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Idea: Custom graphics can be created using the PowerPoint toolset to communicate your company identity with vividness

and memorability.

ACME International Financial Services

Sales Presentation

ACME International Financial Services

State the desired objective !se multiple points i" necessary

Idea: # consistent loo$ and style gives your communication its best chance "or getting through to your audience% however don&t be a"raid to brea$ your own rules i" it helps ma$e a point' !se your slide master to create customer title and body bac$grounds.

ACME International Financial Services

Customer )e*uirements
Con"irm the audience&s needs i" you are not sure State the needs o" the audience

Quality Customer Satisfaction


Service Idea: Simple PowerPoint shape elements li$e the one below are an easy way to bring color into your presentation. +he paint,can "ill tools give you the ability to create subtle gradients li$e the one below% which is editable "rom your slide master.

ACME International Financial Services

.eeting the /eeds

0ist the products and "eatures% and how each addresses a speci"ic need or solves a speci"ic problem +his section may re*uire multiple slides
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4

ACME International Financial Services

Cost #nalysis
Point out "inancial bene"its to the customer Compare cost,bene"its between you and your competitors

ACME International Financial Services

Our Strengths

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ACME International Financial Services


4ey 5ene"its
Summari6e the $ey bene"its provided by the product% service% or idea being promoted

ACME International Financial Services

/e8t Steps
Speci"y the actions re*uired o" your audience

ACME International Financial Services

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