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Pride of India

A glimpse into Indias scientific heritage

Dr. Vinayachandra B.K.

Centre for Indian Psychology Jain University

Why ?
1. To get a deeper understanding of our nation. 2. To draw everything that is beautiful and worthwhile. 3. Experience one-ness with the Soul of India

What they said

India has always been an object of yearning, a realm of wonder, a world of magic.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

A Hindu is only glad that what he has been cherishing in his bosom for thousands of years will be expressed in a more powerful and effective language the language of science.
Swami Vivekananda

"India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples."
Sri Aurobindo

But Why Have We Forgotten..

We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, --a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect. - Lord Macaulay in his minutes, Feb 2, 1835.


Bodhayanah (800 BCE)

Brahmaguptah (628 AD)


Mahaviracharya (850 AD)


Bhaskaracharya (1200 AD)


Narayanah (1356 AD)


Boudhayana Theorem
dI"RcturSya[ya ru> paRmanI ityGmanI c yTp&wGUte ktSty< kraeit.
The areas (of the squares) produced separately by the length and breadth of a rectangle together equal the area (of the square) produced by the diagonal. From figure: a2 + b2 =c2

Ref: Sulbasutram chap 1 shloka 12 (Boudhayana 800 BCE) Western reference

The theorem is generally attributed to Pythagoras

Circum-radius of Cyclic-quadrilateral
dae:[a< yaeRyae"aRtyutIna< its[a< vxat! @kEkaenetryEKyctu:kvxaijte.
The three sums of the product of the sides taken two at a time are to be multiplied together and divided by the product of the four sums of the sides taken three at a time and diminished by the fourth.

lBxmUlen ym! iv:kMaxeRn inimRtm!, svRm! ctuuRj]e<tiSmevavitte.

If the circle is drawn with the square root of this quantity as radius, the whole quadrilateral will be situated on this.

Circum-radius of Cyclic-quadrilateral
If a,b,c & d are lengths of the quadrilateral and O is center of circumcircle, then circumradius OA = r is,


(ab+cd) (ac+bd) (ad+bc) (a+b+c-d) (b+c+d-a) (c+d+a-b) (d+a+b-c)

Ref: Commentary on Lilavati, shlokah 191,192 (Parameshvara 1430)

Western reference
This result is known as Simon A.J Lhuiliers (1782 AD) theorem. However the result is expressed by using 2S = a+b+c.

Value of pi
cturixk< ztmgu[< a;iStwa sh[am!, Ayutyiv:k<Syasae v&pir[ah>.
When 100 plus 4 is multiplied by 8 and added to 62,000 (it gives) an approximate value for the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 20,000.

Circumference C = [ (100 + 4) * 8] + 62000 = 62832 Diameter d = 20000 & thus pi = C/d = 3.1416 (app.)
Ref: Aryabhatiyam, Ganitapadh, chapter 2, slokah 10. (499 AD)

Value of pi
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Values of pi Indian attempts 10 Mahavira (850) : Bhaskara II (1150) : 3927/1250 = 3.1416 Nilakanta Somayaji (1444) : 3.141592581 Shankara Variyar (1500) : 3.14159265392 Putumana Somayaji (1732) : 3.1415926536 Shankar Varma (1823) : 3.14159265358979324 Ramanujan (1887) : quoted expressions up to 3,7,8,14,31 decimal places


Aryabhata I (500 AD)

Aryabhtiyam Aryabhatasiddhanta

Brahmagupta (700 AD)

Brahmaguptasiddhanta Khandakhadyaka (in two volumes)

Bhaskaracharya (1200 AD)

Siddhantashiromani Gola-adhyayah Grahaganitah

Rotation of Earth
AnulaemgitnaESw> pZyTycl< ivlaemg< yt!, Aclain ain tt! smpimgain l<kayam!.
Just as a person moving in a boat moving forward sees the stationary objects (in the bank) as moving backwards, the stationary stars are seen in Lanka (at the

equator) as moving towards the west.

Ref : Aryabhatiyam, golapadh, chapter 4, slokah 9 .

