3G 2G Interview Questions Set

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What is a typical NodeB sensitivity level?

The service and load determines the NodeB sensitivity; in general, in a no-load condition, the sensitivity is between -115dBm to -125dBm. For Ericsson, the NodeB sensitivity level is calc lated at aro nd! "#12.2! %#-&$! %#-12(! %#-)($! -12$ dBm -11' dBm -115 dBm -115 dBm

What is a typical UE sensitivity level? The service and load determines the *E sensitivity; in general, in no-load condition, the sensitivity is between -1+5dBm and -12+dBm. For Ericsson, the *E sensitivity level is calc lated at aro nd! "#12.2! %#-&$! %#-12(! %#-)($! ,#-%.! -11' dBm -112 dBm -11+ dBm -1+5 dBm -'5 dBm

What is a typical NodeB maximum output power? The ma/im m NodeB o t0 t 0ower is s ally 2+1 or $+1, that is, $)dBm or $&dBm. What is UE maximum transmit power in your link budget? 21dBm. What is a typical antenna gain? The antenna gain de0ends on antenna model; in lin2 b dget we se aro nd 13dBi. What is a typical maximum path loss? The ma/im m 0ath loss is de0endent on the service and vendor recommendations; ty0ically it is in between 1)5 to 1$+dB 4or rban areas and between 15+ to 1&+dB 4or r ral areas. What is difference between dBi and dBd? dBi is the gain in dB 4rom isotro0ic so rce; dBd is the gain 4rom a di0ole so rce. dBd 5 2.15 6 dBi.

What is the difference between dB and dBm? dBm is a nit o4 0ower level, meas red in milli-watts in logarithm scale, that is, dBm 6 1+ 7 log8171+++9 where 1 is the 0ower in 1atts dB is not a nit, it is the di44erence in dBm. What is 0dBm? +dBm 6 1 milli-watt. ow does !"# work? . T:. red ces system noise, im0roves 0lin2 sensitivity and leads to longer *E battery li4e. #ensitivity is the minim m in0 t 0ower needed to get a s itable signal-to-noise ratio 8#N;9 at the o t0 t o4 the receiver. <t is determined by receiver noise 4ig re, thermo noise 0ower and re= ired #N;. Thermo noise 0ower is determined by bandwidth and tem0erat re, #N; is determined by mod lation techni= e, there4ore the only variable is noise 4ig re. The cascading noise 4ig re can be calc lated by Friis e= ation 8,erald Friis9! NFt 6 NF1 5 8NF2-19>?1 5 8NF)-19>8?17?29 5 ... 5 8NFi-19>8?17?27...7?i9 .s the e= ation shows, the 4irst bloc2 im0oses the minim m and the most 0rominent noise 4ig re on the system, and the 4ollowing bloc2s im0oses less and less im0act to the system 0rovided the gains are 0ositive. @inear 0assive devices have noise 4ig re e= al to their loss. . T:. ty0ically has a gain o4 12dB. There are ty0ically to0 A m0er, main 4eeder and a bottom A m0er between antenna and BT#. . T:. 0laced near antenna with a short A m0er 4rom antenna 0rovides the best noise 4ig re im0rovement B the noise 4ig re will be restricted to the to0 A m0er loss 8NF19 and T:. 88NF2-19>?19, and the remaining bloc2s 8main 4eeder and bottom A m0er9 have little e44ect. To s mmariCe, a T:. has a gain thatDs close to 4eeder loss. What are the pros and cons $advantages and disadvantages% of !"#? En the 0side, a T:. red ces system noise, im0roves 0lin2 sensitivity and leads to longer *E battery li4e. En the downside, T:. im0oses an additional insertion loss 8ty0ically +.5dB9 on the downlin2 and increases site installation and maintenance com0le/ity. What is typical !"# gain? T:. ty0ically has a 12 dB gain; however, the e44ective gain comes 4rom noise 4ig re red ction and the gain is close or e= ivalent to the 4eeder loss.

Why !"# are installed at the top near the antenna and not the bottom near the NodeB? Based on Friis E= ation, having a T:. near the BT# will have the to0 A m0er and main 4eeder losses 8noise 4ig res9 cascaded in and a T:. will not be able to hel0 s 00ress the losses. What is U"!& chip rate? ).($:,C. What is processing gain? %rocessing gain is the ratio o4 chi0 rate over data bit rate, s ally re0resented in decibel 8dB9 scale. For e/am0le, with ).($:,C chi0 rate and 12.22 data rate, the 0rocessing gain is! %?12.22 6 1+ 7 log 8),($+,+++ > 12,2++9 6 25dB What are the processing gains for '& and (& services? "#12.2! %#-&$! %#-12(! %#-)($! ,#-%.! 25dB 1(dB 15dB 1+dB 2dB

ow to calculate maximum number of users on a cell? To calc late the ma/im m n mber o4 sers 8M9 on a cell, we need to 2now! W! chi0 rate 84or *:T# ),($+,+++ chi0s 0er second9 EbNo! Eb>No re= irement 8ass ming )dB 4or "#-12.229 i! other-cell to in-cell inter4erence ratio 8ass ming &+F9 R! ser data rate 8ass ming 12,2++ 2b0s 4or "#-12.229 G! loading 4actor 8ass ming 5+F9 Ta2e 12.22b0s as e/am0le! : 6 1 > 8EnNo 7 81 5 i9 7 ;9 7 G 6 ),($+,+++ 8) 7 81 5 +.&9 7 12,2++9 7 +.5 6 )2.( The n mber o4 sers co ld also be hard-limited by EH#F code s0ace. Ta2e "#12.22 4or e/am0le! a. . "#-12.22 bearer needs 1 #F12( code. b. Total available codes 4or "#-12.22 6 12( B 2 81 #F&$9 B 2 8$ #F25&9 6 12$. c. "onsider so4t-handover 4actor o4 1.( and loading 4actor o4 5+F! 12$ > 1.( 7.+5 6 )$ ers>cell.

