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Welding Electrical Safety

Glen Allan Education & Training Manager

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Copyright 2011 WTIA

Myth Busting True or False

Electric shock is something welders should expect in
a days work Welders have to learn to get used to electric shock Welders are capable of sustaining higher levels of electric shock than other people The electric shocks that welders get from welding power sources are from a low voltage source & are harmless All welding power sources have the same electrical hazard A current of 1/10th of one amp (100 mA) for 1 second can (& likely will) kill you (even if you are a welder)

Copyright 2011 WTIA

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Hazard Identification & Control

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Can the cause of the hazard be eliminated? Can the cause of the hazard be substituted by something less risky? Can the hazard be isolated from people? Can the design be changed or safety barriers introduced? Includes training, procedures, permits, & safety signs. Should be used if the first four measures are not sufficient However PPE may be the only barrier to many hazards encountered in cutting and welding.

Substitution Isolation Engineering Control Administrative Control Personal Protective Equipment (& Clothing)

Slide 3

Primary & Secondary Electrical Circuits of Welding Power Sources

240 V a.c. or 415 V a.c. Up to 80 V a.c. or 113 V d.c. Extra-low voltage Not exceeding
50 V a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c.
(Ref: AS/NZS 3000:2007)

Copyright 2011 WTIA

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a.c. Power sources typically ~ 1.6 x ELV

The Unpublicised Hazard of a.c.

Extra-low voltage (ELV) Not exceeding 50 V rms
a.c. or 120 V ripple-free d.c.
(Ref: AS/NZS 3000:2007 Cl.1.4.98 (a))

Extra-low voltage can be worked on without

isolation with suitable precautions (Refer WorkCover
NSW Code of Practice Low Voltage Electrical Work)

Copyright 2011 WTIA

a.c. welding power sources are typically ~ 1.6 x ELV! Who would touch a welding circuit? Particularly an a.c. type!
The differences in physiological effects of a.c. & d.c. are explained in AS 60479 Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 1: General aspects
Slide 5

Constant Current (CC) Power Sources

Drooping volt-amp curve Constant current in the operating
range Voltage changes with arc length only a minor change to amperage Limited short-circuit current for reduced stubbing & low spatter Used for MMAW (stick), some wire feeders (variable speed), air carbon-arc gouging May be d.c.+ve, d.c.-ve or a.c. High no-load voltage necessary for arc starting & re-ignition especially for a.c. and low hydrogen rods High no-load voltages on these power sources exceed ELV for a.c. and d.c with ripple
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
0 10

Striking Voltage for LH electrodes


Striking Voltage for GP electrodes

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0 13


Current Amps



Slide 6

Constant Voltage (CV) Power Sources

Relatively flat volt-amp curve Maintains a relatively stable,
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0 13


Current Amps



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consistent voltage regardless of the amperage output Current increases rapidly with decreased voltage High short-circuit current helps to maintain a consistent arc length Used for wire feeder processes with constant wire feed Usually d.c. electrode +ve output (ve for some applications) Much lower no-load voltage with d.c. output makes these power sources inherently safer

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Are Electric Arc Welding Circuits Hazardous?

22 fatalities in Australia 1958 to 1996 Cannington Mine 1997 Five fatalities in Australia in the past 10 years
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Power Source

ACME Welding Inc.


Applied Voltage
Slide 8


Amperage effects a.c. Short exposure @ 50 Hz

Heart cramps increasing risk of ventricular fibrillation 50 mA 50 Threshold of ventricular Loss of consciousness 60 mA fibrillation 30 mA
Intense pain, severe cramps, loss of voluntary muscle control, involuntary movements 10-30 mA

Body Current

Ventricular fibrillation 70 mA Probability of death very high > 70 mA

Threshold of let-go 10 mA
Pain, cramps, muscle control increasingly difficult tending towards immobilisation 0.5-10 mA
Copyright 2011 WTIA


Threshold of reaction 0.5 mA

Refer AS/NZS 60479.1 2010 Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 1: General Aspects Section 5

Slide 9

Amperage effects d.c. Short exposure ripple free

For longitudinal rising current (feet positive), duration shorter than 0.2 sec threshold of ventricular fibrillation 30 mA (as for a.c.)
Sensation only at making & breaking of the current with the possibility of involuntary movements and cramp like sensation, no loss of voluntary muscle control 10-30 mA


Body Current

For longitudinal downward current (feet negative), duration shorter than 0.2 sec threshold of ventricular fibrillation 60 mA (2 x a.c.)

