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Kushal Galani

customer satisfaction is defined as ..... A persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance or outcome in relation to his expectation. Satisfaction = perceived performance - buyers expectat ion Satisfaction result when expectations are equaled or surpassed.

Another satisfied customer

A customer whose experience falls below expectations will be dissatisfied Short of expectation = Dissatisfied Customer A customer whose experiences match expectations will be satisfied

High satisfaction triggers repurchase intentions and emotional attachment with the brands (i.e., Loyalty) Matches expectation = Highly Satisfied

One satisfied customer will bring 3 more customers while a dissatisfied customer will take away 8 existing customers

Data Source: Primary data:

The survey was based on the primary data where questionnaire was filled up in a one to

The primary data was used as the source of d

Target Population and sampling plan:

The target population for this survey was all the existing customers of Apple iPhone of students, .


The research was carried on i

Limitations of study:

2. The questionnaire filled was through interaction with the students, which may not give co

The study shows that mos Comparatively less number of Apple iPhone owners responded that it is not catered for only young generation. Th The current tre The


an excellent rating is given to after sales services. Many of the respondents are also dissatisfied with iPhone

According to the opinion of most of the respondents, Apple iPhone is much better when compared

Most of the respondents are willing to buy an Apple iPhone again. Besides, ma

Main part of satisfying customers is to meet their needs & wants, creating good relationship thus crates customer satisfaction. Maintaining customer is easier than acquiring new customers. Now a days their are many softwares for solving challenges of customers satisfaction. Understanding customer satisfaction is very essential. Customer satisfaction plays a very important role in the foundation of a good business and it can not survive without satisfie customers.


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