What is Eb)No? By de4inition Eb>No is energy bit over noise density, i.e. is the ratio o4 the energy 0er in4ormation bit to the 0ower s0ectral density 8o4 inter4erence and noise9 a4ter dis0reading. Eb>No 6 %rocessing ?ain 5 #<; For e/am0le, i4 Eb>No is 5dB and 0rocessing gain is 25dB then the #<; sho ld be -2+dB or better. What are the Eb)No targets in your design? The Eb>No targets are de0endent on the service! I En the 0lin2, ty0ically "# is 5 to &dB and %# is ) to $dB B %# is abo t 2dB lower. I En the downlin2, ty0ically "# has & to 3dB and %# is 5 to &dB B %# is abo t 1dB lower. Why is Eb)No re*uirement lower for (& than for '&? %# has a better error correction ca0ability and can tiliCe retransmission, there4ore it can a44ord to a lower Eb>No. "# is real-time and cannot tolerate delay so it needs a higher Eb>No to maintain a stronger ;F lin2. What is Ec)+o? Ec><o is the ratio o4 the energy 0er chi0 in "%<", to the total received 0ower density 8incl ding "%<", itsel49. &ometimes we say Ec)+o and sometimes we say Ec)No, are they different? <o 6 own cell inter4erence 5 s rro nding cell inter4erence 5 noise density No 6 s rro nding cell inter4erence 5 noise density That is, <o is the total received 0ower density incl ding "%<", o4 its own cell, No is the total received 0ower density e/cl ding "%<", o4 its own cell. Technically Ec><o sho ld be the correct meas rement b t, d e to e= i0ment ca0ability, Ec>No is act ally meas red. <n *:T#, Ec>No and Ec><o are o4ten sed interchangeably. What is -&'(? ;#"% stands 4or ;eceived #ignal "ode %ower B the energy 0er chi0 in "%<", averaged over 512 chi0s. What is &+-? #<; is the #ignal-to-<nter4erence ;atio B the ratio o4 the energy in dedicated 0hysical control channel bits to the 0ower density o4 inter4erence and noise a4ter dis0reading.

What is the loading factor in your design? The designed loading ty0ically is 5+F; however, sometimes a carrier may want to design 0 to 35F load. .ive a simple definition of pole capacity? The 0lin2 noise increases with the loading e/0onentially. 1hen the 0lin2 noise a00roaches in4inity then no more sers can be added to a cell B and the cell loading is close to 1++F and has reached its J0ole ca0acityK. :athematically, to calc late the 0lin2 0ole ca0acity we need to 2now! W! chi0 rate 84or *:T# ),($+,+++ chi0s 0er second9 R! ser data rate 8ass ming 12,2++ 2b0s 4or "#-12.229 f! other-cell to in-cell inter4erence ratio 8ass ming &5F9 EbNo! Eb>No re= irement 8ass ming 5dB9 .F! .ctivity 4actor 8ass ming 5+F9 %ole "a0acity 6 81>;9 > 8815f9 7 .F 7 1+L8EbNo>1+99 6 12+.& To calc late the downlin2 0ole ca0acity we also need to 2now! ! downlin2 channels orthogonality 4actor 8ass ming 55F9 %ole "a0acity 6 81>;9 > 881- 5f9 7 1+L8EbNo>1+99 6 &$.+& What is typical pole capacity for '&/0121, (&/34, (&/015 and (&/654? 1ith same ass m0tions as above! I "#-12.22! 12+.& 8*@9, &$.1 8-@9. I %#-&$2! )$.( 8*@9, 12.(8-@9. I %#-12(2! 1&.2 8*@9, (.$ 8-@9. I %#-)($2! 1&.2 8*@9, 2.( 8-@9. %#-)($2 has only 12(2 on the 0lin2, there4ore the 0lin2 ca0acity is the same 4or both. ow many types of handovers are there in U"!&? #o4t handover, so4ter handover, inter-4re= ency handover, inter-;.T handover, inter;.T cell change 8*E moving o t o4 *:T# coverage into ?#:>?%;#>E?-?E coverage9. What is soft handover and softer handover? I #o4t handover! when a *E is connected to cells owned by di44erent NodeB. I #o4ter handover! when a *E is connected to cells owned by the same NodeB. ow does soft)softer handover work? I #o4t>so4ter handover downlin2! *E ra2e receiver 0er4orms ma/im m ratio combining, i.e. *E combines m lti-0ath signals and 4orm a stronger signal. I #o4t handover 0lin2! ;N" 0er4orms selection combining, i.e. ;N" selects the better signal coming 4rom m lti0le NodeB.

I #o4ter handover 0lin2! NodeB 0er4orms ma/im m ratio combining, i.e. NodeB ra2e receiver combines signals 4rom di44erent 0aths and 4orms a stronger signal. Why is there 7soft handover gain8? #o4t handover gain comes 4rom the 4ollowing! I :acro diversity gain over slow 4ading. I :icro diversity gain over 4ast 4ading. I -ownlin2 load sharing over m lti0le ;F lin2s. By maintaining m lti0le lin2s each lin2 co ld transmit at a lower 0ower, res lting in lower inter4erence there4ore a gain. Brief describe the advantages and disadvantages of soft handover? .dvantages! I Evercome 4ading thro gh macro diversity. I ;ed ced Node B 0ower which in t rn decreases inter4erence and increases ca0acity. I ;ed ced *E 0ower 8 0 $dB9, decreasing inter4erence and increasing battery li4e. -isadvantages! I *E sing several radio lin2s re= ires more channeliCation codes, and more reso rces on the < b and < r inter4aces. What are fast fading and slow fading? Fast 4ading is also called m lti-0ath 4ading, as a res lt o4 m lti-0ath 0ro0agation. 1hen m lti-0ath signals arriving at a *E, the constr ctive and destr ctive 0hases create a variation in signal strength. #low 4ading is also called shadowing. 1hen a *E moves away 4rom a cell the signal strength dro0s down slowly. What are fast fading margin and slow fading margin? To 4actor in the 4ast 4ading and slow 4ading, we need to have a margin in the lin2 b dget and they are called 4ast 4ading margin and slow 4ading margin. <n lin2 b dget, the 4ast 4ading margin is s ally set to 2-); slow 4ading margin is set to 31+. What is a typical soft handover gain in your link budget? a. "#-12.22! )dB 8*@9, 2dB 8-@9. 1dB 8*@9, +dB 8-@9. 1dB 8*@9, +dB 8-@9.

b. %#-&$2! c. %#-12(2!

d. %#-)($2!

