tms2bas c!htm&a ,v- A S mp&e Metho" to Measure Bn(nown In"uctors b% <ona&" De((er# http.22www!"osAever!com2 n"uctor2 n"uctor!htm&


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