Rates of Depreciation Under Companies Act: Schedule Xiv

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RATES OF DEPRECIATION UNDER COMPANIES ACT SCHEDULE XIV [See sections 250 and 350] RATES OF DEPRECIATION __________________________________________________________________________

Single S i!t Do"#le S i!t T$i%le S i!t Nat"$e o! Assets &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& 'D( S)* 'D( S)* 'D( S)* ___________________________________________________________________________ I BUILDINGS (a) +"ildings,Ot e$ t an !acto$0 +"ildings1 [NSED] (b) FACTOR2 +3I)DIN4S (c) P"$el0 Te6%o$a$0 E$ections s"c as 7ooden st$"ct"$es-

5-00 .0-00 .00

.-/3 3-35 .00


PLANT AND MACHINERY (i) 4ene$al $ate a%%lica#le to (a) %lant 8 6ac ine$0 ,not .3-9. #eing a s i%1 ot e$ t an contin"o"s %$ocess %lant !o$ 7 ic no s%ecial $ate as #een %$esc$i#ed "nde$ ,ii1 #elo7 (b) contin"o"s %$ocess %lant< .5-33 2[===] !o$ 7 ic no s%ecial $ate as #een %$esc$i#ed "nde$ ,ii1 #elo7 [NSED] ,ii1S%ecial Rate A. .- Cine6atog$a% 0 !il6s& 20-00 *ac ine$0 3sed in t e %$od"ction and E> i#ition o! cine6atog$a% 0 Fil6s[NSED] a. Reco$ding e?"i%6ent< $e%$od"cing E?"i%6ent< de@elo%ing 6ac ines P$inting 6ac ines< editing *ac ines< s0nc $onise$s and St"dio lig ts e>ce%ts #"l# b. P$oAecting e?"i%6ent o! Fil6 e> i#iting conce$ns 2 C0cles [NSED] 20-00 3 Elect$ical 6ac ine$0< B&$a0 20-00 and elect$o&t e$a%e"tic a%%a$at"s and accesso$ies t e$eto 6edical< diagnostic

5-:5 20-;:






:-0: :-0:

e?"i%6ent< na6el0 cat&scan< "lt$aso"nd 6ac ines< EC4 6onito$s< etc-[NSED] 4 C"ice #oiling %ans ,Da$ ais1 20-00 [NSED] 5 *oto$&ca$s< 6oto$&c0cles< 25-;9 scoote$s 8 ot e$ 6o%eds[NSED] 6 Elect$icall0 o%e$ated 20-00 @e icles incl"ding #atte$0 %o7e$ed @e icles [NSED] 7 S"ga$cane c$"s e$s,indigen& 20-00 O"s Dol "s 8 #eans1 [NSED] 8 4lass 6an"!act"$ing conce$ns 20-00 e>ce%t di$ect !i$e glass 6elting !"$naces& Rec"%e$ati@e and $egene$ati@e glass 6elting !"$naces 9 *ac ine$0 "sed in t e .5-/2 6an"!act"$e o! elect$onic goods and co6%onents +-. [Ae$o%lanes< ae$o engines< ./-2 si6"lato$s< (is"al S0ste6 and ?"icD engine c ange E?"i%6ent [NSED] 2 Conc$ete %i%es 6an"!act"$e& 30-00 *o"lds [NSED] 3 D$"6 containe$s 6an"!act"$e& 30-00 *o"lds [NSED] 4 Ea$t &6o@ing 6ac ine$0 30-00 e6%lo0ed in ea@0 const$"ction 7o$Ds< s"c as da6s< t"nnels< canals< etc- [NSED] 5 4lass 6an"!act"$ing conce$ns 30-00 e>ce%t di$ect !i$e glass 6elting !"$naces&*o"lds 30-00 [NSED] 6 *o"lds in i$on !o"nd$ies 30-00 [NSED] 7 *ine$al oil conce$ns&Field 30-00 o%e$ations,a#o@e g$o"nd1& Po$ta#le #oile$s< d$illing tools< 7ell& ead tanDs< $igs< etc-[NSED] 8 *ines and ?"a$$ies&Po$ta#le 30-00 "nde$g$o"nd 6ac ine$0 and ea$t &6o@ing 6ac ine$0 "sed in o%en caste 6ining[NSED] 9 *oto$ #"ses and 6oto$ 30-00 lo$$ies ot e$ t an t ose "sed in a #"siness o! $"nning t e6 on i$e[NSED] 9A *oto$ t$acto$s< a$@esting 30-00