1dB 8*@9, +dB 8-@9.

What is the percentage in time a UE is expected to be in soft or softer handover? Ty0ically a *E sho ld be in so4t handover mode at no more than )5 to $+F o4 the time; in so4ter handover mode at abo t 5F o4 the time. What is a typical Ei-(? The Ei;% de0ends NodeB transmit 0ower, cable and connector loss and antenna gain. 1ith a sam0le system o4 $)dBm transmit 0ower, a )dB cable and connector loss and a 13dBi antenna gain, the Ei;% 6 $) B ) 5 13 6 53dBm. ow much power usually a NodeB is allocated to control channels? The 0ower allocated to control channels may de0end on e= i0ment vendor recommendation. Ty0ically no more than 2+F o4 the total NodeB 0ower is allocated to control channels, incl ding "%<",. ,owever, i4 ,#-%. is de0loyed on the same carrier then the total 0ower allocated to control channel may go 0 to 25 to )+F beca se o4 the additional ,#-%. control channels re= ired. What is a typical '(+' power?

"%<", 0ower ty0ically ta2es abo t 1+F o4 the total NodeB 0ower. For a 2+1 8$)dBm9 NodeB, "%<", is aro nd 21 8))dBm9. <n rban areas where in-b ilding coverage is ta2en care o4 by in-b ilding installations, the "%<", may sometimes go as low as 5F beca se! I The coverage area is small since sers are close to the site, and I :ore 0ower can be allocated to tra44ic channels. ow much is your &9(# $max% link power?

,#-%. lin2 0ower is ty0ically $ to 5dB below the ma/im m NodeB ma/im m o t0 t 0ower. For e/am0le, 4or $)dBm ma/im m NodeB 0ower the ,#-%. lin2 0ower is )'dBm. 'onsider downlink only, what are the ma:or components in calculating maximum path loss, starting from NodeB? I NodeB "%<", transmit 0ower. I M m0er and 4eeder connector loss. I .ntenna gain. I Ever-the-air loss. I B ilding > vehicle 0enetration loss. I Body loss. I Etc.

What is maximum path/loss? The ma/im m 0ath-loss is how m ch signal is allowed to dro0 4rom a transmitter to a receiver and maintains as good signal. &imple link budget; with a 60dBm '(+' and a /000dBm UE sensitivity, ignoring anything in between, what is the maximum path loss? )+ B 8B1++9 6 )+ 5 1++ 6 1)+dB. &uppose + have a maximum path/loss of 060dBm, what is the new path/loss if a <dB body loss is added? 125dB. What is channeli=ation code? "hanneliCation codes are orthogonal codes sed to s0read the signal and hence 0rovides channel se0aration, that is, channeliCation codes are sed to se0arate channels 4rom a cell. ow many channeli=ation codes are available? The n mber o4 channeliCation codes available is de0endent on the length o4 code. <n the 0lin2 the length is de4ined as between $ and 25&. <n the downlin2 the length is de4ined as between $ and 512. #re channeli=ation codes mutually orthogonal? +f so, why is 7>rthogonality ?actor8 re*uired in the link budget? Nes, channeliCation codes are m t ally orthogonal. Nonetheless, d e to m lti-0ath with variable time delay, channels 4rom the same cell are no longer 0er4ectly orthogonal and may inter4ere with each other. . J-ownlin2 Erthogonality FactorK, ty0ically 5+-&+F, is there4ore needed in the lin2 b dget to acco nt 4or the inter4erence B and hence red ces 0ole ca0acity. What is scrambling code? ow many scrambling codes there are?

#crambling codes are sed to se0arate cells and *Es 4rom each other, that is, each cell or *E sho ld have a ni= e scrambling code. There are 512 scrambling codes on the downlin2 and millions on the 0lin2. What is scrambling 7code group8? The 512 scrambling codes are divided into &$ code gro 0s B each code gro 0 has ( scrambling codes. "ode gro 0 i 8i 6 + to &)9 has codes 4rom i7( to 8i5197(-1, i.e. 8+-39 8(-159O85+$-5119.

9o you divide scrambling code groups into subgroups? (lease give an example2 Nes, we divide the &$ code gro 0s into s bgro 0s! I :acro layer gro 0! 2$ code gro 0s reserved 4or macro 8o tdoor9 sites. I :icro layer gro 0! 1& code gro 0s reserved 4or micro 8in-b ilding9 sites. I E/0ansion gro 0! 2$ code gro 0s reserved 4or 4 t re e/0ansion sites. Which service usually needs higher power, '& or (&? "onsider downlin2 and ta2e "#-12.2 and %#-)($2 4or e/am0le. The 0rocessing gain is 25 4or "#-12.2 and 1+ 4or %#-)($. The Eb>No re= irement is 3 4or "#-12.2 and 5 4or %#)($. There4ore the 0ower re= irement is higher 4or "#-12.2 than %#-)($. What is Eb)No re*uirement for &9(#?

The Eb>No re= irement 4or ,#-%. varies with ser bit rate 8data rate9, ty0ically 2 4or 3&(2b0s and 5 4or 2:b0s. What is 7noise rise8? What does a higher noise rise mean in terms of network loading? For every new ser added to the service, additional noise is added to the networ2. That is, each new ser ca ses a Jnoise riseK. <n theory, the Jnoise riseK is de4ined as the ratio o4 total received wideband 0ower to the noise 0ower. ,igher Jnoise riseK val e im0lies more sers are allowed on the networ2, and each ser has to transmit higher 0ower to overcome the higher noise level. This means smaller 0ath loss can be tolerated and the cell radi s is red ced. To s mmariCe, a higher noise rise means higher ca0acity and smaller 4oot0rint, a lower noise rise means smaller ca0acity and bigger 4oot0rint. What is 7pilot pollution8? #im0ly s0ea2ing, when the n mber o4 strong cells e/ceeds the active set siCe, there is J0ilot 0oll tionK in the area. Ty0ically the active set siCe is ), so i4 there are more than ) strong cells then there is 0ilot 0oll tion. -e4inition o4 Jstrong cellK! 0ilots within the handover window siCe 4rom the strongest cell. Ty0ical handover window siCe is between $ to &dB. For e/am0le, i4 there are more than 2 cells 8besides the strongest cell9 within $dB o4 the strongest cell then there is 0ilot 0oll tion. What is a typical handover window si=e in your network? . handover window siCe is s ally between $ to &dB. What is 7soft handover8 and 7softer handover8? J#o4t handoverK is when *E has connection to m lti0le cells on di44erent NodeB.

