Drama 1 Step 4 A Inquirychecked by Moira

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This lesson plan will help you to plan your learning and the assessment task to show that you understand what you have learnt. You must refer to the step 3A of the IB planner to choose the inquiry focus and the questions. Consult with your TIC and mentor to fill in this document The Inquiry Focus (Learning Intention) (From one of the lines of inquiry, write your learning intention/ focus you want to learn)

To know the functions of drama

Inquiry Questions (write the key questions related to the inquiry focus above) Learning Success Criteria (decide what you want to achieve at the end of this learning inquiry )

1. What is drama? 2. What are types of drama? 3. What drama can be used for?

1. Defines the meaning of drama 2. Identifies different types of drama 3. Explain what drama can be used for 4. Show team work and applied research skills.

Learning Engagement (write the activities that you will do in order to get the answers for your inquiry, please refer to the learning strategies table in step 4B)

Tuning in: Writing from experience about when we were in the school production of DIG IT last year. Finding out: Interviewing experts: Mr Arif (Unesa lecturer) and Ms Niken (High school drama teacher) Web search: use of website wikis, clips, simulation Sorting out: Use a graphic organizer to help us sort out and represent our ideas about the topic Going Further : Do independent research about traditional drama in Indonesia.
Assessment Task (what you will do/create to present the answer or to show your understanding of this inquiry focus, please refer to the learning strategies table in step 4B)

Assessment strategies : process focused Assessment tool: Rubrics

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