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(Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)

Vellore - 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India

School of Information Technology and Engineering
Term End Examination Model Question Paper



: IV


: Programming in C# With Visual Studio.NET (ITA504)


: 3 hrs

Max. Marks : 100

Part A Answer All Questions

8 * 5 = 40 Marks

1. Distinguish between
a. Sealed Class and Abstract Class
b. Private assembly and Global assembly
2. Compare .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5
3. In what way delegates differ from Interface? Also explain the role of different types of
delegates in an application with an example.
4. Write a Program which displays the environment details of the executing program.
5. Can we execute multiple catch blocks? Justify your answer with an example.
6. (a) What are the major differences between classic ADO and ADO.Net
(b) Explain Web.config file in ASP.NET
7. (a) How does accessor methods of properties help in setting and getting the values of a
(b) Compare Indexer and property ( Note : With an Example).
8. (a) Explain how data type conversion is done in VB.NET
(b) Define Jagged arrays.
PART B (610 =60 Marks )
Answer ANY 6 Questions
9. With a neat block diagram of .NET framework, explain the functionality of each
component in the framework.
10. (a) Explain Multithreading with an example.

(b) Define Attributes. Write a Program to create a custom Attribute.

11. Explain security in .NET.
12. Write short notes on the following
a. Reflection
b. Remoting
13. Create an ASP.NET application for Online Job Registration with Validation Controls.
(Note: Use all validation controls)
14. Write a program that will read a name from the keyboard and display it on the screen.
The program should throw an exception when the length of the name is more than 15
characters. Design your own exception mechanism.
15. Write short notes on- Role of XML in developing distributed applications in IT industry.
16. Create a scientific calculator class with methods. Using the concept of Multicast delegate
invoke the methods.

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