J#o4ter handoverK is when *E has connection to m lti0le cells on same NodeB. <n downlin2 a *E can combine signals 4rom di44erent cells, im0roving the signal = ality. For 0lin2 and so4t handover, ;N" selects the best signal 4rom di44erent NodeB. For 0lin2 and so4ter handover, a NodeB combines the signal 4rom di44erent sectors. 9uring a handover, if one cell sends a power down re*uest and two cells send a power up re*uest, shall the UE power up or power down? %ower down. .s long as a good lin2 can be maintained it is not necessary to 0ower 0 in order to maintain m lti0le lin2s. :aintaining nnecessary m lti0le lin2s increases noise rise and shall be avoided. &uppose we are designing a '& network and a (& network, is there a ma:or difference in the design consideration? #erver dominance is the 2ey di44erence. <n a "# networ2 we shall limit the n mber o4 strong servers in any given area to no more than the active set siCe to avoid 0ilot 0oll tion 8in the downlin29. <n a %# networ2, however, there isnDt so4t handover in the downlin2 so the server dominance is very im0ortant B meaning ideally there sho ld be only one dominant server in a given area. What is the active set si=e on your network? ). ow many fingers does a UE rake receiver have? $. What is 7compressed mode8? Be4ore *E can 0er4orm inter-4re= ency or <;.T handover, it needs to have some time to loc2 on to the control channel o4 the other 4re= ency or system and listen to the broadcast in4ormation. "ertain idle 0eriods are created in radio 4rames 4or this 0 r0ose and is called Jcom0ressed modeK. 9escribe the power control schemes in U"!&? I E0en loo0 B 4or *E to access the networ2, i.e. sed at call set 0 or initial access to set *E transmit 0ower. I "losed o ter loo0! ;N" calc lates the #<; target and sends the target to NodeB 8every 1+ms 4rame9. I "losed inner loo0! NodeB sends the T%" bits to *E to increase or decrease the 0ower at 1,5++ times a second. What is the fre*uency of power control $how fast is power control%? I E0en loo0! de0ends on 0arameter setting!

T)++ B time to wait between ;;" retries 81++ms to (+++ ms, ty0ical 15++ms9 I "losed o ter loo0! 1++ times a second. I "losed inner loo0! 1,5++ times a second. Briefly describe why open loop power control is needed and how it works? I 1hen a *E needs to access to the networ2 it ses ;.", to begin the 0rocess. I ;.", is a shared channel on the 0lin2 sed by all *E, there4ore may enco nter contention 8collision9 d ring m lti0le ser access attem0ts and inter4ere with each other. I Each *E m st estimate the amo nt o4 0ower to se on the access attem0t since no 4eedbac2 4rom the NodeB e/ists as it does on the dedicated channel. I The 0 r0ose o4 o0en loo0 0ower control is to minimiCe the chance o4 collision and minimiCe the initial *E transmit 0ower to red ce inter4erence to other *E. I <nitial *E transmit 0ower 6 %rimaryP"%<",P%ower B "%<",P;#"% 5 *@P<nter4errnce 5 constantPHal eP"0rach I <nstead o4 sending the whole message, a JtestK 80reamble9 is sent. I 1ait 4or answer 4rom NodeB. I <4 no answer 4rom NodeB increase the 0ower. I Try and try ntil s cceed or timeo t. What is power control 7headroom8? %ower control JheadroomK is also called J0ower riseK. <n a non-4ading channel the *E needs to transmit a certain 4i/ed 0ower. <n a 4ading channel a *E reacts to 0ower control commands and s ally increases the transmit 0ower. The di44erence between the average 0ower levels o4 4ading and non-4ading channels is called J0ower riseK or JheadroomK. When in 6/way soft handover, if a UE receives power down re*uest from one cell and power up re*uest from the other 1 cells, should the UE power up or down and why? %ower down. :aintaining one good lin2 is s 44icient to s stain a call and having nnecessary stronger lin2s creates more inter4erence. &uppose two UE are served by the same cell, the UE with weaker link $poor -? condition% uses more 7capacity8, why does this mean? The *E with wea2er ;F lin2 will re= ire NodeB to transmit higher tra44ic 0ower in order to reach the *E, res lting in less 0ower 4or other *E B there4ore cons mes more Jca0acityK. Under what circumstances can a NodeB reach its capacity? What are the capacity limitations? NodeB reaches its ma/im m transmit 0ower, r ns o t o4 its channel elements, 0lin2 noise rise reaches its design target, etc.

What is 7cell breathing8 and why? The cell coverage shrin2s as the loading increases, this is called cell breathing. <n the 0lin2, as more and more *E are served by a cell, each *E needs to transmit higher 0ower to com0ensate 4or the 0lin2 noise rise. .s a conse= ence, the *E with wea2er lin2 8*E at greater distance9 may not have eno gh 0ower to reach the NodeB B there4ore a coverage shrin2age. <n the downlin2, the NodeB also needs to transmit higher 0ower as more *E are being served. .s a conse= ence *E with wea2er lin2 8greater distance9 may not be reachable by the NodeB. +s U"!& an uplink/limited or downlink/limited system? . *:T# system co ld be either 0lin2-limited or downlin2-limited de0ending on the loading. <n a lightly loaded system, the *E transmit 0ower sets a coverage limitation there4ore it is 0lin2-limited. <n a heavily loaded system, the NodeB transmit 0ower limits the n mber o4 *Es it can serve there4ore it is downlin2-limited. What is the impact of higher data rate on coverage? ,igher data rate has lower 0rocessing gain and there4ore a NodeB needs to transmit more 0ower to meet the re= ired Eb>No; this means the coverage is smaller 4or higher data rate. What is >'N&? E"N# stands 4or Erthogonal "hannel Noise #im lator. <t is a sim lated networ2 load s ally by increasing the noise rise 4ig re in the NodeB. What are the interfaces between each U!-#N component? * ! *E to NodeB < b! NodeB to ;N" < r! ;N" to ;N" < ! ;N" to :#" Briefly describe the UE to U!-#N protocol stack $air interface layers%2 The radio inter4ace is divided into ) layers! 1. (hysical layer 8@ayer 1, @19! sed to transmit data over the air, res0onsible 4or channel coding, interleaving, re0etition, mod lation, 0ower control, macro-diversity combining. 2. @ink layer 8@29! is s0lit into 2 s b-layers B :edi m .ccess "ontrol 8:."9 and ;adio @in2 "ontrol 8;@"9. Q :."! res0onsible 4or m lti0le/ing data 4rom m lti0le a00lications onto 0hysical channels in 0re0aration 4or over-the-air transmition.

