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HRM Project AnalyzingPerformanceAppraisal System

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Vital to every operation is co - operation. We really agree to this wonderful quotation putforth by Mr. Frank Tyger. This project was successful due to the co-operation extended by people who have truly contributed towards it. We gratefully acknowledge Prof. ______ whosdeep sharing and synergy has moved us many levels beyond our own thinking. We want tothank the management of various companies who gave us the permission to conduct research.We would also like to thank all the employees and HR executives who empowered us withvaluable information. And finally to those whose lives and writings has come the wisdom of the ages. We have tried to learn from your legacy.2 |P a g e

ABSTRACT Appraisal is a continuous process and done annually as a formal exercise before completiono f t h e f i n a n c i a l ye a r . Ap p r a i s a l h a s t r e me n d o u s mo t i v a t i o n a l i mp a c t o n p e o p l e t h r o u g h m e a n i n g f u l f e e d b a c k a n d i s a p o w e r f u l t o o l f o r r e c o g n i t i o n . T h i s p r o j e c t e x p l a i n s performance appraisal system and tries to find out how efficiently Performance Appraisal

isconducted. And if performance appraisal doesnt meet its objective then, what are the factorscausing failure.3 |P a g e

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