Western reference
1851 AD, France Leon Foucault Proof of Rotation of Earth

Gravity of the Earth

twa p&iwVyamimainnI ya devta isa sE;a pu;Sy Apanv&imv_yak:y vzIkTy Ax> @v Apk;eR[ Anuh< kvRtI vtRte #TywR>, ANywa ih zrIr< guTvat! ptet! savkaze va %CDet!!.
Similarly the deity that is earth exists by favouring, attracting, controlling by pulling down the vital function called apana of the human. Else the body would fall due to its weight or would fly into the sky if let free.
Ref : Shankaras commentary (8th century AD) on prasnopanisad (Vedic period), chapter 3, mantra 8.

Western reference
Newton apple falling from the tree.

The Heliocentric Theory

nEvaStmnmkRSy svRda st>, %dyaStmnaOy< ih dzRnadzRn< rve>.
There is, in truth, neither rising nor setting for he sun, for it is always there, and these terms (of rising a setting) merely imply his presence and disappearance.

daxwR p&iwvImitae myUoE>.

(The sun) holds the earth from all sides with (his) rays.

imae daxar p&iwvImut*a<, im> ki>,

The sun holds t earth and the celestial region. The sun is the attracting power. Ref:
1. visnu-puranam, book 2, chapter 8, slokah 15 vyasah (post-vedic period) 2. yajur-aranyakam prasnah 1, anuvakah 8, vargah 3 (Vedic period) 3. yajur veda, taittiriya-samhita, kandah 3, prapatakah 4, anuvakah 10, mantra 34 (vedic period)

The Speed of Light

tri[ivRdzRtae JyaeitZkdis sUyR, ivmaais raecnm!.
Oh sun! (You) overwhelm all in speed, visible to all, source of light. (you) shine pervading the universe.

twa c SmyRte yaejnana< sh< e e zte e c yaejne @ken inim;axeRn mma[ nmaeStute.
It is remembered (that) Salutations to Thee (sun), the traveler of 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha. Ref:
1. Rg-veda-samhita, mandalam-1, suktam-50, mantrah-4 (6000 BCE) 2. Sayanacaryas commentary (14th century)

The Speed of Light

Distance travalled = 2202 yojanas = 21,144.705 miles Time Taken = nimesha = 1/8.75 = 0.114286 secs Speed of light = 185,016.169 miles/sec Modern Value = 186,282.397
Western reference
In 1676 by Danish Astronomer Olaus Roemer In 1887 by Michealson and Morley establised the velocity to be 1,86,300 miles/sec

Machine Definition
dNfEE dNtE sri[m[aidi>, zeTpadn< ik< va cln< ymuCyte.
The generation of energy or motion, through the continuous movement or rotation of shafts, wheels or wedges is called a machine.
Ref : yantrarnavah (14th century)

Machine Attributes
ywvIhs<yaeg> saEiZq(< [taip c, AlytainvRh[< l"uTv< zBdhInta. zBde saXye tdaixKymzEiwLymgaFta, vhI;u smStasu saEiZq(< caslit>. yweawRkairTv< lytalanugaimta>, #kalewRdizRTv< pun> sMyvs<v&it>. AnuLb[Tv< taPy< daF(Rms&[ta twa, icrkal shTv<c ySyEte mhagu[a>.
These are the great attributes of machine-proper union of effort and result, good contact, smoothness, requiring no attention, sustaining, lightness and noiselessness, when sound is required its predominance, not loosening or clogging, good contact in all moving parts, no break in action, attainment of results as desired, adherence to rhythm and timing, showing results at the moment desired, retuning to normalcy at other times, not bulging and staying in shape, strength, softness and durability.
Ref : Samarangana-sutradharah, chapter 31, raja bhoja (11th century ad)

Some Interesting Facts..

Werner Heisenberg meets Rabindranath Tagore (1929) before publishing the Uncertainty principle. Robert Oppenheimer quoting from Bhagavad Gita immediately after the explosion of first nuclear bomb on 16th July 1945.


"The Hindus excel in the manufacture of iron, and in the preparations of those ingredients along with which it is fused to obtain that kind of soft iron which is usually styled Indian steel (Hindiah). They also have workshops wherein are forged the most famous sabres in the world. - Arab Edrizi, Arab Traveller.

The wootz, crucible and stainless steels were invented in India, and were widely exported, resulting in "Damascus steel by the year 1000.