Q ;@"! segments the data streams into 4rames that are small eno gh to be transmitted over the radio lin2. ). Upper layer 8@)9! vertically 0artitioned into 2 0lanes! control 0lane 4or signaling and ser 0lan 4or bearer tra44ic. Q --' 8;adio ;eso rce "ontrol9 is the control 0lan 0rotocol! controls the radio reso rces 4or the access networ2. <n im0lementation! 1. *E has all ) layers. 2. NodeB has %hysical @ayer. ). ;N" had :." layer and ;;" layer. Briefly describe U"!& air interface channel types and their functions2 There are ) ty0es o4 channels across air inter4ace B 0hysical channel, trans0ort channel and logical channel! I %hysical "hannel! carries data between 0hysical layers o4 *E and NodeB. I Trans0ort "hannel! carries data between 0hysical layer and :." layer. I @ogical "hannel! carries data between :." layer and ;;" layer. .ive some examples of (hysical, !ransport and @ogical channels2 1. @ogical "hannel! Q "ontrol channel! B"",, %"",, """,, -"",. Q Tra44ic channel! -T",, "T",. 2. Trans0ort "hannel! Q "ommon control channel! B",, F.",, %",, ;.",, "%",. Q -edicated channel! -",, -#",. 2. %hysical "hannel! Q "ommon control channel! %-""%",, #-""%",, %-#",, #-#",, "%<",, .<",, %<",, %-#",, %;.",, %"%",, "->".-<",. Q -edicated channel! -%-",, -%"",. What are the --' operation modes? <dle mode and connected mode.

What are the --' states? There are $ ;;" #tates! "ellP-",, "ellPF.",, *;.P%", and "ellP%",. *;. 6 *T;.N ;egistration .rea.

What are transparent mode, acknowledged mode and unacknowledged mode?

I Trans0arent mode corres0onds to the lowest service o4 the ;@" layer, no controls and no detection o4 missing data. I *nac2nowledged mode o44ers the 0ossibility o4 segment and concatenate o4 data b t no error correction or retransmission there4ore no g arantee o4 delivery. I .c2nowledged mode o44ers, in addition to *: mode 4 nctions, ac2nowledgement o4 transmission, 4low control, error correction and retransmission. Which layer$s% perform ciphering function? ;;" B 4or ac2nowledged mode 8.:9 and nac2nowledged mode 8*:9. :." B 4or trans0arent mode 8T:9. What is >A&?? Erthogonal Hariable #0reading Factor. ow many >A&? code spaces are available? I Total EH#F codes 6 25&. I ;eserved! 1 #F&$ 4or #-""%",, 1 #F25& 4or "%<",, %-""%",, %<", and .<", each. I Total available code s0ace 6 25& B $ 81 #F&$9 B $ 8$ #F25&9 6 2$(. 'an code space limit the cell capacity? Nes, cell ca0acity can be hard-limited by code s0ace. Ta2e "#-12.22 4or e/am0le! I . "#-12.22 bearer needs 1 #F12( code. I Total available codes 4or "#-12.22 6 12( B 2 81 #F&$9 B 2 8$ #F25&9 6 12$. I "onsider so4t-handover 4actor o4 1.(! 12$ > 1.( 6 &( ers>cell. 'an a user have >A&? code as 700008? No, beca se J1111OK 825& times9 is sed by "%<",. What are the symbol rates $bits per symbol% for B(&B, C(&B, 5(&B and 03C#"? I B%#R! 1. I S%#R! 2. I (%#R! ). I 1&S.:! $. Briefly describe U"!& frame structure2 I *:T# 4rame d ration 6 1+ms. I Each 4rame is divided into 15 timeslots. I Each timeslot is divided into 25&+ chi0s. I There4ore 25&+ chi0s>T# 7 15 T#>4rame 7 81+++ms>1+ms9 4rame>sec 6 ),($+,+++ chi0>sec. What is cell selection criterion?

"ell selection is based on! a. Smean! the average #<; o4 the target cell. b. Smin! minim m re= ired #<;. c. %com0ensation! a correction val e 4or di44erence *E classes. # 6 Smean - Smin - %com0ensation d. <4 #T+ then the cell is a valid candidate. e. . *E will cam0 on the cell with the highest #. Briefly describe 'apacity "anagement and its functions; "a0acity :anagement is res0onsible 4or the control o4 the load in the cell. <t consists o4 ) main 4 nctions!

-edicated :onitored ;eso rce ,andling! trac2s tiliCation o4 critical reso rces o4 the system. .dmission "ontrol! acce0ts>re4 ses admission re= ests based on the c rrent load on the dedicated monitored reso rces and the characteristics o4 the re= est "ongestion "ontrol! detects>resolves overload sit ations

What are the ma:or 4 B(+s in propagation model tuning and typical acceptable values? The $ R%<s are standard deviation error, root mean s= are error, mean error and correlation coe44icient. The ty0ical acce0table val es are! I #tandard deviation error! the smaller the better, s ally 3 to 'dB. I :ean error! the smaller the better, s ally 2 to). I ;oot mean s= are error! the smaller the better, s ally I "orrelation coe44icient! the larger the better, s ally 3+F to '+F. What is the minimum number of bins re*uired for a certain propagation model? The more bins the more li2ely to come 0 with a good model. *s ally a minim m o4 2,+++ bines is considered acce0table, b t sometimes as low as 5++ bins may be acce0ted. ow many scrambling codes are there? There are 512 scrambling codes in the downlin2 and 1&,333,21& codes in the 0lin2. ow many scrambling code groups are there for downlink? There are &$ code gro 0s, each gro 0 has ( scrambling codes. 'an we assign same scrambling codes to sister sectors $sectors on same site%? No, beca se scrambling code on the downlin2 is sed 4or cell identity. .s a re= irement, scrambling codes have to maintain a sa4e se0aration to avoid inter4erence.

