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This lesson plan will help you to plan your learning process and the assessment task. It will show your understanding of what you have learnt. You must refer to the step 3A of the IB planner to choose the inquiry focus and the questions. Consult with TIC and mentor to fill in this document The Inquiry Focus (Learning Intention) (From one of the lines of inquiry, write your learning intention/ topic you want to learn)

To know people point of view about drama performance

Inquiry Questions (write the key questions related to the inquiry focus above) 1. How do audiences respond to the issue delivered through drama 2. Why do people have different points of view 3. What are peoples points of view about drama performance Learning Success Criteria (decide what you want to achieve at the end of this learning inquiry) Explain the way audiences respond to the issues of the drama Analyze reasons why people have different point of view about drama Recognize peoples points of view about the drama performance

Learning Engagement (write the activities that you will do in order to get the answers for your inquiry, please refer to the learning strategies table in step 4B) Tunning in: watch a video and interview each other Finding out: watch a video and get feedback from the audience Sorting out: creating digital text (PPT, Exel, newsletter) Going Further : Do a focused research task around unanswered questions or interests Assessment Task (what you will do/create to present the answer or to show your understanding of this inquiry focus, please refer to the learning strategies tablein step 4B) Assessment strategies: Performance Assessment tool: Anecdotal records

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