Sensation of warmth in the extremities & painful sensations on the skin 100 mA
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Threshold of reaction 2 mA
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Transverse currents cause reversible cardiac dysrhythmias, current marks, burns, dizziness & sometimes unconsciousness up to 300 mA


Loss of consciousness > 300 mA

Welding Environments
Australian Standard 1674.2 classifies welding
environments into three categories
Category A

Category B
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Category C

Slide 11

Allowable Voltages Welding

AS 1674.2 2007, WTIA TN 7 2004, WTIA TN 22 - 2003
Environment Maximum OCV d.c. (ripple free)
Working With an Observer Working Without an Observer

Maximum OCV a.c.

Working With an Observer Working Without an Observer

AS 1674.2 Category A
Non electrically Hazardous

113 volts

113 volts peak or 80 volts r.m.s. 68 volts peak or 48 volts r.m.s. 35 volts peak or 25 volts r.m.s. 35 volts peak or 25 volts r.m.s.

AS 1674.2 Category B
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Electrically Hazardous (dry)

113 volts

35 volts

AS 1674.2 Category C
Electrically Hazardous (wet)

35 volts

Not Permitted

Not Permitted
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AS 1674.2 Welding Environments

Definition 2.2 (a) 2.2 (b) 2.2 (c)
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Category A environment Category B environment Category C environment Category A environment Category B environment Category C environment Category A environment Category B environment Category C environment


Control measures
2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3
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Welding Environments Category A

Category A environment (AS 1674.2 Clauses, 2.2 (a) & 2.3.1) is where the risk of electric shock or electrocution is low due to robust controls to prevent the possibility of the welder or other personnel being in contact with the work piece in the event of being in contact with a live part of the welding circuit Great care is required to maintain a (fully insulated) Category A environment Category A rarely exists in general fabrication but may be achieved in closely controlled manufacturing or training environments

Copyright 2011 WTIA

Slide 14

Welding Environments With Increased Hazard Category B

Category B environment (AS 1674.2 Clauses, 2.2 (b) & 2.3.2) applies whenever the welder has to work in a situation where body parts could come in contact with conductive materials This could be due to
The size and form of the work piece The welders freedom of movement is restricted so the
Copyright 2011 WTIA

welder has to perform welding in a position requiring body support, such cramped conditions or where the welder is braced against or kneeling, sitting or lying on metal parts
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Welding Environments Category B or Category C?

The situation is far worse when moisture is present
With only moderate levels of moisture added there is
no secondary insulation from clothing or PPE

Recent studies have shown just how little moisture is

Copyright 2011 WTIA

required (around 5%) to render clothing and other PPE ineffective this is a long way short of wringing wet!
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We now have a Category C environment

Welding Environments With Increased Hazard Category C

Category C environment (AS 1674.2 Clauses, 2.2 (c) & 2.3.3) is where the risk of an electric shock or electrocution by the welding circuit is greatly increased due to low body impedance of the welder combined with a significant risk of the welder contacting the workpiece or other parts of the welding circuit
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Low body impedance is likely in the presence of

water, moisture or heat, particularly where the ambient temperature is above 32 C.
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Welding Environments With Increased Hazard Category C

In wet, moist or hot locations, humidity or perspiration
considerably reduces the skin resistance of human bodies and the insulating properties of personal protective equipment accessories and clothing

It may be possible to derate Category B and

Copyright 2011 WTIA

Category C environments, where effective control measures are taken to eliminate or reduce the risk (e.g., air conditioning, special insulating clothing).
Slide 18

Consider a typical Category B situation

The welding power source OCV (no-load voltage) is
under 30 V
We will consider possible outcomes for both a.c. and d.c.
power sources

The welders total body resistance is initially at

50,000 or more The resulting maximum body current passing through the welder is 0.6 mA
Copyright 2011 WTIA

This is just perceptible for a.c and well below threshold of perception for d.c.

Slide 19

The Effect of Current Level a.c. vs d.c.

Threshold of Perception / Reaction Threshold of let go
Copyright 2011 WTIA

a.c. (50Hz)
0.5 mA rms 10 mA rms

d.c. (ripple free)

2 mA 300 mA 30 mA
(For longitudinal upwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

Threshold of ventricular fibrillation (potential electrocution)

30 mA

(For longitudinal downwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

Slide 20

A Typical Category B Situation

Due to mild exertion and slight perspiration the welders
total body resistance drops to 5,000 A current of 6 mA now flows in the welders body The current is perceptible for both a.c. & d.c. modes & feels quite unpleasant For a.c. this current could result in partial immobilisation and is rapidly approaching the level where let-go is not possible
Copyright 2011 WTIA

For a.c. a minor increase in current level increases the risk of involuntary movement followed by contact with more vulnerable body parts

Slide 21

The Effect of Current Level a.c. vs d.c.