#re scrambling codes orthogonal? No, scrambling codes are not orthogonal since they are not synchroniCed at each receiver. They are 0se do random se= ences o4 codes. 'an we assign scrambling codes 0, 1 and 6 to sister sectors? Nes. +n +&/D< we have a (N reuse factor $(N step si=e% and therefore cannot use all <01 (N codes, why isnEt it necessary for U"!& scrambling codes? Beca se <#-'5 is a synchroniCed networ2, di44erent %N codes have the same code se= ence with a time shi4t, there4ore we need to maintain a certain %N ste0 siCe to avoid m lti-0ath 0roblem. For e/am0le, i4 two sectors in the neighborhood have a small %N se0aration then signal arriving 4rom cell . may r n into the time domain o4 cell B, ca sing inter4erence. *:T#, on the other hand, is not a synchroniCed networ2 and all scrambling codes are m t ally orthogonal so no need to maintain a ste0 siCe. What are coverage thresholds in your U"!& design and why? The coverage thresholds are based on *E sensitivity, 4ading and 0enetration loss. .ss ming *E sensitivity o4 -11+dBm, 4ade margin o4 5dB! I E tdoor! -11+dBm sensitivity 5 5dB 4ade margin 6 -1+5dBm. I <n-vehicle! -11+dBm 5 5dB 5 (dB in-vehicle 0enetration loss 6 -'3dBm. I <n-b ilding! -11+dBm 5 5dB 5 15dB in-b ilding 0enetration loss 6 -'+dBm. What is the Ec)+o target in your design? The Ec><o target ty0ically is between -12 to -1$dB. ,owever, i4 a networ2 is designed 4or data then the Ec><o target co ld go higher to aro nd -1+dB beca se server dominance is more critical 4or a data networ2 B since there isnDt so4tware in the downlin2. What is 7"onte 'arlo simulation8? #ince *:T# coverage is de0endent on the loading, static coverage and = ality analysis 8;#"% and Ec><o9 re0resents the networ2 0er4ormance in no-load condition. :onte "arlo sim lation is there4ore sed to ill strate networ2 0er4ormance nder sim lated loading condition. What is the key difference between a static analysis and a "onte 'arlo simulation? #tatic analysis can only show ;#"% and Ec><o in no-load condition. :onte "arlo sim lation not only can show ;#"% and Ec><o in sim lated loading b t also can show many more others! mean served, cell loading, 0lin2 and downlin2 ca0acity limits reached, etc.

What should be run first $what information should be ready and loaded% before running a "onte 'arlo simulation? Be4ore r nning :onte "arlo sim lation, the 4ollowing sho ld be com0leted or in 0lace. I ; n 0rediction. I #0read the tra44ic. I -e4ine terminal ty0es. ow many snap shots and iteration do you usually have when running "onte 'arlo simulation? 8-e0end on so4tware tool recommendations9. What are the design B(+Es? 8;#"%, Ec><o, mean served, so4t handover ratioO9 What plots do you usually check after running "onte 'arlo for trouble spots? 8;#"%, Ec><o, service 0robability, reasons 4or 4ail reO9 What are the typical reasons of failure in "onte 'arlo simulation? I -ownlin2 Eb>No 4ail re 8"a0acity9. I -ownlin2 Eb>No 4ail re 8;ange9. I *0lin2 Eb>No 4ail re. I @ow 0ilot #<;. I Noise rise limit reached. I Etc. What does 7traffic spread8 mean? JTra44ic s0readK means s0reading tra44ic 8n mber o4 terminals9 in a cell coverage area. 9o you use live traffic or even/load traffic in your design? 8-e0ends9. What are the optimi=ation tools you use? -rive test, analysis, othersU #re &ystem +nformation Blocks $&+B% transmitted all the time? No, system in4ormation bloc2 is m lti0le/ed with synchroniCation channel. #ynchroniCation channel occ 0ies the 4irst time slot 8T#9 and #<B occ 0ies the other ' time slots. ow does UE camp $synchroni=e% to a NodeB?

1. *E ses the 0rimary synchroniCation channel 8%-#",9 4or slot alignment 8T# synchroniCation9. 2. .4ter aligning to NodeB time slot, *E then ses secondary synchroniCation channel 8#-#",9 to obtain 4rame synchroniCation and scrambling code gro 0 identi4ication. ). *E then ses scrambling code <- to obtain "%<",, th s cam0ing to a NodeB. What could be the cause of soft handover failure? I *E iss e. I ;eso rce navailable at target NodeB. I <nade= ate #,E threshold de4ined. I Etc. What are the three sets in handover? The ) sets in handover are! I .ctive set B the list o4 cells which are in so4t handover with *E. I :onitored set B the list o4 cells not in active set b t ;N" has told *E to monitor. I -etected set B list o4 cells detected by the *E b t not con4ig red in the neighbor list. What are the ma:or differences between .&" and U"!& handover decision? ?#:! I Time-based mobile meas res o4 ;/@ev and ;/S al B mobile sends meas rement re0ort every #.", 0eriod 8$(+ms9. I B#" instr cts mobile to handover based on these re0orts. *:T#! I Event-triggered re0orting B *E sends a meas rement re0ort only on certain event JtriggersK. I *E 0lays more 0art in the handover decision. What are the events 0a, 0b, 0c, etc2? I e1a B a %rimary "%<", enters the re0orting range, i.e. add a cell to active set. I e1b B a 0rimary "%<", leaves the re0orting range, i.e. removed a cell 4rom active set. I e1c B a non-active 0rimary "%<", becomes better than an active 0rimary "%<",, i.e. re0lace a cell. I e1d! change o4 best cell. I e1e! a %rimary "%<", becomes better than an absol te threshold. I e14! a %rimary "%<", becomes worse than an absol te threshold. What are event 1a/1d and 6a/6d?

