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Methods. 2. To find out the productivity differences between traditional and modern method of paddy cultivation. 3.

To examine the cost allocate efficiency in paddy cultivation under traditional and modern methods. 4. It understanding the farmers in the means of how they are minimizing the costs for cultivating paddy. 5.To know the technique of calculation of individual costs in briefly manner Review of Literature an attempt has been made to review the past literature pertaining to the present study. By considering various methods for evaluating cost of each operation stage in paddy cultivation. Previously some farming systems are done by the some farmers and researcher under various methods. In briefly there are five farming systems which are implemented by various formers and researchers. They are following; 1.Traditional farming 2.Organic farming 3.Precision farming 4Contract farming 5Corporate farming 6.Systamatic rice intensification(SRI) farming Cost refers to the money value of effort expended or sacrifice made in producing a commodity or rendering a service or achieving a specific objective. Costs and revenues are the two major factors that a profit maximizing farm needs to monitor continuously. It is the level of cost relative to revenue that determines the farms overall profitability. In order to maximize profits, a farm tries to increase its revenue and lower its cost. The firms output level is determined by its cost.

The purpose of this exercise is to explore cost and its relevance to decision-making. There is a some sort of information regarding minimization of cost under following Nag raj (1993) analyses the economics of cropping system In Tungabhadra project command area. He reported that cost of cultivation (cost C) for paddy was higher for middle reach (Rs. 12,605) when compared to that for head reach (Rs. 12,138) farmers. The gross returns and the net returns were Rs26,170 and Rs. 14,031 for head reach and Rs. 24,291and Rs. 13,685 for middle reach respectivelySuresh (2001) conducted research on performance of organic farming in Shimoga district of Karnataka. His study revealed an average level of technical efficiency of 0.89

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