World Famous Iron pillar, Delhi stands rust-free even after some 1500 years

Pictures Speak A Thousand Words

Generation of Electricity in a Cell

s<SwaPy m&{my< pa< tap< sus<Sktm!, Dadyet! izioIven caRi> kapa<sui>. dStlaeae in"atTv> pardaCDaidtStt>,%Tpadyit tiNm< s<yaegaStadStyae>. s<yaegaayte tejae yiNmimit kWyte, @vm! ztana< kMan< s<yaeg> kayRkTSm&t>.
After placing the earthen vessel as well as the copper vessel securely, close (the vessels) with copper sulphate and saw dust. Lumps of gems generate electricity by the union of copper and zinc. By the union, energy is born which is referred to as the sun. Such a union of hundreds of cells is remembered as the doer (of generating electricity).

Ref: agastya-samhita (14th century AD)


Physicians Par-Excellence
First sources in Atharvaveda (5000 BCE) Renowned Teachers of later years
Charaka (I BCE) Attreya School Sushrutha (6th BCE) Dhanvantari School Vagbhata (6th AD) Kashyapa School

Three original Teachers

Atreya (Internal Medicine) Dhanvantri (Surgery) Kashyapa (Gynaecology & Paediatrics)

Medicine Test of Cure

kay xatusaMy< tSy l][< ivkaraepzm>, prI]aTvSy gupzmn< Svrv[Ryaeg> zrIraepcy> blv&i> A_yvhayaRila;> icrrahkale sMyGjr[< inalaae ywakal< suoen c itbaexn< vatmUpurI;retsa< mui> svaRkarEmRnaebuIiNya[a< caVypiirit.
The task is the equilibrium of the primary fluids (humors). Its characteristic feature is the pacification of the aberration. The test of the cure is the abating of the disease, normalcy of voice and colour (of the skin), non-decay of the body, increase in strength, desire for eating, interest in eating, timely digestion of the food that is eaten, getting sleep at the proper time, not having nightmare, waking up happily, the release of the wind, urine, excrement and semen, non impairment of the mind, intellect and sense organs in all aspects.

Ref : Caraka-samhita, vimanasthanam, chapter 8, paragraph 89. (I century B.C)

Intestinal Surgery Bladder Stone Removal Plastic Surgery of the Nose Absorbable Ligatures Suturing

Birth of Plastic Surgery

Tipu Sultans battle with the British ( 1793 AD) Reported in Madras Gazette
Dr. J. C. Carpue, UK.

Oct 1794 Reported in Gentlemans Magazine London

Dr. Graefe, Germany

Indian nose surgery or Rhinoplasty enters Europe


AaharSy sMyk pir[tSy yStejae Utsar> prmsUm> s rs> #TyuCyte, tSy dy< Swan< s dyat! ctuivztIxRmnIrnuivZy kT< zrIrmhrh> tpRyit vxRyit xaryit yapyit c Ahetuken kmR[a.
"The blood issues forth from the heart and there from goes everywhere; through the veins, it reaches the heart. Therefore the veins are born of the heart. Ref: susruta-samhita,sutra-stanam, adhyayah 14, paragraph 3 (6th century BCE).


Life in Plants
suo>oyae h[aiCDSy c ivraeh[at!, jIv< pZyaim v]a[amcEtNy< n iv*te. ten tlmad< jryTyimtaE, Aaharpir[ama ehae v&i jayte. ve[aeTplnalen ywaeXv jlmaddet!, twa pvns<yu> padE> ipbit padp>.
From the grasping of happiness and unhappiness, from the healing of wounds I see life. Plants are sentient. Heat and light digest the water that is drawn by the plant. From the transformation of what is bought in (the digested water) fluids comes into being; growth occurs. Just as one draws water up by the mouth and lotus stalk, plant endowed with air, drinks water with its feet. Ref : Mahabharata, shanti-parva, chapter 184, slokah 16-18

Traditional Life cycle

Conscious Competence Conscious Incompetence

Unconscious Competence

Unconscious Incompetence

Traditional Life cycle

Conscious Incompetence



Where is Science ?
Science in Secular Texts
Science in Sacred Texts Science in Tradition Science in Mythology

They Felt So..

India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europes languages; she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother through village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all. -Will Durant (1885-1981) Renowned American Historian

March Forward
This is the ancient land , where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country. Here is the same India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived . Look back , therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind and after that look forward, march forward, and make India brighter, greater, much higher, than she ever was Swami Vivekananda

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