Events 2a-2d are 4or inter-4re= ency handover meas rements and events )a-)d are 4or <;.T handover meas rements. I e)a! the *:T# cell = ality has moved below a threshold and a ?#: cell = ality had moved above a threshold. I e)b! the ?#: cell = ality has moved below a threshold. I e)c! the ?#: cell = ality has moved above a threshold. I e)d! there was a change in the order o4 best ?#: cell list. What may happen when thereEs a missing neighbor or an incorrect neighbor? I .ccess 4ail re and handover 4ail re! may attem0t to access to a wrong scrambling code. I -ro00ed call! *E not aware o4 a strong scrambling code, strong inter4erence. I %oor data thro gh0 t. I %oor voice = ality. I Etc. What can we try to improve when access failure is high? 1hen access 4ail re is high we can try the 4ollowing to im0rove ;.", 0er4ormance! I <ncrease ma/im m *E transmit 0ower allowed! :a/PallowedP*@PTVP%ower. I <ncrease 0ower = ic2ly! 0owerPE44setP%+. I <ncrease n mber o4 0reambles sent in a given 0reamble cycle! 0reambleP;etransP:a/. I <ncrease the n mber o4 0reamble cycles! ma/P%reambleP"ycle. I <ncrease n mber o4 ;;" "onnection ;e= est retries! N)++. What are the conditions you typically set to trigger +-#! handover? ;#"% and Ec><o are sed to trigger <;.T handover! I ;#"% W -1++dBm. I Ec><o W -1&dBm. What are the typical B(+s you use to measure a network and what criteria? I .ccess 4ail re rate 8W 2F9. I "all set 0 time 8"#! over '5F o4 the time X &-second 4or mobile-to-%#TN, 'second 4or mobile-mobile. %#! over '5F o4 the time X 5-second9. I -ro00ed call rate 8W 2F9. I B@E;! over '5F o4 the bloc2s W 2F. I .verage -@>*@ thro gh0 t 4or %#-! 21+2b0s 4or loaded, 2$+2b0s 4or nloaded. What is the typical UE transmit power? Haries - most o4 the time below +dBm. ave your used Ericsson !E"&? +f so;

I -o yo 2now how to create command se= enceU I 1hat are the call se= ences yo ty0ically haveU "# long call, "# short call, %#call, etc. I 1hat are the ty0ical commands yo have 4or "# and %# callU I -o yo reg larly sto0 and restart a new log 4ileU 1hy and when to sto0 and start a new 4ileU I ,ow do yo sto0 a log 4ileU #to0 command se= ence 4irst, wait and ma2e s re all e= i0ment are in idle mode be4ore sto0 logging. 9id you work on neighbor prioriti=ation? %lease e/0lain. What is the typical event se*uence of +-#! andover from 6. to 1.

I Event 2d B entering into com0ressed mode B meas rement o4 2? candidates B Event )a B Heri4ication o4 2? reso rces B ,andover 4rom *T;.N "ommand 4rom )? ;N" to *E What are the possible causes for an +-#! ?ailure?

I :issing 2? relations I Non availability o4 2? ;eso rces I %oor 2? "overage I :issing )? ;elations

What is (aging &uccess -atio? What is the typical (&- that you have seen in a U"!& network?

I %#; B %aging ;es0onses to the %aging .ttem0ts I .bo t '+F

What are the possible causes for a lower (&-?

I Non-contin o s ;F "overage B *E going in and o t o4 coverage area 4re= ently

I Hery ,igh Y%eriodic @ocation *0date TimerD B Ree0ing *Es in H@; long time a4ter it moved o t o4 coverage I @ower %aging "hannel %ower I .ccess "hannel %arameter <ss es I -elayed @ocation *0date when crossing the @. > "N Bo ndaries

What are the possible causes for a 9rop 'all on a U"!& network?

I %oor "overage 8-@ > *@9 I %ilot %oll tion > %ilot #0illover I :issing Neighbor I #" "ollisions I -elayed ,andovers I No reso rce availability 8"ongestion9 4or ,and in I @oss o4 #ynchroniCation I Fast Fading I -elayed <;.T Triggers I ,ardware <ss es I E/ternal <nter4erence

# UE is served by 1 or 6 &' in #&2 +t is identifying a &' from 6rd tier, &tronger and meets the criteria for Event0a or Event0c2 But & > did not happen because of missing neighbor relations? ow do you optimi=e this issue?

I #t dy the %ilot s0illover 4rom the )rd Tier #" and control its coverage I Even a4ter controlling the coverage, i4 the s0illover is there, .dd the neighbor.

# UE is served by 1 &' in #&, a &' is coming in to "onitored &et and Event0a is triggered2 But UE is not receiving #ctive &et Update from NodeB and the call drops2 What could be possible causes for this drop?

I -elayed ,andover I @oss o4 #ynchroniCation I Fast Fading

I %ilot %oll tion > #0illover iss es

What is


andover in U"!&? When will it happen?

I ,ard ,andover in *:T# is a brea2 be4ore ma2e ty0e ,andover <t can ha00en in the inter ;N" bo ndaries where there is no < r lin2.

What is the typical 'all &etup !ime for a 6. UE to 6. UE 'all? What are the possible -? related causes for a delayed '&! in this type of call?

I & to ' seconds : lti0le ;;" .ttem0ts 8*E is on 0oor coverage B need more than .ccess .ttem0t9 -elayed %age ;es0onses ,igh @oad on %aging and>or .ccess "hannel %aging > .ccess %arameters

What is &oft

andover >verhead? What is the typical value in U"!& network?

I #o4t ,andover Everhead is calc lated in two ways. 19 .verage .ctive #et #iCe B Total Tra44ic > %rimary Tra44ic. 29 #econdary > Total Tra44ic Ty0ical Hal es are li2e 1.3 8.vg .ctive #et #iCe9 or )5F 8#econdary > Total 9

What will happen to the &oft network? #nd Why?

andover >verhead when you apply >'N& on the

I 1ith E"N#, the inter4erence 8load9 increases. This leads to red ction in Ec><o o4 a %ilot, which red ces the 0ilot s0illovers. ;ed ction in %ilot #0illover will red ce the #o4t ,andover Everhead.

What are the possible causes for an #ccess ?ailure in U"!&?