Threshold of Perception / Reaction Threshold of let go
Copyright 2011 WTIA

a.c. (50Hz)
0.5 mA rms 10 mA rms

d.c. (ripple free)

2 mA 300 mA 30 mA
(For longitudinal upwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

Threshold of ventricular fibrillation (potential electrocution)

30 mA

(For longitudinal downwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

Slide 22

Maintain Category B or drift towards a Category C Situation?

The situation has deteriorated further due to a
combination of temperature, exertion, & a moist environment The welder gets an electric shock that is a little more serious than a tingle and gets a surge of adrenalin Total body resistance has dropped to 2,500 A current of 12 mA is now flowing! This current is now potentially life threatening for a.c. due to the welder being unable to let-go
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Copyright 2011 WTIA

Current mode is critical

Maintain Category B or drift towards a Category C Situation?

The situation has deteriorated even further due to a
combination of temperature, exertion, a moist environment, the adrenalin and a hole in the clothing Total body resistance has dropped to 1,000 A current of 30 mA is now flowing! This current is now at the threshold of potentially life threatening for both a.c. & d.c. modes, particularly a.c.

Copyright 2011 WTIA

Current mode, exposure time & current path are now critical

Slide 24

The Effect of Current Level a.c. vs d.c.

Threshold of Perception / Reaction Threshold of let go
Copyright 2011 WTIA

a.c. (50Hz)
0.5 mA rms 10 mA rms

d.c. (ripple free)

2 mA 300 mA 30 mA
(For longitudinal upwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

Threshold of ventricular fibrillation (potential electrocution)

30 mA

(For longitudinal downwards current, shorter than 0.2 sec)

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Copyright 2011 WTIA

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Copyright 2011 WTIA

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Electrically Hazardous Situations for Welders

Copyright 2011 WTIA

Whenever body movement is restricted Whenever in contact with live parts of the work Whenever there is increased moisture/humidity
(perspiration affecting clothing and PPE must be considered)
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Effectiveness of Insulation
Integrity of insulating material is critical
The smallest perforations expose the welder to an
electrocution this applies equally to the welding circuit

Fatal shocks can occur at < 1/1000 of welding

A single strand of a frayed cable can deliver enough current
for a fatal shock to a welder

Dry secondary insulation materials adequately

Copyright 2011 WTIA

prevent electric shocks gloves, boots clothing

As moisture levels rise the resistance of all porous materials
drops dramatically

As little as 5% moisture negates any secondary insulation effect

Slide 29

Work Return Circuit

Commonly incorrectly referred to as the
Calling the return path earth encourages
muddled thinking, reaffirms a poor understanding of welding circuits and often results in unintentionally dangerous situations In most circumstances all efforts should be made to insulate the welding circuit from earth Refer article Returning to Earth Australasian Welding Journal 1st Quarter 2008
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Copyright 2011 WTIA

Hazard Reducing Devices

Power Switching Devices & Voltage Reduction Devices
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Copyright 2011 WTIA

Effect of Power Switching & VRDs

A power switch or a VRD significantly reduces the window
of opportunity or risk of welders being exposed to a lethal no-load voltage No current flows if the power is switched off, or Currents that may flow through a welders body are significantly reduced at lower voltages controlled by a VRD Response time for a VRD to reduce the voltage after the welding arc is broken is a critical factor

Copyright 2011 WTIA

VRDs do not provide protection in all situations!

Slide 32

Integrated VRD Welding Power Supplies

Welding power supplies with a VRD fitted internally either
to the primary circuit or the secondary circuit

This is an additional safety feature because it prevents

accidental or deliberate bypassing of the VRD function

VRDs in whichever form are electronic or

electromechanical devices
Copyright 2011 WTIA

Most VRDs ARE NOT Fail to safe

If a VRD is offered as fail to safe Please show me the FMECA to validate your claim
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Copyright 2011 WTIA

Slide 34

Summary Electric Arc Welding

This presentation aimed to raise awareness that:
There is an inherent electrical hazard in electric arc welding The risk is dependent on the welding environment Welding environments are categorized as Cat. A, Cat. B or

Cat. C in accordance with AS 1674.2 2007 Health and safety in welding Part 2 Electrical There are differences in physiological effects of d.c. current & a.c. current on the human body, hence there are different levels of electrical hazard with different types of welding power sources:

d.c output in preference to a.c. output

Copyright 2011 WTIA

The electrical hazard can be managed by education,

MIG/MAG/Flux-coredin preference to Stick

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implementation of better work practices, substituting safer processes and better informed choices of equipment

Glen Allan Education & Training Manager +61 2 4935 4647

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