Hotel Management System - od-revHEAD - svn001.Tmp

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Hotel Management System

Problem Statement:
Create a Hotel Management System for calculating the income of an Hotel food for an Star Hotel. Create a class called HotelDetails with details such as HotelId, HotelName, no f!oodItems and food"y#e $NorthIndian%SouthIndian%Chinese&. Create a class called SoldHotelDetails with details such as no fPlates and 'rray(ist of HotelDetails. HotelIncomeInterface is an interface, classes NorthIndianHotel, SouthIndianHotel and ChineseHotel im#lements this Interface. NorthIndian!ood ) Hotel cost will be *s.+,- #er #late SouthIndian!ood ) Hotel cost will be *s.+., #er #late Chinese!ood ) Hotel cost will be *s..,- #er #late Note: 'ssuming that the Hotel cost is same for /eg and Non)/eg. Create a main class called HotelManagement which will ta0e the HotelDetails and SoldHotelDetails from the console. In1o0e a method calculateHotelIncome$& from HotelIncomeInterface to calculate the income amount by #assing the SoldHotelDetails ob2ect from HotelManagement class. Ma0e necessary assum#tions where e1er it is re3uired and im#lement using the Conce#ts. Im#lement e4ce#tion handling and use HotelManagement54ce#tion class. b2ect riented

6ish you all the best7777 8ood (uc0

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