I :issing Neighbors %oor "overage %ilot %oll tion > #0illover %oor "ell ;eselection "ore Networ2 <ss es Non B availability o4 reso rces. .dmission "ontrol denies ,ardware <ss es <m0ro0er ;.", %arameters E/ternal <nter4erence

$?>- E-+'&&>N EF(E-+EN'E9% What is -!W(? What is the significance of it?

I ;eceived Total 1ide-band %ower <t gives the Total *0lin2 %ower 8<nter4erence9 level received at NodeB

$?>- E-+'&&>N EF(E-+EN'E9% What is the &ystem -eference (oint at which all the (ower @evels are measured in Ericsson NodeB?

I #ystem ;e4 %oint 4or E>>> NodeB is at the o t0 t o4 T:. 8Between T:. and .ntenna9

What are the typical values for Greporting range0aE and Greporting range0bE?

I ) dB and 5 dB res0ectively.

What will be the impact when you change Greportingrange0aE from 6 to 4 dB and Gtimetotrigger0aE 000 to 610 ms, without changing any other parameters?

I ;ed ction in n mber o4 Event1a -elayed Event1a trigger ;ed ction in .verage .ctive #et #iCe -elay in Event1a co ld increase -@ inter4erence, which co ld lead to a dro0 call or increase in .verage %ower %er *ser 8red ction in cell ca0acity9

What is #dmission 'ontrol? I .dmission "ontrol is an algorithm which controls the ;eso rce .llocation 4or a new call and additional reso rce allocation 4or an e/isting call. <ncase, i4 a cell is heavily a loaded and eno gh reso rces in terms o4 0ower, codes or "Es are not available, admission control denies 0ermission 4or the additional reso rce re= irement.

What is 'ongestion 'ontrol?

I "ongestion "ontrol monitors the dynamic tiliCation o4 s0eci4ic cell reso rces and ins res that overload conditions do not occ r. <4 overload conditions do occ r, "ongestion "ontrol will immediately restrict .dmission "ontrol 4rom granting additional reso rces. <n addition, "ongestion "ontrol will attem0t to resolve the congestion by either down switching, or terminating e/isting sers. Ence the congestion is corrected, the congestion resol tion actions will cease, and .dmission "ontrol will be enabled.

What is the maximum number of 'hanneli=ation 'odes that can be allocated for &, as per 6.(( standard? I 15 codes o4 #F 1&. What is G'ode "ultiplexingE in &9(#? & users within the

&haring the & 'hanneli=ation 'odes among more than one 1ms !!+ period2

$?>- E-+'&&>N EF(E-+EN'E9% +n Ericsson &ystem, how is the (ower allocated for &9(#H Power unutilized by 99 PS, CS and Comman Channels, is used for HS (PHS = Pmax hsPowerMargin - Pnon-HS) What are Events that can trigger the I &9(# 'ell 'hange?

Event 1d ,# B "hange o4 Best "ell in the .ctive #et Event 1b or Event 1c B ;emoval o4 the Best "ell 4rom the .ctive #et

ow is typically the 'all &etup !ime of a '&A call calculated in U"!& using @6 messages?

'&! is calculated as the time difference between G#lertingE and the first --' 'onnection -e*uest $'all +nitiation% messages2

What is pre/synchroni=ed handover? # pre/synchroni=ation method in which the source cell chooses a signature for the user mobile to use in the target cell for -#' access, and instructs the user mobile to perform -#' access and return to the current cell before a handover command $break command% is issued2 !his causes parallel execution of the U@ synchroni=ation process with the context transfer process among the two base stations Brief describe the advantages and disadvantages of soft handover? #dvantages &peech *uality; The s0eech = ality is very good. The handover is seamless and the 4re= ency is not changed. Ene or even more connections 4rom the *E to the *T;.N are 0 all the time. There is no short interr 0tion o4 the data trans4er when a connection to one cell is released. Transmission errors can be detected and corrected very well beca se the *T;.N receives the radio signal 4rom di44erent locations and can se A st the signal o4 the cell that c rrently has the best radio lin2 to the *E. <n this case es0ecially in b ildings, radio signal re4lections by walls etc. can better be 4iltered by the *T;.N. The 0robability that many radio lin2s at the same time are dist rbed is very low. (ower saving; Beca se o4 the 0ossibility to correct transmission errors easily by com0aring the signals received by the di44erent antennas 4rom the *E a higher transmission error rate in each lin2 can be com0ensated. ,ence the transmission 0ower level can be lower than in networ2s or sit ations with only one radio lin2 to the networ2. This saves 0ower. *Es can wor2 longer with same battery 0ower. @ower transmission power level; Beca se o4 the e44ect described above the transmission 0ower level o4 the *E and the cells is normally lower than it co ld be with only one radio lin2 only. This red ces 0ossible adverse health e44ects and red ces the 0ossibility o4 dist rbing other systems. No ping/pong effect; Beca se an *E can have more than one connection it is not 0ossible that a *E located in the middle o4 two cells o4ten does a 8hard9 handover between these two cells. ?re*uency planning and network expansion! Beca se in 1-"-:. all 0artici0ants se the same 4re= ency no detailed 4re= ency 0lanning is needed. New cells can be added easily beca se no new 4re= ency 0lanning is needed when e/0anding an e/isting networ2.

9isadvantages 'osts of computation; Es0ecially in a so4ter handover 8intra Node B>intra ;N#9 many arithmetic e/ercise has to be done by the Node B to do the ma/im m ratio combining. The *E also has to do this wor2. Even in other so4t handover cases the cost o4 com0 tation by the #;N" to do the selection combining are = ite high com0ared to hard handover. For the latter combining is not needed 8see 5.59. This com0 tations cost 0ower and hardware. 'omplex to implement; The im0lementation o4 the di44erent so4t handover scenarios in the *T;.N is more di44ic lt than hard handover only. The 4irmware>so4tware o4 the *E is also m ch more com0le/ beca se it m st be able to handle many radio lin2s with di44erent scrambling codes and has to do ma/im m ratio combining. *E and *T;.N have to adA st 0ermanently the transmission 0ower level to red ce inter4erences with other 0artici0ants. For more detailed descri0tion o4 the 0roblems that may occ r at high transmission 0ower levels see cha0ter 5.1 J:acro -iversityK.

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