:-0: 9-5 :-0:

:-0: :-0: 30-00 ..-3. 50-00 ./-2.

5-3; 23-52 ;-5/

3.-23 ..-;:


..-3. ..-3. ..-3.

..-3. ..-3. ..-3. ..-3.





10 Patte$ns< dies and 11 12

30-00 te6%lates[NSED] Ro%e7a0 st$"ct"$es&Ro%e7a0s< 30-00 $o%es and t$estle s ea@es and connected %a$ts[NSED] S oe and ot e$ leat e$ goods 30-00 !a#$ics&'ooden lasts "sed in t e 6an"!act"$e o! s oes 50-00 50-00

..-3. ..-3.

..-3. 55-00 .;-9/

/0-00 29-05

C. .- [== == ==] 2. *oto$ #"ses< 6oto$ lo$$ies

./-2. ./-2.

3. 4. 5.

and 6oto$ ta>is "sed in a #"siness o! $"nning t e6 on i$e [NESD] R"##e$ and %lastic goods 50-00 !acto$ies&*o"lds[NESD] Data %$ocessing 6ac ines incl"ding co6%"te$s[NESD] 4as c0linde$s incl"ding 50-00 @al@es and $eg"lato$s[NESD]



D. .-A$ti!icial silD

.00 6an"!act"$ing 6ac ine$0 7it 'ooden %a$ts 2. Cine6atog$a% !il6s&+"l#s .00 o! st"dio lig ts 3. Flo"$ 6ills&Rolle$s .00 4. 4lass 6an"!act"$ing .00 conce$ns&Di$ect !i$e glass *elting F"$naces 5A- Flot 4lass *elting F"$naces 2:-00 ,NESD1 5. I$on and Steel ind"st$ies& .00 Rolling 6ill $olls 6. *atc !acto$ies&'ooden .00 6atc !$a6es 7. *ine$al oil conce$ns& ,a1 .00 Plant "sed in !ield o%e$ations ,#elo7 g$o"nd1&Dist$i#"tion $et"$na#le %acDagesE ,#1Plant "sed in !ield o%e$ations ,#elo7 g$o"nd1#"t not incl"ding assets "sed in !ield o%e$ation dist$i#"tion1 Fe$#sides %"6%s incl"ding "nde$g$o"nd tanDs 8 !ittings 8. *ines And G"e$$ies .00 9. a- T"#s< 7inding $o%es< .00 a"lage $o%es and sand Sto7ing %i%es # Sa!et0 )a6%s


.00 .00 .00 .0-00 .00 .00 .00

.00 .00

10. Salt 7o$Ds&Salt %ans<

$ese$@oi$s and condense$s Etc- 6ade o! ea$t 0< sand0 o$ cla0 6ate$ial o$ An0 ot e$ si6ila$ 6ate$ial S"ga$ 7o$Ds&Rolle$s






III FURNITURE AND FITTINGS 1 4ene$al Rates [NESD] .;-. 2 Rate !o$ !"$nit"$e 8 !ittings "sed in otels< $esta"$ants and #oa$ding o"sesE sc ools< colleges and ot e$ ed"cational instit"tions< li#$a$iesE 7el!a$e cente$s 6eeting alls< cine6a o"ses< t eat$es and ci$c"sesE and !o$ !"$nit"$e and !ittings let o"t on i$e !o$ "se on occasion o! 6a$$iages and si6ila$ !"nctions [NESD] 25-;;




