Drama 1 1st Formative Taskchecked Be Moira

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Learning Intention

To know the functions of drama

1. Define the meaning of drama Drama is a form of performing arts that shows expression, emotion and body movement. Drama is presented to the audience usually by a group of performers. Drama sometimes uses music and a script. In Greece drama means to do action. Drama works collaboratively with literature for the script and visual art for costumes and the background. The purpose of drama is to help performers and the audience become more confident and a better communicator. Drama can also help people to be more caring to others. By putting ourselves in someone else's position, we can understand their perspectives. 2. Identifies different types of drama Comedy: In a comedy, characters should be playful, have fun with their gestures and make the audience laugh. Comedy uses imaginative thinking. Farce: It is a kind of comedy that uses improbable situations, physical humor and silliness to entertain. If the story is about real life but it seems ridiculous in farce. Tragedy: In a tragedy characters act seriously and follow the flow of the story. The actors need to be experts in expression. These plays rarely have a happy ending. Musical: In a musical the story is told through dialogue or acting and also music and dance. Musicals are often comedies. They may involves a large cast and many costumes Melodrama: Melodrama typically involves a villain, a heroine and a hero. The hero must rescue the heroine from the villain. These usually have a happy ending.

The development of the function of Drama TIME PURPOSES 535 BC- 385BC The Greek Drama In ancient Greece and Rome drama was a popular ritual used to worship their Gods. Drama was often used in the past for worship gods and goddesses. 400 Decline Of Drama Due to the power of Christians acting has been judged at times to be

unchristian, idolatrous and depraved or, worse, boring. Actors themselves have frequently been seen to be one of the humbler classes, and only towards the end of the 19th century did their status start to improve 900 - 1500 During the middle ages. Most drama was used to teach religion and the story was often based on the lives of saints or a bible story. The story showed the miracle and morality to the audience Drama was performed to celebrate the lives of past kings and queens. A new type drama called opera was made in Italy and France. It was used to entertain and to attract the audience. The story was about the royal marriages , wealth and power. In the modern times the function of drama has developed. It is used by businesses and industry to promote their work and products. Also it is being used to entertain, educate, send a message, and explore themes or issues.

1600 1700 17th century

20th century / modern period

Bibliography: Achlin, Linda www.lordsandladies.org (online available)30th January 2014) l Mccary ppt drama purpose revision (ppt) 29th January 2014 No name http://aparker.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/file/detail/A+Brief+History+of+Drama+%28Website+ver sion%29.ppt (online available) 28th January 2014 Banham,martin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama (online) 29th January 2014) Larry A. Brown http://larryavisbrown.homestead.com/files/introtheater/types_of_drama.htm(online) 30 th January 2014 Hidayat,Arif ,group interview January 27 2014 Agustina , Niken,interview through email January 29 2014

Conclusion The function of drama has been developing from the 525 B.C to the twenty first centuries. In the past, drama was performed for ritual and tradition but now it is performed to entertaining people, to develop creativity and to deliver messages. Drama encourages people to work

collaboratively. They take part in activities where they must rely on each other and learn trust. Drama also develops communication skills; People learn how to use their face, voice and body movements to deliver a message to audiences. Now drama can influence people in their daily life and their actions. The types of drama are also getting more and, being more appreciated by the audience. Drama is well known all around the world nowadays and is presented using different media such as TV, Radio and other gadgets.

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