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Amores de Invierno, a brilliantly observed novel written by Alonso C eto!s " ill is one o# $is most #amo s works% It was #irst & blis$ed in '(() by t$e editorial *laneta *er+ S%A% Sin,e its ,reation and like most &ie,es o# writin-, t$e book $as not only won many readers b t $as also aro sed nationwide interest% A vast variety o# di##erent ,$ara,ters involved in daily b t borin- ro tines, di##erent .obs and &ro#essions b t a ,ommon wis$/ break t$e $abit% 0$ey will #ind a sol tion to t$eir daily evils t$ro -$ t$e money, love and deat$1 an save t$em #or t$eir monotono s and trivial lives% 0$ere are some tr ly e2,itin- s$ort3story books w$i,$ ,an take yo #rom t$e o tside and let yo live t$ro -$ t$e &a-es as anot$er ,$ara,ter and, t$is one is not t$e e2,e&tion% 0$e stories are #antasti, #rom t$e be-innin- to t$e end% 0$ey are really breat$takin- and # ll o# tension% 4it$o t reservation, I $eartily re,ommend t$is book% I $ave read t$e book several times and it really #ills me wit$ $o&e o# t$e ,$ara,ters to raise t$eir lives in way or anot$er% It &rovides a -ood written te,$ni" e w$i,$ ,at,$es yo r attention #rom t$e #irst &a-e% 5e,a se o# t$at, t$e book is ,ertainly wort$ readin-% ne2&e,tedly &aradise w$i,$ will

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