SHIPS 1. Ocean&going s i%s i) Fis ing @essels 7it 7ooden "ll [NESD] ii1 D$edge$s< t"gs< #a$ges< s"$@e0 la"nc es and Ot e$ si6ila$ s i%s "sed 6ainl0 !o$ d$edging P"$%oses [NESD] iii1Ot e$ s i%s [NESD] 2- (essels o$dina$il0 o%e$ating on inland 7ate$s& i) S%eed #oats [NSED] ii) Ot e$ @essels [NESD]







20-00 .0-00

:-0: 3-35



a. b. c.


H+"ildingsI incl"de $oads< #$idges< c"l@e$ts<7ells and t"#e&7ells HFacto$0 #"ildingsI does not incl"de o!!ices< godo7ns< o!!ice$sJ and e6%lo0eesJ ?"a$te$s< $oads< #$idges< c"l@e$tsHS%eed #oatI 6eans a 6oto$ #oat d$i@en #0 a ig s%eed inte$nal co6#"stion engine ca%a#le o! %$o%elling t e #oat at a s%eed e>ceeding 25 Filo 6ete$s %e$ o"$ in still 7ate$ and so designed t at 7 en $"nning at a s%eed it 7ill %lane< i-e-< its #o7 7ill $ise !$o6 t e 7ate$' e$e< d"$ing an0 !inancial 0ea$< an0 addition as #een 6ade to an0 asset< o$ 7 e$e an0 asset as #een sold< disca$ded< de6olis ed o$ dest$o0ed< t e de%$eciation on s"c assets s all #e



calc"lated on a %$o $ata #asis !$o6 t e date o! s"c addition o$< as t e case 6a0 #e< "% to t e date on 7 ic s"c assets as #een sold< disca$ded< de6olis ed o$ dest$o0edT e !ollo7ing in!o$6ation s o"ld also #e disclosed in t e acco"ntsK& f. de%$eciation 6et od "sedE and g. de%$eciation $ates o$ t e "se!"l li@es o! t e assets< i! t e0 a$e di!!e$ent !$o6 t e %$inci%al $ates s%eci!ied in t e Sc ed"leT e calc"lations o! t e e>t$a de%$eciation !o$ do"#le s i!t 7o$Ding and !o$ t$i%le s i!t 7o$Ding s all #e 6ade se%a$atel0 in t e %$o%o$tion 7 ile t e n"6#e$ o! da0s !o$ 7 ic t e conce$ned 7o$Ded do"#le s i!t o$ t$i%le s i!t< n"6#e$ o! 7o$Ding da0s d"$ing t e 0ea$ s all #e dee6ed to #e& ,a1 in t e case o! a seasonal !acto$0 o$ conce$n< t e n"6#e$ o! da0s on 7 ic t e !acto$0 o$ conce$n act"all0 7o$Ded d"$ing t e 0ea$ o$ .;0 da0s< 7 ic e@e$ is g$eate$E ,#1 in an0 ot e$ case< t e n"6#e$ o! da0s on 7 ic t e !acto$0 o$ conce$n act"all0 7o$Ded d"$ing t e 0ea$ o$ 250 da0s< 7 ic e@e$ is g$eate$-

