Drama 1 Inquiry 2 Ways People Respondticcheckedbymoira

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Artistic Response

The audience responds to the forms of art used in the drama performance. They can look at the costumes, settings, face make up, expression, body movement, audio, background music and dance that support the performance. The audience responds directly during the drama performance by crying, laughing, showing a sad face or giving applause

Immediate response

Intellectual Response

The audience responds to the elements of drama used during a performance such as tension, focus, time and place, language and symbols.

4 steps to respond drama

1. 2. 3. 4. Description about what the audience sees and hears during a drama performance. Analysis about the elements that support the drama Interpretation of the main idea of the performances, setting and plot. Judgment of the audience opinion and feeling about the performance.

http://www.ket.org/artstoolkit/pdf/dramateachstudguide.pdf, online available, 5th January 2014

Audience Feedback
Recorded Drama Title: Jendral Bekas Name:_____________ Class:_______________

How do you feel about this recorded drama performance?

Description : What did you think about the recorded drama performance?

Analysis : Did this drama have a connection to your daily life? Please explain.

Interpretation : What messages did you get from this drama performance?

Judgment : Would you recommend this drama performance to others? Why

Activity: We showed a video of recorded drama performance about poverty to PYP 6 students, and asked them to give their feedback by completing the form provided

Feedback Result
How do you feel about this recorded drama performance? Feeling

Number of respondent 7 24 14 1



25 20 sad 15 10 5 0 sad fair smile laugh fair smile laugh

How do you feel about this recorded drama performance?

What do you think about the recorded drama performances?

Not good quality of recording It is funny and interesting

14 5

Good expression and clear message

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 not clear funny Clear not clear funny Clear

What do you think about the recorded drama performances? Did this drama connect to your daily life?


Number of respondent


REASON: We never live in the village Because nothing happen like that except in the TV No because we dont understand the story I dont speak Javanese Because I never had activities in daily like that Because there are homeless people Because I am not a beggar I never speak bad to other people We are not soldiers It is different to my life


I see some poor people in the road We have the same appearance

40 30 20 10 0 YES NO YES NO

Did this drama connect to your daily life? What message did you see?

Way poor people live The way people live in the village Dont fight each other Poor people are lying to us The way blind people live

Would you recommend this drama performance to others? Why YES/NO YES Number of Respondents 8 Reasons We can learn from it The audiences will be laugh It teaches what happening nowadays It will be useful for people from Jakarta - Not clear recording - It will give bad influence to others - The graphics are not good - Not clear message - The message is not about educational purposes



40 30 20 10 0 NO YES NO YES

Would you recommend this drama performance to others?


Based on the result, most of the audience did not understand the recorded drama that we have shown to them. It is because of the quality of the video was not good, the sound was not clear, some of the language was not familiar to the audience and there was no narration in the story. Most of the audience would not recommend this drama video to others. We think that recorded drama is not the best way to present issues. We now agree that the best way to present our summative task is as stage drama.


PYP 6 students have different point of view toward drama performances. This is because They have different prior knowledge about the issue in drama They speak in different language

They have different experiences in their lives They have different ideas about the issues around us

People have different points of view based on what they see, hear , think and experience.

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