T e e>t$a s i!t de%$eciation s all not #e c a$ged in $es%ect o! an0 ite6 o! 6ac ine$0 o$ %lant 7 ic as #een s%eci!icall0< e>ce%ted #0 t e insc$i%tion o! t e lette$s HNESDI ,6eaning Hno e>t$a s i!t de%$eciationI1 against it an s"#&ite6s a#o@e and also in $es%ect o! t e !ollo7ing ite6s o! 6ac ine$0 and %lant to 7 ic gene$al $ate o! de%$eciation o! :[.3-9.] %e$ cent a%%lies& .235iAcco"nting 6ac inesAi$&conditioning 6ac ine$0 incl"ding $oo6 ai$&conditione$s+"ilding cont$acto$Js 6ac ine$0Calc"lating 6ac inesElect$ical 6ac ine$0&s7itc gea$ and inst$"6ents< t$ans!o$6e$s and ot e$ stationa$0 %lant and 7i$ing and !itting o! elect$ic lig t and !ans installation5- L0d$a"lic 7o$Ds %i%elines and sl"ices/- )oco6oti@es< $olling stocDs< t$a67a0s and $ail7a0s "sed #0 conce$ns:- *ine$al oil conce$ns& !ield o%e$ationsK ,a1 ;[===] ,#1 P$i6e 6o@e$s ,c1 ;[===] ,d1 Sto$age tanDs ,a#o@e g$o"nd1 ,e1 Pi%elines ,a#o@e g$o"nd1 ,!1 Cetties 8 d$0 docDs A- *ine$al oil conce$ns&!ield o%e$ations ,dist$i#"tion1&De$#side %"6%s< incl"ding "nde$g$o"nd tanDs and !ittingsD- *ine$al oil conce$ns&$e!ine$iesK l- 9[===] a1 P$i6e *o@e$s #1 9[===] c1 )P4 Plant ..- *ines and ?"e$$iesK S"$!ace and "nde$g$o"nd 6ac ine$0 ,ot e$ t an elect$ical 6ac ine$0 and %o$ta#le "nde$g$o"nd 6ac ine$01 a1 Lead&gea$s

#1 c1 d1 6no%?$st;-


9[===] S a!ts and inclines T$a67a0 on s"$!ace Neo %ost !$anDing 6ac ine O!!ice 6ac ine$0 O@e$ ead ca#les and 7i$esRail7a0 sidingsRe!$ige$ation %lant containe$< etc ,ot e$ t an $acDs1Ro%e7a0 st$"ct"$eK T$estle and station steel 7o$DD$i@ing and tention gea$ingSalt 7o$Ds&Rese$@oi$s< condense$s< salt %ans< deli@e$0 c annels and %ie$s i! const$"cted o! 6ason$0< conc$ete< ce6ent< as% alt o$ si6ila$ 6ate$ialsE #a$ges and !loating %lantE %ie$s< ?"a0s and AettiesE and %i%elines !o$ con@e0ing #$ine i! const$"cted o! 6ason$0< conc$ete ce6ent< as% alt o$ si6ila$ 6ate$ialsS"$gical inst$"6entsT$a67a0s elect$ic and T$a67a0s $"n #0 inte$nal co6#"stion engines& %e$6anent 7a0sK ca$s&ca$ t$"cDs< ca$ #odies< elect$ical e?"i%6ent and 6oto$sE t$a6 ca$s incl"ding engines and gea$sT0%e7$ite$s'eig ing 6ac ines 'i$eless a%%a$at"s and gea$< 7i$eless a%%liances and accesso$ies[===]

Contin"o"s %$ocess %lant 6eans a %lant 7 ic is $e?"i$ed and designed to o%e$ate 25 o"$s a da0;- Not7it standing an0t ing 6entioned in t is Sc ed"le< de%$eciation on assets< 7 ose act"al cost does not e>ceed !i@e t o"sand $"%ees< s all #e %$o@ided at t e $ate o! "nd$ed %e$centK P$o@ided t at 7 e$e t e agg$egate act"al cost o! indi@id"al ite6s o! %lant and 6ac ine$0 costing Rs- 5<000 less constit"tes 6o$e t an .0 %e$ cent o! t e total act"al cost o! %lant and 6ac ine$0< $ates o! de%$eciation a%%lica#le to s"c ite6s s all #e t e $ates as s%eci!ied in Ite6 II o! t e sc ed"le-

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